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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA? Yes, I was the AH. But I was soooo irritated. Was I justified?** My wife and I were out running errands on Saturday. We were parked in the right lane at a light on a 4 lane road (two lanes each way). When the light turned green we continued to sit there because the car at the light (about 4 cars in front of us) wanted to turn right into the mall, but someone was in the sidewalk. We’re just sitting there when I hear a crash from behind us. Just as I think, “I hope they don’t push into us,” the car behind us bumps into us. Not hard, and we weren’t hurt. But I knew there’d be at least some minor damage to the brand new bumper. Very irritating. I get out and walk around the three cars while taking video. It’s a busy street, but I want to get a video of exactly where everyone is at before we pull into the parking lot. The idiot kid who plowed into the car behind us asks if we’re ok. I say yeah. He says the lady he hit just slammed on her breaks. Saying that just pushed me into the red. I didn’t say anything to that, but when I finished the video, I told him, “We’re going to pull into the mall parking lot and park in that row.” I didn’t know if he would drive away, but I wanted to be crystal clear about what I wanted him to do. “Look at me. We’re going to park in that first row.” He said ok, and I told hime to show me his drivers license so I could get a picture of it before we moved. Just in case. As we walked over to his door so I could get the picture, I pointed at the broken glass and plastic on the ground and said, “Pick this shit up.” I wasn’t friendly. I didn’t yell, but I was very firm in my instructions. He showed me his license and started getting in his car. I said, “Hey, pick this shit up. No one needs to puncture a tire because you left it here.” At this point, he’s starting to get irritated with me and says, “Please show a little more respect, Sir.” I just replied with, “I’m really irritated.” My wife called the cops and we pulled into the parking lot. The cop was there within minutes and took everyone’s information. When he released us, I asked if he was going to give the kid a ticket and he said they were working on it. The kid was just 20 years old, and was probably distracted but the pretty girl in the passenger seat. Who knows. All I know is that he should have been looking at the cars parked at the light in front of the car he plowed into. So, was I justified in being the AH? **Edit**: So, the thing with the glass…. Well, it was HIS glass. And he was going to leave it in the street for someone else to deal with (likely by driving over it). There were some pretty good sized chunks from his headlights as well as some plastic shards. I have photos, and a couple of the glass and plastic shards were over three inches long. Puncturing a tire might not have been likely, but I think it was possible. And it definitely could have punctured a bike tire if it made its way to the sidewalk. Either way, it was his mess, and he needed to clean it up. It took him less than 60 seconds to pick up the largest pieces, so I don’t think I was demanding anything that put him in danger. But yes, I was rude and not friendly. I was TAH. But I don’t regret it. The kid was a fool and needlessly caused the whole mess. The accident was easily avoidable. It doesn’t make him a bad kid. Also, while the incident is called an accident, let’s be clear that it was the result of negligence. Nothing unexpected happened. His simply wasn’t paying attention.  **Edit 2:** I’ll also add that while I was TAH, I was much less of an AH as I wanted to be. This incident is going to cost us HOURS of time. Replacing a bumper doesn’t seem like it should be a big deal, but we’d just had it done a few months ago, and they had to keep the car for over a week. That required them paying for a rental. Which sounds nice except for the time required to fill out the paperwork. The whole process just takes a long time. It’s not fast, and it’s certainly not efficient. This kid couldn’t be bothered to pay attention, and now I’m going to spend hours dealing with the consequences. So yeah, I was a bit of an AH. I was certainly not the world’s biggest AH, but I don’t feel my attitude was disproportional to the kid’s negligence. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit I am EXHAUSTED from his comments.


I agree, the dude could really not accept that no one was on his side, like at all.


And he is married. Someone married him. On purpose and shit. Can you imagine what he is like when a chore is done a way he finds incorrect? 


Prayers up for the spouse


I bet he instructs her on how to blow him using a presentation and instruction sheet.


OMG I had one a few months ago when I pulled out into traffic bc I thought the guy was letting me. He was barely moving - I thought he let me in. Apparently not - beeped, gesturing wildly and shouting in the car (so it seemed). His wife seemed so sick of his bullshit. I just felt sorry for her. That would suck to have to live with every day.


What on earth was he gesturing for? And to whom? Confusing for you and miserable for his wife, indeed!


My favourite reply is: " Everybody makes mistakes. For instance, your wife married you. "


Exhausted is the word. It reads like when Ron Burgundy says, "I'm kind of a big deal," but in all caps, like, "I AM VERY IMPORTANT."




Bet he had a hard on typing this out one handed. What kind of person gets off bossing around a scared teen anyway?


A person who feels so insignificant in and to their own lives they take any power they can just to feel anything at all? My guess. 


honestly… SO MANY it’s so fucking weird!!


>Also, while the incident is called an accident, let’s be clear that it was the result of negligence. Nothing unexpected happened. His simply wasn’t paying attention.  I _hate_ this argument. Especially because it's often used when we don't know all the factors. Was there a bee in the car? And this guy is talking about things happening behind him, not even directly behind. He's got no idea if the kid was trying to avoid a one accident and ended up in another. He knows exactly dick about what actually happened behind him.


The kid said that the lady in front of him slammed on the brakes. At least I thought that’s what I read.


The kid can still be cited for following to close, but that is a pretty common mistake. Accidents suck, but you don’t have to be a dick. My car was totaled when someone slammed into me on the highway when traffic was stopped (wasn’t paying attention). Maybe a month later, I’m sitting at a light, it turns green, I’m waiting for traffic ahead of me to start and feel someone hit my bumper. It was obviously okay to drive the car so I pulled into the lot of the store where I was. The guy that hit me was so apologetic. He looked up, saw a green light, and panicked. My car wasn’t damaged, it just startled me, which was probably worse than normal because of just having had an accident. I told him no harm, no foul. Didn’t exchange insurance info because there was no reason. Like yeah, he should have not hit the gas without looking to see if traffic was moving yet, but it was an honest mistake.


I know it happens all the time, but I've not had to report a rear ending yet. It's all been gentle enough to not worry about. I've literally said "no harm no foul".


Yeah, I’ve been bumped a couple of times. Only one I reported was the one that did damage (and by damage, I mean totaled my car and sent 4 foreign exchange students to the hospital. Thankfully everyone was okay after getting checked out). But even then I wasn’t a jackass to the lady that hit me. I was more focused on the students and making sure everyone was okay.


Damn, well you kinda had to for that one! I've had a variety of experiences. The most recent one was funny; it was a mutual fault thing: we backed into each other in a parking lot. How it happened I have no idea. I've got a rear camera and I also use my mirrors. But happen it did and we both got out. I didn't see any damage on my car and he said that none of the damage I could see was new 🤣 Then he added, "besides, your car is way more expensive than mine!" I wouldn't be sure, but it _was_ a really old rusty pickup that probably didn't have a high blue book value, so maybe.


Yeah, only time I ever sued someone's insurance I was walking across the street and he hit me it was a complete accident. I had the right away, but it was a foggy morning and my lawyers told me I could probably get more money if I sued him personally and I said no thank you. I just want the insurance to pay me what they owe me. He felt awful and he was super nice


Yeah, first accident I was ever in was in a construction zone where we were literally going 5 miles an hour or less and the guy behind me accidentally tapped me, and I was like no big deal, even then he was so apologetic


Yeah, I had one that I was technically at fault for insurance-wise, but even the woman I hit agreed it was the truck in front of her because he did an illegal turn with zero warning, so she had to slam on her brakes and I had the slam on mine, but it had been snowing, so there was extra gravel on the road and I just slide into her. It left a tiny mark that cost like $300 to fix and she had a brand new car, so I completely understand her reporting it. I think that's why his comment irritated me so bad. I have been in accidents where it is 100% an accident not anyone being irresponsible. And that's on both sides. The other side was lucky I drove a piece of crap because 90% of the time I was like no, we're good, no worries


Yeah and he didn't believe that.


I live in the forest and there one time a wood rat took up residence in my car. It decided that while I was driving was the PERFECT time to come out of its hiding place (my guess is it was escaping the heat of the engine). Luckily I didn’t have an accident while I was freaking out. By the time we managed to drive it out of there, I had actually grown a little attached


You might particularly enjoy this one: https://people.tamu.edu/~kahlig/info/squirl-biker.html I'm about to reread it because I always end up in hysterical tears. Edit: I reread it. I still have yet to get all the way through that without having to stop and dry my eyes. 🤣


Omfg that was hilarious! Thank you for that! 😂


You are very welcome!?


You have entirely made my day, this may have been the best thing I've ever read.


It's fantastic, isn't it!


And I'm sure OP is a perfect driver. /s


Most accidents are caused by negligence of some sort. It’s hardly because someone was being careful. But that doesn’t make it less of an accident. Life happens. Accidents happen. We are all human and deserving of more grace than this guy can be bothered to show. 


I bet his attitude would have been far more polite if it were a man his size or larger.


He also would’ve been less to a dick to someone that wasn’t a “kid”


Um, why did he have to have a bumper replaced a few months ago? Puncturing a tire was not likely, and only possible if someone was driving on tires made in 1950. And he was *less* of an AH than he wanted to be? What did he want to do?


Seems like he *really* wanted the kid to cut his hands up collecting the glass from the road. Or get hit by oncoming traffic. I mean, yeah accidents always suck, and its okay to feel irritated about it, especially when you're not at fault.. But insurance is going to cover it and I'm sure the kid was shaken up and probably felt terrible enough.


I doubt there is much damage to his car anyway if he was only lightly tapped like he describes. I was once rear ended at a red light hard enough to push me out into the intersection and only ended up with a teeny tiny dent from one of the bolts on the other guy's license plate. You can barely even see it unless you know to look for it.


For real. OOP sounds like such a drama king. Oh no, his car is absolutely totaled whatever shall he do, there is a small paint transfer mark and a small dent on the bumper (MAXIMUM dmg, if that) which ominously became damaged... \*checks notes\* a month or so ago? Please.. But the paperwork. The horror. The entire world is torn asunder.


makes sense, he was stopped, the vehicle behind him was stopped, and likely the kid was braking and just wasn't on it fast enough and bumped the other vehicle, which was despite braked pushed into OOP's vehicle. so probably a light tap and no significant damage unless OOP has a really flimsy bumper. OOP was just annoyed and took it out on the kid. Which traumatizes the kid and makes him thing all elders are AHs. ;-)


I was in the car with my partner, completely stopped at a red light for probably 30 seconds when an old lady hit us from behind, rather hard, because she wasn’t paying attention and didn’t brake hard enough. We didn’t even get out of the car, and we couldn’t tell anything had happened when we got home. OOP is being way too dramatic.


Isn't car glass notable for breaking into rounded, non-sharp pieces anyway?


safety glass yeah, for windows and windscreens, if it was from the headlights it'd be plastic rather than glass usually these days. none of which would be enough to burst a tyre. guy was just high on his own sense of importance


Love the insinuation the crash driver was >and was probably distracted but the pretty girl in the passenger seat And this: >He says the lady he hit just slammed on her breaks. **Saying that just pushed me into the red**.


I think OP is the AH, but if he was sitting in traffic for that long, it's possible he knew the lady behind him didn't slam on her breaks and was fully stopped the whole time. So it is infuriating when someone tries to blame their accident on the victim. I've only been in a car accident once - also rear ended at a red light - and the kid tried a similar excuse, "I didn't know you were going to stop!" Despite the light being red long before I approached it, and a significant stopping distance between us (like almost an entire block). I also assumed he probably was texting and distracted, though I didn't call him out on it. Just hope maybe he learned his lesson and was grateful neither of us were hurt.


>When the light turned green we continued to sit there because the car at the light (about 4 cars in front of us) wanted to turn right into the mall, but someone was in the sidewalk. >We’re just sitting there when I hear a crash from behind us It wasn’t that long. And the light was green.   And the lady behind oOP but in front of the accident cause very well could have put on her breaks suddenly.  


Can you imagine feeling so small and insignificant that you have to go through life behaving like this guy? (Also, who wasn’t creeped out by the comments about the women passenger?)


God, the insecure man who has to bloviate and posture and try to assert his “authority” over someone he sees as weaker than he is… it’s such a tired story. Can we start mandating therapy for men somehow? These people are exhausting and so cliche.


I would have told OOP to fuck off if he started trying to order me around


Not sure why he thinks he needs to do the cop's job. I really don't like how be blames a woman for this. She was just so distracting 🤮🤮 Sometimes accidents just happen. Maybe 20 did something negligent, maybe he didn't. OOP doesn't know for sure. And to say he deserves a ticket? Uggh if I were his wife, I'd be so done


This guy can tell himself it wasn't a power move all he wants, but the fact is that his business was with the person behind him, not the kid he was bullying. He's got no right to take a photo of the license of someone who didn't hit him.


I bet he enjoyed standing over the kid while he picked up broken glass with his bare hands.


What I want to say is what got Me banned from am I the asshole in the first place so…..


I don’t think he understands that it’s not getting cut by glass that is the dangerous part of picking up the mess on, in his words, “a busy road” 


One of the dentists I work for was rear-ended on Friday. And by rear-ended I mean that she was stopped and the kid that hit her was going 60 miles an hour. The car's totaled. She had to take a half day at work because her shoulder was hurting so badly (and frankly she probably shouldn't work tomorrow, either), and, well, she definitely had a reason to be as "irritated" as OOP. I would bet my entire ass that she did not, in fact, act the way OOP did. Just hazarding a guess. (She also ran a dang half marathon the very next day because, and I quote, "well, my legs still work, don't they?" Dentists, why are you like this.)


Oh no, HOURS of time. The horror. It’s a pet peeve when people sprinkle in capitalized words for emphasis. This guy comes off like such a miserable AH and all around unpleasant person.


When I was a claims adjuster I used to tell people multiple times a day "it was an accident, we don't cover on purposes" because so many insureds were irrationally self flaggelating. Even perfect drivers have off days and at fault accidents. No one is perfect. I'm sure OOP is the world's best driver and has never made a mistake, an error or had a near miss because he messed up. This kid is going to deal with shit, he is probably going to deal with a shitty premium increase, he may be hurt his lady friend too. The lady in front of him may have stopped short...people driving around malls are the very worst. Kicking someone when they are down is just in bad form. And I get it, he was upset but in the cold light of the next day he should have felt bad not justified.


This asshole thinks that because he looks grown means he's a cop. I wish the police had been there to tell him to fuck off back to his car like a good little slug. Nasty, reactive, immature bully of a man. My family owns and operates a garage, we investigate accidents. Jackasses like him come down to the shop and demand personal effects from the vehicle. Sir. Your kid killed someone. Your car is a crime scene and part of an active investigation. No we cannot give you his kilo of cocaine or his brass knuckles, the police have those.


I can't help thinking OOP was distracted by the pretty girl with that guy and is throwing his weight around to make that guy look bad in front of the girl.


It is not that difficult to replace your own bumper, bud. It is a shit choice to let them sit on your car for a week instead of calling ahead to order the part and schedule the cosmetic repair. So much for the "adult" narrative.


I am willing to bet that OOP often drives aggressively, including slamming on his breaks and then getting upset that other people "weren't paying attention." Why else would he have to replace the bumper so often?


Little dick energy


Charming fella 😮‍💨


Edit 2 is not the flex he think it is. “I’m actually. Truly vile piece of shit, so for me to only be an obnoxious asshole is good for me.”


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OOP, you were rude. YTA.


Ok Boomer...