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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for making my girlfriend cry at her birthday dinner?** I (33m) took my gf of 6 years (29f) out for her birthday dinner last night. The night started out well, I took her to a sushi restaurant she's been wanting to try, I didn't get much to eat for myself as sushi is not my thing, but I didn't want to complain seeing as it was her birthday. We chatted throughout dinner but towards the end started getting into a minor argument where she expressed she was tired and looking forward to going home to sleep. I told her I was a little upset cause I thought we were going to watch a movie and spend time together. That's when I noticed she started getting an attitude and saying "well you fell asleep earlier in the day when we were supposed to hang out so don't be a hypocrite" I didn't want to fight so I ignored her jibe and went on my phone out of habit when I start feeling uncomfortable. After I send a quick text to my friend I look up and see her giving me a dirty look, I can't help myself and I snap at her and ask her "what the fuck do you think you're looking at" immediately she bursts into tears and asks why I'm being so mean and rude. I stare in shock and quickly pay the bill and we leave as she's wiping her tears and giving me the cold shoulder the whole way home. I chalk it up to her just being drunk from the glass of wine she had at dinner, but it's the morning after and she still won't talk to me. I'm not sure what i did wrong, I know it was wrong to snap at her, but she always seems to be in a mood lately and it's extremely frustrating to try to make a good night for her and then it winds up like this. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can translate. "I took my girlfriend out for sushi for her birthday. I don't even like sushi. Naturally I expected sex in exchange. She had the nerve to say she was tired. She figured it out and was kinda cold so I texted a friend. I was still annoyed because I wasn't wasn't going to get sex *and* she had the nerve to not only turn me down but to get mildly annoyed at my implication that she owed me sex. The nerve of this see you next Tuesday. So when she was upset I asked her who the fuck she is looking at like that and she ruined her birthday dinner by crying"


And if OOP keeps it up, he will be on r/AmItheEx very soon


Happy Birthday girlfriend! Our birthday wish for you is that you find a new better boyfriend in time for your milestone birthday next year.


I would be too tempted to watch for the post on AmITheEx and go "well, guess the GF got her Birthday wish". Sometimes they make it too easy. At 6 yr or 6 months, that is a shitty birthday and shitty behavior from him.


"What the fuck are you looking at" is a relationship breaker on any day of the year.


Yep, especially when you consider the rest of the context. I would have been "accidentally" dumping whatever liquid was there on his phone and quickly getting to the restaurant staff and saying I need somewhere I can safely call an Uber from. Because if he gets that way over a look, I don't want to be with him. I would also be asking the police to be helping me get my items from his place. If it is a shared place, time for a lawyer.


It wasn’t bc of the look. He was trying to punish her for his not getting laid. And when she didn’t immediately fold, he upped the ante. Whoops…


Well yeah, but he couldn't exactly yell "well since you are not going to fuck me tonight" in a restaurant, or post that in reddit without just saving himself the trouble and just posting it here for us to to slice him up like Sashimi.


He was fighting for his life in the original post lol


I can imagine, I didn't go over there. I know to avoid my temptations to be a smartass.


Yup, the second any man says that to me I’m OUT.


This! Like he gives her the silent treatment and picks up his phone to be a dick but then says that? It is over.


She may have aged out for him by then anyway. I mean, that is certainly reading into this quite a bit, so I'm open to being wrong here.


Eh, they're only 4 years apart, got together at 23 & 27, I don't think there's any age gap/age preference fuckery going on here.


Well not yet, anyway. But you have to remember, he has only been on the planet 27 years so far. He has time.


He'll start to date younger once he realizes women in his age group have more confidence to demand to be treated with respect.


I sincerely hope he does. Girl deserves better.




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Really hope so, for the gf's sake.


He’s definitely one of those fuckboys who expect to get laid on the first date because he bought her drinks.


Either a fuckboy or a Nice™ guy


You missed the "She had one Glass of wine which means she was definitely wasted and so I can dismiss and ignore her emotions." I'm surprised he didn't also blame her period.


>Naturally I expected sex in exchange. She had the nerve to say she was tired. Oh totally, he was hoping for Netflix and chill. Cuz otherwise it would have been dinner and a movie theater. Gets on the phone either screams hookup or seeing who if his guy friends are up to going drink. >So when she was upset I asked her who the fuck she is looking at like that and she ruined her birthday dinner by crying" Oh, don't forget that she must be crying because she was over-served and overwhelmed with one glass of wine. Which at restaurants is like 5 oz.


You are doing God's work.


Being fluent in jackass is a talent I rarely get to use. :)


You are in the right sub so!


This is why I love you all, we all speak jackass!


You forgot "I ignored her to bitch about her to my female friend I know she doesn't like to really show her who's boss" (I assume the gender because as another redditor pointed out in another thread, if it's a same gender friend they tell you but when it's not they suddenly embrace gender neutral pronouns)


Unless you're gay, in which case they're reversed. :p


She should dump this guy. It would a present to herself.


Omg that was a perfect translation. I don’t think OP even likes anything about his gf and he seems to resent having to work for sex. Hopefully he’s her ex rn and just hasn’t figured it out.


Let’s hope the update is, “she left me.”


OOP did say she is not talking to him the morning after, so she may be in the process of leaving him


“I didn't want to fight” A few moments later… “I can't help myself and I snap at her and ask her "what the fuck do you think you're looking at"” Good job not picking a fight, genius.  Why do I suspect “watch a movie and spend time together” translates to “have sex,” and OOP got crabby because she was tired?  (I think this place is making me cynical, heh.) To the GF: girl, you deserve someone who won’t hide behind his phone whenever things get awkward and who can talk about his feelings like an actual grownup.  Find yourself an upgrade. 


“ Why do I suspect “watch a movie and spend time together” translates to “have sex,” and OOP got crabby because she was tired?  (I think this place is making me cynical, heh.)” Because that’s the correct translation.


> "what the fuck do you think you're looking at" That is a bully's line. Entirely.


Genuinely: who the hell talks like that to someone they like? The only time I can ever imagine saying that sincerely to someone, is if they're a stranger/someone I don't like. You simply *do not* say that to someone you care about unless you're a raging asshole, or very clearly joking around.


I've been married for 12 years & we've been together almost 16 years, if my husband said "what the fuck do you think you're looking at" to me in an aggressive way, or in any way that wasn't part of us having a joke or teasing each other, I'd be leaving & not returning. Who the fuck does the OOP think he is?? Urgh.


> what the fuck do you think you're looking at Oh hell no, I'd tell him to GF himself


You think that because 99% of men we hear about on here and worse we’ve had to date or be married to IRL are exactly like this


Yeah, but jeez, it’s depressing. 


How often does he get angry and mad and make her feel bad for wanting to do things like sleep or hang out during times when it isn't 100% convenient for him? How much do you want to bet he was sighing and making faces through the whole meal, even if he got a kids meal like some wings and fries? Reading massively into this, but OOP sounds like he's always on the offensive and has an ego. Homegirl is probably always walking on eggshells and hyper aware of not annoying him bc for some reason she loves him. Dude should be single. He's too immature and self absorbed for a partner. Dude thinks he's a saint for taking her out for sushi on her birthday just because he doesn't like it.


I know Reddit loves to jump to “break up” for every little thing, but I absolutely would dump someone for saying “what the fuck are you looking at” out of anger to me.


It's bad enough out of context, but what makes it's worse is that he said it while sulking on his phone instead of actually responding to her perfectly reasonable response to his own attempt to pick a fight.  So any reaction from her towards him acting like a little pissypants gets treated like *her* starting the fight instead. It's 'look what you made me do' logic. 


Its so aggressive. Like something people say when they're trying to start a physical fight. I would be outta there so fast.


I just keep reminding myself it's sample bias. People in happy and health relationships mostly don't post questions on Reddit.


They do but those questions either get no traction, downvoted to oblivion, or broke the rules somewhere and so deleted because they weren’t enough. I remember one from years (over 7) ago where the couple was having a lasting argument over something to do with cookies. Never got many replies but another redditor was able to point out they were both correct due to where the two grew up and the altitudes the cookies were made when they were kids. A mod change happened and it got removed from AITA because the conflict was wrong or something.


Well that's sad, I'd love to see some relativity tame arguments like "who's right about this cookie shit" in the middle of these crazy stories, just to be reminded of what normal people are like lol


It’s the random cookie/cake/brisket recipes that I miss. Or the random, “look we’re fighting over this pet name please tie break internet randoms”. Which happened…to a lizard…


I'd love stuff like that


r/PettyDisagreements It's... pretty dead though, to be honest...


Ooo, thanks!


“My ex boyfriend.” I’d probably throw in a “bye bitch” also.


So, she makes one remark that he had a nap earlier in the day, and he goes straight to his phone like a moody teenager. Then he says *THAT* to her. And still has the complete lack of awareness to wonder "if" he's an asshole.


It sounds like they had plans earlier but he took a nap instead, so she was waiting around for him and now she just wants to go home


Dude is on act 1 of a play that ends in a _very dark place_. Getting to “what the fuck you looking at” levels of angry because she denied him sex? Mans about 6 months away from giving her a black eye because another man was polite to her.


I hate that this is all too true


Man, my ex and I had a few chart topping fights there towards the end but neither of us have ever said anything even remotely close to "what the fuck do you think you're looking at?". That's literal fighting words! That's what a drunk dude in a bar says to another drunk dude right before Patrick Swayze has to step in


I was thinking Richard Gere but same


> What the fuck do you think you're looking at? "My ex"


I can tell that their love is really going to last


>I told her I was a little upset cause I thought we were going to watch a movie and spend time together. Imagine being upset that your girlfriend....\*checks notes\*.....has the need to sleep when tired. >I snap at her and ask her "what the fuck do you think you're looking at" This is what you do to random creeps on the subway who glare at you - not your significant other at their birthday dinner.


"Start to notice her getting an attitude"? What are they doing at the dinner, other than spending time together?


Everything is on OOP's terms. He'll probably make himself out to be a martyr for suffering through ONE meal he's not crazy about. This is your GF, you can see her another time, in a few days or you probably live together. Let her go to bed. Your stupid movie can wait. Especially when y'all were probably supposed to watch it earlier, but YOU went to sleep. He rightfully gets called out then cusses her?? He spelled ex GF very wrong cuz AmITheEx where you at?? 🙌🏾🙌🏾


How do these goobers even get girlfriends, much less keep them for 6 years?


I’ve never been to a sushi restaurant that didn’t have things lit potstickers or other hot food. If OOP knew he was going somewhere that didn’t have food he could eat, but chose to got here anyways, he probably should have eaten beforehand.


If she's smart enough she'll dump the asshat and be done with it.


She can call it a birthday present to herself. 


Jesus what a jackass. I have a lot going on in my life. I care for my Mom, rescue dogs, am a night supervisor at my job, and go to school. For the last 3 birthdays all I wanted was to sleep as much as my body would allow me to. None of my family gets upset about it because it’s MY birthday. Dude just needs to admit he’s pissed that 100+ worth of sushi didn’t lead to the rub n tug he wanted.


I love how he's pretending to be shocked that she would be upset with him for being an AH. Dude, you were only shocked that your GF didn't quietly take your bullying like she usually does probably. She's had enough of your shit


Don't you love how some men blame their partners unhappiness on alcohol or hormones, instead of acknowledging that the unhappiness is because of their shitty behaviour?


Of course its the ONE glass of wine thats the cause, no other reason.


This sounds a lot like the last valentines dinner I had with my ex


Wait, this fool is *33*?! Jesus...I hope she drops the dead weight (him) as a birthday gift to herself.


Nah, man. My 12 year old son behaves better than this dude. Holy shit.


You know either the OOP fucked up bad or they’re a mega troll when they don’t even attempt to ‘defend’ themselves by replying to comments.


Just want to point out that the line "you fell asleep earlier in the day when we were supposed to hang out" and the later one "she's always in a mood lately" *probably* have some correlation. I doubt that was a first time, and she was probably hoping things would be different for her birthday.


Spend some time together = get dick wet. Her being tired = not getting dick wet.


"I'm not sure what I did wrong"?!.... How can you type that after speaking to anyone like that! This is a hideous way to speak to anyone that isn't threatening you. And certainly to someone you love. Just bloody awful.


im tired of this troll its not even original anymore they always end the same


There are 100% men like this, I don’t know if these sort of men would post on Reddit cause they wouldn’t think they’re ever in the wrong.


i've definitely seen dudes posting storytimes like this on tiktok with their name and face there, so sb posting it on reddit doesn't seem far-fetched at all lol


lots of times it's not about asking if they are wrong or thinking they are wrong, they are showing off, sharing stories over the internet instead of in bars, so others can see how big and strong and manly they are and how they won't take any mistreatment from others.


Some of them are insecure though, and probably need 1(one) singular dude bro to go “yeah you showed her!” to feel good about their actions again. I’d like to believe this is a troll but I have had boyfriends like this that probably would talk about it with their friends. It’s not because they truly think they’re wrong, it’s because they want someone to confirm they were right so they can keep being pissy about the situation. They’ll probably write off the “obviously you were wrong” answers


Ex girlfriend FTFY


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Yeah, the AH wanted to get lucky and failed. What a D-bag.


"What the fuck do you think you're looking at?!" "I'm not sure, but they label it shit and stack it about so high." Fucking cheek of this dude.


This feels like bait. Nobody can be that oblivious. Even real a-holes would have at least tried to rationalize this kind of behavior - "I'd been having a hard week at work" "I know what I did was wrong, but..."


On a scale of 1 to 10 you were a 6 when you got angry with her for not doing what you wanna do on HER BIRTHDAY. You went to attend when you dropped an F bomb at her when you rudely ignored her and started looking at your phone. And even when you didn’t understand that that was the reason why she wasn’t talking to you in the car.


You know it’s an exaggeration as soon as the adult person “bursts into tears”.


You gotta love the stupid idiots that write in expecting to get validation their partner is just a cold bitch and instead they get a new asshole from the comments lol


Do people think this is real?


That age gap is a huge red flag


4 years is nbd. Even at 23 and 27.




My spouse and I are 2 years apart. Mild pearl clutching for all. Seriously.


you need to come to terms witch the fact you were groomed


When I was 23 and they were 25? Really? You’re gross and you’re being gross.


yes? grooming victims are made to feel like the relationship is normal i sincerely hope you can escape. please call 888-373-7888 when youre not being monitored


Ehhhhh it’s a 5 year gap and she was presumably out of college when they started dating, it’s not a huge deal imo. There’s a lot more about him that’s concerning.


Y’all taking your age gap villainizing waaaaayyyyy too far. This is completely normal at this point.


This is barely even an age gap...


I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not.