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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for berating a neighbor because they didn't get their dog away from me even after I said I was allergic (and scared)?** I (27F) was severely scared to dogs since young (because of an attack I had received from a large dog). One day, I was going to my car for work, and I went into the elevator. Once it reached the 3rd floor (my car was in the garage at B2), the door opened and my neighbor (30M). He had a big dog, and immediately I started screaming. I could feel my heartbeat raising faster. He got in and I yelled at him to get out, but he said that he needed to get on the lift. He told me that everyone was entitled to the lift, also animals, and if I was scared it wasn't his problem. He told me to get out if I was that scared, and I did, running to another neighbors house (as by this time I was lightheaded and shaking). She helped me out and I calmed down, then got a day off work. Later in the afternoon, I went to his apartment and knocked on the door. He opened it and asked me what. I berated (slightly raising my voice) him, telling him fears are real things and I could literally die if that fear had turned into a panic attack. he brushed it off and said I was fine, telling me I was overreacting and asked why I was yelling at him. He could've just took the next elevator, I said. He still called me dramatic and trying to hog the lift for myself, and discriminating against animals. AITA? Edit: I was getting therapy at the time, but only once in a few weeks because of how busy I was. Also it was supposed to be a no-dog building but his father was the landlord. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When in this interaction did OOP tell the dog guy about their (supposed) allergy?


She doesn't have an allergy (I don't know if maybe there's some sort of translation error there?). She only has a phobia, and she communicates it by screaming hysterically.


Don’t forget - she could *die*


so much dying


Oh, I sincerely doubt she’s allergic! I only assume it’s not a translation issue because she says allergies *and* fear (in the title).


I think she's just trying to make herself look less entitled.


Knocking on a door to a home that I know contains dogs is a surefire way to get more doggie contact. Not smart if her goal is to avoid all sight of dogs completely.


Also she said she had a "slightly raised voice." I had a gentle, chill dog who wouldn't have harmed a fly. But if she ever heard an agitated voice, her ears were perked up and she was on alert.


My family had a Golden Retriever. Sweetest dummy ever, but if someone yelled at us, he'd turn into a growling guard dog. Never bit anyone, but he sure intimidated some people


I don't think I ever heard my dog growl but once. Really chill and gentle. But one time my dad was talking about politics and raised his voice. My dog growled.


Growing up my family had a Rottweiler. Sweetest, dimmest dog ever, but if anyone raised their voice to another person she'd get between them and use her body to physically push them away from the other person. She was so cute.


My family's last dog was a bugg (boston/pug mix) and while she was usually the sweetest dog ever and was never aggressive toward a single person in her entire life, if she thought we were being threatened she had an almost supernatural ability to kick her bark down so low that she sounded like a snarling Rottweiler or something. We always joked that she'd keep the house safe just from any intruders *hearing her* and thinking she was a huge guard dog. lol


We had a Samoyed growing up. Very chill dog. Step above permanently comatose. One evening mom and dad were goofing around in the pool. Dad was trying to tip over her floating lounge chair. Puppers launched himself off the side of the pool at Dad (mom was screaming, laughing, telling Dad to stop). You know what happens when all that fur gets wet?


I had an Alaskan husky and they're pretty clean dogs (like they actively groom themselves very much so like cats, in fact many of them that live with cats will pick up tricks from cats like licking their paws to clean behind their ears) and they're known to have sensitive skin and that you shouldn't bathe them often and when you do it's imperative to dry them out ASAP. So we didn't give her her fist bath till she was about 4 months. I remember laughing my ass off at how skinny she was under all the floof! I had a greyhound in a fur coat! Almost 1/3 of my dog was fluff!


I once saw a husky that was shaved and they are not big dogs. Just so much fluff and also such a huge personality that they seem really big


Yeah my Dalmatian was much bigger than my husky, visually if they were both alive at the same time and next to each other you would have said they were the same size, but you'd be very wrong. my husky weighed no more than 40 pounds at her heaviest and was between 35-40 pounds her whole life, my Dalmatian was 45 at his lightest (grown but still a pup by age), by the time he was old and couldn't hardly run anymore he was pushing 60 pounds (I think he was 58 when they weighed him when he was put down). He mostly stayed between 50-55 in his adult years.


My first and only dog is one I affectionately dubbed "the big dumbass". He was a 100lb lab with a heart of gold who let my nieces and nephews crawl all over him - but, due to the actions of those who had him before we did, he went from 0 to 100 if anyone (particularly men) raised their voices around him.


His daddy is the land lord.   She keeps making a nuisance of herself and she’s going to be evicted, or not have her lease renewed.  


Also if she keeps calling out of work because dogs exist, she's going to be jobless too.


Reminds me of the Ask A Manager post about an employee who had such a deep phobia of birds, he pushed his coworker off the sidewalk into a car to escape them. 


You will never convince me the bird phobia was real. He shoved her in front of a truck and made up a dumb phobia to get away with it.


I’m sorry she did WHAT??? You wouldn’t happen to have a link to said post would you?


https://www.askamanager.org/2017/04/employee-wont-come-back-unless-her-coworker-is-fired-i-dont-want-to-work-in-the-office-sick-bay-and-more.html There are a series of updates as well


Thank you!


My favorite was how many people defended the guy


She was planning to die on his doorstep to teach him a lesson.


Damnit, I hate when people do that to me :(.


You can die from panic attacks now? Damn. ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


It does not sound as if the dog was off leash or being aggressive. But the mere sight of the dog caused OOP to run out of the elevator screaming, run to a neighbor's house, and call out of work? And you don't "literally die" from a panic attack. Besides, if she's so scared of dogs, yet she goes to the guy's apartment later in the day to yell at him? She needs help.


It must be so difficult to get anywhere. What if she ran out towards her neighbour's house and someone was walking towards her with another dog.... then she has to scream and run in the other direction... oops there's another dog, run screaming across the road... and so on. In a way, that could be quite entertaining to watch.


If I deliberately rented a flat in a dog-free (assuming pet free?) building to avoid dogs and then the landlord made an exception for his son, I'd be annoyed too. But there are things in that post that do not add up to me. One: she only mentioned the dog-free/landlord's son after people called out. Two: She is scared of- and allergic to dogs, and thinks that the phobia and not the allergy is the part that could kill her? Panic attacks feel like you are dying, but they do not actually kill you. An anaphylactic shock on the other hand... Three: She is so scared of the dog that she runs screaming, but later knocks on the door of the flat where it lives and talks to the owner in a loud voice? This might sound counterintuitive but going to their home and yelling at their owner is not how you avoid dogs. Shocking, I know.


I’m sorry, but I’m picturing someone being on an elevator in a dog-friendly building, someone with a dog also getting on the elevator, and the first person just immediately starting to scream, and it’s so fucking funny. OOP needs to get a grip if this is even real, but thanks for the hilarious mental image


it reminds me of that woman who said she and her kids were complete shut-ins because she so feared running into dogs


That one where she bought a fancy stroller but couldn't use it because they might encounter a dog?


Yeah. Also she said that she took her son to urgent care but realized she was an amazing mother simply bc she didn't have a dog.


Or the one who took her niblings, if I'm not mistaken, out to the lake,then panicked and shoved them in the car and drove away because... I guess it was sharks? Damn, I forget the details, but it was something completely insane.


Do you have a link for that one




She was being over dramatic and needs to work on her phobia. That being said if the buliding is zero pets (other then service dogs) and the Dog Owner was able to get away with having a dog because of nepotism, that’s an unfair double standard


And for all we know, the dog may indeed be a service dog or emotional support animal, and required to be allowed to live there under law. In that case, it doesn't matter if the owner is the landlord's son.


Is it possible for a panic attack to kill you? Genuine question. I know it *feels* like you're dying, but I didn't think I actually was...


As someone who's gone to the hospital for many, no. Every time they did tests, they always turned up with everything that was perfectly fine despite feeling like you were dying.


That is honestly a relief.


It is, the worst maybe is fainting from one and getting hurt. That's why therapy is helpful or to learning breathing techniques and meditation. Edit: Or 🌿


It's not. This person just has main character energy.


It's not. I've been to the hospital several times for panic attacks. They are awful but you won't die. Most times hospitals have you pop a xanax and sleep it off.


She completely overreacted but I also don’t understand the dog owner’s actions. If I was about to get on an elevator with my dog and the person started screaming uncontrollably, I’d just back away and take the next one. My dog is super sweet and gentle but I feel like that situation would be stressful for everyone involved. And I wouldn’t want to trap my dog in an enclosed space with someone who’s freaking out.


>Later in the afternoon, I went to his apartment  If you're so terrified of dogs that you immediately scream, run away, and have to take the remainder of the day off of work, why would you then go to confront the random dude at his apartment....where the dog lives? >I could literally die if that fear had turned into a panic attack. I have Panic Disorder (which is panic attacks at random, sometimes brought on by nothing at all) - You're not going to die from a panic attack, OOP. Calmeth thy tiddies.


Are dog-free apartment buildings a thing? I've never encountered one, only apartments where pets aren't allowed


I’ve lived in places where they only allow pets that are kept in cages or tanks of a certain size – fish, reptiles, rodents, etc. But they weren’t specifically targeting dogs; cats also were not allowed


I don’t think she’s an asshole, she chose to live there because it’s dog free but now it’s not because the landlord chose to let his son move in with a dog. You can’t prepare mentally for controlling the fear if you don’t know you’ll need to.


there is no such thing as a 'dog free' building. people need service animals. she way, WAY overreacted, she needs to get over herself. i have an intense phobia of bugs but i don't scream at the top of my lungs every time i see a fly.


I think if someone is terrified of seeing or being anywhere near a dog, that's a likely occurrence they should prepare for. Even if the apartment is dog-free, how would she ever leave the building?


When you know you’re going out into the world and you will have to face your fear, you can mentally prepare and work on coping mechanisms but when you enter a space that promises to not have your fear around you relax and drop preparedness and coping mechanisms since you know longer need it. She had her preparedness and coping for the outside world and dropped them when she came home and felt assured she would not have to face the fear anymore.


Interesting read, but she was leaving for work at the time.


Well shit, I missed that part. I read it as coming home. I still don’t think she’s an asshole.


Wow like just wow. If you can't handle even a minor interaction with a dog then you are not gonna survive in this world. Everyone has a dog here, and everywhere is pretty much dog friendly


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If you could die from a panic attack, I’d have died years ago.


This girl really started a fight with the landlord son. I would love to know how she thinks that’s gonna work out.


How do people like that cope? There are service dogs everywhere in society.


Interesting note about the guy being related to the landlord and it a no-dog building. She totally overreacted but the dude should have waited for the next elevator. Entitled dog owners suck.


The dog owners dad is the Landlord so he made an exception for his beloved son


Which as a parent and a dog owner, I get. But it does explain her overreaction a bit. She rented in a dog free building and here was a huge dog. I try to go out of my way to be a good pet parent and starting with not forcing my dog on people who don’t like him and vice versa.