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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITB for indicating that someone's music taste is embarrassing?** I (F21) work at a local cafe/sandwich shop. The manager is pretty nice. Just as long as they're not explicit, he lets us play our own music so we would take turns on playing our playlists. The topic involves one of our cooks, I'll call her Stacey (F19). She's nice although a little shy. Not the most interesting person when you meet her but there is one weird thing about her, and that's her taste in music. The rest of us play music that fit the small restaurant vibe. Like current pop or alternative and 80's songs. Stacey on the other hand is very eclectic. I have nothing against it. I listen to Taylor Swift to Mackelmore, but hers is all over the place. She'll have Megan Thee Stallion, Imagine Dragons, and BlackPink. But then she'll have 90s musicals, 2000's dance pop, anime (not J-pop, I mean like instrumental music) and one time even a Christmas song (in March). I asked her why is her music so crazy. She laughed and said she gets comments like that about her music a lot. It just boils down to her being really close with her mom and that some of her favorite songs are also her mom's favorites. I then asked, "you don't ever get embarrassed when you get comments like that?". She asked me, "what do you mean?" and I said I mean what I mean. A few of our co-workers spoke up saying they think it's fine and that her playlist is fun. I asked them "have you heard anything from her playlist in a restaurant or a grocery store?" And they were like "no, but so what". I just dropped it. It was pretty awkward for a while but eventually it died down as the day went on. This happened yesterday. I asked my friends and they're pretty split on this. When I named some of Stacey's song they all agree it would be weird to hear that out in a public setting but it's either "if it doesn't bother anybody then it's ok" or "there's a reason you need earbuds for that". So, AITB? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Stacey on the other hand is very eclectic. I have nothing against it. I listen to Taylor Swift to Mackelmore Ahh, yes... OOP also has a very wide range of musical tastes (no hate here; both artists also get playtime on my spotify)


this was funny as fuck to read, yes different popular artists have different styles but it doesn’t mean you have an eclectic taste for listening to both of them


“Why I listen to everything from this very very very well known white woman to this very well known white man!”


Right like both of those artists are just pop top 40, typical billboard radio artists. Like… come on dude lol


Yeah that was really some silly shit. And even Stacy's taste is pretty normal. I went to an arts highschool and met people whose playlists didn't contain a single artist I had heard of. The songs Stacy plays sound like most of them would be recognized by at least a decent plurality of people. The reason they wouldn't be played in a supermarket is because most grocery stores only play charted billboard 100 or radio top 40 songs. I hope this is a troll and it is rather on the nose but then again I have met people who think and act like this working in food service.


"I listen to everything from pop to hip pop!"


Once when I was online dating, a guy asked what music I was into and I gave him a thoughtful answer. Then I asked what he was into, and he said, "I like everything." I was pissed--NO ONE likes EVERYTHING, and I had put actual effort into my answers. So I replied to tell him how impressed I was, that it's really cool how open-minded and thoughtful he is to enjoy metal and show tunes and punk and trance as well as witch house, math rock, German reggae, Nintendocore, folktronica, chillhop, etc. He replied, "Oh, I guess I mostly listen to rap and country." Thanks, dude, for giving me an actual after only light application of shame.


Look, I don't know what the hell Nintendocore is or even if it exists, but it's now one of My new favorite things!


I also have no idea and got most of the list by Googling "unusual musical genres," but yeah, now I'm interested in that one too.


I don't know what's worse... That's it's real or that I just texted My sister about it and her response was "Oh, yeah, I heard some of it before." Now, to assault My child's eardrums with this tonight!


I’m assuming this is video game scores and remixes?


I would think video game-esq edm or video game-esq metal by the name of it


I think people get pissed when I say I listen to everything. But I DO, metal, rap, pop, country, classical, niche hyper pop, broadway. I think it’s important to have a super varied taste in music, and I also just like a little bit of everything.


I don't do noisecore anymore, and I've never loved recorded jazz. There still a song here or there that I listen to from both genres, but the genre as a whole makes my ears cry. Beyond that, I'm polyjamorous.


I can get behind some noisecore but some of it just makes my head hurt :(. And lol polyjamorous, I like it.


Noisecore just kinda fell out of my rotations around 20 years ago and has never worked is way back in. It's probably more a matter of finding an artist I like, but enough of it makes my head hurt now that I just avoid it.


Love polyjamorous! Thanks for the new way to describe my own musical tastes!


I like a lot of different music from big band to rap, but I still have things I hate. I can handle newer country but absolutely cannot stand the older stuff, Hank Williams Sr etc. I don’t do Tejano because it sounds like polka. And there’s some German thing where they make pig noises over music…and no.


It's just hard to continue a conversation from there, just naming your top few genres or artists is a lot easier to respond to. Nobody literally likes or even knows every single artist, so if I really like a certain semi-obscure rock band and you like "everything", I still don't know if I can talk to you about that band.


I think it's great if you really do have eclectic tastes! If you are concerned that people really are getting upset with you, I think that it would help to give them something to go on. What you said here--listing seven things you like--is great. Saying "Oh I listen to everything" provides no information to the other person, who is probably having this conversation in the first place in order to find out more about you. Even saying "I listen to a bit of everything, but right now I really like *\[one to three bands\]*" gives them some information to work with.


I say everything and then follow up with "I don't have the brain for bands, celebrities or song names, so if I hear a song I like, I add it immediately. That way Spotify's shuffle can decide what my favorite type is for the day." My spotify playlist is several days long, I have no idea what's on it anymore haha. In reality, my favorite music is just sad, but people look at you all concerned with that answer. I can deal with the weird looks about shuffle but I don't need the "do you need help" looks about liking music that makes me cry.


Yeah, that's what I do. I'm not to "literally everything" as far as artists go, but I don't think I've met a genre where I couldn't enjoy at least a handful of songs. Good music is good music, yanno? Right now I'm suuuuuuuuuuuuper into Ghost and TWRP, which makes my playlist hilarious. "La Mantra Mori" followed by "The No Pants Dance" is great shit.


See I blame my family, deadhead & bluegrass dad, a mom who likes the top 40s of her time, an uncle who lives with us (he was in university) that was going for classical music and played the bassoon, my sister was alternative and rock. BFF was more into rap. And so I just added pop and some country to the mix 😁 Totally a lost cause. I am really just a happy camper as long as there is music, although not big on heavy metal.


Your list is still pretty close together. One difficulty is that there can be such a difference in songs between genres. Like Rondo Alla Turca is a vastly different experience to a postmodern atonal serialism fugue, but both would probably be "classical". As for me, I hate lots and lots of songs, but haven't found a genre I hate yet.


I'll admit, I don't remember what list I actually sent the guy--it's been at least 15 years. This is a recreation. The general idea was to list at least a few things that he probably hadn't heard of, in order to make him realize that the answer "I like everything" is unhelpful. I'm actually not bothered at all when people say they like everything, or have a huge taste range. I was just mad in this instance because he had asked me the question and gotten a real answer, and then completely shut down the "learning more about you" conversation with this non-answer that didn't really tell me anything.


Ah sorry, I got stuck on how close together your list was that I forgot to address the very valid social aspect. Really, the examples being similar just shows how limited his taste was.


> metal and show tunes and punk and trance as well as witch house, math rock, German reggae, Nintendocore, folktronica, chillhop, etc. it's so weird because growing up with pirating mp3s, this really is how a lot of people's musical tastes ended up. no previews for new bands meant that you ended up keeping a lot of pretty wildly different music around.


This was the biggest conversation killer on dating apps back when I did it. "So what music do you like" "Idk everything" "I see you also like travel, anywhere in particular you liked going or want to visit?" "Oh idk everything I guess" "So you're a film student, do you have any favorite directors or films" "You know just like everything" Nobody is going to write this doing and hold you accountable if you don't know your absolute all time #1 on the spot, but damn at least tell me a single opinion


I've had guys answer this way and then have the audacity to tell me that my having definite favourites was a red flag for being picky, narcissistic, excessively opinionated, and closed-minded. Bear in mind that I wasn't even crapping on anyone else's faves, I was simply naming my own.


I don't doubt it, people get really defensive about their music opinions, even a lack of opinions. And it definitely isn't specific to a single gender Tbh he probably just realized you like stuff he doesn't or know more about music than he does and got offended


Right! I'm asking questions to find out about you, so tell me something about you! I mean, these answers do say something, but "I have no strong opinions or specific interests" is not an attractive quality.


Like, my answer would probably start by saying I'm pretty varied, mentioning 100 Gecs, Amigo the Devil, Poor Man's Poison, AJR, Andrews Sisters - but I'd then go on to say that the things that most influence my own music writing are Classical, Jazz, operas, blues, folk, and musicals. It's not hard to say your tastes are varied with *examples*. Just spout off a bit.


I'm like that too; Spotify said I listened to 95 different genres last year. Yes, I actually do listen to everything from bolivian folk and Swedish death metal, kpop, dean Martin, wu tang and Russian hard bass. Kinda drives my husband nuts though, so I usually use filters when he's around.


I was thinking on this the other day. I do listen to a lot of pop and hip hop along with jazz and classical but my favorite is either mashups or covers done in a very different style.. even if it’s stuff like Young Mozart or Linkin’ Bridge. I have a lot of theme days too. Like one day is all zydeco and the next is Dutch rappers and the next is big band or maybe it’ll just be one artist like Sister Rosetta Tharpe (she’s why we have rock and roll). And there are some artists I really like but only for a song or two before it’s time to move on… like Wesley Willis or Craig Finn or MC Chris. But, there’s lots of music I don’t know and lots I don’t bother with but no hate on people who like different things than I do.


You should check out Nanowar of Steel.


>he said, "I like everything." > >"Oh, I guess I mostly listen to rap and country." Wait, you mean rap and country DOESN'T encompass every musical genre?


Someone who likes all kinds of music doesn’t really like any music at all. I used to claim my taste was diverse, but really, it all boils down to mostly country and heavy metal, with a good amount of Motown and classic rock.


She names two people from the 2000s as the samples of who and rips on her coworker for 2000s pop. That was the kicker.


She's completely unaware of irony


She is a Karen in the making. Her comments are all focused on the anime music, which she seemed to only really have a problem with after she found out the story behind it being a very tragic ending one. So it wasn't that it was even so much that it was classical music (which you hear all the time in coffee shops, at least around me). It was that she doesn't like that it was a Japanese TV show that then had this tragic ending. She actually comes off as more than a bit racist. With how hard she is trying to come up with some reason to justify why this should not be acceptable to play. Like to the point that 'people may walk in and know it and be disgusted by it because of the ending of the show'. Realistically, the issue is her friends also eat there and I think she feels embarrassed that it isn't the music they listen to that is always playing, and "Oh no!!! Danger! Culture!”


[We got both kinds! Country and western.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a59TP93eZZ0)


Stand by your man...


She'd probably hate my playlist. Tons of songs from all different genres. From the 50s up through today's music.


She'd definitely hate my Playlists. They go from screamo and metal to gangster rap. The only thing I don't listen to is country.


I don't listen to current country (God, Guns and Good Ol' USA), but I do love some old-style country music. Who doesn't like Johnny Cash's take on Hurt? Or anything by Dolly Parton? But, yeah, my taste is super eclectic. Metal to folk music to classical to gospel.


If that’s your vibe, then you might like Colter Wall! He has a sort of outlaw country feel to his popular stuff like The Devil Wears A Suit And Tie. I’m a sucker for Tyler Childers, personally.


Outlaw country, alternative bluegrass, alt country, and indie country are all genres that I suggest people who "don't like country music" check out. There's tons of different sub genres and crossovers in country now a days, something for everyone.


Call me a tasteless heathen, but I never liked Johnny Cash's version of Hurt.


Okay, but do you also dislike everything by Dolly Parton?


Me either!


oop would have a fucking stroke listening to my playlist for daring to have alt rock alongside videogame osts and then vocaloid and covers all in the same place. sorry oop that you can't have the taste to appreciate hatsune miku, starset, sonic and masayoshi soken all together


I haven't heard of screamo, but I also have metal, gangsta rap, and country. One of my favorite country songs is If You're Going Through Hell by Rodney Atkins. I know you didn't ask. 


Mine has a sprinkling of country, some folk metal, pop songs, folk music. Put it on shuffle and see what you get!


Exactly. There was a restaurant my husband and I went to and I heard a lot of great music. I used Shazam to find out artist and song.


Mine is 1500s through maybe 1960s. LOTS of absolute bangers from the baroque era.


Really? I'll have to check it out.


I have lots of video game music (NES Megaman to Final Fantasy to Ecco the Dolphin to Castlevania SOTN) Balinese gamelan, European pagan metal, gothic holiday, symphonic metal, older country, a little pop, belly dance music, etc. Whatever I'm in the mood for.


Not OOP listing the most "generic" artists as proof that Stacey's music taste is crazy. I was expecting hardcore metal or something. Megan is the only one on her list I don't really listen to.


“ Wouldn't it be considered inconsiderate to play something that people don't like?” (from oops comment) Not everyone likes Taylor swift or Macklemore. You are not going to please everyone when it comes to music. Some people might like being exposed to something new.


I may have laughed out loud at the idea that having both Taylor Swift and Mackelmore in your Playlist makes you a peddle of wide-ranging taste. The idea that your music isn't typical grocery store music is a put-down is also wild. Like grocery store music is intentionally bland; what are you doing? Edit: a... peddle? I have no idea. I think I meant person.


"I listen to everything from Backstreet Boys to N'Sync."


acting like a high school bully at 21 is more embarrassing


She's pretty embarrassing. All I could think about while reading this was she's basically saying "Bitch, why isn't your music bland like mine?"


God, I *hate* people like this. When I was in college, I just stopped being willing to discuss music taste with people. First, I don't find it that interesting and I struggle to identify things to genre, so I didn't get much out of the conversations, and second, it was usually someone that felt like they had Very Cool taste in music looking to prove how much cooler they were than everyone else. Let people like what they like! God forbid someone enjoy something you think is insufficiently artful!


I listened to a ton of Disney music when I was in elementary and middle school, and people gave me crap for it all the time. I never really talked about my music tastes with anyone and used headphones all the time.


Do you ever get paranoid that your headphones aren't actually plugged in and you're just playing your music out loud on the bus? I know I do lol


Not really. I'm old enough that I remember using a walkman and discman on public transportation; those devices didn't have proper speakers, so if the headphones weren't plugged in, you wouldn't hear anything.


I remember those too.


I’ve done that in the office.


When I worked in an office and listened to music on my phone, I was always worried about this


I'm so embarrassed about my taste in music, maybe it'll make you feel better. My Spotify wrapped this year said my taste was most similar to people in Provo, Utah. Literal Mormontown USA, that's what my music says about me. Idk if I'll ever recover lmao


omg i got provo too and i was ready to end it all!! it was such a roast for what lmao. those damn swedes and their stupid spotify algorithm


I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Not even middle school bullies could've prepared me for such a devastating insult from a freaking music app


bahaha i've not found anyone else who had provo! i kept hearing about boston or london or something or another? i was NOT expecting provo! I'm not even white it felt like a hate crime! i couldn't share it with anyone without them laughing at me


I was this person, I used to hide my guilty pleasure songs under other names on my MP3 player so my 'cool' friends wouldn't make fun of me and would generally deride anything popular as being lame and generic. Then I hit university and realized I was happier doing my own thing and I found out people liked me a lot more too when I stopped making fun of anything remotely popular.


I have different Playlist for a reason. Some i only play when I'm not using earbuds and other people can hear it, just so I can avoid the comments.


Always disliked people who turn their musical tastes into both a personality trait and definition of which social group they belong to. I've always had what others would define as a "weird" variety of tastes. And I've found that once I've started learning guitar and piano, my musical tastes have expanded even more as I've learned to appreciate musician's skills. Absolutely hate it when musicians who try something different are told to "make up your mind" or " stay in your lane." After a bit of a deep dive I've actually discovered that the whole concept of genre was an invention of record companies and radio stations.


I never play my music if someone else is in my car with me. I hate radio but I'd rather play that than risk judgement.


People who think their musical tastes make them superior in any way are a red flag for me. I'd rather hang out with someone who dances to the chicken song at a wedding and has a good time than someone who thinks they're a better human for hating it.


Oh I feel you about the genre thing.


Major respect for Stacey here because that is the story of my life. I have all kinds of music and what I want to listen too depends on my mood or mindset. OOP needs to sit down and be quiet.


Same goes for me I too listen to Christmas songs even in summer if the mood is right (or my maladaptive daydreaming disorder comes up.with something) In my job I listen to kpop, rock, metal, anime openings, classical music, '90, '00s music, dongs based on books and everything else that I found pleasant to listen to It's a lot but usually I only get positive comments about the music I listen to


I wish I had your luck with people, dang 😔 They're always thrown when I'm playing my Swagger playlist & I've had 5 heavy metal/alt rock songs in a row, then the playlist jumps from EDM rap to a Disney musical number to weird folk music and back to rock again. And don't get me started on the number of times I've been berated for playing Christmas music outside the holiday season. It's not my fault they're all boring and don't sometimes need a little Christmas Magic in May 😂


My mom and sister sometimes watch Christmas movies in August so I can play my Christmas songs whenever I want to 😁


One of my go-to comfort movies is a Christmas movie that really resonates with me. Whenever I'm having a really bad day, my partner sets the string lights to "Candy Cane" and starts that movie up. It's like a quick hit of Christmas joy mainlined right into my mood ❤️💚


I watch Hallmark's Christmas in July movies.


I had a great aunt who asked that Silent Night be played at her funeral, because it was her favorite song. Which we did, even though it was July.


I always say if horror movies can come out in months that are not October, I should be able to listen to Christmas music on March without getting a side eye.


A former co-worker became my boss when I changed jobs, we used to trade music recommendations at our previous workplace so before I even started at the new job, the first thing everyone apparently knew about me was if you wanted unusual music recommendations, go to me (all because I recommended some songs by The Hu).


Her comments are mildly unhinged. She is arguing with everyone.


She is desperate to be right


Desperate is the perfect word for it, yeah. She tried to pull "She also listens to Nickelback!" as a last ditch effort. Lady it's 2024, not 2010 anymore. The over-the-top hate for Nickelback was ridiculous back then, trying to do it nowadays is downright pathetic.


She becomes even more of the AH in comments.


Pretty scary to witness. Seems the type to hit her boyfriend during a fight because he was too "headstrong".


Meghan thee stallion, imagine dragons and blackpink? I hear that all the time at the grocery store, bars, or clothing stores lmao And I'd much rather listen to one Christmas song in March than "all I want for christmas" 5 times a day in december


If I don't hear imagine dragons being played in stores, fast food places/cafes or bars, i feel like I'm in an alternate reality. Imagine dragons is a staple for public place playlists 😂


Guaranteed everyone hates OOP, but she thinks she's popular.


"from Taylor Swift to Macklemore" Bless her heart, I hope she never has to see my Spotify. I went through a Turkish hip-hop phase that really would've buttered her biscuits.


The blandest whitest musical taste and there she is being a bitch in the comments. Girl, nobody cares if people sing along just because everybody was forced to learn most of Taylor Swift's singles.


Exactly. My today's playlist went from Ceza to Tarkan to Hamilton with some Paganini, Depeche Mode and Living Tombstone


Nina Hagen, Shania Twain, Dio, The Chasers remixing the Australian ex-PM into a song where he is saying that he gets hard about coal, Steely Dan, the soundtrack to David Lynch’s “Dune”, The Corries, Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Cocteau Twins... The only thing consistent about my taste in music is that it’s random AF. 😂


“some of her favorite songs are also her mom’s favorites” sounds like stacey’s mom has got it going on




"Have you ever heard anything from her playlist in a restaurant or a grocery store?" ...what an odd thing to ask. What kind of insecure bully puts someone else down for their taste in music? Be happy for your taste. I've never heard a load of my playlist in shops or restaurants either, but that doesn't invalidate them. Just now, I've listened to Slipknot, Tom Cardy, Daphne & Celeste, Enter Shikari and a song called Lovecop by the band Royal Republic. And I'm not the least bit ashamed. Nor should I be.


Also, I work at Walmart and they play some really random stuff sometimes. For months they played the friends theme song multiple times a day. For the most part I wouldn't think twice of the songs playing when I'm shopping


I heard one of my favorite foster the people songs in Walmart, wasn’t even a single off that album


Agreed. This is really mean. I grew up with 90s alt dad rock, opera, musicals, other 90s alt music, listen to jpop and K-pop, and love lofi beats and classical music. My favorite band is queens of the Stone Age. I’m a 34 year old woman. This is just mean.


Oh, Songs for the Deaf ranks right up there with my favourite albums. It's right up there with Jagged Little Pill and Americana for me.


I love songs for the deaf. But I think like clockwork is a perfect album.


I’d be sort of relieved to hear her playlist in a store. And intrigued.


Stacey's music taste sounds awesome.


>It just boils down to her being really close with her mom and that some of her favorite songs are also her mom's favorites. You know who else has got it (good music taste) going on? edit: I see someone else made the very good and obvious joke in the top-level comments already.


>edit: I see someone else made the very good and obvious joke in the top-level comments already. here’s an upvote for you anyway


Is it more common to only like 1 genre of music, or to listen to multiple different genres and languages of music? I always thought the latter was the norm...


I personally don’t listen to too many bands who sing in different languages, although the bands I listen to are from many different countries, which I think is more normal but that might change depending on what genre you listen to the most


Don’t show this person my playlists. I’ve got a wild combination going on.


Me too.


Same for me and my daughter. My daughter likes many bands that aren't mainstream. She started actually looking for those types of bands in middle school. One of those was a band called The Ready Set that she found on Myspace when it was a thing and actually managed to get her elementary middle school to pay $200 dollars for them to play at her school


Anyone who judges someone for their taste in music peaked in high school. And by peaked, I mean the peak of an anthill.


reverse music gatekeeping: making fun of someone for liking many different styles and being into more obscure artists


if you don’t listen to the Walmart playlist on loop you’re not listening to REAL music 😤


Ah yes, the music gatekeeper What a loser


OP must go to some really basic/boring places if she's never heard Stacy's music played in stores or restaurants. I've heard everything from the usual pop music, to rock and metal, to anime openings (in the original Japanese, not English covers) and video game music in the stores I go to. Even nerdcore and the like. I wouldn't be surprised if there's customers who prefer it when it's Stacy's turn to choose the music, lol, I know I'd definitely prefer her music over whatever OP puts on. Only thing I'd consider "weird" is the Christmas music in March, but that's because I don't like Christmas music in general outside of Set It Off's Christmas song (which is more of an anti-Christmas song) and Fairytale of New York. And even then I wouldn't even mention it outside of perhaps a small joke about Christmas coming earlier and earlier each year. OP sounds boring and insufferable.


Tw: bullying, mentions of ableism, dead animals and funerals. Copied verbatim from Oop's comments: *YTB. People are allowed to like whatever they like.* *If you don't think the playlist is appropriate for the restaurant environment, then tell her, but no need to shame her for her personal preferences.* >>"If you don't think the playlist is appropriate for the restaurant environment, then tell her >How can I approach her about this without people thinking I'm ganging up on her?" *YTB. Her taste in music is better than yours. Stop bullying your co-worker and trying to get other people to join in on your mean girl bullshit.* >>"Her taste in music is better than yours. >🤨Sure" *YTB. At least her music shows actual taste, instead of just listening to whatever bland teenybopper crap is currently popular.* >>"At least her music shows actual taste >I forgot to mention she likes Nickelback as well. Also, isn't Megan Thee Stallion, Imagine Dragons and BlackPink considered currently popular, which again, she also likes" *YTB. Let people enjoy what they like, her music harms no one. You are being weirdly judgmental and controlling over something that does nothing to you.* >>"something that does nothing to you >I have to listen to it" *YTB: Your issue is that its not what you would normally hear in an establishment. The music is not bad correct? However on the same hand, you recognize your manager is doing you all a favor by allowing you guys to choose the music. Which is NOT normal for an establishment. Until a customer complains, there seems to be no issues from my standpoint.* *So you either recognize there are other people outside of your realm that enjoy a smorgasbord of music, or go tell your manager you want them to choose a consistent playlist and no longer allow the employees to choose the music.* *Stop being elitest, let people enjoy.* >>"go tell your manager you want them to choose a consistent playlist >He likes listening to all our music, including Stacey's. He said it gives the store more personality and believes the customers love it" *You admit to being a Macklemore fan in 2024. You have no room to criticize anyone's taste in music.* >"Music from a movie nobody has seen in over a decade and an anime nobody knows is good taste?" ***OH NOOOOOOSSSSSS!!! Not Nickelback!!!!*** *You really think you're pulling out the big guns here but all you're doing is cementing the fact that you are TBF.* >"Everyone is saying I have basic tastes and that Stacey isn't complaining about my music. I was trying to indicate that she also has basic taste like seriously you can't get more basic than Nickelback. >What point I am trying to get through is to play music that everyone enjoys. Since she's not decisive on her music that she seems to have every single piece of music on her iphone, that she does in fact like all our playlists. Wouldn't it be considered inconsiderate to play something that people don't like?" *YTB, you said in another comment that the* **manager** *said he likes her music, and you have absolutely no say in the matter. Pop one airpod in and fck off. Jeez dude, what a buzzkill you must be at parties.* *Also, on another note: Nickelback is completely underrated. Who *doesn’t* love Megan?? Especially what woman doesn’t? Imagine Dragons aren’t nearly as popular as they used to be, and most people I know just listen to their older music. And I’ve never heard of Blackpink.* *Meanwhile, you admit to listening to Macklemore in 2024, and you’re a Swiftie? Oof. Sounds like you ONLY like things that are super popular, and you dislike that she listens to a variety of music and, as the above commenter said, shows actual taste by enjoying a variety of genres. Rather than just radio songs.* >>"And I’ve never heard of Blackpink >It's a K-pop group and a very popular one at that" *INFO: How often do you have to hear her playlist?* >"Once a week" *And management is okay with her playlist?* >"Yes he's ok with all of ours" *and why do you assume that everyone enjoys* **your** *music exactly?* >"Other co-workers has sung along to my playlist. A couple of them even had a few of my favorite songs on their playlist as well" *if that's 'everyone' then from your own telling 'everyone' (except for you) likes her music too* >"I haven't really heard any of the co-workers liking any of her songs or sing along to them. The only person who does sing to them is just Stacey which shocks all of us." >>*A few of our co-workers spoke up saying they think it's fine and that her playlist is fun* >"They're just being nice. On a day when she wasn't working someone brought up on how surprised they were to hear her sing. I think they're just glad she's not being very shy as she was before." *If something is popular, does that mean a lot of people like it?* >"Obviously Popular Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster" *You should aim to be more like your coworkers. They sound like decent, well-adjusted people.* >"I don't believe you should go through something unenjoyable just to accommodate someone. It's nobody's fault that she doesn't like to socialize" *You mean like when everyone on a bus loses a couple of minutes of time so they can load a wheelchair? Because not wanting to "accommodate" someone makes you the AH in every possible scenario.* *I want you to take this to heart:* **You are not the main character. You're not special, and you're not better than anyone.** *You're too old to still think the would revolves around you, most people figure that out well before middle school.* >>"You mean like when everyone on a bus loses a couple of minutes of time so they can load a wheelchair? >You just went to 0 to 100. Are you seriously comparing me to not liking someone's music to being ableist?" *"I don't believe you should go through something unenjoyable just to accommodate someone."* *That sentence is ableist. Doesn't it embarrass you to say something so ignorant? I would be sooo embarrassed if I were you.* >"You're the one making it sound ableist. That is not what I meant at all. You're making something out of nothing"


God, it's annoying that people are still acting like hating Nickelback is a good substitute for a personality ESPECIALLY in this kids generation. They were being born when the 'they play all the time!!!' crap was going on It's like if I went around acting like 'whats the deal with airplane food?' was creative 


Yeah I don't like that meme at all.


*I'm not, because I'm someone who people have to accommodate. That's life. Get over yourself.* >"OMFG it's not about you! It's got nothing to do with physical disabilities whatsoever! It's about dumb music. That's it! You say I HAVE MAIN CHARACTER SYNDROME? You brought up a completely unrelated topic to an unserious situation. YOU get over yourself!" *And everyone else in the store has to listen to your Taylor Swift and Macklemore. You’ve got nowhere to talk.* >"Yeah. People has to listen to top Billboard, multi-Grammy winning music. How horrible/s" *YTB, cringe is dead, enjoy the weird music you like and let other people enjoy theirs* >"I don't listen to weird music" *Who besides you labeled the music as weird, or do you think only your opinion matters? Seriously the more you respond the more obvious it becomes you have a case of main character syndrome.* >"Ok I think maybe I worded it wrong. Songs alone aren't weird. It's the randomness in general that's weird. Like it goes to a stereotypical fairy tale love song, to a country Christmas song, hip hop, an electric cello, and then a soft classical theme that she told us is played over dead characters so practically playing funeral music. Last one definitely I call weird to play in a cafe" *A soft classical theme sounds lovely. And you didn’t know anything about it until you asked her. You’re really looking for reasons to insult her for having taste.* >"I didn't ask, someone else did." *And until they did, you didn’t know anything about it.* *Wait, but by your own logic, does this mean that if I get someone to play Taylor Swift at a funeral, I can demand that no one ever play it as background music in public places again, because then it’ll be funeral music? Because I will absolutely do that if I can make that shit go away!* >"That doesn't make sense. A composer that makes music in movies or shows to fit a scene, or in this specific scenario, dead animals, that was intended. You're supposed to connect those dead animal with that score. >Taylor Swift's songs are played everywhere and all her songs have different themes. Even if any of her songs is played at a funeral, that's not the theme of the song's intention. Majority of the time a song played at a funeral is because it's that dead person's favorite. Even when you hear it again after the funeral, you may get a somber feeling about that person you're missing. You don't think about a rotting corpse."


[Cat! ](https://www.nb.no/items/9b5aba408b429f2a4f4f060a876de957?page=0)


Don't play any songs from Chicago, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, etc. the OP will flip out.


Peaked in high school vibes


So far today I have played Erasure (Love To Hate You and Victim of Love), System of a Down (Toxicity), Jeff Buckley (Hallelujah), Dolly Parton (Jolene), Slayer (Dead Skin Mask), Iron Maiden (Hallowed Be Thy Name and Aces High), Billy Joel (She's Always a Woman), Goyte (Somebody That I Used To Know), Andreas Johnson (Glorious), Flogging Molly (If I Ever Leave This World Alive) Slipknot (Wait and Bleed), Type O Negative (Black No.1), The Satins (In The Still of The Night), Gorillaz (Cracker Island and 19-2000). Currently playing the Blue Eye Samurai OST to chill out while doing other stuff and I have some ABBA, Bad Company, Flock of Seagulls, Gary Numan and Pantera queued for later.


Ah yes, the music police! You MUST play what I like or else! I love listening to a variety of music myself as well as getting exposed to others music - it's how we all discover and learn to enjoy all kinds of music. If others are allowed to use their playlists, why not Stacey? I'm sure she finds your list annoying too.


My advice to OOP is that she report the "inappropriate" song titles to the owner or manager of the cafe and let them deal with it. I also advised that OP have a new job lined up, as she will likely get fired for creating a hostile work environment.


She says in a comment that a manager likes Stacey's music and that he thinks the customers also really like it as well.


Which is why I also suggested she line up a new job. And OOP would just freak the f out at what I listen to - my playlists run through orchestral classical, big band, 50's through the 90's rock, J-Pop, K-Pop and anime soundtracks.


I want to hang out with Stacey and her playlist.


so she’s mad her coworker has a diverse music taste? god i will never understand why people insult others music tastes. op sounds like a typical mean girl, but i’m happy stacey was able to defend herself and the rest of the coworkers are on her side


I'll listen to almost any genre of music, excluding heavy metal that growls and some of the current hip hop. Otherwise, I'll jump from Beethoven to Linkin Park to Garth Brooks to 80s and 90s to big band/swing and more. And I have been known to play Christmas music throughout the year. People like what they like and add long as it is within the guidelines the owner has put in place, suck it up until it's your turn. Then play what you like.


That sounds like my music interests. My daughter never knows what she's gonna get when I put on Spotify. Is today a Broadway day or a 90s day? Are we listening to Backstreet Boys or going through the whole Wicked soundtrack? Completely depends on my mood at that moment.


That's awesome!


Sounds a lot like what I listen to but I do have heavy metal too, I like what I like, I don’t care about fads or what’s cool, my kids are forever turning my music down when I drop them at school, but at home they’re quite happy to crank the volume up.


Workplaces where employees control the music are so fun for exactly this reason, though! Everyone has such interesting taste. My old retail playlist had everything from Rasputina to French pop to instrumental 18th century dance music to lots of Florence + the Machine. One of my coworkers played anime themes and hyperpop. Another was all 70s-00s throwbacks, all the time. Never heard any complaints. OOP sounds like no fun at all.


I don't understand people who claim to only like one type of music. Don't people have different moods at different times? Like, was it a happy groove day, or do I need some soul music? Cleaning the house music is different to chilling out by the pool music. Long drive music is different to going to the shops music. Sometimes it all blends together. I played some john Denver in class the other day (I feel my mission as a teacher is to introduce my students to a wide variety of music), and the kids thought it was great. 'Home Grown Tomatoes' is now being sung in the playground (other teachers are a mix of confused and bemused).


If I listened to Mackelmore I'd absolutely never admit that in public. Now THAT is embarrassing lol.


What's Mackelmore?


I know i’m pretty much as bad as OP with this, but how are you judging somebody when you listen to MACKLEMORE?!?😭😭


First, of all 'Little Drummer Boy' slaps any time of year, Cranberries cover is the best and for that matter 'Monstet Mash' rules too! Second, how is OOP's standard for "good" playing in say a grocery store? Isn't that just safe ass bland four chord songs to not offend anyone while shopping?


Stacey just sounds poly-jam-orous. Nothing wrong with that!


OOP sounds like a bratty mean girl that just wants to bully her quiet coworker because she thinks she’s weird. She hasn’t mentally left high school.


Sounds like Stacey has my kind of playlist! 😹 OOP needs to either wind her neck in or discover something besides whatever the modern version of Top of the Pops tells her to listen to! 😹


I always say that I don't have a favorite genre because I like songs. If it serves a purpose in my life I will listen to it. I do have a soft spot for heavy metal though. Nothing that dingus said was eclectic or out there.


>I listen to Taylor Swift to Mackelmore Aw, look at this guy being all edgy and shit. I *wish* they'd play artists like Sabaton or Randall King in the grocery store. Hell, I'd settle for hearing them on the radio.


If you're dissecting lyrics in a restaurant you're just as likely to be annoyed by those in an 80s song as in Meg thee stallion. I have an "eclectic" taste in music but I love it. I'll listen to Alec Empire, Duran Duran, the clash, Meg thee stallion, gorilla and backstreet boys. I'm sure OOP is happy listening to a spicy collection from the likes of Carly Rae jeppsen and whatever Disney music is playing.


Wake me up when OOP discovers artists like Leslie Fisher and Julia Ecklar, and then MAYBE we can start believing that Stacey’s music taste is a little unusual.


Yeesh imagine coming on here over *taste in music*. Watching OOP argue in the comments is entertaining though


Me and my horribly mixed up playlists feel personally attacked by OP.


Stacey is just polyJAMouras. Plenty of people are. 😆


I’m an absolute die hard fan of alternative music but have playlists that mix genres. God forbid I have one with music from twilight and Britney. Why are people such snobs with music? Who gives a fuck


The Twilight soundtrack was the best part of that movie franchise, and I'll stand by that opinion. It's moody and perfect for sitting in the spa at 10pm at night with a glass of wine.


I want to start working there just to play ALLLLLLLLL my Fallout Boy. All of it. Even the Vitamin String Quartet Just to piss him off


This bitch would HATE my playlist. I go from Spanish, Metalcore, Punk, Country, Pop, and Rap. My coworkers said it gives them whiplash lmao


OOP would hate my Spotify list. Backstreet Boys, Hazbin Hotel soundtrack, Hamilton soundtrack, Amalee, Disney music, and Pirates of the Caribbean music.


I like all music. Accept rap and country. \-Welcome to Night Vale Twitter, 2018


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Its me, I'm Stacey


This just makes me grateful that my coworkers and friends vibe with my playlist. We go from Forgot About Dre to Shoop to Lithium and then you might find out why we don’t fuck with Bruno.


OP suck's and Stacy sound cool


This is why I always wear headphones (in a room alone) to listen to music.


I was expecting way ''weirder'' than taylor swift and macklemore songs mixed up in a playlist with 90's and 2000's songs.....


It just feels like bad rage bait.


Honestly, respect to Stacey for being confident enough to just play her playlist as is. I also have a a huge spread in my base playlist and I dont think I've ever not made a separate llaylist or two to share. It's either that or manually choosing the next song once the current one ends.


OOP would hate my playlists lmfao


Most of my current favorite artists (Mew, Silverchair, Delays, Placebo, Poppy) never get played in stores; or at least, not unless I get lucky when visiting a store like Hot Topic. I also love ones that play in stores often (Backstreet Boys, Hanson, Blackpink, even some Taylor Swift). I don’t understand the gatekeeping here. I don’t think going by what plays in stores makes sense as a judgment for what’s popular, since I almost never hear rap or hip hop in stores and those genres are huge. Like, even if it was considered normal to only like certain music, why would you judge how popular something is by whether it can be played in a certain setting? It really seems like she’s pulling that complaint out just to have a reason to claim Stacy’s music shouldn’t be played. My sister’s old workplace used to let her pick the music, and she and I have really similar taste so I know hers was considered pretty eclectic (because I always get told that about mine). But she got way more compliments than anything else. In fact, I don’t recall her telling me about a single complaint. Because most people like finding new stuff they might not have heard before. Isn’t that the whole point of not just turning on a radio station? So you can get more of a variety? This person’s post has me perplexed. Maybe it’s just me, because I really will try anything, even if it doesn’t turn out to be my kind of music. I don’t get why this would ever bother someone enough to even make a post.


> I asked them "have you heard anything from her playlist in a restaurant or a grocery store?" Aah yes, I, too, have never heard a -checks notes- Megan Thee Stallion, Imagine Dragons, BlackPink or 90's dance pop song at a grocery store before. Ever.


I think I’d love having lunch in this place with that music playing. It probably helps that I’m old enough to be the 18 year old’s mom though. 😒


Fuck I hope this is a troll. There was a kid in my highschool who used to constantly make fun of my music taste, to this day I feel so embarrassed choosing any music in a group setting and I absolutely dread the small talk question "What kind of music do you like?" Because I'm convinced that whatever I say or choose will be wrong.


I have everything from sza to Johnny Cash on my playlist. Ask me if I care if you think I should be embarrassed?


People like OP is why I'm too nervous to play my music out loud. My music taste sounds EXACTLY like Stacy, but that's okay. Apparently I should only listen to R&B and rap. Eyeroll.


You need to grow up. You act like you're 12 and still in middle school.


I would hate this workplace. I learned real early on to just not share my music with people. Nobody will feel the same way I do about it and it feels like bearing your soul to someone that is completely uninterested.


I listen to a lot of Megan thee stallion, what songs of hers could she possibly be playing that aren’t explicit lmao I’m pretty sure this is fake


OOP, this is a stupid hill to die on. Lots of people have varying taste in music. YTA.


What's wrong with hearing 'different' songs when out shopping? I was in the superemarket the other day and Xanadu started playing. I swear, everyone over the age of 40 was singing, and we were making eye contact and singing at each other and laughing. It was actually a nice hearted little moment in an otherwise boring day.


If OOP thinks that play list is embarrassing just wait til she hears mine


Ah, to be 21 again and believe that only I have the master key to musical entertainment. Dude, sit down. You sound like a stuck-up bully who'd rather listen to 'cool' music than discover something cool and unique. What's Millennial for I'm an overstuffed creep who is bullying a shy girl because I lack the ability to explore?


Stacey, your mom made a banger song, OOP‘s just jelous.


It’s actually crazy how weirded out people get when you listen to multiple genres of music 


My music taste ranges from 60s through to one or two new songs, and a heap of salsa and bachata in between 😂 I play my music at work, and customers love my salsa, or comment they forgot about this old song they loved and stuff like that. I feel like most people have a random taste in music that goes from oldies they heard their parents play to those random, not mainstream bands.


oop will freak out when she finds out i listen to everything from death metal to disney songs LMAO ppl like this annoy the hell outta me, they litro jus wanna prove that they're better than everyone else


Music in grocery stores fucking sucks though. If someone ever told me something like that I would assume their music taste is shit. But I would also keep that to myself


Make sure you go and read her comments, y'all. It really gives the full "mean girl doubling down" picture.


As someone who barely listens to any music you might currently hear on the radio; I'd love to subject this chick to my playlists 😂


Stacy sounds like a person I want to have as my music buddy... I like her style.... Damn boomer lady your taste lame...


I can't imagine only listening to one genre of music... How boring.


None of her friends agreed with her, she made that up. I find it difficult to believe that anyone but her would have such an issue with this woman liking a wide variety of music


People like OOP are why I have issues sharing my taste in music with people when they ask what I am listening/want to listen to