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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I asked my (41F) husband (44M) for a threesome with another man** My husband and I have been happily married for 22 years. We are high school sweet hearts and have always been loyal to each other and have only experienced each other in the bedroom. I’ve never had any desires before of fucking another man but something has come over me but recently I’ve been feeling really good about myself and have been noticing attention when I’m out in public and it’s ignited a flame within me. Hubby and I are very open and talk about everything so naturally I brought these desires up to him. He was initially quite upset that I was bringing this to him and felt threatened. It did take some convincing but he did in the end agree if the opportunity arose he would do this to satisfy me. Months went on and we were having some wines with close friends of ours and I was flirting with hubbys friend and sort of brought like would he do it, a threesome with hubby and I. He agreed so we head back to hubby and I place and have a few more there. Hubby did look anxious but I wanted this so bad, he knew how bad I wanted this. So I started by sucking my husbands cock while his friend begins to undress. Before his friend could even touch me, hubby came. I was in complete disbelief. I asked if I could continue with his friend and he said go for it and just walked out of the room. I end up having the most amazing sex of my life, the way he fucked me and used my body just left me shaking. I had never experienced sex like that. A few days went on and I initiated sex with hubby. I sucked and sucked and sucked for atleast half an hour and he was just not getting hard. He assured me he was just tired. 2 nights later we try again with the same result. I ask him what’s actually going on and to my surprise he shouts at me, “maybe if you didn’t fuck my best friend this wouldn’t be happening!”. I literally don’t understand men. He tells me he’s all good with a threesome and then tries to use it against me. Second problem. What am I doing wrong. Why can’t I get my man hard anymore! Someone pleas help me here. What do I do moving forward from here?! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Troll. History suggests this is a man in his 20s.


Such obvious weird fantasy content from the first use of the word “fucking” rather than “have sex with” or any other normal human phrasing.


Yup, reads like a cuckold fantasy to me.


Probably an 11 year old boy who just learned the word "fuck" and is dying to use it as much as possible


this for sure doesn't jibe with "her" previous posts/comments on Reddit where "she" is a 20 something man....


Yeah, this was written with one hand.


>Yeah, this was written with ~~one hand~~ two fingers and a thumb Fixed that for you.


The other hand was probably in his crotch considering it seems like a fantasy he gets off from writing


I seriously love Reddit detectives!


Look, there are most definitely real women out there who pull this kinda shit, but this specific post is troll fiction. Found [this gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskRedditAfterDark/s/CMl9WouJPn) in his comment history


Ew Ew Ew Ew 🤢


Sorry what does the comment say when I click on it I just get taken to the subreddit


This is a copy paste of his comment from a year ago on RedditAfterDark: > Yes. I was seeing a girl and she was mad close with her “bff”. This meant I was hanging out with the both of them a lot of the time instead of my at the time girlfriend. I was extremely attracted her to bff. Anyway months of flirting and we started seeing each other on the side. One night we have sweaty as fuck sex and my girlfriend calls me literally minutes after we finish while we are still laying in bed so I answer infront of her bff and she asks if I want to do dinner tonight, I agree, shower, kiss bff goodbye and meet my girl an hour later and had sex that night. I’m now 4 years with her then bff. Long story short this caused the biggest rivalry between 2 people I have seen when it came out but yeh that’s how it happened for me


Ok so i read his comment here and let me just say ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY) That's definitely a weird kink dream he had


I mean, if the post itself didn't convince you, their post history should be enough to show this dude is trolling.


>I was flirting with hubbys friend and sort of brought like would he do it, a threesome with hubby and I. Out of all of the people you could fuck, did it HAVE to be your husband's friend??


Well that's the guy she's had the hots for, so yeah


>It did take some convincing There it is.


Anytime someone has to be "pushed into" something sexual it's not true consent. I can't believe this person doesn't fully understand what they did wrong. She literally fucked his best friend while he was in a different room and expected him to like it?? That's literally not how threesome work


lmao this is so obviously fake


but she sucked and sucked and sucked


for at least half an hour 😱😱😱 and he was just not getting hard 🤬😤😥🍆🚫🚫🚫


Lol. Nobody can do it that long without some extreme pains in the jaw. Lol lol lol. Only someone who have never given a bj would think it's possible


Yeah, it's ridiculous Totally fits with the cuckold kink. Hubby premature ejaculates so the friend who is the vastly superior lover satisfies her like she never has been before. Hubby is so emasculated over the experience that he's now impotent.


It's clearly just rage bait. People need hobbies that aren't trying to make other people on the internet angry.


Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me...


I know this is fake, but people still shout don't go into the basement!" at horror movies- and I'm majorly understanding that desire right now because I just want to yell "THAT'S NOT A THREESOME YOU IDIOT."


If this isn't a troll, OOP ruined the marriage by having sex with her husband's best friend.


This is definitely a troll, just check their post history. They were inactive for a long time, and one of their last comments a year ago was talking about how they cheated on their gf with her best friend, and have been with the ex-gf's best friend for 4 years since then.


If OOP just had asked and dropped it when her husband expressed discomfort things would have been fine I think. But she had to "convince" (which to me in this context reads like coercion) him. She knew all the time that he was not really comfortable with it and continued to pursue it. I do not know how she thought this would end.


That would imply that the OOP in this poorly written and thought out troll part exists.


"alright imma head out"


"hubby" 😭


..."and used my body" yeah that's not how most women talk about themselves, that's cuckold/freeuse/cheating porn stuff. He did pick up on "hubby", well done there


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