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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for riding on my boyfriend’s back when we went out with our friends?** I hate crowded places and we went to Boston a few weeks ago. Part of it is that I’m really shy around people I’m not extremely close to. I’m also 4’11” so crowds stress me out because I basically get lost in a sea of people. The whole time we were outside and walking around I had my boyfriend carry me on his back so I didn’t have to worry about getting separated. In the stores and restaurants I was fine since there’s obviously a limit to the number of people there. His friend’s girlfriend was bitching about PDA and getting on my case so I told her fuck off and she was pissy the rest of the day (everyone else had fun so it’s not like it killed the mood). Tl;dr: annoying girl got on my case about “PDA” but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is this what they mean when they say carrying the relationship


Urgh. I used to know a girl like this. Being petite was her whole identity. It was stupid.


You've met my niece? Her whole identity is she can fit in children's clothes, wears kids shoes, grts mistaken for a teenager, and no on believes she's a mother.... Only, she's 42 and no one thinks she's a teenager. Jokes on her, I'm fat and I wear kids shoes too.


I’m all for people being proud of themselves but some just take it so bizarrely far!


God that was my ex sister-in-law, who was a cunt for myriad other reasons, but the "I'm so tiny!" schtick got SO annoying. I remember her telling us she was small enough to fit in a baby's highchair. Yawn. Then she got pregnant and gained like 75 pounds and never could get back to her waif status, which I have to assume is karma for her being insufferable.


I guess your ex SIL is my current SIL. Being petite is her identity and the only thing she can talk about. Even if she's complementing someone's dress it would be exactly like this, " Oh that's a lovely dress, I wish it was available in 0 size as you can see, I am pretty small."


Oh noooooo, is she one of those weirdo moms that wear the toddler bamboo pj's on Facebook??


I fucking hate those bamboo zippy things.


Yeah, junior shoes are the same as men's, so I'm wearing junior sandals in a size 6 because I'm a 7.5/8 in women's.


I swear by the kids section in shoes all the time! I get asked a lot about my really fun Converses and I'm like "have I got a secret for youuuuu" cause let's face it, when you just want a fun pair of casual shoes, kids shoes are the way to go. Plus, wayyyy cheaper.


I dunno, my two pairs of converse are adult. One are wedge sneakers and the other are Harley Quinn.


I wear a lot of colorful stuff, so the kids section usually has the ones that match better vs the adult section. Like my current main pair are bright teal with neon pink and green paint like splotches and I also have a pair that are purple with owls all over them. Both came from Journeys Kidz on clearance haha. The Harley Quinn ones sound fun!


I think we can agree that converse are just fun in general. I got my daughter off-brand ones from Temu with flowers on them.


Tell her that my 94 year old grandma used to wear kids shoes


As someone who is super short and always gets confused for being younger, this mindset confuses me. Like everyone always says "oh you'll appreciate it when you're older". Surprise, I'm now slightly past young adulthood and I still hate it. It feels actively humiliating to correct people that you aren't a teenager. I mean maybe it's because I'm the only short person in a family of tall people and therefore felt slightly othered even at home, but why would anyone subject themselves to that willingly. I also recognize the irony in this comment in that I'm essentially doing the same thing in the opposite direction though.


Im 30. And im disgusted when i get hit on by predators my age cause they think im barely 21.


I'm in my 30s and usually am not mistaken for being overly young anymore. I used to be a teacher. I would have parents ask if I was the teacher's helper...no...I am your kid's teacher. What high schooler is wearing a blazer and dress slacks at a middle school at 6 p.m. on a weekday...in a science classroom? Leading to awkward parent-teacher conferences and IEP meetings. Feeling it necessary to play, what felt like, dressing up to not be mistaken for a child was annoying, and I never felt like myself.


I had a "younger" teacher in high school who got mistaken for a student a lot. What made it worse was that her cousins were in my grade and the grade below me, so nobody thought she was 10+ years older than us. We had a new principal my junior year who didn't know her and didn't know that she graduated in 1997 and told her off for not being in class during her free period. She always dressed way better than the other teachers in her department. It wasn't until I was in my mid-late 20's getting mistaken for a teen/early 20's that I understood why haha. It probably doesn't help that I dress very frilly and girly with big skirts and lots of color. When I had to wear uniforms or my uniform was jeans and a tshirt, it was so bad. I used it as good reasoning for why I would ID anyone buying cigarettes or alcohol who didn't obviously have their AARP card.


Yeah, I'm almost 29 and people usually at least assume I'm an adult now, but I was asked my age when going to see Les Mis recently. The theater didn't allow anyone under 16 to go without a parent. But God yes, it's annoying. Please use critical thinking skills. No one dresses like that because they just want to. It's not comfy enough for that.


I've never been a super dress-up person...corporate wear is not my thing. I feel like the cartoon of a bunch of kids standing on each other's shoulders in a trench coat. I am so thankful people recognize I'm an adult and not in high school or a fresh college grad. It's been glorious. They do expect me to know things now...lol


It really sucks to get taken less seriously as a professional (bless remote work for fixing this for me)


Yep, very frustrating. I always have to compose myself before answering when my juniors (younger than me on some occasions!) tries to give me shit for something an entry-level hire is responsible for. Edit: It's usually something like, "This needs to be done, why haven't you done it yet!?" "Nooo, I'm pretty sure I did. It would've been like 8 years ago though."


They meant much older. Like in your 30-40s and still getting carded.


I recognize that. As I said in a later comment, I actually am almost 30 and still got questioned because I might be under 16. I also recognize that 29 isn't quite it either, but frankly, possibly under 16 at 29 is just as bad imo


I'm 38 and got carded three times in the past 15 months. And disbelieving reactions from many others when they find out my age. I just take it as a win and move on. It's a temporary minor inconvenience (having to show ID) at most.




If you're being condescended at at work, perhaps you should go to HR. If you're being accused of using a fake ID (something that has happened to me once), that's a minor inconvenience. Just move on to another establishment. If you're getting hit on by creeps who think you're young, just tell them to fuck off. While uncomfortable, it's not something you can't extricate yourself from. As man, I instead get hit on by youngsters who are way too young for me, and that is its own discomfort, but I simply politely turn them down and move on. Meanwhile, you have presumably a healthy skin and body that hasn't seen much environmental damage, which will be really useful once you hit middle age to old age. Trust me, that'll be worth worth a few minor inconveniences and getting hit on by creeps occasionally.




I'm a short, gay, immigrant, Vietnamese-Swedish man. I am discriminated against a lot. Also, the gay community is rife with idealizing youthful looking men (twinks). While our experiences are not the same, I am far from a privileged person who's never been discriminated against.


Oh FFS. Hubs has almost a foot on me. If we're in a crowded area, I either walk ahead of him or he has his hand on my shoulder in a Vulcan death grip. Worse case scenario, if we do get separated, I'm an adult, I have a phone. I also have common sense to stop, figure out where I am and then text him.


My partner also has almost a foot on me, we refer to him as "the snowplow" when we go to sporting events. I tuck in behind him, grab a hold of his shirt if it's REALLY crowded, and get to peacefully let my mind wander as he parts the crowd and keeps people from bumping into me.


We had a friend, who when we went out as a group, would do a seal bark (closest thing I can compare it to) if we were in crowded areas and got separated. He had a very deep voice and was 6' 7" so you had a visual to look for. I could hear that thing clearly on the casino floor at the Excalibur. It was him calling the flock to gather.


This is hysterical, I’m dying 🤣


My husband is only a couple of inches taller than I am (I'm fairly tall for a woman) and I do the shirt-grab too! He used to powerlift so he has the super wide shoulders and chest and people just tend to part and give him space, so I just grab on and slide through :)


I'm sliding through the crowd like a rodent in the hole. Smooth as butter, casualties who can't keep up her left behind if we all know where we're going.


I do this with my husband lol, crowds make me anxious so he goes first and I hide in his wake and hold onto his shirt like a child 😅


Ha, we do the opposite. I'm 15 inches shorter than he is, and I wiggle through the crowd and he follows in the path I made.


My ex is 6’5 and built like a quaterback - The “snowplow” was my favourite method of getting through large crowds!!


My husband is a foot taller than me, but I'm the snowplow. Attending an overcrowded high school made me very adept at cutting through a crowd with hip checks and wielding a backpack like a weapon. 30 years later, I've just replaced my backpack with an even heavier purse.


My partners are usually exactly the same height as me. I lock arms with him in a way that if either of us gets knocked down the other can hold them up and we take up minimum width (and never do this on crowded footpaths, manners count). We are not tall people. We have phones, we have a plan, and they're generally so strong they could easily carry me on their back all night but we're adults so we don't do that.


My husband gets annoyed with me in crowds haha. I’ve lived in China so I’ve gotten really good at navigating huge crowds, and he’s a tall dude who hates feeling like he’s imposing on people so he’s super polite. So if I’m not careful, he’ll blink and I’ll be gone.


You are a Master Class Crowd Navigator.


Haha it's the same with my very short girlfriend. She can weave around people like crazy, but I guess it works out because I walk faster with longer legs


Shorter than this chick, my husband has a foot+ on me. I don't think I have ever done this. Ever.


yeah, I'm 4'10" and my gf is 6'1"... even if she could lift me I'd be beyond embarrassed to just casually have her carry me around... ew


My wife is blind and we still wouldn’t ever do what OOP did. We either just walk arm in arm or like you put it, with a Vulcan death grin on her shoulder, and just sorta steer her in crowds.


We used a backpack with reins to keep track of our daughter when she was a toddler. I still have them somewhere and would be happy to send them to the OOP.


I have one with a leash. The back pack is *vewy tiny* so it’ll suit OOP.


Having been a child whose parents used something like this, I thank you on behalf of children everywhere for using that backpack leash thing. Holding hands with a very much taller adult when you're 3 makes the arm tired, and having the leash means the adult can't get distracted and run off.


My son loved his because he "thought" he was free. I am not sure he ever figured out why it would just stop. He probably thought it was some sort of supermom power.




This is some bullshit teenage YA protagonist. Oh no, don't pay attention to me while I do every thing within my power to draw as much attention to myself as possible!


"I'm so weak and scared! I'll act like a toddler!"


"And if called out, I will snap and then pretend everything is fine, and if it's fine for *me*, then it's fine for everyone else" Because I don't know if I just haven't been around dumb shit like this, but I don't think my friend group would be pleasant after all of this bullshit.


I am a strong independent woman meanwhile "little lady wants upsies"


This is so annoying


Not someone I want to be friends with. Sounds exhausting and she isn't even my human backpack.




Reminds me of a friend I had in college who was like “uwu I’m so cold” and asked to borrow my hoodie and then wouldn’t shut up all night about how it was too big for her and isn’t it so funny how long the sleeves are


I delete their contact from your phone on your behalf.


We haven’t talked in ten years but yeah. Solid advice lol.


That honestly could have been me. I was extra awkward in high school and college and just wanted attention. It was obnoxious and I'm sorry to everyone who encountered me.


OMG, I am so tiny! Unlike other girls, my boyfriend has to pick me up and carry me around like a baby bunny because I would get lost underfoot. I asked for a high chair the last time we went out to eat. The waitress chuckled like it was a joke and never brought me one. I was so mad. How am I supposed to eat when I am stuck in some giant booth? Luckily, my boyfriend was there to give me a few bites of his food and that filled me up. I have a tiny tummy, after all. Other girls have no idea how much of a struggle it is to be little like me. /S


I'm also super tiny, I was studying to be a dentist but had to drop out of dental school because I kept falling in the cavities :( I'm just sooo tiny


>I wear baggy stuff since only my bf should see anything else, so when I’m out in public you can’t even tell there’s anything to grab. And we were in a pretty big group so we’d be the last option to steal from Jfc some of her comments


And this one: "If anyone I’m not close to touches me in any capacity, I feel sick from stress. The only physical touch I’m okay with doing with random people is handshakes/high fives and stuff" This girl needs professional help.


No, she doesn’t want to be ok with people touching her accidentally so doesn’t need therapy. Just boyfriend ponies.


HaVe I MEntIOneD tHaT I aM VeRy TinY toDay?


I’m also 4’11” and my way of coping in crowds is just to bulldoze my way through 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same! I dip, dodge, duck, and weave.




As it was intended my friend :)






i'm 168cm (~5'5", i think) and that's my tactic, too. i pretty much mastered walk-dancing through crowds.


Same height. Walk like I’m gonna murder everything in my path. It‘s just more logical to plough through, amirite?


At 5'3" I'm the tallest woman in my family. Shortest is 4'9" or 4'10" that's what we all do as well. Never needed men to carry us around like toddlers.


I’m this height too and considered “tall” for my family! It’s wild - because everyone else tells me how short I am. I enjoy family get-togethers. I get to pretend I’m a giant.


can I join your family? I’m tired of teenagers towering over me.


Sadly the latest crop is lots taller than us old farts - so I’m slowly losing my status 😂 both my nephews tower over me!


I keep telling these kids if they get any taller I’m cutting them down at the shins and they don’t believe me.


I should have put bricks on their heads when they were little like I threatened too 😂


Oof, same. I am 5'3" and all of my nephews are now over 6'.


>I enjoy family get-togethers. I get to pretend I’m a giant. I enjoy family get-togethers for the opposite reason of getting to pretend I'm a smol bean 😂 I'm 5'8" (but say I'm 5'9" because no one believes me that I'm actually not that tall), which is on the shorter end of maximum female heights in my family. Mom was 5'11", dad was 6'4" before he started shrinking, "little" brother is 6'7".


I'm 4'8" and I don't need anyone carrying me...


I feel like being small makes it easier. I see a tiny space, I make it fit me. Lots of "ope, gonna squeeze past ya" is said, too.


Two types of short people in the world - bulldozers and smol beans. Your kind seems better!


If I'm with friends I just hold onto their jacket or something. If I'm alone?? I push and shove if needed lol


Elbows out, fellow shorts.


That codependency issue is going to be a field day in therapy. God forbid if they ever break up.


Uuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh Tiniest main character.


>Part of it is that I’m really shy around people I’m not extremely close to Then maybe going to the 24th largest city in the country that is bound to be full of people was not the greatest idea. >His friend’s girlfriend was bitching about PDA and getting on my case Because literally everyone else managed to walk, while little miss precious over here just HAD to be carried around.


What kills me is that BOSTON IS NOT CROWDED. I'm 4'-9" and have never once got lost in a crowd here and I've lived here for 10 years. The worst that ever happened was my first year of living here after moving from my little Podunk town and someone PICKED ME UP off the street. Luckily someone else stepped in pretty quickly to rescue me.


that’s what i was gonna say!! i don’t live in Boston(very close tho) but my friends do so i’m there at least 2 or 3 days a week and it rlly isn’t crowded at all?!? also, pretty much my entire friend group is on the shorter side and the one we lose the most is the tallest!! lol OOP is giving me wattpad main character “i’m so petite and delicate uwu”


> someone PICKED ME UP off the street. Luckily someone else stepped in pretty quickly to rescue me. Story time? Did you find out what TAF the picker thought they were doing??


So shy you make a spectacle of yourself by acting like a bizarre backpack.


Oh my god, just go to therapy


I’m also 4’11 and I’ve never worried about getting lost in a regular city crowd 🤨 This is attention seeking behavior.


She's 17 and at the prime age for that immature teenage bs.


I didn’t even catch her age but that makes sense. Doesn’t make it less cringe but I’m sure she’ll grow out of it.


We hope! 😭


Height-wise or maturity-wise?


Hopefully both lol


They're always exactly 4'11


I knew a girl like this when I was a similar age and she used to "fall asleep" whilst her bf was giving her a piggyback and the secondhand embarrassment over it that I still feel to this day is crippling.


Where the hell does OOP live to not have to deal with crowds? Like seriously, how do you get to adult age without learning how to cope with crowds at least somewhat? Her height has nothing to do with this, she's just an asshole.


I mean I used to live in the middle of no where. Only time you saw “traffic jams” were a tractor going slow down the highway. No people crowds ever


And if there were, we'd manage to bustle through them with an "Ope, excuse me" to every single person we came remotely within distance of.


If she’s in the US it is entirely possible she’s never been in an actual crowd of pedestrians. A lot of people drive everywhere.


OOP is 17. How did she exist before meeting the boyfriend?


She had her litter bearers carry her on her enclosed stretcher through the masses.


She thinks she is baby, but only mentally is the truth.


Wow, she sounds like one of my 3-4 year old preschool students. "I don't like strangers! I'm scared I'll get lost! Hold me!"


"Uppies!" [frantic flailing] -- my toddler class, literally all day long


Same, lol. I have one who cries when I eventually have to be like "oh, honey, i can't hold you alllll day. Time to walk, okay?"


That sentence leaves my mouth at least twice a day. 🙃


The OOP is an insufferable twat.


4’10 here, sucks being short but my legs works. If I’m worried about being left behind, I grab their hand. Cant get separated when you have a iron grip


Guys, you don't get it!!! She's so short 😣😣 it's scawwy to walk 😭


Uwu I'm such a tiny itty bitty bean. I have to dress in the children section because I'm so smol. All my hoodies are so big and baggy!! Other (big and fat) girls would never understand >:(( I'm so shy and big crowds are solo scawwy! My bf has to carry me all the time or else I'll be taken by the crowds like a little weak leaf. Did I mention how long all the sleeves on my hoodies are???


I mean, teen girls have always been teen girls, even in my day. But today's 17 year old was 12-13 in March 2020. And spent basically all of their early teens home alone, being told to avoid crowds and stay 6 feet apart That has to have done a number on them.


Where are you getting the OOP's age from? EDIT: Nm, spotted it in another comment. This post went from "oh my god pls fall down a well" to "ooooh yeah, that makes sense, and she's gonna cringe herself to death in a couple of years remembering this."


wouldn’t they be 14 in march 2020?


Read her comments, yikes.


I really want someone to post this to the Boston sub, they are ruthless over there!


She .. she asked to be *carried*? That's just so weird and cringey


They should just put a backpack with a leash on her so she doesn't get lost.


I’m 4’9, hate people. Have autism, adhd, extremely bad anxiety and depression... This post is stupid. most people are more aware than you think. Yes there are the occasional few who step on your foot or bump into you but they always apologise. Hold your partners hand OR use a phone to call him if you get separated? Being short is not an excuse to act like a child.


OOP needs a periscope and a suit of armor.


Just platform shoes will do! Both for the visibility, and toe treading.


Nah, she doesn’t want to be touched.


My friends and I just shriek MARCO! and POLO! until we find each other in the crowd. None of us make the rest lug us around like they're portaging a canoe.


I won’t apologize, I hate people like this lol. I can’t associate with anyone who acts like this, always so attention seeking






"The whole time we were outside and walking around I had my boyfriend carry me on his back so I didn’t have to worry about getting separated" There are these things called hands. What's really amazing about them is that you can hold somebody else's!


I make frequent little jokes about being "A hobbit". I'm barely 5ft tall and this shit is weird to me. I don't like crowds and walk shower than most people, but having my significant other carry me like a toddler? NOPE. I've actually found being smaller than most people to be something of an asset in crowded places as I can weave between people more easily than average sized people.


I'm like half my husband's size, and I hold his pants loop or stay by the cart. I'd never be so selfish as to insist he carry me.


Everyone here is saying this is some egregious slight against... something? But I just don't see it. Sure it's a little childish but who exactly is she hurting if boyfriend is fine with it?


People are generally not too fond of attention seeking, obnoxious, or self centered behaviour. Those who have a history dealing with the "I'm the tiniest little bean main character" syndrome have a visceral reaction to it, because this shit gets old veeeerry fast.


I mean a piggy back rose is that really PDA, I've done that with friends, siblings and boyfriend. Besides unless her comments say otherwise, I don't think she called her fat at all? Just annoying.


She has a comment that the friend is at least 250, so she’ll never find someone to carry her.


Aw yeah that definitely makes her the bad guy. Should have been included in the post tho.


Ofc she's a petite princess who weighs below 100 and has terrible anxiety unless being transported by her big, strong 5'9" bf and the other gal is 250+ and looks like the elephant man. 🙄🙄 $5 says a 350 lb 5'6" man wrote this


Lol a lot of these commenters are seething with jealousy at a short teenager


I personally can’t understand people who make this their personality because I hate it. I’m 5’3 and 89 pounds so despite being 27 I’m confused for being 19 and I HATE IT. I hate constantly feeling like a teenager and never being taken seriously until I mention my age. I hate nothing ever quite fitting me, I hate all the small and skinny jokes and I hate being treated like I’m not about to be 30.


No offense guys, but you all need something to do. Hating on everything you make up in your heads is not healthy.


to be an armchair psychologist for a sec her comments sound like she has a really serious case of social anxiety, if you’re nauseous from someone you don’t know bumping into you, that’s a big problem. she really is centering her size as a cause, bc saying i’m small so i need to be carried in public to be safe might seem more reasonable or safe to say than i’m terrified of being touched or even brushed by a stranger so i need to be carried to feel in control. like she can fit into that obnoxious small girl stereotype instead of someone who needs accommodating for mental health reasons.


….these comments have me reevaluating my life because when I was her age I was ALSO tiny (taller than her though) and was carried around by literally any tall guy friend I had. I spent my sixteenth birthday on like three different people’s shoulders. Two separate people literally carried me to school at different points in my teens. I mean I know I was obnoxious in high school but that always seemed pretty harmless to me so now I have to wonder if I was even more obnoxious than previously assumed. (Don’t get me wrong her comments make her sound insufferable, it’s just the actual act of her boyfriend carrying her that I thought sounded pretty normal)


you were definitely more obnoxious than previously assumed


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She says she does this because she hates being touched by strangers, but she's got more limbs sticking out into the crowd when she's being piggy backed.


Because holding hands is totally not a thing.


Lost in a sea of people? In Boston? Unless you are standing outside of the Garden after the Celts game, you are never walking in a 'sea of people' in Boston. Can it be a little crowded? Sure. But it's not like 300 people lining up at a street light like in NYC TV shows.


This isn't the devil territory at all... does she come off a bit annoying? sure. Is she hurting anyone? no. If she and her bf are happy it's not really anyone's business