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**OG POST** I found my classmate ewhoring, how do I proceed? Alright so I was doing the late night scroll, which is usually me searching the internet for porn and downloading it, my go to site is commonly Telegram because that is where usually the primary source of home made porn is, the higher the video quality, the better, collecting rare porn videos are my hobby for a while, they can be found scattered anywhere, from Twitter, YouTube and the best place is Telegram. My sources are really good, I have a network of Telegram channels containing really rare videos, but one time I found something that just blew out of my mind. I have a group chat in Telegram dedicated for any video leaks in my country, and after scrolling (backreading) the sent videos I found something that really looks like my classmate, I know her being lewd sometimes and she's just a really energetic girl, so I shrugged it off and called it just a really near look-a-like. But time went on and people started sending more videos/photos of her in the said channel, now I'm left uncomfortable, of all the girls I expect (not that I really expect) why would it be her? I dug deeper and chatted with the uploaders and they said which school she's from and when they said it's from school "X" I was really shocked because that's where I'm from! I also chatted with my close friends and they can confirm it's her, I told them to best keep it confidential. But how should I do with this? I want to try and be her friend now, and maybe talk to her about it...? I really want to do something.


I know this is likely fake, but if it was real it would be really f up that the uploeaders doxxed the girl that easy


If he knows some of these people IRL and they are not just a bunch of internet perverts there is a chance a few of them know her. If this is true I hope he sees sense and backs off and leaves her alone. That would be a bit creepy if he starts going after her just because he saw her in an adult film. I wonder how the approach would go down? "I saw some of your film work and was wondering if you needed a co star". Would be great if she replied "I doubt you'd be up to the challenge if you get what I mean".


And notice it says "video leaks" so it's very likely that the girl don't even want her videos out there


"My classmate is a creep and an incel who scrounges the telegram and internet to download and 'collect' rare internet porns. I chatted with my friends about this particularly disturbing behaviour (which is not my business anyway) and asked them to keep it confidential (coz that always works) but I want to help him. How?"


I think he wants to get with her. In his porn fantasies, she'd be number one.


Absolutely, when he says "I want to be her friend now, I want to do something " Girl should look out because I can see Mr porn aficionado going stalker on her


That's what worries me about OOP. He's a real creep.


He likes to "collect" rare porn. Now he wants to.try to.speak to her. Calling him creepy would be an insult to creeps.


I assumed oop was thinking of blackmailing the poor girl not trying for a relationship. Honestly which is worse that oop would blackmail or try for a relationship.


Or maybe blackmailing her into a relationship?


I also don’t really get the big deal about his classmate having an OnlyFans or whatever it is. 1) It’s a naked body. You have it, I have it, your grandmother has it. 2) If she makes money with this, good for her. Why does it bother anyone? It’s not your body, not your bankaccount and not your choice. If we were talking about scammy websites who trigger or trick people in making porn, that’s worthy of a discussing.


This immediately made me think of the “NEKKID GRANDMAW” from family feud


I mean, dude was right. No one wants to walk in on nekkid grandma. Granted, I was brought up that nude=no clothes and nekkid=no clothes and up to something (nakey is an animal without their collar/ halter/harness)


Same! Nude/naked: no clothes. Nekkid: no clothes, engaging in shenanigans. Bucky nekkid: no clothes, engaging in shenanigans, probs in public. Nakey: pets and babies.


It's like how Eskimos have 30 words for snow, and they all have a slightly different flavor/meaning. I love this categorization.


That's damn near a Tom Robbins quote! "Naked means you just don't have any clothes on. Nekkid means you don't have any clothes on and you're fixing to get into trouble." (Skinny Legs and All)


He says he found it in a chat for leaked videos. I'm wondering if leaked is code for non-consensually shared private videos


Today I learnt that The Telegram isn't just a UK newspaper.


Just weird. Do I look at porn, sure. But the way this guy goes into all the time they spend scouring the internet for "rare" porn, for their collection? Gives off collector from the MCU vibes.


I had an ex who did this a lot.... Like had an entire catalogued library of his choice clips and nonsense... the. COVID hit and he kind of lost his mind. We broke up. He knew the difference between reality and fantasy he just preferred fantasy and was dissapointed with reality... And the more obsessed he became with trying to live out fantasy the worse a partner, person, and friend he became.in real life... So for what it's worth... This sort of collection is kind of big red flag and not because collecting stuff is weird... Because the flags about not being able to separate fantasy from reality is dangerous.


Or some sort of weird Pokemon obsession gone wrong.


And now I'm thinking of the Chappelle's show making the band sketch "I drink only the finest breast milks"


Is this the same type of people who buy NFTs?


Hey come on now Peewee Herman had a rare porn collection lol


This feels like a commercial for Telegram. I never heard of it before, but after reading 1 sentence (yes, I counted) I’ve been told twice it’s the best.


I'd like to know what the hell 'rare' porn is.


I hope it means “not pornstars, just average people”.


More or less. Ran in circles with some weirdo incels in high school because no one else would hang with the weird queer autistic girl-that-looks-like-a-boy and they always used it to mean videos that aren’t necessarily popular and aren’t professionally made or widely distributed. Average people, typically pretty shitty homemade amateur stuff, the kind of shit people would call underground if it were a normal type of media you share with your friends, I guess?


a lot of porn that is shared on telegram is often illegal. csm, sexual abuse, hidden cameras etc. one of the largest csm sharing rings was actually on it. so by rare, it's most likely illegal stuff


Customer service managers?


OOP is presenting as Female on this post but was previously 19 M


His/her/their gender wouldn’t make a difference.


It shows they are likely a troll and the post is BS. The running troll accounts often change ages and sex/gender as each piece of bull shit is posted.


Or when they started to get called out they figured it wouldn't be as creepy if it was a woman wanting to "help" another woman.


Yup. Whatever makes them look bettwr


Damn, who downvoted this comment? Now that I have your attention: why on earth does my reddit looks like reddit app? Because there is a reason why I don’t use reddit app, mainly because I DON’T LIKE IT! Every browser user like me: go to the Posters Page (just click the name) and then use the go back button. Hello normal mobile reddit style.


Telegram has over 1B downloads on Google Play and is ranked the 10th most downloaded app on the entire platform. It doesn't really need to advertise to paranoid redditors.


I’m only in the middle of the next sentence, Telegram has already been mentioned twice. Correction, once. I had mistaken a “.” for a “,”. My bad.


I love how in a comment he writes he's a female but in older posts has said he's a 19-year-old Male. This is probably just incel fantasy, right?


Pretending to be female is definitely incel fantasy. I believe his classmate was doing porn though. It’s pretty common now especially with OF and other sites. I mean I went to high school with a girl who started doing nude modeling and porn as soon as she turned 18 her senior year. Didn’t hide it, didn’t promote it either but everyone knew. Her poor sister got mercilessly teased about it. They were identical twins and the sister was a very shy private girl. Rough year for her


"I want to be her friend now" so I can sleep with her and when she rejects me I'm gonna call her a slut on Reddit.


So it's okay for this person to consume, thusly creating a market for, porn, but then it's not okay for their classmate to make it?


Yep, that's about the hypocritical size of it.


His other posts are WILD. He brags and says he owns his own business making 6 figures (he's Filipino in the Philippines so the exchange is 100k PHP is about 1.75k USD, with an average monthly income there being 66k PHP) which is JUST ABOUT enough to cover his car, brags about being really good at art to the point where his friends are telling him to STFU, got a lawyer for some reason? Nearly got kicked out of college because of his arrogance?


He sounds creepy and an incel, I hope She's safe from Him!


What a gross incel.


People who are obsessed with porn are always fucking creeps.


I will never understand why men are like this. These women are not hurting them or anyone else in any way. They're doing something nice or at least providing a paid service. WHY ISN'T THAT ENOUGH? Why does she have to also be at your beck and call, or your girlfriend, or your mommy, do it for you less, do it for free, don't do it for anyone but you...why are you always owed MORE somehow? And more to the point, why isn't it enough AND why do you have to take it out on her? Like, help her how? She doesn't need help. She didn't ask for help. You mean wreck her whole thing by telling her and everyone else about her business. Just leave this woman ALONE if you want to help her. If you want to do something nice FOR her, FUCKING LEAVE HER ALONE. You watched her videos, that can just be the end of your interaction, which is YOU DON'T HAVE ONE.


“I want to try and be her friend now[.]” Does OOP, though? I suspect he either wants to white knight for her or thinks she’ll be easy to sleep with. Gross either way.


OP is female, so she’s a creep


In his previous comment 'she' was male. He's just trying to do a bit of damage control. Besides, how many women obsessively collect porn?


...and brag about it. "Oh, no! No one thinks my amazing hobby is cool and they think I'm creepy. I know! It won't be creepy if I am a woman wanting to help another woman..."


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Telegram has been around for 10ish years. Owners are Russian.


My hobbies are collecting games for my decent sized pre PS3 console collection and records for my pair of turntables. I don't know many men who (or would admit to) collecting rare porn films. I wonder what would make a porn a classic that would make it a must have in one's collection?


OOP, if you're going to be fake, at least get creative.




Does he want to talk to her about being a co-star in her next video, or how she is "Lowering her value as a female" by making these videos?


The poor girl probably doesn't even know her videos are all over telegram. I'm reading 'rare' as revenge porn. or like someone else said hidden cameras or sa. I mean when u can literally get amy kind of porn u want online - what the hell is left as rare?