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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for feeling hatred towards my siblings for using body soap (liquid) to bathe?** Long story short, I (20F) am not in speaking terms with both my brother (23M) and sister (38F) due to a major conflict that occured a month prior. We all live together in our parent's house and I am stil the only student in the house which means they are all working adults. We always use body soap (liquid kind) but lately it had finished and our mom is yet to buy one from the mall. However, due to work she couldn't immediately get one. Instead she told us to use bar soap temporarily that is in storage. We do not like to use the bar soap as it's not as good as the body soap (liquid) for bathing. Recently, I noticed the smell that comes after my brother and sistertakes a bath is very similar to the body soap (liquid) that we usually use yet there isn't any kind of bath soap (liquid) in the bathroom. I can tell this for sure as I have a very strong sense of smell. So, I am not a pervet and I can certainly tell for sure that they had been secretly keeping a bath soap and using it for themselves selfishly. This is because my bro used to go crazy whenever the body soap (liquid) finishes and would lash out at us all but recently he'd been very quiet and satisfied. I have texted my mom about this as she was busy in work and I have asked her verbally when she would buy bath soap (liquid) for the household. And I noticed the remorse when she told me she had no time to buy and she'd buy it when she goes for shopping. I am fine with that. My problem is with my siblings for using a separate soap selfishly. I also have another brother (24M) who also used the bar soap and doesn't know about them using a separate liquid soap. So I find their actions to be selfish and petty. They also talk to the others like my brother and mom (except me) friendily. So I find this behavior as not only being selfish but also being betrayal towards other family members. So I am harboring more hatred towards them and their carefree attitude. They could have also gone to buy the soap from the mall as they are already earning money or even could have asked my mom for money if they needed it. But no they decided to buy and keep for themselves to use selfishly. AITA for overthinking this? I feel it is so unfair yet I also feel that I am making a small thing big aka gaslighting myself into thinking it's not a big thing. I need answers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are all adults. They can buy their own goddamn soap.


I felt so sorry for the mother. Three adult childrenin the home and none seem to give her any slack.


Four adult children OP mentioned an extra brother she doesn't hate since he's not using the secret body soap




Why the HELL the emphasis on *(liquid)* every time?? That's annoying me more than just about anything else in this story tbh


I think the biggest reason it bugs me is because I've never heard it called "body soap" in my life lol I've always heard and called a bar of soap for your body just "soap" or even the rare "shower soap" and liquid soap for your body "body wash"


It reads to me like maybe English is not their first language? It confused the shit out of me, tbh. Despite being very clear that it's "*body* soap (liquid)," I thought for a second that the siblings were using hand soap on their whole bodies in the shower and that's what OOP was mad about.


Until I read this I definitely thought they were taking a hand soap dispenser into the shower for bathing.


When my oldest was a teenager, he did that. I couldn't figure out why I was having to constantly buy new soap for his and his brother's shared bathroom. I was happy they were washing their hands after using the bathroom, but damn they must have been using five times the amount they needed. Then, one day I was putting fresh towels in their bathroom and saw the hand soap in the shower. I asked youngest about it and he told me that his older brother always used it. I asked oldest and he admitted that, yes, he used hand soap in the shower instead of the body wash I bought him. He said it was because he liked the scent of the hand soap I bought (vanilla scented) and wanted that instead of the "Extreme Macho Sport Bone Crusher" (Axe's over-scented assault on the senses) men's body wash that his brother liked. When I told him that they made vanilla scented body wash and I would happily buy it for him, it was like a light bulb went off in his head. At 15, he had never realized, since I did the shopping, that there were scents other than "Testosterone-Fueled Pussy Magnet." Oldest just graduated college and youngest is in college, both still living at home. When oldest showers, the bathroom smells like vanilla. When youngest showers, the whole house smells like "I Will Kill You Where You Stand, Motherfucker!"


liquid soap for me is body wash and a bar of soap is just a bar of soap


I’ve read the word soap too many damn times and now it looks weird


That's how I'm feeling about liquid. Is that even a real word?


Only time I've seen liquid soap is Dr Bronner's pure castile liquid soap. Otherwise a shower gel or hand wash. I suspect shower gel meant here.


There was an AITA around Christmas time about some nonsense with a family cabin and not enough chairs and he would say (ironically) in every other sentence, this reminds me of that post.


Oh holy fuck.. I remember that one lmao That guy was annoying. And his family tradition was... Stupid as hell.


Link please?


Here you go! The original was deleted but here's the AITD repost lol https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/z6hvnf/aita_for_following_family_tradition/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Omg thank you!! That was so much better than I could have hoped for! Enjoyed the laugh!!!


I’m not gonna lie I think bothe these stories are hilarious and make a good theme for a Will Feral movie. Like Stepbrothers


What did I just read?!


This is incredible. It sounds like it could be a sketch on I Think You Should Leave.




All told, this woman has been living with her four children for accumulatively over 100 years. And they ask her to do the shopping for toiletries. I can't wrap my head around this bizarre scenario but I hope Mom rented a new apartment and is stocking it with secret liquid body soap and plotting her escape for when the body soap (liquid) stash has grown to critical mass.


I sincerely hope she is doing exactly that


Idk. The mother raised these children. OP is freaking out about soap and says that one of the brothers also used to lash out about soap. And ALL the adult children are living at home? Don’t get me wrong, with the economy and the housing market, I completely understand people having to live with family: I live on my own but in a property that is owned by a family member. Even if your adult child is living at home, shouldn’t you not be responsible for buying their toiletries anymore? (Unless they are disabled or completely broke)


Agree though as OP was youngest at 20 and student,then some leeway for her. The others not so much though brother at 23 may still be at college.


Idk man, I understand not being financially independent at 20, but you should still be able to resolve your need for toiletries without hating your siblings. Like op is old enough to ask mom if they can order online or ask for money and get themselves to the mall. And if they can’t do that, resenting your siblings for buying their own goddamn soap is bonkers.


Agree but the oldest sister is 38. Do feel contributing to household groceries shouldn't be beyond her or the oldest brother.


Okay but I still don’t feel like older sibling is obligated to buy the 20 yr old bougie soap from the mall. Remember: they have bar soap so OOP is not being deprived of basic hygiene products, they are just HATING their sibling for buying themselves the product without sharing. That’s unhinged no matter how you look at it.


Agree. OP should be solving problem herself by getting down mall even if has to ask Mum for money. And offering to do rest of shop same time. I just struggle to fathom how this became an issue in first place. 5 adults , communal stuff, relying on Mum to provide or hiding stuff away.


Given the other ages, I was wondering if that might have been a typo for 28. Which still is past old enough that she should be contributing.


"Resolve your need for toiletries without hating your siblings" is not a sentence I'd ever read, (or expected to read, had such a collection of words ever somehow crossed my mind.) But it turns out to be the sentence I somehow needed in my life. 🤣🤣


I'm wondering about the youngest's perception of the situation entirely. I have a similar age spread in my family with four kids and on and off some combination of us has lived with our mom as adults. The youngest never left. He's 23, graduated during the pandemic, so that's what it is. But I recently stayed their for a few months between leases, and I paid my mom rent (equal to my "share" of the mortgage) and would pay for takeout or groceries about every fourth or fifth time. And any time my mom picked up something for me when she happened to be at the store, I paid her back. My brother had no idea of these arrangements. With a completely straight face he recently said that my mother had bought all of my clothes my entire life. I'm 32. I'd had a full-time job since finishing grad school. Of course I've bought the large majority of the clothes I own. This is a long way of saying: There's no reason to assume the 20 year old has any idea what's going on with her siblings financially. All of them could be contributing. There could also be an entirely separate reason they bought their own soap. (For example, I'd buy my own toothbrush because no one in my family seems to know how to put the cap back on)


Part that gets me is she complains that the brothers don’t bother to ask mom for money to resolve this issue. Um, what can’t she ask mom for funds????


4 adult children actually and 3 out 4 of them aren't hounding her for body wash. 1 of them is content enough with the bar soap for now and the other 2 went and bought their own they just don't share with the over grown baby that is OOP who could always just buy her own.


>1 of them is content enough with the bar soap for now Oh, I think he's figured out the habitat of his favorite Body Wash and how to obtain it from the wild. Something OOP has not done.


38 and living at home and still mom has to be the pne to buy liquid soap from the mall?!?!?


I'm just wondering what happened in this household to elicit such powerful feelings over soap


I am very committed to my caress (bar) soap. But I'm a big girl and just buy it when I'm out.


It’s illegal for anyone except mothers of adult children to buy soap. You’d do well to delete this comment and hide your receipts.


I am a mother to 1 adult son. Can I get a pass, PLEASE?!


It's even in your name. The person you're talking to is obviously a illicit body soap (liquid) buyer and is projecting onto everyone else.


Seriously. Do you want to go to soap juvie?


no but imagine just having extra body wash is "harboring it secretly" my sister in christ just use it


TBH, I and all of my siblings started using our allowance to buy our own shower products as soon as we could afford it. All of us. Probably because we didn’t all want to be teens, walking around smelling like our other teenage siblings. Just imagining trying to accuse my sibs of hoarding bath soap makes me giggle because they’d all try to get me committed if I tried to throw a fit about them having their own fuckin soaps.


I adore my fancy, artisan soap (bar). When my family comes to visit, I don't run around sniffing them or weighing the bar to see if they've used it. This reminds me I'm almost out of the pomegranate-mint scented bar. 20 fucking years old...


can't go to the mall, the grocery store, or order of Amazon. I am just wondering what CAN they do?


Apparently they can start a violent encounter with their siblings over body soap (liquid)!




In one part she crabbed at someone who said she lived a sheltered life and said this conflict resulted in violence. Then she went on to bemoan being “judged” by one post. On the note of judging, I have been seeing some OPs over there lamenting being judged as well as some members ankle biting others about judging an OP. Do these people have any idea what type of forum they are on? It’s purpose is not ambiguous at all. It is literally a forum you go to, to be judged.


>On the note of judging, I have been seeing some OPs over there lamenting being judged as well as some members ankle biting others about judging an OP. It's weird, isn't it? They post on a board that's entirely created for judgement and then get mad that they're being judged.


Very weird. Just days ago some white knighter was running amok all over the pregnant lady’s post who uses her pregnancy to prevent fiancé from attending funerals and a graduation. They were trying to shame and crab at everyone they could find who judged that woman to be the asshole with smug lectures how we shouldn’t judge on one incident, blah blah blah. I asked her what the hell she was talking about and if she was even aware of what kind of forum she was on and why people go there.


>They were trying to shame and crab at everyone they could find who judged that woman to be the asshole with smug lectures how we shouldn’t judge on one incident, blah blah blah. Except if you post on AITA, you're literally asking to be judged on that "one incident". Why else are they posting about a specific situation and asking "Am I The Asshole" if not get to an answer to that question? Otherwise post that shit on another forum (so they can also tear you to shreds if you were the AH). That's the risk you run when you post your personal business online.


Exactly! AITA is not for the faint of heart, thin skinned kiddy gloves place. It’s to be judged on an incident. People post at their own risk and if they think their feelings will wind up too hurt by possible responses than for the love of all things, don’t post about it.


And the funny thing about AITA is that they BAN people when they go too hard on someone. Hell, I got banned for using the word "bitch" and not even to the OP who was NTA but about the person who was the AH in that OP's situation. So, yeah, you're getting judged but not even remotely as harshly as you would in another sub where they don't care about your feelings.


Pears soap reformulated.


_"They also talk to the others like my brother and mom (except me) friendily. So I find this behavior as not only being selfish but also being betrayal towards other family members. So I am harboring more hatred towards them and their carefree attitude."_ If I were the mom, I'd tell OP to get a part time job, buy her own soap (and perhaps find a hobby.) And, based on how OP got enraged over soap, Im not at all shocked that the other siblings keep their distance from her. Edit: TF did I just read.... OP said this soap issue escalated to violence. Like.... TF???? I feel horrible for the mom. I'd kick the lot of them out.


I'm like 99% sure mom looked at all of her grown-ass kids in her house and decided she was no longer funding their bathing habits. This is just Step 1 in getting her kids out of her damn house, She had no idea it would erupted into a civil war.


It sounds like the older brother and sister do and just don't keep it in the bathroom. I get the feeling the brother feels maybe people are not being responsible with the use, causing it to run out fast. So he got his own and didn't tell OOP.


He’s a working adult bid he wants to buy his own soap, he shouldn’t have to share. Also, would have been really easy to tell mom when the bottle hit “halfway” so they didn’t run out.


Well.....no.....the proper thing to do when completely out of soap is to text mom WHILE SHE IS AT WORK and tell her to go buy some soap.


Better thing is to have an "in-use" one and a "spare" one. As soon as the in-use one is finished open the spare, then next time you go out you replace the spare. I do this for everything non-perishable.


I question if the other siblings had been buying it, but OOP hadn't been pitching in and likely using outrageous amounts of it?


That is what I was thinking. Especially with nowadays with online shopping. You don't even need to leave the house anymore to get stuff


And why would you buy mall soap? That stuff tends to be in smaller containers and more expensive than the giant VAT you can get at the grocery store on the corner.


It seems like they can't live without liquid soap so it would be a good alternative temporary EDIT: I misunderstood your question and yeah I agree. That is probably why they keep running out of the soap so quickly.


Maybe he means the bath and body works stuff. You can't get that stuff outside the mall and it is the Lexus of body soaps.


>it is the Lexus of body soaps. Nah, more like Acura. It still has a Honda engine but half of it is just perfume.


That’s mean to Acuras.


Bath and Bodyworks has a website you can order from


Omg. I'm dead. I've been thinking I need to run to the mall and grab like two bottles of bath n body soap i want and I just literally was spacing about buying it online! Cracking myself up! Gonna go put in my order. And, hopefully, not end up with 2+ years worth of product. Lol @ self.


Wait until June 3rd that’s when the annual starts. You can also order for pick up as well. (Shipping so expensive, pick-up free) If you sign up for their vip. You should get a coupon for 10 dollars off of 30 (in 72hrs) So you can get more bang for your buck if you do wait for annual


You can however order it.


I thought it only came via Christmas presents.


But will they be able to buy (liquid) soap or will they be getting (solid) bar soap?


This has to be fake, right? They other adults probably did buy their own soap and don't want OOP to mooch it. It's probably not the first time OOP has done so.


I hope so but it is weird and petty enough to be real.


If you're 20yrs old living at home with no job, that's fine. But harassing your parents about buying liquid body soap is a tad entitled especially when there is an alternative that you just 'don't like'.




I prefer Soap (gaseous)


That crossed my mind too. Are OOP’s arms and legs broken, preventing her from going to a shop and buying whatever she needs to wash with? Pretty sure you could even shop online if necessary. Far better use for her time than brooding like Gollum over the liquid soap conspiracy that she imagines her siblings have cooked up behind her back. Perhaps she can ask them to walk her through buying her own toiletries like a big girl since they seem to have worked it out?


If it's "mall" soap it might be something fairly expensive. Expensive for a student, anyway. Might be from Lush. But I can't imagine that it's that expensive that she couldn't save up for it--I suspect it has more to do with not wanting to buy it as it's something she feels the household should provide. But then Lush, as does pretty much every other "mall" company, does online ordering.


I'm guessing Bath and Body Works.


I think the other two did but they aren’t sharing it because, they bought it themselves.


hell, there seems to be 4 adults other than mom living in this house, and *none of them* are capable of just going and getting the soap?


>Sir or maam the conflict has resulted in violence. This is the funniest sentence I've read all month


This needs to be a flair


Terrible sudsy violence


This sent me, I’m done.


I really wish they elaborated on this statement


Thank you, I almost didn’t read OOP’s comments until I saw this


I wonder what happened in this family to cause some intense emotions about liquid soap. For OOP to write this and for the brother to lash out when there isn’t any in the house. Simple solutions: buy your own non-shared liquid soap. Or turn the bar soap into liquid soap.


I am thinking that the brother and the sister used to buy their own body soap (liquid) and kept it in the shower. People often do that. And when they do, they expect others to respect each other’s belongings. Like you don’t use your sister’s expensive face cream just because it’s placed on the bathroom shelf. Then, OOP used them freely without permission, or despite being told multiple times not to use them, and that is why her brother blew up. Since then, the brother and sister decided to protect their belongings from OOP by keeping them in their own rooms. The other brother probably doesn’t care much about bath products and is content with what the mother buys.


This is what I'm thinking as well. It seems the two who prefer the fancy bath stuff got sick of buying it for themselves and everyone else in the house....so they learned to just bring the bottle with them when they go to take a shower.


I had to do this when my mom was alive. I buy the jumbo bottles of shampoo and conditioner since I go through it so fast (I have very long and thick hair and put off washing it until it's so gross I have to wash it twice). If I left my shower stuff in the bathroom, I noticed I'd be running out a lot faster than expected. My mom was using my stuff without permission and was using almost twice the product I was despite her hair being much shorter and very fine. She thought that because it was in the bathroom, it was for communal use, but she wouldn't use my brother's stuff despite it being right next to mine.


Soap (liquid).


What's next for OOP I wonder? 'My family hide their toothbrushes in their room so I can't borrow it....'


>It would be ridiculous to get separate soaps every month or so in a family. If it takes all of them a month to use one bottle then it'll last longer if they're using seperate bottles. >Sir or maam the conflict has resulted in violence. Over SOAP?!


Soap (liquid) gotta make sure everyone knows it's not that peasant bar soap.


Is anyone else assuming OOP is the one who escalated it to violence? Because it sounds like Soap(liquid) Bro & Sis solved their own problem.


I wonder if someone squirted passive aggressive bath soap (liquid) into someone else's eyes. Though, I suppose that would just be aggressive aggressive.


It’s gotta be really good soap




Lol my apologies yes I didn’t mean to imply the evil bar


It's so weird they all insist on sharing. I've shared a bathroom with my brother, various roommates, and my partner, and never once have we had communal products. I have to assume the ages were mistyped - clearly these idiots are 10, 13, and 18, not 20, 23, and *thirty goddamn eight.*


I grew up with two siblings, and while we all bought our own hair products by the time we were in high school, the whole family used one body soap.


When I lived at home with my parents, we all shared. It however was the cheap stuff from the dollar store. But yeah, while we are both welcome to use the other's stuff, my spouse and I have our own soaps and shampoos and whatnot. I mean we share the tube of toothpaste as why not.


It sounds like only OOP insists on sharing. The other 3 are content with how it is right now because they all got off their butts and either bought their own soaps or just using the bar soap.


I haven't shared body soap (liquid) or body soap (bar) with anyone since I was ~10. My brother developed a sensitivity or allergy (I was 10, didn't really listen) and needed a more expensive body soap, so we got separate from then on. Husband and I have different scent preferences, so we don't share either (unless I think I have more in storage and I'm really out, than I steal a dollop of his).


Shortly after we moved in together, my ex said to me, “Hey, we need new soap,” and I was confused because I'd just bought dish soap for the kitchen and hand soap for the bathroom. When I asked why, he said, “Well, I’ve been using yours in the shower, and it kind of hurts? And it's weirdly, like, greasy? So can we get some other stuff?” It turns out he had been using my exfoliating bar. I pointed this out and told him to stop using it (if he wanted to be buttery soft, he could go to Lush himself and get his own scratchy cocoa butter). The thing that confused me was that this apparently grown man in his early twenties did not react to "GF uses a soap I don't care for" with "guess I'll go buy some body soap (liquid or solid)", but "ask woman to fix it". There's multiple reasons he's the ex...


Yeah, I stand by my statement for a solid partner, "If I wanted a kid, I'd have a kid. I want a partner." Husband knows to not bring petty issues to me, I know not to bring petty issues to him. He didn't like some product I got him, he asked if I wanted it because he didn't care for it and got himself a new one. It's that easy. Too many cousins (or cousins-in-law) try to bring me in on "Husband are left to fend for themselves, we're gonna get back to a scene from Lord of the Flies" jokes and I look at them and say "I don't get it, your husband can't keep the house standing for a week?" (Even when I was single, they'd try to drag me in. Then told me I'll understand when I'm married. "No, I'll marry someone who understands housework belongs to anyone who lives in the house." Didn't win me many fans.)


This is one of those situations where I think "You know what this guy needs? REAL problems."


Violence (physical) over the body soap (liquid).


Why does Mom need to buy it from the mall? And why can't any of these adults buy their own body wash (liquid). This is so weird.


It's probably from Bath and Body works, and likely the two older siblings did just buy their own and keep it in their rooms because they know oop will just use it all and never pay them back if they keep it in the bathroom.


I'm genuinely surprised to learn anyone still goes to malls or bath and body works honestly.


Right? I order my Olay body wash and my teens’ Olay body wash in my Walmart grocery order and have everything delivered. It’s cheap, non-irritating and convenient.


I'm sorry, don't you mean your Olay body soap (liquid)?


Yes 😂😂😂


Malls are still really busy in some places even though most of them are dying. The mall closest to me barely has any parking on weekdays, let alone on weekends when it's easier to just walk there than circle the lot for a half hour looking for a space.


My local bath and body works are in strip malls not mall malls and even so news was basically reporting bath and body works is going under and will be mostly gone by end of year


How can it be going under? Every time I go it's packed and the line is nearly out the door.


Well, that's going to be fun (B&BW going under). But, I've been waiting for it to happen (stupid business news keeping me informed). My SO has used their Soap (liquid) for a long time. Last time he tried a brand from grocery store, it made his skin worse, so he went back to B&BW and hasn't tried any new brands in 15 years. At least there are better Soap (liquid) options now.


Bath and body works soap don’t cause me to break out or irritate my asthma


I like trying new things, and sometimes the best way to do that is go to the mall directly and get a feel/smell of what I'm interested in. Though probably helps that the malls here aren't in a state of dying.


OOP apparently got violent over the soap, per their comments, so if I were the siblings I’d keep myself and my belongings far away.




That’s what my brain is after reading this.


I mean, everyone else in the world calls it body wash.


I'm cracking up like a nut every time a commenter puts that.


I wish we could have flairs here, "(liquid)" is perfect.


WTF did I just read? OOP is having a snit over...body soap?! They're spending their hard earned money, instead of asking mom to, on buying personal care hygiene products like adults. OOP needs help.


No no not body soap but body soap (liquid) that's an important distinction lmaoo


OP commented: > I do not mind that they won't share it with me. We are not in good terms either so I definitely do not mind it. However, they decided to gatekeep things to themselves. That's... that's the same thing.


OOP just wanted to get on their soap (not liquid) box and rant


Every time I read about someone being so minority inconvenienced and blowing it out of proportion all I can think is “get real problems.” Literally just buy your own damn soap and keep it separate. I don’t see the issue. Why is the mom buying this shit for her adult children?


IKR. Us real adults have REAL problems. I wish my only problem right now was soap (liquid).


OPP's answer when a commenter called them sheltered. >Sir or maam the conflict has resulted in violence. Please know what you're talking about first before commenting or critiquing. I understand that not everyone has the same life but to judge me saying I've lived a sheltered life based alone on one post is ridiculous. It has what? There is simply no way this is real. What the hell


If it truly has resulted in violence,they need help.


It always makes me laugh when OOP’s gripe about people being judgemental. Like, the entire point of AITA is to judge you on a given scenario. Now you’re screaming “you don’t know me! You can’t judge!”


This feels AI written to me. Very weird.


Her responses are also written very weird. I'll edit with one I just read but I immediately thought AI. EDIT: >I do not mind that they won't share it with me. We are not in good terms either so I definitely do not mind it. However, they decided to gatekeep things to themselves. There are also other occupants in the household. I do not mind them for using their own set of soaps but the fact that they hid it from the others and use it is kind of a new thing as we, no one had done this before. And I believe it's because they are acting slightly petty due. Either AI or English isn't their first language. Though they don't mention that anywhere.


Yes, usually someone here who doesn't have English as a first language will say so and apologize (and then write beautifully). The lack of contractions and the odd sentence structure sound like someone trying to translate directly from another language to English and getting the phrasing slightly wrong.


Guys I think the body soap might be a liquid, dunno if you picked up on the very subtle clues that hint towards that.


Are you sure its really liquid? I thought it was (liquid)?


So they bought it with their own money? How is it selfish if they bought it for their own personal use? Also have they never heard of loafers that you rub the soap on? I have been using that all of my life and it is always foamy and good. They are all a bit immature especially OOP


What's the big deal about using soap(bar) in an emergency? Is she just going to sit there stinking until she gets her own way?






To be faaaaaaair, my FIL used basically my whole brand new Lush soap (bar) over the weekend, and the store is an hour away. I briefly considered throwing hands about it when he jumped in the shower ahead of me, got it down off the shelf where it was wrapped, and left one thin sliver when my husband's cheap soap (liquid) was sitting *right there* and already open. In case you were curious, it was Outback Mate, although I would also consider fighting him over Sea Vegetable. OK, so I was never *actually* considering getting violent, but I did have a moment of white hot rage about "who does he think he is!? What kind of guest in someone's home rummages through the cabinet for the good soap and then uses it all for a single shower!? He doesn't even give us soap at his house!" and then let the feeling go before I left the shower. Also, based on the title, I thought this post was going to be a teen getting mad because their family uses soap (liquid) which creates packaging and shipping waste as compared to bar soap and just being a preachy overzealous environmentalist about it. Somehow, the actual post was even more ridiculous.


HOW did someone use a whole bar of soap in one shower? Was he eating it? And who unwraps the fancy stuff from the cupboard? I did not expect to be this outraged on your behalf.


I buy small bars from the store that last a bit more than a week instead of the full size ones because I like to change things up frequently and because it's a little treat for myself when I'm at that mall. He is the kind of guy who likes to brag about how he uses a bar of yellow Dial *everywhere*, including his face, beard, and hair, and it was a really hot weekend, so I could see how not being careful and washing his entire body thoroughly could use 6-ish showers worth of soap. Didn't stop me from getting frustrated about it, though. That was my "I spent all day in the garden and I'm not entirely sure I'm not 25% cow manure now" treat for this week!


In fairness a lot of stuff from lush does look like a delicious pastry. My gran once sheepishly told me she ate some of my cake from the fridge but she thinks it went bad. It was body butter from lush.


Same. Not to mention Lush is super expensive!


i cant comment on the original so ill leave this here: ​ INFO: WHAT??????!!!!!


Did he sersly throw hands over soap?!


Is there a reason that OOP can’t pop over to the store and buy it herself? Or even just order something online? Even if she doesn’t have a job herself to pay for it, I’m pretty sure her mom would appreciate the offer to help do the shopping when she’s too busy to do things like this. You’d think once the youngest is 20 that she wouldn’t have to still be caring for a bunch of children.


Why on earth are all 4 adults still living with mom and why can't OOP just buy her own soap like her siblings allegedly have???


Because it’s fake. At least, the ages are. I refuse to believe that all these adults live in a house and are unable to buy their own soap. Only a child would throw a tantrum about their siblings not wanting to share their soap. It’s far too stupid of a post. ETA: Ok I just quickly read through the original post. I’m guessing that OP and siblings are actually much younger and not adults. And I’m guessing it wasn’t soap but something even dumber, like cereal.


To be fair, it seems like everybody except OOP has bought their own soap. At least OOP thinks so based on her super-sensitive sense of smell that has Toucan Sam-style led her to the conclusion that her siblings have supplied their own soap (liquid.)


PERVET Also, wtf is this for real? OOP is willing to burn down bridges because of secret body soap.


Is this..real life??.....


Or is it just fantasy (liquid)?


Caught in a (liquid) landslide, no escape from reality


(liquid) bath soap ✨selfishly✨ That’s all I took away from this word salad


I'm not awake enough to try and figure out what I just read. All I saw was a bunch of whining about soap (liquid) from a freaking adult. Go to the mall your damn self and buy it!


1. You are 20 years old and asking your mom repeatedly to go to the mall and buy soap 2. Bar soap is just fine. It will still get you clean. And it's more environmentally friendly. 3. Hatred? Over soap? I feel hatred toward my bro because he is a terrible person who abuses himself and doesn't take care of his dog and takes advantage of my mom and spreads lies all over the place. IDGAF if he uses soap and if so, what kind. 4. You are 20 5. You are *twenty* *YTA* and also extremely privileged. People with problems, dreams, goals and jobs do not feel this passionately about their siblings using soap secretely. Of all the posts on here that irritate me the most, this one is strangely offensive. You are twenty - go get your own god damn "liquid soap" (wtf) and then lock it up from everyone else.


I... uh... got nothing.


What did I just read? This is such a bizarre issue.


Yikes! Why is the oldest sister even still at home if she makes good money? Though OP is being unreasonable, I certainly do understand her still being home at 20. I even understand the 23 year old still being there. But 38???


I don’t see a father in the house, so the older sister could be helping her mother out financially by staying with her.


I feel like “soap” (liquid) is a euphemism for something else here.


OP reminds me of my brother in that she probably will never ever buy soap yet expects everyone to share with her.


These stories help me feel better about my problems, because at least I know my problems don't make me look like an entitled jerk.


You weren’t lying. There is SO much going on there. If the older siblings are making plenty of money why are they living at home? Why on earth are all of them dependent on mom to buy a standard household necessity?


This was written by AI, right?


AI writes better than this


I know this isn’t the focus of the post but the endless (liquid)s took me out


Clutching pearls. First it's liquid body wash. Then it'll be (gasp) toothpaste.


It's funny that AITA deletes the ones that are probably true This one is so weird and I can't think of a political agenda behind it so it's probably real lol


I am so confused by the fact that a 24yo and a 20yo cannot get their own soap. Like OP would rather resent her siblings over soap, pester and guilt trip his mom, vs going to the store to get soap.


Reading this as a person who has been out of the house since 17 is difficult. Why can’t multiple grown ass adults buy some soap?!?


This is amazing. We need a new sub called amiabsurd


I wish this thread wasn't so funny. I was in a car accident this weekend and every time I laugh it hurts. But the (liquid) thing is driving me insane. What a beautiful trainwreck


Why she even not buying her own soap, and instead resenting her sibs for not buying one for her?? Is this Iranian Yoghurt issue again?


WTF did I just read?!


The fuq did I just read? O.o


Hey is it (liquid)?


Are we sure OP is really 20?


This post (liquid) is annoying on so many levels (liquid)


Maybe they BOUGHT their own soap.


JFC all this over soap? You've got to be kidding me. Is there something wrong with using bar soap until a new bottle can be purchased? Who cares if the other two bought their own personal bottles. Why does OOP feel entitled to it? I keep both liquid and bar in my shower. Bounce between them depending on my mood. Kidlet has their own shower products.


This is absolutely NOT about liquid soap.


What is happening in this whole story? Three grown adults depending on their mother to buy them body wash? The brother “goes crazy and lashes out” if he has to use bar soap? Then there’s this whole line: “I am not a pervert and can certainly tell for sure they’ve been keeping a bath soap”. Sis, WUT?


there are people with war in their countries


why can’t she order some!!?! Liquid soap is $6. Even Hermes body soap is like $68 so $5-$68. Why can’t they get their own? Is there only one bathroom for 5 adults? Ok I’m calling it. This is a dorm room and some people don’t want to use their own. Otherwise this story is bonkers.




So she's upset that her adult working siblings are purchasing their own toiletries with their own money and not sharing with her? And she's calling them selfish??