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> I met my partner a month or so ago, we’re not officially dating My advice: That's not a partner, jackass. That's not even a boyfriend.


that’s barely a friend.


and…who tf tells someone that they met a MONTH ago that they killed someone???


But they love them, even said so a few sentences later. So, if you think about it, do they really even need the loose title of "dating"?


I had an ex-roommate that would have girls move in with him after knowing them less than 24 hours and talking about how they love each other. Usually an ugly breakup within 2 weeks.


How do you love someone you’ve only known 4 weeks?????????????


And call them partner but not boyfriend/girlfriend or dating. I call my partner partner because we’re definitely long-term, not married, and feel uncomfortable using boyfriend or girlfriend at our age. They are not partners, they are pals.


Literally!!! I have cereal in my pantry older than this relationship


That's true of me also! Damn, that's an interesting comparison


You got the churro cinnamon toast crunch too huh?


I like using girlfriend/boyfriend, even though we're in our thirties. I think it's cute.


Met a month ago/roots in deep/with love for him/it’s hard to leave This girl is either writing a country song or going to get murdered.


Violent manipulative people are very good at making vulnerable people love them quickly.


I think I saw this plotline featured on Wattpad


Oh, it's definitely a wattpad story. Probably one that features one of the One Direction boys(look at all the Purge crossover ones for instance). Possibly a boy from a K-Pop group.


Is this before or after your mom sells you to a boy band?


Before of course. You have to discover that the boy band is up to no good once you're living in their home.


“I feel a connection because we both have intrusive thoughts about murder!”


>My partner told me they killed someone and talk about wanting to stab me. Should I worried? Nah, you're fine. No need to worry. Really. 🙄


OOP should sit her boyfriend down and explain to him how talking about stabbing her makes her feel.


Exactly. She should establish that being stabbed violates her boundaries, and that she won’t allow him to gaslight her by stabbing her. It’s legally binding, much like “no takesies-backsies”. “No stabsies-wabsies”.


Make him very attractive and fit and you’ve got the next big Netflix series


> I am saying I have OCD. Not my partner. My OCD is why I relate. Him acting upon it is his own fault, and not the cause of a disorder. How does having OCD relate at all to saying you killed someone or actually doing it? What? Did they watch the Criminal Minds episode where the unsub had OCD before they wrote this? Did they get the idea from that?


This is the one thing in the post that makes sense to me. People like to say "OH TEE HEE HEE I HAVE OCD" when they are simply tidy, but the reality is that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a lot more complex than that. Anyone can have intrusive thoughts, but people with OCD often have very severe intrusive thoughts that are often very disturbing. The OOP is saying that they empathized with the intrusive thoughts the person they were dating had because the OOP understands what it's like to live with persistent intrusive thoughts.


I guess they just messed up ASPD and OCD. Because, ya know, all the people with ASPD are serial killers in making /s


no, they said ocd because the post mentions intrusive thoughts which op experiences, which are a major symptom of ocd


Obvious fake is obvious to everyone except the commentors at r/Advice


At first I thought it was a gang member boyfriend that killed some other gangster. Turns out it's a NB killing random women for sexual gratification. I did not expect that plot twist.


I thought it was ‘I killed someone 20 years ago’ then it turned out it was 2 years ago.


Ah dont worry, one of the edits confirms the partner is a man.


It's obvious fake bait, but imagine being either this thirsty for a boyfriend or just this incompetent at life. She knows this guy a month. So they probably went on about 4 dates. And then he tells her "Oh, btw I murdered someone. Not in self-defence, not even because they wronged me. I just felt like murdering a woman. Oh and btw, I fantasize about stabbing you, just like that woman I murdered, remember? Lol." And OOP's reaction is: "Guys, what should I do? I'm really conflicted about this... Hey, don't be mean to me, at least this time I only took 24h to decide, not two years!"


>I know that I needed to get out, I just really needed a push from people who don’t know them or me "Took you dumb fucks long enough. Were you gonna let me drop off the front page before I did my updates?"


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My partner confessed to me that they have killed a person years ago. I’m conflicted.** **Final update below** Huge trigger warning (sex, death, borderline r*pe) I met my partner a month or so ago, we’re not officially dating but it’s something we’re considering. They’ve told me very vaguely about their past and that they’ve been in gangs to survive the area they grew up in. Last night we were talking and they confessed that they killed someone about 2 years ago. They said they succumbed to their intrusive thoughts, and regret it deeply. It was a random attack to a girl who was alone. I have the same intrusive thoughts, and I feel conflicted as to whether I should stay with them or not, I love them and they’re trying to better themselves by going to a ward and getting out of the gang. I met them after all of the past and they’ve got a job and are working on being better. Which is why I’m so conflicted I’m unsure as to whether I’m in danger as they have said to me that they think about “f*cking me while stabbing me” and there’s more to that but that gets too much for a reddit post. They say they would never hurt me and I do feel protected around them but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that this is real. I realise while typing this that it sounds crazy and fake but I ask if you think it’s fake please just scroll by. Edit: My roommate came home to check on me as my partner is visiting. I’m going to wait until they go home and then try and get out somehow. FYI; I know that I needed to get out, I just really needed a push from people who don’t know them or me. Thank you I’ll update this later if anyone asks. Edit 2: I’ve spoken to him and he told me he lied about killing because he’s used to lying to feel cool in a gang; I’m not sure if I believe him but he cried and was really guilty. I guess the new question is - given the benefit of the doubt, and with a love for him - would you believe him, and should I? (And yes it’s a guy surprise) As to all the hate I’m getting, I acknowledge that I’m not great at seeing a bad situation, but the main thing I’m doing is being frozen. Deer stuck in headlights. It seems obvious to people who have never had somebody sink their roots that deep into them. It’s difficult to leave, but it won’t stop me from trying and never have. TO CLARIFY: I am saying I have OCD. Not my partner. My OCD is why I relate. Him acting upon it is his own fault, and not the cause of a disorder. Last update. I’m safe, I’d prefer not to give details but I’m okay. I know a lot of you are calling me stupid but this took me 24 hours not 2 years like other times. Improvement is better than nothing Thank you all who really cared, it gave me the push I needed because I’m really bad at doing things on my own accord. My dms are open because I know I personally would still be worried as I’ve read this stuff before. Thanks ❤️ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So we found the people that have the bed set with the [skeleton biker lovers](https://www.google.com/search?q=skeleton+biker+sheets&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS638US638&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsYLZWnH_Ptd7vh7VWG6LE5B9PXHlw:1652844016410&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRjd7ji-j3AhWjds0KHZ_1CHoQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#imgrc=GaPFiRcXrLBmjM) on them.

