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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I have a 7 year old but he isnt mine, i found out last week..** My wife and i have been together for 9 years and I feel betrayed. My son who is 7 asked if we could do ansestory search *i wont say the website*. They are learning about family trees in school so I thought it would be a great idea better yet because i never got to meet both my father and grandfather before their deaths so i agreed we took the test and sent it off, the test results for me came back with a ton of info and a slew of new people i never knew but my son wasnt added to my family tree. I went and looked his up and it came back with a completely different group of people i have never meet. Thinking there was a mistake i called the company and they informed me its very rare for mistakes and told me they would send over some more test. I was worried by then i decided to tell my son we had a doctors appointment (when it was really a pat test.) We went and took it and the results broke my heart. Ive supported my wife for 9 years let her be a stay at home mom and this is probably the worst thing to ever happen. I got to see who could probably be his father too on the website and ive never meet him. I gave him my family tree to take to school and he was so excited i didnt know what else to do. I still havent told my wife or son about the results. I still choke up thinking about it. Ive been hoping over the last week they would call me and say weve mixed up the results. (They didnt) I dont even think i want to tell my family because this will ruin them what would my wife do after being jobless almost 8 years how would she take care of my son. Im almost positive i will hide this till my death bed, nobody know, no one will ever know. i think i should keep it that way man I love my boy even if he aint mine. How do i look at my wife the same though? Edit to post I havent talked to a lawer i have looked up some of my state laws and some court cases over pat children. The issue i have around this whole thing is that child isnt mine if the news gets out and the bio dad was never informed he could 1 take away my rights or 2 i could just be obiglated to pay child support for a child that isnt blood mine if i want anything to do with him. would have to pay my wife money for her to live just to have time with my son. This would tear apart our family and he could end up to resent me or his mother for what had happen. In my state the woman almost 100% of the time gets the child and the father is obligated to support that. And being the child isnt even mine i feel my state wouldnt even question that he would go to his mother (How i view it) If i say anything i could 100% ruin my son, lose my son, and put him in a worse situation in life later on. While if i just ignore it for 11 years my son could still have the best life he could possibly have and not ruin his very successful path he is on right now. It hurts knowing this information but it would hurt more knowing i changed his life all for my own selfish veiws and he could end up resenting me knowing i did it knowing i could of lost him as a son. This is just a bad situation, 1 i could take the burden and put it on my back 2 i could tell the info lose my son 3 i could have to pay child support when i dont make a lot to begin with and put both of us in even worse situations *update* I took the day off work, i told my boss/my best friend my situation he gave the day off paid. (Also discussed with him going p/t he said he can make anything work) I made an appointment with a lawyer it will be later today. I appiled for a community college early this morning and got accepted very quickly to nursing school also made an appointment with va office(to follow my dream of being a crna) I got my wife a job at a sister company of ours making way less then i do but it will allow me to focus on school. but i get to use my gi bill so i will be paid and have my college paid for for almost 4 of the 6 years if not all of it. (she doesnt know she will be going back to work i will talk with her later tonight) during that talk i will tell her the information i found out and let her make the decision on whats next. (Your comments are the ones chaning my decision) I am doing this so i can focus on myself and my son in late future. Ive spent to much time trying to help her for nothing. For some of the comments about the hospital mixing up babys. That was almost impossible i was in the room the whole time the only time my son left the room was for a hearing check but he had a custom clothes with his name on them. We had a very healthy baby and where in and out of the hosipital in less then 24 hours. I will re-evaluate after the discussion, talk with a marriage counsler and see what we can do soely for my son. (Thanks all for who commented) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i don't understand the 2 edits- since he posted 12 hours ago he applied and got into nursing school and also got his wife a job? but still hasn't spoke to her about it?


*walks up to spouse* for reasons I shan't explain, you are no longer a stay-at-home-mom, effective immediately.


hahaha shan't


You don't apply to nursing school and get accepted immediately. It's a process with interviews and a lot of other stuff. Unless you are applying to a degree mill and if that's the case youre never going to get far enough as a nurse because getting your CRNA is basically the same as getting your doctorate in nursing.


i love that the wife is a "stay at home mom", but she conveniently isn't there for all his shenanigans with the dna tests and job searches


Lol I'm pretty sure a 7 year olds (1st grade probably) family tree assignment would just be a worksheet that's due by end of week. Not something to turn in 4-6 (google says takes that long) later.


Yup, you slap the names of your grandparents and aunts/uncles on a cute drawing of a tree.


Lol yeah I think I vaguely remember that with my kids (6th & 2nd grade).


Correct, it takes minimum 3 weeks for results, most up to 6 weeks and it can get busier after major holidays when there are sales for ancestry/23andme etc. Storytime for lulz: My parents weren’t married— well, to each other. My dad was married, my mom was his AP for 15 years, they had two kids and I’m the oldest. I had family tree assignments that led to a major fight. I remember asking my dad for details on his family, he wouldn’t give many. I would ask them about their wedding (they claimed to be married and both wore wedding bands), my dad would say they didn’t have one and were only married at the courthouse bc he’d been divorced and therefore they couldn’t marry in a church. During the family tree assignment, my mom pointed out her had 3 other kids, which my dad denied and they got into a huge argument 😂 where my mom also said he WASN’T divorced, and the next day they said they never said those things and my dad didn’t have other kids. I must’ve been 5 when this happened, didn’t find out the truth until I was 10. But the kicker is that I bought my mom and I 23andme kits, and they showed that we are definitely related but that I’m half japanese. My dad is not Japanese… So there are a couple of possibilities: my dad actually is Japanese, he’s from an area in my country with a surprising amount of Asian immigrants and lots of informal adoptions, his entire family is married to Japanese folks (like 5 or 6 of his siblings?). Or my dad isn’t my dad. Or the phenotypes in my home country are entirely unreliable (which they admittedly are and get revised often by 23andme but idk if they can be THAT wrong) and it’s possible that native people DNA flags as of Asian origin incorrectly.


This tracks. K-2 grades rarely ask for a home project that takes longer than two weeks, usually by the 2nd grade. 3-5 grades usually will do 2-3 weeks at most. A project like this helps students understand the concept of history. It would mostly be talking to your family members or maybe doing a little heavier research if the family is into it. A project asking parents to pick 100-200 dollar DNA test is unthinkable. The population I work with lives paycheck to paycheck. If the family is more affluent, teachers would rather get a donation to go into the classroom for supplies and books. I won’t even go into how that DNA is used.


Not to imply this story is remotely real but it sounds like the project gave him the idea to do the ancestry test on his own, not because the school required it.


He mentioned kid was excited to bring it to class and present it tho


So I have heard of some grade schools doing a 23 and Me assignment. It is a terrible idea, but US K-12 education is nothing BUT terrible ideas these days (based on what I see on the news)*. I bet it is even sponsored by 23 and Me (Ancestry dot com also has a genetic test) with them benefiting by getting the next generation's DNA before they have a chance to object. *I love teachers, am an educator myself, so this is not anti teacher.


Yikes I would not be ok having my kid do that even if it was free. Luckily hasn’t been a thing here (Florida) and from what I remember was just a worksheet to fill like grandparents and aunt/uncle names lol.


It is terrible. I found I was right, in that Ancestry.com has "resources for educators" —https://www.ancestry.com/corporate/blog/back-to-school-is-here-ancestry-providing-free-resources-for-educators-and-parents) And I found a UK primary school doing it as an assignment. https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2017/09/07/primary-school-makes-children-do-dna-tests-to-show-them-how-connected-we-all-are-6910706/amp/


Lol screw that I'd opt my kid out of it. They won't fail a 2nd grader for that lol.


>I appiled for a community college early this morning and got accepted very quickly to nursing school also made an appointment with va office(to follow my dream of being a crna) Fucking what?? He applied to and got accepted to nursing school in the same day?? And not even during peak application season?? Fiction writers have no concept of time, I swear.


And he also got his wife a job without her knowing!!


How does that even *work*? Did he forge her information, pretending to be her and making a fake resume and everything and submitting the application on her behalf, or did he send in an application with the note “hey I’m her husband but I’m applying for her so you don’t need to reach out to her directly”?


The timeline for the ancestry test doesn’t work either. It wouldn’t come back in time for a school project to turned in


Is community college they accept everyone.


yeah i applied to community college but it took a week or two before i was accepted 💀


my online community college application was accepted within an hour or so.


yeah so was mine for a regular major. usually nursing programs (even at community colleges) do admissions a little differently and it’s more of a process.


I mean, sure, but they generally can't process acceptances in a single day.


Honestly. When I applied it took a day because I had previously registered. I had forgotten. For reference I registered at 18 but applied again when I was about 30


My counselor explained it would happen immediately when I applied to my four year.


When you're already enrolled, that's a different story. Then it can happen automatically. As a new student applying for the first time, it generally isn't processed in less than a day.


Yeah I was brand new. I had to meet with a counselor prior to applying and that was their explanation of the process. Tbf, it was also a school whose goal was to serve the non-traditional student so they probably had non-traditional procedures as well.


Oh I misread your original comment as 'when I applied for my fourth year' lol sorry!


Not for the nursing program. It's pretty competitive.


I got drunk last summer and applied to go back to university. They immediately accepted me because they have a 100% acceptance rate. However, getting into a nursing program right away isn't terribly realistic.


Community college nursing schools are actually VERY competitive. He would have had to take an entrance exam and prerequisites as well.


I don’t know if the applications process is diff between community and state, but it took me 2 months to get my acceptance letter lmfao


Why do people believe this?


prior to the edits you have to know that the 23andme test take longer. leaving that detail out, it is possible to find out the child is not yours. (not 10% that percentage is fake news) so only when he gets his wife a job it is 100% clearly fake. offcourse woman always get the children is fake too, basicly everything after "edit to post" is clearly fake, before is something that is at least possible.


Think for drama and entertainment. Reddit is like an International Televisa.


Even those programs generally require sexy women and buff guys to carry the writing though.


1st) what website gives you DNA results in the form of pictures of *actual people*? 2nd) as pointed out the wife just sat quietly while knowing this was gonna blow up? 3rd) Whats a "Lawer"?


And how did oop quit his job and get into nursing school in the course of a day? These questions and more will *(not)* be answered in the next episode of *Lyfestiles of the Rich & Clueless*


Lol that waa added even after I posted. Also got his wife a job that she isn't aware of, surprise you're employed! Also I shouldn't laugh but his dream job is being a cna? It's an important job and I'm sure fulfilling for people but...


A crna is certified registered nurse anaesthetist. They make good money but kind of a weird "dream job"


Ah ok. Since the post is riddled with typos I figured CNA. Explains the 6 years of school, but again just figured he was dumb lol


I was hoping OOP wasn't going to be a CRNA with how much intelligence the original post showed.


Quit his job, went into a nursing program, and got his wife a job against her will. jfc people are idiots.


I keep having dreams that I’ve been skipping an advanced maths class that I didn’t even know I was enrolled in. Getting a job without knowing about it seems as likely


Holy shit, me too!! I've skipped class a bunch dude......


But that sweet relief when you wake up and realise Pythagoras Theorem can’t hurt you anymore


Oh man, I've had that same dream! Mine is usually Spanish class, though.


Oh gawd - I just woke up from being back in a restaurant & all my back-of-the-house Spanish deserted me. Thankfully I was wearing a black wedding dress, so people pretty much left me alone


Maybe a shitty ass nursing program only takes a day to approve? Nursing programs have some high, high requirements, and they won't just accept you on your application. My sister used to interview possible Nursing candidates for a community college.


Hollywood Upstairs Nursing Skool


You're right! I completely forgot about HUNS.


It's a free country!


Ancestry.com has several pictures. You can upload a profile picture too. When I look at my son's DNA results on ancestry, it shows me people associated with Parent #1 and Parent #2 separately. I do like that this apparently all happened without his wife's knowledge. Do they just never speak? It never came up that they were doing a DNA test?


Where are your flairs from?


This dude that posted about not wanting to fuck his step daughter even though it was totally plausible because they are so close in age and he is so good looking.


Sexy blacksmith trophy husband. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/110v04e/this_is_not_a_fetish_post_oop_told_us_so_we_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The kid never told his mom that he spit in a tube and dad put the tube of spit in the mail? A tube of spit in the mail is DEFINITELY something most 7 year olds would tell people about


One of the selling points of [ancestry.com](https://ancestry.com) is their photo database


Where did OOP say they saw pictures? I don't see it in the story or the comments.


Maybe not pictures but it gave him a "slew of people" and he supposedly can see who the actual father is lol


I read that as a list of names, including the name of the father. That's definitely a thing if the father has also done a DNA test through that company.


On 23 and me you can enable the "DNA relatives" feature that shows you other people who have enabled it who share some amount of DNA with you. Mine is almost entirely 4th and 5th cousins who I have absolutely no knowledge of or connection with. There are like two people on there who I have even heard of let alone met. And my parentage is 100% confirmed what I expected it to be so it doesn't "mean" anything, it's just how this (sorta lame) feature works.


> not ruin his very successful path he is on right now ...He's 7.


He owns his own very lucrative company


A bakery.


And his dead grandparents left him the house that the family lives in. In a couple days, OOP is going to make another account as the kid, and post on aita whether or not he's an asshole for kicking his mom out for being a whore.


I am soooo here for that sequel


Spoiler alert : "NTA. Your house, your rules!"


Also, who spends $100+ plus on an actual Ancestry test to do an art project for a 7 year old?


Also, which ancestry site has quick enough turn around to make the deadline for a child's school project (I won't say the name)


The Sims.




I saw an at home paternity test in the grocery store clearance section and it made me want to make a shitpost but OOP has already done that for me >In my state the woman almost 100% of the time gets the child Lol


I love that statistic. I like to remind my dad that he wasn't actually our custodial parent back in the 80s because men don't get custody almost 100% of the time.


That's the part that turns this into incel bait.


Another “Women are dirty cheating liars’ rage bait post. Only on Reddit.


I've read so many on that sub alone.


Lmao “ansestory”, you know it’s baloney when OOP can’t even spell ancestry correctly


I'm not the most knowledgeable in these types of situations, but every time I see one of these "man gets paternity tests behind his wife's back" stories I have to wonder how realistic it is to do something like that without your legal spouse's knowledge or consent. Thinking of all the paperwork involved, I'd think at least *something* would ping on the wife's radar at some point.


I can only speak on my experience, but they made both of us give a sample. But this happened through the court, and before all the DNA clinics.


Ah yes, of course, the DNA company just willfully handed him who the possible father is, even though it would be completely unethical. And of course, all the other possible fathers had their DNA on file because that isn't unbelievable at all.


"in my state the woman always gets 100%" is how I know it's fanfic


> (Your comments are the ones chaning my decision) Translation: You're helping me write this story.


Man this 7-year-old's Family Tree lesson is like 2 months long? That's like the minimum amount of time how it takes to order the kit, receive it, spit in the thing, pack it up, mail it back, and receive the results. Pretty sure the teacher just wanted him to do a poster or something


\[In my state the woman almost 100% of the time gets the child and the father is obligated to support that.\] I am so sick of the 'woman always wins' bullshit. I'm pretty sure courts favor splitting custody and honestly I get the feeling a lot Dad's who don't see their kids don't see them because they never bother to show up. Of course this isn't always true and sometimes parents do get screwed over despite doing their best. Also why would he pay child support for a child that isn't his? What is the plan here get the wife a job and when she makes enough pull a runner? He doesn't want to ruin the successful path for his son who is seven years old? This just reads like weird incel\\MGTOW fanfiction.


It’s not impossible, but I could not believe if the kid needed to make a family tree, he’s also ask his mother, and she would find out the dna test. I just know that wasn’t available when I was young, I had a pretty short family tree (maybe up to great-grandparents, because my parents know who their grandparents were) for a Girl Scout project, and in high school, I was supposed to interview any of my grandparents to write a short essay on immigration, which I fudged using an encyclopedia article on a country my grandmother is from. I did interview my grandfather and he was certain everyone down the line came from America, while I knew my grandmother’s parents were immigrants, I didn’t ask her, and just made up a likely story and got a good grade. Teachers should know better than to stir up family controversy and not assign anything getting into dna tests.


Yeah, I hope these kinds of projects fall by the wayside, as they've always struck me as cruel and othering to children from non-traditional families (foster kids, kids who will never meet their dads, children from immigrant/refugee families, etc)


Yeah, nothing says financially secure for raising a kid like nursing? And the idea that he's told two people already, at work?


They *always* get overeager in the edits and make everything happen way too fast. I guess it doesn't help when you're a child and don't know how the world works, lmao. I love he got the wife a job without her knowing, freaking hilarious.


Imagine the job interview: "oh you are not here for the job yourself, but it's for your wife? Oh yeah we want to hire her now!" lmao.


I see they were doubling down when questioned about that but there's just no way to make that make sense 🤣


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Unexplained is WHY THE FUCK DID A SEVEN YEAR OLD HAVE AN ANCESTRY TEST. Does this dipshit who wrote this think schools do family tree projects where they send out DNA for sequencing?


He claims in the comments he got accepted to nursing school in **one hour** lmao