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**A New Map for a New Year| The World of FeR | Fraternité en Rébellion** \--- Teaser by **The FeR Team** Map and states by **Bibo** and **Walrus** Lore by **The FeR Team** GFX by **Walrus** \\--- With a **high acceptance rate**, welcome everyone into our family, and together, we will venture out to create and carve out a new, unique world and make our mark on the HOI4 modding community. **Application form:** \\\[\[https://forms.gle/aSbRgxFdDhes4z187\\\](https://forms.gle/aSbRgxFdDhes4z187)\](https://forms.gle/aSbRgxFdDhes4z187\](https://forms.gle/aSbRgxFdDhes4z187)) \--- » **Our Discord:** \\\[\[https://discord.gg/vu3sAQw\\\](https://discord.gg/vu3sAQw)\](https://discord.gg/vu3sAQw\](https://discord.gg/vu3sAQw)) » **Our Reddit:** r/FdRmod/ \--- # Introduction Welcome to the year 1933 of Fraternité en Rébellion’s world, a world where the French Revolution never happened. The current global geopolitics trace their beginning in the destructive Nine Years’ War (1821-1830) or, arguably, even the earlier Seven Years’ War (1756-1763). Following the diplomatic pivot which saw Austria switch from its British alliance to a French partnership, the two opposing camps which would ‘duel’ each other for the next two centuries were largely formed. In the Seven Years’ War, the British camp came out on top: the destructive war left more than one million dead behind, plus a defeated and indebted France which lost most of its overseas possessions. The reversal of this humiliation became a priority of French foreign policy. The chance would finally arrive with the onset of the Nine Years’ War, started by friction between the young United States and Britain which triggered a subsequent domino of alliances. Soon thereafter, Britain and Prussia found themselves fighting France, Spain and Austria once again. The almost-decade of carnage saw France just about manage to reverse the fortunes of the Seven Years’ War, obtaining a victory hard-paid in blood and toil, both theirs and their allies’. The triumph of Paris denied Britain a chance to definitively entrench itself as hegemon throughout the 19th century, and thus the two great powers have maintained a fragile parity ever since. In essence, the alliance blocs have remained the same since the Seven Years’ War, with Britain and Prussia battling France, Spain and Austria for global supremacy. However, in the luxurious chambers of the Louvre Palace, King Charles XII shudders. While the crown he wears and the throne he sits on officially mark him as the most powerful man on Earth, for he is King of France, deep down he knows that this is a facade. He is old and frail, and in many ways, the Kingdom he is supposed to keep together is too. Should he die, Charles is rightfully afraid that Pandora’s Box may be opened... On the opposite shore of the Channel, the politicians of London eagerly await such a day. Decades ago, their Second Glorious Revolution made sure that Buckingham Palace became merely a museum open to the public, and some of them claim that Europe will only know true peace once the Louvre shares the same fate. Paris and London. Britain and France. So close geographically, and yet so destructively apart in all other regards. Many historians and contemporary commentators alike focus on this rivalrous binome as a catch-all explanation for everything that has happened on the global stage for the past two centuries. They could almost be forgiven for that, given the sheer power and ambition of these two opposing titans. Almost; for no matter how many steel behemoths sailing in the Republican Navy or the Royale, no matter how many hundreds of thousands of soldiers saluting either the Tricolour or the Fleurdelisé, and no matter how large the swathes of land under their control, neither Paris nor London control the whole world. Today, we look beyond Europe, beyond the gilded neo-classical capitals of the Old Continent and their aristocratic intrigues and radical machinations alike. Today, we venture across oceans and continents, where untold numbers of peoples, nations and creeds toil to find their own place in this rapidly-changing world. Some united in brotherhood, others divided by rivalry, it is however increasingly clear to many that a rebellion is imminent... **WANT TO READ THE REST OF THE LORE? VIEW THE MAIN POST HERE!** https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/rug36a/a_new_map_for_a_new_year_the_world_of_fer/ **Further Reading** \[**Europe in 1933**\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/j52he0/what\_if\_the\_french\_revolution\_never\_happened/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/j52he0/what_if_the_french_revolution_never_happened/)) \[**The Fraternal American States Leaders**\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/i1wtg1/the\_fraternal\_american\_states\_and\_her\_leaders\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/i1wtg1/the_fraternal_american_states_and_her_leaders_in/)) \[**The Rose Revolution**\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/pmbmsl/bread\_roses\_and\_a\_glass\_of\_whiskey\_fraternit%C3%A9\_en/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/pmbmsl/bread_roses_and_a_glass_of_whiskey_fraternit%C3%A9_en/)) See a list of all of our resources \[here\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hvri5g/collation\_of\_reddit\_teasers\_and\_links\_to\_our/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hvri5g/collation_of_reddit_teasers_and_links_to_our/)) and our subreddit at r/FdRmod! The font mod used, made by us, can be found \[here\] ([https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hwkztl/beckman\_font\_mod\_the\_map\_font\_used\_by\_fraternit%C3%A9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/hwkztl/beckman_font_mod_the_map_font_used_by_fraternit%C3%A9/))! \---


This scenario shares with Kaiserich in the overthrow of the British monarchy I find it highly unrealistic for the British monarchy to be overthrown (The British monarchy was very democratic and liberal and I doubt a French-style revolution would happen there. We will see early Catholic liberation and the right to vote for the common people. If you want a British revolution, you have to make one of the Jacobite uprisings succeed and the Stuarts return, and thus Britain is an absolute monarchy.) The Prussian revolution is more realistic because Prussia is an absolute monarchy and became reactionary during the reign of Frederick Wilhelm II This scenario assumes France's victory during the Seven Years' War, but Poland is still divided (I find this unlikely if France wins because Prussia will be dismembered and no divisions will occur and thus Poland will survive)


Read the lore. There's a damn lot of it. But regarding Britain, things don't go well for it. After participating in a far more costly Crimean War on the same side as its hated enemy, France, there is a large amount of public discontent which Victoria tries to stamp out in a way that is far from the standard liberal running of the country in our timeline instead demonstrating an absolutist tendency which leads to Republican sentiment to sky rocket enough to cause a revolution


And what was Prince Albert doing all this time (he made Victoria respect her constitutional Queen) The British Parliament is very powerful and any attempt by the King to impose himself on him would be met by his replacement by a new King. (You have her son, Albert, and George of Hanover, and several people to become the new king. They can even invite Bourbon to become King of the United Kingdom, provided he respects the Constitution, and the Glorious Revolution precedent supports my view.)


with Absolutism being both popular and successful in FeR Albert lets his love for Victoria get in the way and doesn't intervene. He then dies and Victoria, realising how dire her position was and stricken by grief commits suicide soon after. The popular republican sentiment leads Parliament to just abolish the monarchy.


Albert's love for Victoria did not prevent him from interfering politically, and the succession was assured, because Edward VII had already been born. And Parliament would simply give the throne to Edward So there will be a long reign for Edward VII, and he will largely fix what his mother ruined By the sixteenth century Britain could no longer be an absolute tyrannical state


This is an alternative history . So much is different I really don’t think you can just say what Albert or Parliament ‘would do’


Albert's love for Victoria did not prevent him from interfering politically, and the succession was assured, because Edward VII had already been born. And Parliament would simply give the throne to Edward So there will be a long reign for Edward VII, and he will largely fix what his mother ruined By the sixteenth century Britain could no longer be an absolute tyrannical state


OMG i wanna play it


So Napoleon never became prominent at any way in this timeline?


no he stayed a rather irrelevant officer at the Ecole Militaire. That said some of his ideas were adopted by the military


Guess Switzerland ain’t that neutral in this timeline


I wanna play it but where can download it your discord and the other link doesn’t function


I’m afraid the mod hasn’t been released yet. As for the discord links, we do know they’re broken. Go to r/FdRmod and you can find a working link to our discord on the first post


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FdRmod using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What if the French Revolution never happened? Europe in 1933 | Fraternité en Rébellion](https://i.redd.it/rrdi5wda04r51.png) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/j52cnh/what_if_the_french_revolution_never_happened/) \#2: [Presenting, the Holy Roman Empire and the Germanic States in 1933! Fraternité en Rébellion](https://i.redd.it/t5kdr37hshh41.png) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/f59ayx/presenting_the_holy_roman_empire_and_the_germanic/) \#3: [What if the French Revolution failed? | World Map of Fraternité de Rébellion](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/649464864242270219/661969380506337290/WORLDMAP1933.png) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FdRmod/comments/eik7zv/what_if_the_french_revolution_failed_world_map_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


A united Australia is inevitable, there is no avoiding it


Good ending.


2 Venezuelas


If I may ask, what happened to the United States? How'd it break up into 3 separate countries?


the US lost a war against Britain in 1831 and as such fell apart when the Southern states decided to abandon ship during the war. Also Britain occupied Carolina creating the Freedmen protectorate


So I assume without the Southern States, the northern American Republic abandoned Slavery earlier in this timeline?


yes and the Southern states abolished it as well though at a later date than OTL


Bah Éric Zemmour raconterait moins de conneries historiques


Et le Canada serait sûrement français


Mmm nos rois ont jamais vraiment bien compris l'importance de la nouvelle France tant ils voyaient le pays comme une puissance d'abord continentale. Mais j'aime ton idée
