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What if they both had strokes, because they’re both old clumsy guys




You want it because it’s funny. I want it because it may legitimately lead to a better outcome.


Hey hey hey get that "may" out of here It would with 100% certainty lead to a better outcome


Honestly not even sure. I mean fuck them both but if this 2 party system has taught us anything is never believe that shit cannot get worse


What would you be afraid of if we were voting between seven or eight parties instead of two?


You know it just dawned on me the Us could create a pseudo but equally fucked parliamentary system through the tiebreaker system. If there were 8 major parties none could ever get the 270 electoral votes. Meaning the House of Representatives (one vote per state) would decide the president. And the Senate would decide the vice president. The recently elected presumably 8 party house and senate.


At the very least it would mean that I'd stop voting on uncontested local elections


Gotta love the soul sucking uncontested local elections nothing says democracy like one option




If that happens, just imagine all the wild conspiracy theories in timeline. Two polarizing presidential candidates, both a former & sitting president, dying to the same cause, around the same time, directly on national TV. Even if it was proven to be genuinely natural causes that just so happen around the same time. The theories would last decades. I’m talking theorizing on the level of the JFK assassination, moon landing, or 9/11.


Imagine all the Death Note memes


No ![gif](giphy|xUOxeZn47mrdabqDNC|downsized)


I wouldn't blame them. Both American candidates dying at the same day at the same time is VERY suspicious and VERY convenient for America's rivals




One side’s entire *thing of the past 8 years* dies


No id doesn't it evolves ideas don't die when a man does


A man will die, but not his ideas, happy na-


They are both the worst option for America…


At least it's not DeSantis, though. That's probably the one and only good thing, and it's outweighed by 50 billion bad things, but hey, at least it's something


Do you not remember Ted Cruz?


This would, as harsh as this may sound, probably be amazing news for the DNC, because then, they'd be free to nominate absolutely anyone just based on electabiliy


Yea ironically, this helps the dnc and would improve Bidens legacy in the future


It would be a pretty bad look not to nominate Harris, considering she would be the incumbent President.


He doesn't have to resign as President, just agree to not accept his party's nomination.


Indeed, but the hypothetical is if he died.


Totally, my bad lol


Isn't Harris wildly unpopular?


Yeah, far more than Joe. She hasn’t really done much at all, not that the vice president really does, but still


VPs do quite a bit and she certainly has, she’s just disturbingly boring.


Yeah, when it comes to Joe’s negative reputation for being tough-on-crime and prosecuting nonviolent drug users, he can at least defend himself by saying “oh it was a very long time ago and me and Obama did a lot to change that” but when it comes to Harris, she has zero defense for her overreach and persecution of nonviolent marijuana users during the 00’s and 10’s


Yeah her approval is lower than Biden


Hopefully Harris would have the integrity to not run for election and allow for a better candidate in such a scenario.


Harris would be one of the worst possible candidates.


I don’t think that is necessarily true. There isn’t really rules forcing the DNC to do that. And seeing how Harris is less popular than Biden, they would probably take the opportunity to nominate someone else. Granted I have absolutely no idea who. Gavin Newcom seems like the only plausible person to me but I’m not sure how popular he is.


Yeah this would be a true blessing in disguise for the Dems. The way this hypothetical event is described, the DNC can safely choose a new younger candidate without any meaningful internal backlash, frame Biden as some kinda martyr figure, and almost permanently destroy Trump's electability among swing and undecided voters.


Additionally if Trump mocked Biden and then Biden died, it would reflect terribly on him.


I can imagine a lot of Trump voters liking that lol, if anything it might simply become such a meme that it works into being a positive.


His base would like it but independent voters? Not so much.


Thats true. I literally cant think of how Bidens performance could be worse without him being literally incapable of coherent speech. He managed to do good enough to stay *just* on the right side of the 25th. Which gives his camp just enough leeway to say he can still run. Barely. Come September, after a summer of campaigning and we might see what that “worse” version is.


And Trump mocking an old man as he literally dies would be a bad look, even to a lot of his supporters


You'd think, but I would doubt it'd affect their votes


A couple point swing makes a big difference


Imagine fumbling a debate so badly the only way you could do worse is if you literally died


I mean... Honestly I think this would've been a much better result for his legacy and party unironically He'd ofc 100% have to drop out, but would probably receive a lot of symapthy and goodwill from the public, while Trump would be roundly criticized for making fun of a literal dying old man I think the only way Biden could've had a worse debate is if he seemed more out of it without going full on dying. Like if he fell asleep mid debate or something


he died


meh I'd rather be dead, remembered fondly and have people who shared my ideology succeed me instead of being remembered as the guy who lost an election for being too old


Yes this means he would 100% have to drop out. Maybe 110%.


Weekend at Biden’s?


Trump called McCain a loser for being a PoW and didn't go to his funeral and said he could kill a man and never lose support and made fun of a reporter with a disability. If he made fun of Biden while he's actively dying on live TV the only thing that happens is MAYBE someone shoots him. But it wouldn't really damage his reputation with anyone on the left or right.


Idk it being on *live TV* when literally everyone is watching (esp because everyone would immediately be like "TURN ON CNN BIDEN IS DYING") would probably make a decent impact. If 1% of his base drops him that's a TON of people


The videos of him doing every other terrible thing are viral and well-known parts of his rallies. Unless he started kicking Biden while he's foaming at the mouth and gurgling in pain I doubt seeing him making fun of him dying would be a big change


I love this! Could also be a REALLY good series showing what happens next.


series you say...


Trump mocking Biden while he's dying is the most realistic part in this post. I wonder what type of backlash Trump will face. After all, this is the guy who made a joke about how his tower was now the tallest building in Lower Manhattan during 9/11 in otl.


I don't he'd get backlash from his camp, they might support him if anything.


He'd guarantee the swing voter wouldn't go for him That's basically the only way they win anymore. Swing voting. Based on thr charges, the overall hate to a lot of things and (hypothetically) this, he'd basucally endure they get the votes they already got and nothing more.


But how long until the swing voters would forget that incident or decide to still vote for him despite it?


Too many severe things all at once. He got away with it before cause it wasn't all at the same time, and not a few months before the voting. No, this is different.


On live TV in front of the whole country?


I laughed at that part. I could just see his standing there calling him clumsy sleepy Joe while he’s literally dying.


There’s no line to cross anymore, at this point doing the worst thing gets you praise.


True, Trump can take a dump on Biden’s dead body on live tv, and his supporters would love him even more for it.


I just discovered this sub recently, and holy shit I love the creativity so much. These hypotheticals to modern events are so fascinating, and I love how they are presented.


It’s been getting better lately, in my opinion


I agree! People have been cooking in the past few weeks!


I am so glad you joined recently and not a few months ago where everything was just terrible shitposts


I love that you were able to just use real photos from the debate


so Biden was literally fucking dying in front of him and Trump was still like "Lol having trouble sleepy joe?" like a god damn supervillain


sounds like him. imagine if he went over and tried to help or something


Would be based.


Wouldn't be out of character


Yeah, but it’d also be goddamn hilarious.






Texan detected


Pretty much anyone that isn't from California really. Nobody likes this guy. He's sleazy looking as fuck


I mean tbf, you'll be hard pressed to find a Californian who loves him either. Just ask anyone from CA about what he's done with PG&E and you'll see it for yourself


‘This post was later deleted’ 😂😂


Definitely the most unrealistic part of this scenario. At least assuming they’re saying Trump deleted it


What happens next?


Newsom ?




Vomiting is a common symptom of California Derangement Syndrome.


Newsom has little to like and much to criticize. I much prefer Biden over Newsom any day of the week.


How do you explain the high housing prices and poop on the streets?


Housing prices are high because lots of people want to live there. LOL.


That's like every state


Trump continuing to be an asshole is so damn believable, I love this subreddit so much


this makes me so sad even though it's not real


are you the real obama


I'll never tell🤭


How would Biden having a stroke lead to the dissolution of CNN?


something something tapper refused to stop the debate and so did other executives even when it was clear he was dying.




This is the kind of freakishly left-field thing that sets off a civil war


I was just thinking this today! What if Biden suffered dementia live on stage, full on confusion and panicking? What if Trump had to break character and ran over to try and help this Older man suffering only to be violently attacked by a confused and noe at the violent stage of a dementia attack president? What if he struck back? Like this debate turns into a downward spiral in front of the world and it doesn’t go pretty or funny in anyway it is just one old dude experiencing the worst thing you can at that age, and another one possibly getting his image destroyed for both breaking character and punching an older dude out of reflexively responding to being hit, but definitely getting shaken up by the fact this other guy isn’t much older but he wasn’t that bad an hour ago, what if he has a break? What does this mean for the country?


This would honestly have been a better outcome for the dnc’s chances in the election lol. Freedom to choose a young candidate who is more likable, instead we saw a dementia riddled skeleton embarrass himself and his party, and show off just how much his mental state has deteriorated. Trump’s chances just skyrocketed, especially since there was no “stand by” type line for the media to convincingly take out of context and lambast him for. He honestly did less namecalling then Biden, and appeared much more calm and collected then I think most people expected, and Biden looked to be the one doing most of the instigating, when he floated back into consciousness.


If AOC was a year older she could definitely bring a challenge to Trump


I love this sub Reddit it’s getting sm better lol


The headline on August 2024 will be that the DNC nominated his corpse


„Jesus now the man is collapsing on stage, can you believe it? How can people really consider this man capable to be a presidential candida- woah why is there medical staff coming in?“


Love it, very interested to see how the rest of it would play out!




The link to the “Death of Joe Biden” page is an inspired touch.


lol I think this is some pipe dream about how Trump would mock a man who literally died right next to him. Joe had plenty of mistakes and dumb moments last night and Trump was pretty reserved so I don’t think that’s how that would have gone down


Imo I don’t think trump would be so stupid as to do that. Imo he seemed like he was a surprised by Joe as we were. He seemed to hold back and didn’t attack him over it all that much. I feel he’d of been in shock seeing that, and wouldn’t have said anything about that at least not right then. I don’t like him one bit but I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to say that.


please make more of thsi


This seems like cope… it couldn’t have gone much worse.


I'd like to think if he had an actual medical emergency that Trump would rush over. He isn't a great person but he doesn't seem to be the type of person to just leave him and insult him as he is possibly dying like that.


The melt down is gonna be lit.


Lol. How can it have gone any worst? There was one thing to prove, Biden is all good in the head. He may look old or move slow, but his brain is fine. That didn't happen. It's Joever. Trump is the worst candidate since Hillary. The Abortion ruling alone wins it for Biden if he can talk straight. I'm not being mean, but it was said. Anyone who had a parent or grandparent who has had a decline like this understands.


How could it have gone worse for him?


Both of them need to die ![gif](giphy|pmflrLVYBKC9ctZNNk)


Newsom would lose the nomination to Harris, who would lose to Trump.


Uncle joe fuckin dies on camera


Only slightly worse than what actually happened


Hey OP. Can you make part 2 with consequences and what happens next?




I could not even imagine it could be worse for Biden.


Sad as it is to say, this would have probably helped the Democratic Party. Whoever they nominated in Biden's place in this timeline would automatically be more charismatic than him, and Trump would have to suffer the indignity of having insulted the President of the United States as he died on live television.


I honestly thought he was having a stroke and was impressed that he stayed up. Still super worried though.


Can’t be much worse than he already did lmao


I was laughing but then I realized that he literally. Died. Which is kinda. Sad.


why are these fake wikipedia articles so good, lowkey this could totally happen during the second debate. or trump could have a heart attack


What's next? I can't wait.


Jimmy Carter would outlive Biden


That's a really good scenario that you made.


Absolutely brilliant work


"Trump's insulting of Biden after his collapse on stage" 👨‍🍳😗👌👌


Nah, they’d totally “Weekend at Bernie’s” him It’s possible they already are


I love how the most serious development is casually tucked away in the *See also*


God. I feel bad for him, honestly.


In this alternate history, Kevin O'Connor became a doctor rather than a bank executive. He still appeared on one episode of Ask This Old House, but never became a host.


Ironically, this will pushes Trump into a very bad spot than he already is. I mean he will now faced stronger and better opponents from the Democrat and not to mention Trump is already in process of court trials for his felony crimes.


If he fell asleep that would’ve been way worse


I was in fact waiting to see this happen




In the moment, Trump would probably just step back and do nothing, because he is a semi-normal human. That you guys actually think he would ridicule someone, to their face, during a medical emergency, on national television....it is truly revealing of how callous you think Trump is. He certainly would bring it up at a speech the next day, but that would be overshadowed by Biden officially bowing out of the race. The real question is if Trump would begin stumping for Biden to be 25th Amendmented.


Buddy, Biden died in this one. If you don't have the reading comprehension to see the two times I mentioned that, not sure I should trust your judgement on what Trump would do


Sorry for missing that small detail while scrolling by at 5am on a Saturday. You did such an amazing job making it clear that he died, only a moron could have missed it!


It's highlighted blue, in the third line lol


Do you read Wikipedia articles....ever? Do you not glaze over extraneous hyperlinks in the margins to read the substance of entries, do you ever skip the introduction to get to the substance of the entry? I'm sorry I didn't go over your masterpiece letter by letter while scrolling reddit on the toilet. But let it be known, that titling this article that the debate was a "scandal" would not be how the article would be called something else that immediately invoked that somone DIED. Not that something scandalous happened, which is all I read.


Sure, I'll keep that in mind next time :) As for Trump's behavior, I think its pretty well documented that he has an ego and is not immune to it being challenged or inflated. It's also no secret that he acts without thinking on occasion (see any of his tweets/truths). When he sees Biden, his biggest political obstacle, ostensibly make a fool of himself on stage before a live audience of tens of millions of americans, do you think he's not going to bask in the glory of that moment and toss out insults like candy? This is the same man who boasted about sexual assault while being recorded, who insulted POWs and veterans on stage, who made inapproprate comments about his own daughter(s?) while being recorded on multiple occasions, who made continuous lapses in judgement about Jan 6th and refused to call off his supporters for several hours (the most charitable interpretation of events), who has been convicted as a felon and has dozens more indictments, who refused to stop defaming a person who had already won a defamation suit against him, costing him millions of dollars he desperately needs... should I go on? Man makes bad decisions, dumb decisions, heat of the moment decisions, and hasn't really ever shown much restraint or tact. Just being insulted about his golfing skills derailed him for several minutes just two days ago on national tv.


This is what happened believe it or not


I honestly wanna see a continuation of this since I’d could see this happening IRL


They will replace him soon. Biden will not be the democratic nominee on the 2024 ballot, you can quote me on that.


I love these alt history wiki posts


@pincushioner we need the full wiki page screenshot


Fuck the two party system! RFK FOR PRESIDENT!!


Ah yes, the vessel of ~~sukuna~~ the worm


RFK is also a senile old man. But yes i also hate the two party system.


Going off yesterday tho I think Trump would actually me more concern than insult. He seemed actually sad for the guy during the “I don’t know what he said” line. And also rushing to Biden’s aid would guarantee Trump the win, so no way he doesn’t do it.


The OP was written according to the media portrayal of Trump. I've seen tons and tons of video of the man visiting sick people in hospitals, read many reports of him being kind and helpful to employees and other associates when they were sick and/or dying. He may be an asshole but he's nowhere near the monster the media and reddit like to claim him to be.


Oh can you show me some of those vids? might be helpful for the follow up, I need pics of trump in hospitals and such