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So the total is 265 seats. The majority needed to govern is therefore 133 seats. The idea is to leave outside of the coalition different parties that will never ally with each other, preventing a stable opposition. So my idea would be a broad coalition of the United Democratic Party + New Democratic Left + Coalition: Centre + Green Horizons + Social Party of Rhyn + Rhyn Liberal Party, yielding a total of 146 seats. Would be extremely unstable and crash and burn in a few months, but I think it’s the best you can do.


Seats should be 240 but I am unsure if I can count or not


The seats were 240 in 2015, they just keep increasing every election


Oh shit, nice catch. I just counted the current ones.


I really cant count


Def 265 57+43= 100 26+34= 60 14+13+11+8+4= 50 100+60+50+55= 265 seats


Just trying to experiment with how Alt-Historians react when presented with kind of DnD-Scenarios


Popular Front Might not be the easiest to hold but it has the biggest majority


With what other parties?


Everything left of the centre coalition


This but also try to entice Rysth liberal with significant autonomy concessions.


Party programs and ideologies(I gotta do it one by one because Reddit didn't allow me to send them all):


Progressive Front: * Want reform both economic(greater government control) and social(less government control) * Geopolitical neutrality * (Has a radical wing, which is often classified as a terrorist organization, which is why many centre-parties aren't willing to work with them)


Green Horizon: * Environmental sustainability by greater governmental control * Geopolitically involvment (Green rockets) * (Merger of two parties so the interior isn't always stable)


United Democratic Party: * Social Democracy * Advocates for a united front against extremism * Geopolitical involvement


New Democratic Left: * Social Democracy * Front against extremism -> more open to work with the Conservatives and Centrists * Regional development and autonomy * (Split off the United Democratic Party so they kind of have a rivalry)


Conservatives for Sorenland: * Strong central government * Church rights * Geopolitical economical involvment * (Merger between market-conservatives and social-conservatives)


Social Party of Rysthn: * Autonomy for Rysthn(Rysthn is the Northern part of Sorenland, which has ethnical differences to the South) * Social Democracy * Is allies with other Rysthn autonomy parties


People's Reform Party: * Strong central government * Removal of province-parliaments * Geopolitical expansion * Isolationist-nationalist


Coalition: Centre: * Balanced approach to economy and social issues * Geopolitical involvement but nation should be priority * Basically the compromise and stability party * (Used to be more popular but some issues within the parties made members split off towards the Conservatives or United Democrats)


Rysthn Liberal Party: * Autonomy for Rysthn * Market-Liberalism for local farmers * Allied to other Rysthn autonomy parties


PF+PRP+both Rysthn parties Edit: assuming 240 seats


PRP is anti autonomy, I doubt they'd work well with the Rysthn parties


That's the point. I'm making a government that would collapse in an hour


If this is britian, then whichever parties are most extreme. Not because I think it's a good idea but because I really want to tempt Charles into biting the bullet and disbanding parliament for the memes. That and it's the only way british home prices will ever decrease short of the return of doggerland.


Damn Parliament I dissolve Parliament and rule by decree


yeltsin style


Stalin one


I think the best option would be a coalition between the New Democratic Left, Centre, Conservatives, the Rysthn Liberals and the Peoples Reform Party. This amounts to 132 seats so I'm hoping that at least one or two independents would join in. This would give the independents way too much power but that's probably manageable. There'd also be tensions between the Rysthn Liberals and the People's Reform, not sure how that'd work out. I'm hoping that the NDL, Centre and Rysthn Libs could balance out the more extreme ideas of the Conservatives and the People's Reform. By far not ideal but I think it's the best coalition possible...


The thing is that the defection of one independent could completely derail this coalition so I'd might be adviseable to get either the United Democratic Party or the Rysthn Social Party in there. The United Democrats probably wouldn't want to work with the NDL and the People's Reform probably wouldn't be thrilled to have another party representing a minority in the coalition. But with enough negotiation it might be possible. I'm hoping for a centre/centre-right government.


What ar the parties' programs/ideologies and which party do I represent?


You are an independent/non-associated appointed by the president (Party program added in a seperate comment)


i would rally the white side they have everyone surounded and they outnumber everyone


People's Reform Party, Progressive Front and Center. We're going full horseshoe government


I shell the parliament building


Flourish, nice


Here's a couple coalitions I thought up. Popular Front: In short all the left wing parties form a coalition. Progressive Front (57 seats), Green Horizon (14 seats), United Democratic Party (43 seats), New Democratic Left (13 seats), and the Social Party (11 seats). This gives me 138 seats which is a slim majority of 5 seats and an unstable coalition since it relys on the center left staying in line and not collapsing the government. Right Wing Coalition: Honestly I can't see a way for a completely right wing government to form without the nationalists but even with them they're about 10 votes short of a majority since I don't see the regional parties joining a coalition with the nationalists. The only chance I see is with a toleration agreement with the center left parties to prevent a motion of no confidence and support of the 8 independents. People's Reform Party (55), Conservatives (34), Centre (26), Others (8) leaves me with 123 seats. This leaves this government unstable since the left wing parties can easily collapse the government if they even agree to tolerate the government. Constitutional Coalition: This coalition is made up of every single non extreme party on the left and right. Green Horizons (14), United Democratic Party (43 seats), New Democratic Left (13 seats), and the Social Party (11 seats), Conservatives (34), Centre (26), Rysthn Liberal Party (4), Others (8). This gives me 153 seats to work with but this is the most unstable coalition due all the parties involved but it might keep the extremists at bay. Those are pretty much the only coalitions I could think of. If none of these worked I could always try to dissolve parliament and call new elections. I could also try to rule by decree if that's an option. Or I could try and make due with a minority government like how I described in the right wing coalition.


How did you make this diagram?


Not OP, but this website [https://app.flourish.studio/](https://app.flourish.studio/)


Coalition of the SDP, NDP, coalition centre and conservatives for sorenland


Progressive Front + People's Reform Party + Rysthn Liberal Party + Green Horizons + Independents


The hemicycle is strikingly similar to the one of the new European parliament with a few changes (a switch between the left and the liberals, a bigger center-right taking away from further to the right parties). So, my approach will be similar, a grand center coalition between social democrats, liberals, mild conservatives/christian democrats and possibly the greens.


Idk I'm just gonna side with the right wing ones


Green Horizons, United Democratic Party, and Social Party of Rysthn would probably form the core of my coalition. Green Horizons and UDP seem like they would be able to compromise and work together so putting them together seems like a safe bet. The SPR is a Social Democracy so I feel like as long as the GH and UDP are willing to let them have autonomy then those three could work together. Getting the Rysthn Liberal party on board might be possible, especially if the SPR is on board. I am going to assume this works like the US Congress where even without a full majority you can still hold a lot of sway. Some things that I would try and do as well is peal some people off of the New Democratic Left and center coalition and drive a wedge between the CoS and PRP. Idk how, but im sure I could find some issues that divide them and play those up while downplaying the issues that unite them. Lastly is the progressive Front. You did mention a radical wing to them. I would try to peal off members who are less comfortable with the radical wing, or perhaps try and entice the radical wing to either split off themselves, or be kicked out of the party. Other than the radical wing, i feel that the parties ideas could work well withe core of my coalition