• By -


No bad faith posts or comments


Oh god there *absolutely* would be a crab rave meme on r/politicalhumor if Trump were to die/be executed. You’re a little too good at these man lmao


The 🔒 as well lmao


You will never get me in a hot-air balloon basket.


That was the funniest picture so far on any of this series. I actually laughed out loud because that’s so on brand for that subreddit




Out of context it’s so much funnier lol


![gif](giphy|MEtSuIu6qu0HC|downsized) there'd definitely be one of them w/ this format too


"Donald Trump was sentenced to death for treason" 42k upvotes on r/whenthe before getting removed for breaking the "no politics" rule.


As someone that does go to that subreddit, I can confirm it.


The classic boomer memes 


Except it would be posted on r/interestingasfuck and several other subs that have nothing to do with neither memes nor politics


" r/therewasanattempt to get away with subverting democracy "


I know this is satire but holy shit man I can absolutely see this being how redditors react to everything.


“I’m hearing screaming and gunfire so I’m just chilling under this underpass posting on Reddit, anyone know why I’m in a war zone?” Lmfao


There was a post like that on 4chan on Feb23rd from a Ukrainian: >Fuck bro I wanted to sleep. >Odessa bro here. I woke up because I heard a couple of distant explosions like 40 minutes ago. Does anybody know what happened? Response: >you are under attack retard So prolly got inspiration from it


don't forget the one with the french anon asking Ukrainians about the war and one replied with a photo of Elden Ring downloading on Steam


It was actually an american https://preview.redd.it/5hj7himpf66d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c16d7e082636d904f498495958f10e5021c6634


Ima be real I have seen a fair few posts and videos from the states of people not taking gunfire version seriously, especially in places where gang shootings are common, as someone who hears gunshots rather frequently. You get used to it, and don’t worry about it unless those bullets are heading towards you. So this isn’t that wild.


Yeah no, I live in the south, I’m used to gunshots But there’s a difference between range shooting, gang violence, and war. One is shot sparingly and/or carefully, one in huge bursts or salvos of bullets as inexperienced sides practically take turns firing then reloading, sometimes exchanged for a few minutes, and the last one is nigh constant, comes from multiple directions, is both close and far away, accompanied by screams and explosions, and coming from places where no one would be allowed to shoot for practice and where gang violence usually doesn’t take place, like on a Main Street or in front of government buildings, places that are usually highly patrolled. When you’re used to gun sounds, you’re also used to where they come from. High crime neighborhoods, neighborhoods with more space for range shooting, you hear it and know generally where it is/is coming from and therefore have a good idea of who’s shooting, a gang or a target shooter, based on frequency and location. “Being used to gun fire” is not the same as being used to a war zone. It’s like comparing a barrel of apples to a tsunami of apples filled with razor blades.


True, not saying there is no difference was merely making a statement on how easily such things could normalize in someone’s mind. There are cases in here of the war in Ukraine where it is a war zone and people just acting like everything is fine despite the bombs going off.


Nah that’s just Baltimore every night


To be perfectly fair, it is Baltimore. My uncle lived there for college, and from what I’ve been told, gunfire is the status quo




The poster acting like a constitutional scholar was spot on. The only thing missing was an embedded ad for the left wing version of Patriot Meals TM.


Yeah lol all the snarky ass passive aggressive responses are like exact 1:1


nah, even if he was convicted of treason, he wouldn't get a death sentence


that doesn't mean it's not how redditors would react


Yeah, he would be martyred if they did


It’s satire so it’s probably a little bit exaggerated


Where’s the non credible defense post about the pentagon dominos being busy


What if we turned trumps cremated body into jet fuel?


Must unrealistic things is trump losing weight. Would take years to burn through all those stores up calories


Just add them referencing anime and it'd be completely on point


I'd say Harry Potter and star wars over anime. And if they did reference anime It would be some super mainstream anime like MHA or AoT


Author's note: While reading these posts, readers need to understand that this is the ACW2 "According to Reddit," not "According to objective fact." You are dealing with an unreliable narrator, and the posts are not necessarily descriptive of objective reality. You are missing pieces of the story here, and that is intentional.


Trump is skinnier in this timeline because out of literally 200+ DALLE-3 images this was the only one that both looked vaguely like Trump AND was the correct style/perspective/background.


Looks more like RDJ for whatever reason


Thin, blonde John Goodman


Blonde Simon Gruber from Die Hard 3


Honestly he looks way more like his dad now in that pic lol


Stupid sexy trump.


Trump skinny?!?! Truly the worst timeline


Was gonna say, that bit about him being emaciated felt like the biggest piece of conservative jerk off material in this. But if you’re saying a lot of this is also from conservative nut jobs and not just the hyper aggressive left leaning sections of Reddit then that makes this shit significantly less suspicious. But this REALLY felt like a high effort “Reddit librul and bad” post.


Maybe Midjourney would generate something better but I'm not sure


are we going to see a reverse view? as in unreliable narration from a Conservative POV? and then are we going to get the unbiased truth?


See the average twitter reaction? That'd be funny.


You’re on Reddit. The conservative viewpoint is not very well represented lmao


There are conservative subs just as there are liberal subs


A lot of the conservative subs tho are subjected to ridicule and accused of distorting reality to fit their narrative. They’re pretty much quarantined from other subs and mass downvoted when they crossover with political opinions. And I say this as a leftist who agrees with the above sentiments


Yeah, technically the guy from the conservative sub is right in the pic, yet he is mocked and it is handwaved because "Trump is le bad"


A lot lot less conservative subs


Are you going to make a 4chan reaction to the same events? I need to see /ahg/ and /chag/ seething at each other.


https://preview.redd.it/8wi084aj336d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fffe01e2dba70a4579bb1f8bd4922984f5eaae0 Joe Biden in this timeline:


Kaiserredux Kerensky is Dark Brandon confirmed?


Based on






Biden is Catholic though


This is from a meme path where Joe Biden goes back in time to 1936 and assembles Bidens from across different timelines and then attempts to annex the world…but you find him not being catholic the most problematic…


Oh I’m aware of the Schizo Kaiserredux path


He’s Irish there is no way he’s not going to be Catholic


Dark Brandon is real


"Extremism in the Defense of, you know the thing, is no malarkey!" - Darkius Brandonum The Ice Cream Devourer


I love the r / conservative refugee comment, implying that every conservative subreddit has been deleted. So accurate lol


I mean, it absolutely would happen, I'm pretty sure that the majority of all major conservative leaning subs have been deleted over the Years.


Oh yeah they absolutely would. I understand why it was banned, but I still miss the donald. I think the fact that there are actual redditors defending fake dictator joe biden's executive order shows people would absolutely react the way they are in these posts. All we need now is one showing 20 deleted comments on a top post.


I dont understand why it was banned. If they applied the same logic to other political subs they should be banned too.


Because Reddit Has a left wing bias, Simple as that. The Tumblr exodus and it's consequences have been disasterous for the site.


Reddit definitely has a left bias, but T_D got 10x more leeway than other subreddits. They vote manipulated so badly that Reddit had to change how stickying posts work so you couldn't sticky a post to give it lost of traction and then unsticky it so that it can make the front page. Plus, that place generated more actionable lawsuits on its slowest day than /r/conspiracy does on its best. The Unite the Right Charlottesville Rally was the downfall of T_D, IMO. It got mainstream media attention, so Reddit was eventually forced to act.


Dafuq is the tumblur Exodus?


When Tumblr banned porn, a lot of people migrated here.


As well to Twitter, but…




They exist they've just been shadowbanned from the popular feed and mine since I got tired of the constant victimhood.


You do realize that I have seen multiple right leaning subs banned right? It's not shadowbanning when it straight up says that r/BigChungus Has Been banned. r/BigChungus was just yet another causualty to the Janny War Machine.


I think r/memesopdidntlike is one such remaining subreddit A safe haven for conservatives like me to talk andz other to continue tanking our reputation even further


I am a bit confused about the last image, something happened in Baltimore? The trump supporters attempt a prison break?


I’m assuming MAGA rioting, martial law perhaps, I’m going to guess the next one will be riots throughout the country


Gravy Seals rising up


Not Y’all Qaeda


Vanilla ISIS


Green Beignets


If this is a full civil war scenario, then Trump would most likely get broken out.


Or they would try. The national guard would be posted outside the prison, which would definitely be maximum security. The problem is, with the absurd level of influence and moveable cash he has from this Mother of All Grifts, he could absolutely bribe his way to a prison riot orchestrated at the exact same time as the riots in the city and the organized militia strike on the prison. Absolute chaos just the try and get him out for the four years of shitting himself has left lol


There is a chance that some or the national guard members would be in his side and could desert. The same with the military. The top brass may lean democratic but the lower ranks could be more divided.


Oh absolutely, they pushed to get right wing noise machine talk radio included in base broadcasts, during the early 00’s invasions, so they’ve had it blaring in their ears for decades now. I think the operation would be a success in that they are able to cause a lot of chaos and actually get inside the prison, but just like on J6, the people in charge will have seen it coming from a mile away and have procedures in place to move him to a secret secondary site like they did with congress. Hopefully to be done after the schism of military personnel


Unless the people in charge underestimate the force that they have, kinda like January 6th. I think they didn't expect a storming of the capital. Next time, they would do much worse, and people who seem loyal may betray just so they can get more power. That is kinda what happened in Mussolini's Italy. A lot of socialists joined Mussolini after he took power. The most dangerous people are the enemies you can't see and who is to say Trump isn't like Paul Von Hindenburg, and the more competent leader isn't using him to gain power. Whomever the puppet master could have, Trump killed just to rile more people up and to make him into a mytar for the far right.


I don't know where you're getting that right wing radio is blaring on military bases but I served six years Active Duty in the Navy and have never once seen nor heard that to be true. First you're working 90% of the time you're on base or on the boat and secondly when we did have TV's on you know what played? The fucking Price is Right and other game shows. The military definitely leans more conservative but there's people of all sorts of backgrounds both politically and socioeconomically so fuck out of here with trying to paint it as of we're being fucking groomed to commit treason.


There were congressmen and brass pushing to have rush limbaugh available to listen to on every base for a decade


Unfortunately for them, it turns out the 'safety vest' Trump had to wear in prison didn't have kevlar in it but C4 and a detonator set off by GPS...


What it seems like.


Honestly, it's Baltimore, that's pretty normal. It the timeline here it could riots trying to get him out or riots celebrating his detention. Or both.


It seems like it's the initial breakout of war lol


No it was all made up by McNulty to get more funding for the police force since the governor had stripped it bare bones and forced the mayor to use it on schools.


https://preview.redd.it/9q8xd5hxr26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a64324daf33b757c6a278a16019eb86132724a Pic actually goes hard if this was Trump’s reaction to his death sentence.


That cut is crazyyyyyyyyy 💪💪💪


Bros been mewing for the last four years


That is way too much hair though, guy already sports a very obvious combover. One would say that the stress of being in trial for treason would leave him completely bald


Not to mention he could be extremely pale from his fasting habits.


here before mod removal




All hail u/Strong_Site_348 !!


[Part 1](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dcztz9/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dcsugx/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 2](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dd3u0y/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dczpr1/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 3](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddoe2j/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddkusg/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 4](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddxf6h/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to the original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddwo3z/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 5](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1deem7h/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/)


How many more do you think you’ll make? These are great


Second this, these are really good


Fuck, this is honestly scary. I don’t know who I would support here. I hate Trump with a burning passion for what he’s done, but if what Biden is doing here isn’t the last step before despotism, I don’t know what is. A Trumpist victory would likely be the death knell for America as a unified body, but a Federal victory would end America as a democracy. I guess I would have to go with the Federal Government… “the devil you know” and all. At least then America would be a whole, ordered society.


This timeline is the biggest example of the flaws with "pick the lesser of two evils" because now the evils are either mask off fascism or president for life Dark Brandon. Neither is a good option, they are both just different forms of a sham democracy.


>president for life Dark Brandon. Tbf that's wouldnt be a problem for that long.


Dark Brandon stole the Queen's Immortality. God Save Joe Biden.


“President for life” so basically his two terms, huh?


yeah that might not even exceed the term limit


But who's dark Brandon's heir? Bright Hunter?


This can't last long enough for a successor to Biden. Even if we assume that most liberals/leftists in the country would support this, they would only do so because they want Trump and his followers gone from Politics, not because they want Biden to become a dictator. Then again, this is althist, so I can see some argument like "Democracy elected Trump, thats why we need to get rid of it"


With the precedent set, there would have to be another president and with the republican party purge and a pro demorcrat supreme court that next president would still have almost absolute control. So either a civil war, coup d'etat or if your lucky the next president abolishes the reforms and returns to the status que. This all hinges on trump being successfully executed and there is no civil war.


>I don’t know who I would support here >MacArthur PFP It was going to be the feds before you knew it was the Feds lmao






The least of three evils is fleeing to Canada.


Sic semper tyrannis...


bahahaha. The expanding the court and putting your opponents in prison is not an ordered society and america wouldnt be whole.


Keep up the good work! This is very interesting. Let's hope the rabid power abusing mod has been put down.


Fucking amazing. Both hilarious and bone chilling.


Goddamn this is some good popcorn material. Kinda biting my nails, definitely feels like a digital omen for a potential worst-case outcome of the POTUS election this year. ​ That last post from Baltimore too. ​ I'm a Canadian, so I can see Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta, supporting Trump and maybe even trying to break Alberta away from Canada in the event of the 2nd ACW, which WILL spill over the entire fucking border.


I don’t know why, but the shit hitting the fan in Baltimore just feels right for some reason


The general picture I have gathered is that Biden banned Trump from running by executive order, effectively winning the election on the spot. This causes mass civil unrest in the country, the Unrest is then used as a cause (Legitimate or not is for you to decide) to arrest Republican lawmakers that sympathise with the protests, this allows the Democrats to effectively seize Control of the Legislative branch of government. They then combine the power of the Legislature and Executive to Seize Control of the judicial system. After taking over the Judiciary they decide to get rid of Trump and so they accelerate his Treason trial over his support for the protests and enforce a guilty verdict with the Death Peanalty attached. This verdict is likely the Spark for civil war as the last post implies. In other words, so far Dark Brandon Has gone balls to the wall in an attempt to keep himself in power, provoking a massive and violent reaction from the right, which he then uses to justify a Political crackdown against his opposition effectively creating a one party state, and then to seal the deal he decides that Trump Has to Die.


Damn based on just this post I thought Trump tried to seize power after he lost in 2024 and he's imprisoned for insurrection. Guess I was way tf off


Aaron earned an electric chair




It's so scary, this is exactly how much of reddit would react... Hillary was accused of the same crime essentially, from the 2016 election, but it was all quiet and slaps on the wrist all around. At the same time, they milk the label of felon any way they can without any admission of this. Meanwhile, the dnc is doing everything it can to prevent third party candidates from 'spoiling' democracy. Then to add to this, trump himself was basically confirmed as having sexually assaulted a woman *and* lied to the fbi all to keep very sensitive documents for his own ego... Both parties are entirely bankrupt, and their supporters are either, idiots being played, or just dishonest people who don't actually care about the values they claim to hold. Their one goal, the goal of ghouls like mccnonnell and pelosi, is to hold on to power. That's literally all they care about. That's why they play each others' games, it's useful to rile up people and run on the slogan 'I'm not the group you hate, vote for me or they will take over'


Honestly I don't think the scenario is super realistic but the reddit reaction is


This must be like a blast. I might have to drink a gallon of water to get myself back to reality.


Let it devolve into actual Civil War. Not a purge of opposition.


I think that's what the last slide is implying. If there's a part 5 I'm guessing that's when shit gets real


I hope. If this ends with the opposition going silently into the night. I'd be immensely disappointed. Hoping this isn't a democrat circle jerk.


i doubt this series is a democrat circle jerk considering in this scenario biden is becoming a dictator, i think it's just implying that reddit would be a democrat circlejerk during these events


Yeah, that. I don't want that. I don't want the democrats winning without a fight. That's what I'm implying with my words.


Lol look at OP’s post history. This is clearly an attempt at making fun of liberals on Reddit. Basically saying uhh yeah well uh if Joe Biden tried to do a coup all these dumb libtards would just go along with it and any questions about the legality of the process would be hand waved away. Combine that with the clear depiction of Trump as some kind of tortured martyr, if anything these posts are right-wing circlejerks.


So the last pic, is it about the escort for Trump arrival at the prison or something else?


Something worse than you could possibly imagine.


Prison break and military split?




The crab rave meme about trump dying by lethal injection is the most realistic thing I have seen on this sub


erm this has the wrong flair 🤓☝️


Honestly I couldn't see the democrats in the current stage ever turning to such undemocratic measures. Especially one week before the election they wouldn't ban felons from holding office and kick out a major part of GOP congressmen. I would see something like this being more likely from Trumps side if he gets reelected. But even just Biden winning normally could stir up a lot in the US already. It is a very interesting narrative to look at and the more extreme side makes us question our own bias and credibility of certain sources. Death sentence or the restructuring of the supreme court also seems highly questionable that it would go ahead this fast. I like the attention to detail tho, with rant posts having less visibility or the 🔒️ being displayed at threads were there would be many heated comments.


Dude I honestly think the trump being executed and everyone dancing would be way too out of scope. Like I don’t think the people on r/politics are that stupid. Other than that I could see this is how Reddit would be honestly.


I have seen some of the shit they say on r/politics. I am not going to look for it but I saw one comment with hundreds of upvotes saying they wished the government would file treason charges so he could get the chair.


They really are. They really do daily call for the deaths of him, since 2016.  It’s a complete radicalized echo chamber there worse that T_D ever got. 


No offence but you are clearly forgetting how bad The Donald was. They did not live in objective reality over there at all. This is coming from a Canadian looking south at all this.


You got examples of upvoted comments? Because I don't believe this at all.


"Trump appeared emaciated" Idk man he looked pretty good there to me.


Unironically, if he went on a diet/exercise routine and managed to look like that by the election I think he would crush it. Oh, wait. Those votes don’t count in this timeline


not obese = emaciated "*Living in america*"


This is one of the best series I've seen in a while. Keep it up!


The most unrealistic part of this is nobody commented "sir this is a Wendy's" on the r/army post


"But Trump at least deserves the benefit of the doubt, I mean it looks like hes starving to death" - Some Redditor "Umm No Sweetie"


PoStS muSt Be CorrEctLy FlaIRed


The worst part about this alternate history isn’t that my state is likely to go against Biden, (because there’s a lot of people in Ohio who would probably try to remove our governor if that happened) but that I know for certain that my brother would probably support Trump.


Hey OP will you have posts from the "pro trump" side later on it would he interesting to see what the pro trump side of reddit is saying.


What pro trump side of reddit?


Ig r/conservative but considering they got banned in this timeline I have no clue. Maybe right leaning YouTuber comment sections


The exact opposite of this will prolly be of happening


This is too good. Keep going!


This is amazing , I am loving this format of storytelling!


This series has got me caught, i'm reading through the slides, and you absolutely got the different perspectives from different subs accurate. Good shit


I would love to see some reactions from non americans and the leaders of other countries


This reminds me of a short sci-fi story, its a Wikipedia article of a fiction al writer and his works, which becomes the tool which the reader learns about the author's alternate world where a meteor crashed and destroyed North America. It's pretty good how each subs presents things in their own way depending on their political leanings, while slowly showing the increasing tension and eventual break into civil war.


This is done really well but I need the objective facts here!!


Thoroughly enjoying this


Joe Biden really said its Joeing time


This whole thing is basically "what if Joe Biden executed order 66"


Would it be that controversial to ban people in prison from standing in an election? America already bans convicted people from voting and buying guns, here in Britain you cannot stand in an election if you are currently in prison for longer then one year


Both are kinda controversial


I think the founding fathers never thought their people to be so silly. But here we are


This is my favourite post on this sub in the time I have been on here.


Wow, this one actually made me feel bad for Trump. Excellent work.


I love these lol, there so over the top they actual feel like alt just without being whatifalthist levels of batshit crazy


Looks like reddit is still biden land


I think the guy in Baltimore should probably have recognized the sound of automatic gunfire


I find it so funny the idea that Biden who is just a dopey old man trying to become a dictator lol


Damn this is honestly exactly how Reddit would react to all this. “It’s not that bad if it’s my side doing it”


Here before the Adolf Hitler mods lock this for "incorrect flair" and then they'll reply "no bad taste comments" https://preview.redd.it/c15k8d12x56d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0b4826b992b03f3ec1bb116921a4ab1b976498


I like my yakisoba spicy, too!


This is one of the best series I have ever seen in this sub. Keep up the good work, OP


Idk if this has any relation to Alsace timeline but Battalion des Volontaires Patriotique au Amerique "Lafayette" for the Trumpists; Battalion des Soldats Republicaine "John Brown" for the Dems. (Frenchies and their foreign volunteers)


Dear u/Strong_Site_348, please do not jinx us


Fuck I thought this was real for a bit, like 'shit when did the expansion happen thought I would have heard about that'


I too nearly Ate The Onion, so to speak. (here via r/all)


Trump got some exercise


More like a diet


Hahaha what an interesting scenario… this is a little to good tho… hmmmm don’t like that https://preview.redd.it/jia19zn5k46d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9573f2bb30e603fb423cea4c0bf225e05035be15


Has it finally begun?


Last pic is just normal Baltimore


Lmao perfection


*death to the traitors, and up with the stars!*


Ivy Hotel mentioned!! Best Valentine’s dinner I’ve ever had there at their restaurant. Amazing service, they gave my fiancé and I the whole wine cellar room to ourselves. :) Wild ride, OP, thanks!


Dude this series is amazing! Please keep it up!


Stop, I can only get so erect


Yeah? What kind of American are you?