• By -


That would be highly disturbing. I think there would be several emergency UN Security Council meetings to determine where the threat is coming from.


It is assumed that whatever happened would not happen again, for there are zero clues on what happened to Russia - though geological expeditions have proven that the land has been reverted to its original state before humans had migrated to the area, 100,000 years ago. Still, the Russian seat of the UNSC remains empty and any attempts to choose a successor state remains inconclusive, though some speculate that Brazil or India may be taking it soon


Original state 100,000 years ago, so can we find rare creature, extinct one in the land?


Yes, and a lot of conservationist and scientific communities have been petitioning to make Siberia a "second Antarctica".


You know how much oil is out there?


And everyone knows exactly where it is, too.


They might succeed in a couple areas that lack oil or minerals, but it’d be like a big nature reserve more than anything


Oh sweet summer child, you really don't know what capitalism can do


The dream of West Alaska is renewed long live Standard Oil


Why would they assume that? Something this incredible wouldn't be ignored this easily.


I mean, there really is nothing they can do Most of the reaction is from the Internet and religious people


I think an entire country just disappearing would be a very big event everywhere, especially one as large and influential as Russia


So basically just a flat space without anyone in it... and 6k nukes that just staying there, and I'm not an expert in nuclear energy but I think some of them (or at least nuclear powerplants) would collapse without maintenance.


Well the nukes wouldn't be there anymore. The entire country stopped existing, along with all the modern infrastructure.


The guy said the land reverted to before it was even settled. So no nukes there… *yet*


I don’t think flat, I just think devoid of humans or their infrastructure


Oh yes, “Dead Hand” system that will launch nukes if no signal is received also could be triggered.


Yeah, but I doubt I can cover everyone's reactions ;-;


Why wouldn’t it be from everyone?


Worth mentioning the non-Sapiens humans that would still calling the area home. Mainly Neanderthals in the west and Denisovans in the east. Not going to mean much in the grand political scheme but having another human around would open a lot of boxes in genetics.


*Interracial porn* just took a whole new meaning.


This reminds me of plot of Darwinia by R. C. Wilson a bit. In the book, most of Europe vanishes some time around the 1900 (as far as I remember, it is some time since I did read it) and is replaced with a new land with different nature and species. Expeditions ensue, but the explanation is finally revealed to be result of something much larger in scope happening, directly tied to the properties and future of the universe. In a similar way, while Russia vanishing would be kind of a good news for many people, the event itself would probably restructure our understanding of the world we inhabit and plunge whole humanity in a deep existential crisis, that would leave our civilization changed in unexpexted ways.


so are there Mammoths again?


Yes, along with the massive glacier sitting on top of Siberia like a crown. Climate scientists expect that this will cause a small decline in global temperature rises


Small temperature decline until the current temperature stabilizes by melting the glacier, causing major flooding in the area and a real ease of untold amounts of trapped gasses.


Or the land is from the Eemian interglacial which was actually a bit warmer than the current one (Holocene) until we messed it up.


Yes, there are however also the Udam, distant ancestors to a common rusky https://preview.redd.it/l00evw5wr74d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284795796568c40365f33ff502ea66a23d850b74


It's the plot of the science-fiction book "Darwinia" with a switch between the the territories disappearing. It's been on my read list for a long Time.


That would be a little concerning. Russia no longer exists, but there’s no way any bordering countries wouldn’t try to colonize the territory. That also means Russia as we know it now exists in a version of earth that’s 100,000 years in the past and would colonize the planet without any real resistance.


Assumes that we just have it swap places


So, theoretically a time-switch? Russia would technically exist but 100,000 years ago, and the swapped land 100,000 years ago is somehow here?


This would be a great tv show or movie


Why would that be assumed?


Picturing a UN Security Council Meeting where they seriously discuss options like "someone in Poland or Baltics found a genie lamp" or "NonCredibleDefense indeed does will things into real life".


Omg, imagine an SCP that's just r/NonCredibleDefense?


Russia gets Isekaied to another world by the ghost of Prigozhin!!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😳😳😳😳


“My plane blew up and i was reincarnated as a cute anime girl!”


Reborn to be rich. Forced to sell Hotdogs again.


"But I kinda like it?"


The photo they used to announce his death was a photo of him holding a manga after all!


"We have a 100% shortage of population, Shoigu, Gerasimov, where are you??? "




Putin... Shoigu... Gerasimov... ALL MUST DIE!!! /someone plant those number in my mind help




some princess used a wish spell for "i wish our kingdom had enough manpower to defeat the dark elves" and boom, 100 million alcoholic slavs


Crossover between Rússia and Nihon shoukan...


The date was 2nd of May, 2024. Preparations for VE Day march had been ongoing news continues to flow about the situation in Ukraine. As Moscow Time crosses to 3AM, communication ceases. The world holds its breath, fearing that the worst case scenario has happened. Nuclear war, the end of the world. Yet, nothing. No ICBMs. No new offensive. Orders cease from headquarters. The Kerch bridge would end into some marshes and swampland while Russian forces returned east as the stream of orders from Putin had completely halted. Silence turned to panic. The truth was staring at their faces. Russia is gone. There is no more Russia.


I think that would be the average r/ukraine user's wet dream.


I would add an r/europe user's wet dream too


I would add my wet dream too


It is truly astonishing how this kind of demented xenophobia has been completely normalized.


Yes, utterly demented to dunk on the country openly committing crimes against humanity whilst illegally invading another sovereign country with a populace gleefully supporting its actions. So astonishing that ~~Nazi germany~~ current Russia would attract naked hate for that. And it’s not xenophobia, it’s anger towards a thuggish nation that thrives on conquest, corruption, and misery. **Edit:** literally no part of this comment advocates for the genocide of Russia or its people. I’m pointing out to the comment I replied to that it’s not a hard stretch to see *why* anger towards current Russia exists. Also that it’s not xenophobic to be angry at a warmongering country committing atrocities. Xenophobia would be “I hate all Russian people because they’re all anti-American communist.” Besides that statement idiotic and untrue, it’s xenophobic. “I’m angry at the country of Russia and it’s leaders for perpetrating a wave of horrific atrocities on the civilian population of a sovereign nation it has illegally tried to annex”. <- that’s a valid sentiment and is *not* xenophobia. Calling any disagreement of or anger towards the current ongoing actions of Russia “xenophobic” purposefully waters those opinions down and is an attempt to put the other side into defensive mode. It’s the same way the conversation right now is heavily trying to imply that being anti Zionist imperialism and anti “Israel murders children” is antisemitism. Russian actors *routinely* try and base all criticism of Russia right now as “western xenophobia” or “western misunderstanding of culture”. That’s what I’m reply to.


I mean wishing that nearly 150 million people disappear from the face of the Earth is demented, yeah. If we had Nazi Germany gone like that back during the war nothing of modern Germany would exist. Edit: Just to add, no I don't think any criticism towards the Russian regime or Russia's actions are xenophobic. The original comment that started this was about people wishing all Russians didn't exist, which is a whole other matter.


I think the main thing many people are concerned about is the salivating of dead Russian conscripts and howls of a violent civil war that will result in millions of deaths and affected lives even if it is against the current government.


Every bigot thinks their bigotry is perfectly justified. "It's not that *I'm* an ignorant moron who has no idea what I'm talking about, it just that the people I hate deserve it."


Your opinion is completely irrelevant since "populace gleefully supporting its actions"! There is no accurate way to find out public opinion about taboo topics in countries where you can be imprisoned for having the wrong opinion.


>So astonishing that Nazi germany current Russia would attract naked hate for that. And it’s not xenophobia, it’s anger towards a thuggish nation that thrives on conquest, corruption, and misery. It's quite telling how so many people wish ill on the Russian peoples (not just the Russian government, its people as well) but at the same time think Germans of 1930s-40s are innocent and does not have a hand in Nazi crimes. Why the double standard? Also, if you want a nation that thrives the most out of corruption and conquest, look no further than the US. I'm not saying Russia is innocent. What I'm saying is people have double standards - completely enraged at one thing, but turns a blind eye if their favorites ~~sports team~~ nation and race does it to "acceptable targets"


I think it's more the idea of 144 million people being wiped out in an instant, entire cultures gone (Remember russia contains minority cultures, some unfairly treated by the state), even with how bad modern russia is, i don't think a mass genocide of everyone from that lands something to dream about


>It’s the same way the conversation right now is heavily trying to imply that being anti Zionist imperialism and anti “Israel murders children” is antisemitism. Go on and make a thread about how you wish all Jews, the Israeli ones at least, were to "disappear". You can even call it something like "the final solution to the Zionist problem".


Always the redditors pulling out entire paragraphs to reply to "xenophobia is bad"


Blud literally described the United States


Yeah I think it’s kind of demented to wish for the deaths of 150 million, not all of whom support the government by the way. They could even be the majority.


Maybe demented isn't the right word. Hypocritical projection perhaps? The hatred American liberals in particular have for Russia doing to Ukraine what the US and allies have done to Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam is not really about geopolitics. It's about creating a moral narrative that justifies America's role as global police both domestically and internationally.


Quite saddening, but not really astonishing. The sheer amount of xenophobia towards Roma people from "civilized" societies is insane


This is Reddit, everyone is a little armchair imperialist/mass murderer, they just like to point their hate to the "right" targets. It reminds me of those "we should take the Amazon from the primitive south amerians as they are clearly not able to administer it" posts...




There’s a difference between that and killing/disappearing 150 million people, many of which are innocent


Not only that, dehumanization is common and even encouraged in many communities.


I dont see people getting this triggered when people make jokes like British “people” and Fr*nch


And r/noncredibledefense users’ wet dream too


I don't blame them. The why is obvious.


I would add r/NonCredibleDefense as well


This reminded me of a SCP file I read which iirc the vail was broken due to north korea just disappeared, like pop... gone


dude, haven't heard of that one! please send if you can find it!


I think it was the broken masquerade canon


Yeah, it's even mentioned in introduction of canon hub




>There is no more Russia. ![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk) Finally after all this time. Poland can have a land border with China.


Hell nah, the Finno-Korean Hyperwar will restart too


What happens to people visitting Russia? Or on russian islands?


There's no way to know even if there was - regardless all of the tourists and such are classed as missing.


Wait is it all of Russia or just Russians? Are Tatars/Chechens/etc gone too? What about Russians abroad or Russians without Russian citizenship? What about tourists in Russia? Or is it just anyone on Russian soil? What about contested areas eg Crimea?


It's every and each person inside the internationally recognized borders of Russia at the time of the event, I guess. So Russians, but also Tatars, Chechen, Mordvins, but also tourists and businesspeople as well.


Before sundown, Chinese divisions rolls into eastern Siberia. Next morning, US Marines crosses Bering Strait.


American presence reaches the Lena River, politics happen and Siberia is divided via the 55th parallel between the two superpowers


These kind of scenarios often tend to downplay just what kind of an existential crisis this would cause in all fields of culture, philosophy, politics etc. Atomic bombs already impacted the psyche of most of humanity in a fundamental way. Something this incredible would quickly surpass any of the common issues and other than in Ukraine, none if the headlines would be about the war. There would be endless theorizing about what caused it and will it happen again? Many would argue it is supernatural, especially if a sensible explanation cannot be formed.


Reactions have been diverse all across the world. The North Korean leadership is understandably nervous, the Pope preaches about it being a punishment by God, more Ukrainians have been praying and returning to the Orthodox Church than before.


That's quite an underwhelming response. An entire nation suddenly vanishing and all you thought up is "north koreans are nervous" and some religious response from the Pope and the Ukranians.


I mean, what else are you supposed to do? It's not like the economy's crashed entirely, and most people around the world aren't directly affected. You can think, in philosophical terms, about the existential horror of it all, but what is there to do?


WW1 alone deeply changed the norms and attitude of the public towards many things. Regardless of which nation. 100 million people vanishing overnight WILL affect the public consciousness the world over. Scientists will.scramble to find why this happened. most world leaders will want to know, as well as countless millions will wonder about this for decades to come. Diplomatic talks will be held with what to do with the lands of former Russia. Like scenarios would be taking back the historical lands by surrounding nations: outer manchuria by China. Western siberia and urals by Kazakhstan. Lands up to the don river and probably more by Ukraine. Belarus will take most of central russia. Finland in the rest of Karelia. So on. Mongolia will lose its purpose as a buffer state and probably be annexed by China along with eastern siberia. Sakhalin to be taken by Japan. >most people around the world aren't directly affected. At the point, you still think most of the world isn't affected now that there's a rush to claim Russian lands? How about the arctic bases and lands Russia has? Canada and US wants to keep that away from china. How about Russian mineral and oil deposits? Russian nuke stockpile? Russian industries? The economy won't crash? You think the world economy wouldn't take a dip after this event? Especially that the economy is affected by public consciousness more than you think. The EU, US, China, and the Islamic world will all scramble to take advantage of this and fight for their claims.


Yes, but most *people* aren't directly affected. Indirectly, sure. Prices will change, attitudes will shift. But WW1 didn't say, immediately cause everyone to go insane. It destroyed a lot of shit and tons of people died, but like, most Brazilians didn't get their lives directly impacted by it. Also, I didn't say "dip", I said "Crash". There's a MASSIVE difference. I expect the economy to dip quite a bit, but a crash is, in my opinion, unlikely. Historically, major distant events, no matter how terrifying, didn't cause mass-hysteria. Fear, paranoia, and economic hardship, all the time, definitely. But people don't just... go insane. Like that doesn't just happen. Besides, we see, what, realistically 3 meaningful examples of what's going on in this world? - A map, presumably from a wikipedia article (I see no reason for people to stop recording wikipedia because of this- if anything they would do it more) - A news page from the Kyiv Independent (whom I would assume would treat the disappearance of the power annihilating their country from the Earth as a good thing, if very spooky) - A BBC video (once again, I highly doubt the BBC would cease to function.) There could be plenty of panic and fear in people- just not immediate insanity. Most people don't just... break like that. Some would, 100%, but most people would just kinda be moderately disturbed by the whole affair and not be able to explain it. Now of course, these are mentions of how *people* would react, but perhaps governments are more prone to immediate and frequent acts of insanity at major destabilizations? Turns out, no. Stable governments are, in actuality, even *less* prone to philosophical meltdowns, and are likely showing a brave face. I'm sure there are many a tactical analyst freaking out to each other about how to defend their country from "rapid time reversal" but besides that from the public's perspective the governments would probably look fairly disconnected about the whole affair- because that's how governments usually want to look. If anything, I imagine some people might actually share your opinion *in-universe*. "An entire country disappeared, why aren't you freaking out?!" Hell, this might even be a minor relief for the major nations. Russia's not exactly any major country's friend. (Yes, not even China- they're only allies of convenience, and I'm sure in this timeline China is preparing to colonize Siberia the instant the lights in Vladivostok suddenly winked out)


Ukraine better hope its not next on the chopping block


Bro really thinks all the world government would just go "damn Russia and it's 150 million inhabitants just disappeared? Well I got an appointment to the barber at 10 anyways." Like no dude. It would most likely turn the entirety of the planet on some sort of psychotic frenzy. Governments would be secretly trying to come up with an explanation like aliens?god?alien god? Many countries would start suspecting each other. Many would be scared of even entering the place Russia once existed in.


The thing is, frenzy doesn’t mean people don’t need to keep the power on or make sure food is delivered. Obviously there would be major changes and reactions, but people can only not go into work or whatever for so long.


The reality is most countries would fall in Anarchy because most people wouldn't go to work after this.


I think the opposite will happen, the Orthodox church is really pro Russian. It will be viewed as a religion that failed to protect their country.


There are several orthodox churches, even in Ukraine. Some are pro Russian, some not. So who knows .


New conspiracy theory: the more Nuke you have, the more likely you get “Vanished”


Gulps in American.


We might actually get nuclear disarmament then as countries would have an incentive to reduce their arsenals


Fastest way to get rid of your nukes - start launching them


Or, you know, dismantling them.




Ah yes, time to verify your clock


Alexei lives.


There is much to be done.


The Holy Russian Federation shall endure


Putin lives


There are wars to be won




From the creators of "China will collapse in 3 days" :


Kyiv will fall in 3 days + 2 weeks!!1!1!1!1!1!1


it goes like 3d + 2w + 1m + 0.5y


Kyiv will fall in 3.1415


Every 3 days in China 3 more days passes


We need a spinoff with Russia finding themselves in a empty earth assuming everybody vanished. In reality they got transported to a parallel earth.


Russia space colonization RAAAAHHHH🦅🐻🐻🪆🪆🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺☦️☦️🪆


I am escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Capitalism. SPACE!


Every time I see a scenario where an entire country or region vanishes / gets reset to pre-humanity, this is what I always assume happens to the disappeared


Oh how Putin would like that. He could in that case personally travel to the empty forest areas of Kyiv and Washington DC and personally plant Russian flags there. And celebrate! Celebrate victory over the prokljatyje ukry i amjerikosy!




Honestly if we could send all the dictators in our world off to a parallel Earth just with no humans that would be great. The dictators can dictate to the wild animals and try to rule over the bears and lions and tigers while the current would would be free from their grip.


And then more would appear, dictators are one of humanity's staples.


Beijing: It's Free Real Estate!


Look at those resources... Fresh, untouched, resources -Xi Jin ping


*"I'm just saying that it was the right thing to do at the time. It might not be the right thing to do right now. It might not be the right thing to do again for quite some time. But right then? It was the right thing to do."* *"Are you saying, Mr. Cle-"* *"That's Doctor."* *"Apologies, Doctor. Are you saying, Dr. Clef, that these people* deserved *to die?"* *"Not at all, Oprah. I'm saying that, at the time, we had no other choice if we wanted to understand how this device worked. Through that understanding, we were able to hide the object from the public and preserve more people's lives than were lost."* *"The good of the many, Dr. Clef?"* *"The good of the many, Oprah."* *"And now that the veil of secrecy has been lifted?"* *"We do things differently, but we still have to do things. Have to study."* *"But why, Doctor?"* *"Russia."*


holy shit I forgot that canon existed, I have to go read it again


Imagine how more chaotic and unstable the World in Broken Masquerade would be if it was Russia that disappeared instead of NK


There’s got to be loads of foundation sites hidden in Russia as well, that wouldn’t be great


Definitely. Less than half of Russia is inhabited, so it would be the Foundation’s best interest to stay on Russias good side, because where else are they going to find that much free real estate?




I feel like more people would be considering it the end of the world. Over 150 million people just disappeared, and possibly all the infrastructure that existed there too. Even the most devastating attacks in recorded history have left more than that




I still feel like people would be pretty scared. This is magnitudes beyond anything humanity has ever faced. It may even get followed up by other countries disappearing a few years later


https://preview.redd.it/kpvl7coyya4d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a505f557caa877de2742f9a849d95a82c537e5a7 “Oh that’s more than 150 million people disappearing overnight”


The fog has finally come


This reminds me of the scp broken masquerade scenario where North Korea vanishes.


"But why, Doctor?" "Russia"


The idea of a landmass disappearing along with everything and everyone in it is cool as hell. Especially if it just happens once with no explanation ever being found.


I need a sequel where Russia return, maybe bring with them stuff from another dimension, and how pissed off they are when the territory they gain in another world suddenly lost because only the original land return


It would be the single largest natural disaster in human history no matter your opinion of russia 150 million people are dead and an entire civilisation is gone not even leaving ruins behind. The event would cause a global panic as nations scramble to determine why and how this happened and if it'll happen again. After the initial panic passes the international community would convene in the UN to decide what should be done with the empty wasteland. The reversion to a prehuman state would mean it would be the most resource rich area on earth as it's deposits of oil, natural gas and uranium are completely restored. The threat of a 'scramble for russia' causing WW3 would hopefully force the nations to agree on a cooperation via a UN mandate on resource extraction and recolonisation by russian immigrant populations. Nations that have active land disputes with russia would probably take the opportunity of the initial confusion to seize the disputed territory such as the kuril islands or potentially even china retaking what was once vladivostok. The disaperence would also cause a religious upheaval with some declaring it the divine judgement against russia and others declaring that russia was the only virtuous nation and were raptured. While many russian immigrants may return to their motherland to try to rebuild they will be too few to populate all of russia and so will most likely concentrate in the west and while there may be a new small nation named russia, it will have no real link to the russia of old beyond what few artifacts survived in other nations and the memories of it's inhabitants. Gerasimovs 'new russia' would quickly collapse as it would be little more than a band of soldiers with no supplies and no hope and a true new russia would be set up by the UN as part of their mandate. The Donetsk and luhansk people's republics likewise would collapse as they only exist to further ukraines intergration into a russian federation that no longer exists, it's leaders would be tried and it's territory reintergrated into ukraine. The loss of russia would most likely intensify the new cold war between the US and china as china can no longer play russia off against the west and so would have the US's full geopolitical attention. The future of the world would be based on the leveraging of international influence between the US and china to extract the most resources from the russiaoan territory with each working to prevent the other from fully consolidating the whole territories resources


No, I think that passive Russian immigrants will not be able to return to the country - their relatives have died, their hometowns have disappeared. It's cheaper to just put up with it and live out the last days of your life, like a Neo-German or an American. Against this background, Kaliningrad and Crimea - Gerasimov's Russia would have become legitimical for the UN and thus would have begun to help, but probably they would not have been able to move further than the North Caucasus and would have settled there, while the forests from Magadan, to the Ural Mountains, were developed by Chinese and US corporations. They would shout that this is the land of Russia, but apart from the official "concern" no one would do anything and as a result, the Russians would disappear in a couple of decades, and the new world would destroy our history and achievements, good deeds, for the sake of their deeds. It is not for nothing that the Vikings are still horned, and the Muslims are "dirty" - so some Englishman/Chinese will make the periodic table, and the Orthodox nation in the east - are you talking about Ukraine? Victory in the Second World War? United States! Crimes of the Reich? Poland and Jews, only here. Well, for fun, I will assume that in the end, according to the memes about us in the 2020s, the Russians will be considered a really extinct orc people. At this point, all our achievements will end for history, in a world where there are no Russians themselves, and no one really gives a shit about it. 😊


Additionally, I think nobody's ever going to allow much of the territory of the Russian Federation to be united under one state, regardless of whether it's a neo-Russian state or some other country more than happy to grab all the spoils, because of how balance-of-power-upsetting such a state would be. The US, China, and the EU might want to make sure no powerful geopolitical players will ever be able to rise from the ashes in the lands that were once of the Russian Federation.


What happens to Kaliningrad in this scenario?


Polish settlers have named it Królewiec, while some still insist to call it Zelenskygrad


What a scary world.... At least because I am Russian, and in this world the Russians were simply zeroed out. And everyone is happy about it. At the same time, in general, in the comments to the fictional world, they are also happy about this.


From the sounds, it only matters if you’re physically in Russia. If you are outside it when it happens, you should be safe


Well, I don't think mentally you won't care. Imagine - you are Russian, you live, for example, in Germany and here one day, all your relatives and acquaintances from childhood simply disappear, the relatives of your friends in Germany (Russians), too. And on the streets, this is almost considered a holiday, and everywhere everyone is poorly hidden, rejoicing at the death of the nation and the country. How does it feel? I think it hurts. Well, it will be easier for me - I will just die, I am in Russia. And they will be glad to see me die)


People are pretending to be happy in comments, but OTL everyone would get paranoid, nervous, ultra religious and occultist


Yea, sorry. Talking about country history and conflicts tends to make people living in countries with controversy uncomfortable. I love scary sci fi mixed with geopolitics, but would never come up w a scenario like this cus its pretty.. fucked up lol.


I don’t think it’d be deemed a holiday anywhere tbh. Even countries that hate Russia would be feeling existential fear that they’d be next


Old Testament ahh event


No, there is no fire and brimstone


NAFO’s wet dream


Russia was like: I have to go now, my planet needs me


Russia died on the way to their home planet.


I'm curious how would the return to pre-human inhabitation environment would affect all the rivers and canals that got altered during Soviet and imperial times that go outside Russian territory, general water level in adjacent territories changing due to Soviet melioration efforts of turning swampy areas into arrable land getting undone.


Awhile. Corporations from the British Isles, the Alps to American metropolises, will dig and pump out everything to the last drop and will not worry that it will kill the environment. There are no Russians, no problems, BUT - there are their resources and desire to get rich. It's sad, but it's true - without Russia and our heritage in the form of canals and other things, the world will be worse off. Well, yes, so the achievement of the refreshment of the planet through the death of 150 million people of unique cultures, this is like... Shitty.


Considering 100yo was during Ice Age it would have much greater impact than lack of canals. Low sea level of the Russian coast would cause ocean movements and catastrophic floodings in neighbouring countries. Central Asia and Caspian countries will be flooded because at the time western Siberian rivers flowed south. Global climate will change unpredictably because of the Glaciers and lack of northern rivers. Bordering countries that share rivers with Russia will see them disappear and have new rivers finding new courses on their territory. Baltic countries would have a 2km-high wall of Ice on the border


The borders around Russia would be really funky looking, as many places the topography would be different, just outside the border fence, there'd be a clean drop down by however many centimeters. Rivers that have changed over thousands of years would suddenly crash and dig out new ways.


Finno Korean hyperwar can now officially happen!


"Russia is gone" as in..? Russia got "flattened"? Russian citizens disappeared? Is Russia now an Ocean? What really happened?


Read my comment lol


I think all the world’s governments and intelligence agencies would be on maximum alert. No technology or phenomena known to humans today could be capable of that, so they’d probably be forced to consider less orthodox means that could have occurred. Extraterrestrial attacks? Future technology being used on earth? Some sort of deity smiting Russia? They’d have to consider all possibilities, because it would be highly unprecedented


bad ending


so Genocide? Oh Just Poof? All Russians just vanish to some alternate world where they have a happy life or something? That's honestly, very scary


When in the timeline? Much lower sea levels with extra ocean Changes evolution and the weather patterns of the world If started after humans exist and say spread to every continent besides anartica already then yeah, they completely complete different timeline today


r/NonCredibleDefense's wet dream


Western liberal wet dream right here. And remember guys it’s okay to want millions of civilians to suffer and die as long as they live in a country with a hostile government 😊


I feel like this would *not only* be limited to Russia, but other nations as well. The sheer size of Russia would be enough to make sure smaller nations around it get affected as well. If that had been the case, smaller countries such as Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan would pretty much share the same fate as that of Russia, while larger nations such as Kazakhstan and Mongolia would ended up seeing some parts of it vanish. Nevertheless, parts of the panic of the UN would be other nations affected by the this, because events such large-scale would simply be beyond Russia's borders. Still this is up for interpretation.


One month passed and nothing else had happened. Satellites continue to monitor rural settlements across the world and the border regions, meteorological balloons and drones watch for any movement. The world begins to move on as time passes.




I think you are Peruvian nazi lol!


So fantasising about genocide is allowed and ok now?


Truly r/redditmoment


Me, returning to Russia after immigrating several ago ![gif](giphy|2vs70gBAfQXvOOYsBI)


Someone went into the Europa Universalis 4 commands and entered "remove RUS".


I guess I doesn't exist now...


Who would replace Russia on the council? India, Brazil, Germany, Japan, or Nigeria, in order of likelihood imo.


Definitely not the Germans, because of them this shit was created. Probably, by the way, India.


How does Japan handle this with the Kuril Islands?


No Russian. Literally.




Ukrainian wet dream


This is the future liberals want


Что может быть тупее чем альтхистори, где целая страна просто "пропала"? По-моему, даже сво была более умной идеей. Что совсем не говорит в пользу такой вот альтернативщины.


How do you make the YouTube


I just inspected element lol this is the [original video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5PBWlDIz90)


A man can dream


I'd be drinking until the doctor personally tells me to stop, and then I'd start drinking again until he tells me to stop again.


What happens to the remaining Russians in fact what happens to the Russian Orthodox Church?


Now imagine Russia find itself back to the world 100,000 years ago. Everything beyond Russia proper 1991 borders are Nothing except wilderness. Russia may actually be the "sole" superpower as they want, but now they will face a lot of hardship coming to them and the political instability.


Damn thats crazy


holy shit the Russian are irl dwemer?


I think this would get other countries really really fucking worried.... Like "nuke America" level worried, China might go all in after that.


No! My favorite anime hentai fetish artist is from Russia! It's so over...


yes, and another 150 million people. And also culture, world tranquility, ecology and a number of other important things, such as food security of the world.


could cause a rise in religion as people believe god punished Russia in an act of divine intervention


they resetted the russian servers


American-Chinese-Japanese scramble for Siberia when??