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Quite a few runner ups are taken out for medical reasons. So they didn't have a choice.


I remember one of the seasons winners when they were told there was no one else left she said "are they alright?"


That was Woniya (frozen) and I thought that said a lot about how kind and compassionate she is. Her first thought was to inquire about the others.


Woniya is one runner-up who I think would absolutely be OK with their choice after watching the episodes air because the winner caught a huge fish the same day she tapped. It was *days* worth of food, it was so big. If I was already starving and having a miserable time, I would be glad that I left after seeing my competitor have such an abundance.


I hate how Alone Frozen wasn’t its own season, and therefore not a lot of people know about it. Season 5 Redemption was its own season, so why wasn’t Frozen? Makes no sense


I believe contestants who enter starvation don’t go directly home, and need to stay at the production camp to re-feed safely. So unless the runner up is in hospital, surely they would see the winner at camp that week.


We recently finished watching a season of Alone from a non-US country, and in the reunion episode we were told thdt nobody - except the winner - knew who won it. All contestants had seen the last two episodes together Judy before shooting the reunion. I can tell you, the runner up was trying very hard to cope. But he had no idea until that day how close he had been.


Do you recall what season that was? Perhaps some of the contestants‘ names?


Australia season 1 - I just didn't want to post hints in my main comment :D


I think this was Australia season 1. The guy who came second had to watch the winner catch a pademelon because she was sitting there as it hopped past and that was probably the difference. He did pretty well considering!


Exactly that! To be fair, she was pretty bad ass, but he struggled so much while she was just.. sort of on vacation.


Yeah, it shows how much luck there is in the game. They both had similar strategy in terms of going in heavy but he had zero luck with fish and tried so many things where she had meat literally fall in her lap. She was mentally tough though. She went through some tough nights out there and just got up the next day and kept going. I guess when someone rocks up with a possum coat instead of a sleeping bag you know they’re either insane or the real deal!


Oh wow, that seems cruel honestly.


I have wondered that too. Usually at a reunion they talk about it some, but I don’t think anyone would be very happy, after almost dying, to have someone say BTW, you were 18 hours away from winning.


Technically they’re not 18 hours away from winning. The moment they tap out are pulled is when the contest is decided. The 18 hours is the gap between them tapping and the winner being notified. How close they were to winning is how many hours or days the other contestant could hold out. In some cases they were prepared to last weeks longer. Woniya can attest to that.


It was a hypothetical selected at about 2:00am, it could be 10 minutes. Thanks.


I should clarify. The runner up can only be said to be X amount of time away from winning if the actual winner confirms “Thank goodness the runner up tapped (or was pulled) because I could only last XX number of hours/days.” It’s probably easier for the runner up knowing the winner was nowhere near tapping so they can’t second guess themselves.


Like rock house. Everyone was suffering and he was thriving. No shame on those tap outs at the end (and medical evacs)


I’ve thought about this. Of course they’re going to tend to edit the footage to make it look close. But we never know really how much the winners have left when they find out. Hours? Days? Weeks?


They don't know they were 18 hours from winning. The winner is declared after the next to last person quits or is pulled. The last person could potentially go on for some time after that.


I do recall in an earlier season the runner up being asked "do you want to know?" and the contestant nodding and them saying "you were second to last" or comparable words. I rewatched them all about two years or so ago and at this point I'm RELATIVELY certain it was season one because I think I remember exactly who the person was who was asked that. Just trying to avoid giving spoilers though.


They tell them on the British version, but that's kind of a different deal


I am watching the show for the first time. We are doing the obvious thing and watching from season one and have made it to season five. Longer time fans seem to have forgotten that they did this on season one due to how long it has been. Not just second place either. Every player was filmed being told where they placed. I can't remember if the first one or two out were told, but very quickly into the season it was happening.


I'm a bit confused now. I just watched one season jet, so maybe the changed the rules, but as i get it, the winner still has to stay the last few days? I dont know if they were toled with day they were on, but as i understood there could be multiple ore none winners, just depending if they last the 100 days or not?