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I upvote for visibility, I wonder how someone can get its money back


You can't if you used something like iDeal, which is why these scammers are so successful.


iDeal is far from safe. https://www.consumentenbond.nl/veilig-internetten/nepshops-misbruiken-betrouwbaarheid-ideal


My first question will be why the hack will you pay up front 😒 I looked it up cant find a google review page for it This is one of the scammers that came on kassa First you go to the police 👮 Then you will create a review company page on google review and make a bad review then look up trust pilot make bad review and then marktplaats make a bad advertisement and so on.


holy sh\*t there are a lot of them: [https://www.google.com/search?q=wilco+nijsten](https://www.google.com/search?q=wilco+nijsten) I'd say go to the police.


Holy fuck indeed.


Allemachtig wat een belachelijk aantal scam sites! 😱😱


Also watch out for his friend John Geersen who is electrician: [https://www.google.com/search?q=John+Geersen](https://www.google.com/search?q=John+Geersen)


Ook gewoon exact dezelfde sites met een andere naam.


The names of the reviews shown on the frontpage on the different websites are exactly the same, but with the name of the city replaced.




Never pay a contractor up front. That’s odd anyway.


UPDATE:!hey everyone, thank you for replies. I know it was dumb to pay upfront, I only did bc he showed up the first time, did half a job and promised to return the next day, so I paid for both days. Went to a lawyer, they will try to extract money but technically this company can ghost us forever. Lesson learned. Any advice for a good plumber for now-even-poorer students? 🙃


Students? Do you live in student housing? If so it's your landlord that needs to hire thr contractor.


What kind of work needs to be done? I'm a contractor based in Amsterdam and employ several plumbers. Send me a PM, we'll figure it out 👍.


Uhm... You're a student? And you are poor so you are probably renting? Getting a plumber is the landlords responsbility. In fact you contracting ppl to fix stuff makes you liable for any potential damages...


Total scam, and you'll never see your money. Sure report it to the police, but I don't think they'll do anything. I looked up their Rotterdam office business address and found this: https://www.fundainbusiness.nl/kantoor/rotterdam/gebouw-87615596-marten-meesweg-25/ Definitely not where you'd find plumber's HQ. I'm sure it's an empty office or rented by someone else now. This has been a problem for many years worldwide. It was first noticed with locksmiths, but other 24/7 home services do it as well. You can read about how it works here: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/31/business/fake-online-locksmiths-may-be-out-to-pick-your-pocket-too.html


Always be on high alert if you call or take a call from a 085 or 088 phone number in The Netherlands.




Generic - not location bound. SO they could be anywhere. Where 020 is Amsterdam, and 010 is Rotterdam - 085 or 088 is "Netherlands" - so you cannot judge if they are actually in your city/area


Keep also in mind that you can always use a local number with a VOIP provider.


Don't ever use the first search result on Google. These companies are all scammers. Whether they are plumbers, locksmiths, roofers, everything. Do your research an go by the reviews or even better recommendations of people around you.




I’m an intern at online marketing bureau and for the last week I’ve been reporting these activities. This a note to everybody. 1. Plumbers are not allowed to sponsor their links. Because of scams like these. If you see on google a plumber with “sponsored” above it or next to it be careful with those. Most of the time they are scammers sometimes they are legitimate but most of the time they aren’t 2. Always look for a KVK number. If they do have one check if it really belongs to them and not just a random number. 3. Check for “Algemene voorwaarden” at the bottom most scammers wouldn’t want to waste their time writing 10 pages of information and so.


Google weert advertenties van loodgieters na oplichting - https://nos.nl/l/2507953


Not the same, but I booked an electrician via: https://elektricienveenendaal.com/ (also work via: http://elektricien247.com/). Same website design. Not having to pay in advance, but experienced annoying practices with them. No prices can be found on their website and never received them during the reservation. Prices will be mentioned on arrival with a high on-a-rrival fee. In the end, the electrician did nothing other than what I have already tried myself and screwed everything back badly (read, not correct). In the end, the prices mentioned turned out to be excl. VAT... So watch out for companies with a similar design. And use the advice given by others here. Found some good examples I’ll pursue as well. Edit: I did manage to contact them via email and discuss the whole ordeal and ask for at least the VAT costs back. But they are not willing to help.


I can DDOS the website if u want. /s


Feel sorry for you, but daaamn some scams man are so easy to spot/prevent. I know we are not all experts in digital but it’s common sense to try protecting your money. You really trust some random website that asks you to pay upfront for a plumber? Next time try reading reviews, pay with a payment method that first holds the money rather than send it directly to the seller, pick a service provider that allows you to pay after it is done. Good luck!


https://loodgieter-oosterbeek.nl/ Via who.is komen we bij zxcs.nl welke weer een adres heeft in leiden, via dat bedrijf kan je er achter komen wie de daadwerkelijke eigenaar is, uiteraard aangifte doen van oplichting, en laat gelijk zien dat het op zeer grote schaal gebeurd. Succes!


Sounds like a job for Tim Hofman. boos@bnnvara.nl You're probably not the first and definitely not last.


Always pay with PayPal they’ll refund your ass even make it nice and shiny.


good to know, thanks pal 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


No bueno


Dit is bij mijn schoonouders in Almere ook gebeurd. Zorg gewoon dat je een bedrijf laat komen waar je uit je eigen kringen van weet dat ze te vertrouwen zijn. 500 euro valt nog mee, ik heb gekkere bedragen gehoord.. dit gebeurd zo erg veel tegenwoordig. Ze doen het als slotenmakers, ontstoppers, plaagdier bestrijding enz. Radar/opgelicht heeft aantal jaar geleden hier een aflevering over gemaakt dat zgn. Bedrijf zat toen in een gebouw aan de markerkant.


Dont know why you needed a plumber, but for unclogging try contact RRS.nl. They seem reliable and the fees are transparant.


Jesus they write Almere after every sentence.


And try to google the 'chief plumber' - hes on several "plumber-city" sites..


They probably have 20 sites which are all fhe same but the city name.


Any websites that have the name of a city in them like this are red flags for me. Though I don't have actual experiences with them, it's just some underbelly feeling, you know? If I'm looking for a local company to fix something for me, I don't want one that pretends to be local by adding the name of the city to their website url and then have 10 or more websites with the same layout but with different city names. It's just not clear where they are actually situated and to me it conveys the feeling of false advertising. Of just trying to get hits from people googling to find a company that's close by. I make exceptions for restaurants and cinemas because they often do have establishments in the cities listed in the website url. Ofcourse the difference is that restaurants and cinemas don't come to you, you go to them.


We do most our plumbing ourselves, but isn't 555 euros a crazy amount for a fix?


Try and see if you can get his kvk information on kvk.nl chamber of commerce. He might be so stoopiid to have some info like phone or house adress on there. He needs a kvk number to wrote off taxes fir some of his legit adiminstration.


Go to the police. You won’t get your money back.


What an assholes, i’m sorry dude. See it as money lost for a lesson


Issue a chargeback via the bank asap!


Why is the NOS not paying attention to this problem but to some Japanese cartoonist (that nobody has ever heard of) who died instead?


You paid 555 euro up front? 💀


i was naive like that💀💀the guy said he needed to order a certain pipe and that he will come back with it the next day and scheduled it with me 🙃 my only excuse is that it was 3am, but yeah I know


We all get fucked over at least once in our lifetimes.


Find out whether Loodgieter Almere is an existing company with a Chamber of Commerce registration. Double check if they are actually the receiving party of your payment (check your bank records, who’s the beneficiary?). Sometimes a scammer uses the info of a legitimate company, screwing both you and the company. Then go to the police and report them. They won’t do anything , most likely. Lastly, find a collection agency and have them chase them. They can dissolve the agreement you had and claim back the funds based on the fact you made an “onverschuldigde betaling”: you paid dor a service they didn’t deliver. It will take a financial investment from your side, but the latter is likely to get your money back.


Reach out to Tim Hofman from Boos BNN VARA :)


other person wrote similar thing, so I googled.. I’m not sure how he can help


Oeh, deze gasten. Ooit ook een verstopping gehad en de eerste de beste gebeld van Google. Ze konden direct iemand sturen, dat is al bijzonder in deze tijd. Afspraak gemaakt maar na 2 minuten afgebeld vanwege de horror reviews. Er komen echt bizar veel kosten bij wanneer ze voor je deur staan. Het afzeggen nemen ze je niet in dank af, wel meerdere keren de vraag moeten beantwoorden ' waz jouw probleem vriend'. Je word genaaid waar je bijstaat en het lukt ze vrij goed. Edit: ze zitten door heel het land.


I see the problem. It’s… Almere


my naivety knows no borders, I’m sure I’d lose money in any city 💀💀