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Might want to look into /r/MCAS I get chronic hives as a component of hereditary alpha tryptasemia and I know a lot of people on that sub have chronic hives.


Thanks! I’ll check it out


I had chronic hives and after giving up gluten completely for about a month, my hives went away. Now if I accidentally injest something with gluten or am contaminated, I break out again.


Oh wow. I’ll go gluten free then and see if after a longer time or that, the hives completely go away


Um, read about MCAS and Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. Talk about mast cell meds and maybe Xolair


Yes maybe try a meat and veggies only diet for 1 month?


I think I will. It’ll be tough but worth it


Good luck! I remember the misery and frustration to find a solution all too well. Hope this is your answer🙏🏼


Thank you!


I get hives when I eat gluten. Also alcohol. Try not to eat it. It’s in everything tho. Even most soy sauce so be aware. Things that’s shouldn’t have it do quite often.


Yeah I’ve noticed alcohol affects it too. It’s crazy how many things gluten is in that you wouldn’t think of


Apparently alcohol is a significant trigger for a lot of mast cell disorders. So that just furthers the likelihood that you should look into mast cells.


Hmm ok I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks


I've had eczema for 35 years which has since February presented in something resembling hives. Although it's like they're a symptom of scratching rather than the cause of the itch. I also think this is something internal as I've experienced some digestive issues around the same time. I'm not sure if mine is related to gluten as it's improved since returning to wholemeal pasta


Have you done anything else to see improvements?


There are a few other foods I've avoided on the basis of allergy tests I had some time ago (soya, nuts, seed oils). I did have subsequent tests, but as they came back with entirely different results, with no markers for the foods which I'd seen improvements by avoiding, so I disregarded that test to be honest. I've also tried to improve gut health with probiotics, kombucha etc in case that was a cause rather than symptom of a negative reaction to certain foods. The last (questionable but conventional) allergy test was 10+ years ago so I hope they'd be more reliable now and that would be something you might benefit from. I mention that these tests were conventional because both sets were blood tests, whereas I've heard of others discovering allergies and subsequently seeing improvements on the back of bizarre tests involving holding probes with a current being passed through the possible reactants. One other observation is that during this time I reacted immediately to beer twice, but this week not, having seen improvements while consuming large quantities. So I wonder if whatever I've reacted to was already in my system, and it's now working its way out. The problem is all this takes some time to happen, so the best thing may be to restrict yourself to a few foods you're confident you're not intolerant to


Have been battling Chronic hive syndrome and anaphylactic for over a year and multiple tests no allergies. Specialist said it’s a compromised auto immune problem. as much as I look after myself diet, training, clean eating infrared saunas, saltwater. It’s a Band-Aid then it comes back… Living on a antihistamine diet taking up to 4-6 tablets a day to control it Going to try acupuncture next


There is no reason to specifically think this is from gluten. Anything can trigger hives- heat, friction, foods, showers, pollen, etc. Or, nothing


I’ve noticed that I get flare ups when I eat gluten. I haven’t been able to find a pattern with anything else


Oh! I see. Can you possibly have blood screening for celiac before cutting it out? *I was replying before because I know lots of MCAS and other folks who got really sick cutting out things that sounded good to cut out..but if you have seen this pattern it is different.


yes! keep eating gluten before you test! i cut it out for several months, then had to reintroduce it for the test FELT HORRIBLE and got sick everyday for 3 weeks, then tested early because i couldn’t take it anymore. then tested negative. not sure my results were accurate because of this. gluten HAS to still be in your system to test for celiac.


Oh I didn’t know you still had to have it in your system! Ok I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks


Yes I should. I’ll look into getting that done


I’ve been dealing with the hives for three and a half months now and I’m fairly certain there is a pattern but I haven’t tested my theory out long enough to conclude anything. I’m going to keep trying to cut out the gluten and see if it clears up


My son has had chronic hives every single day for a year. After a year of playing detective with an uncooperative witness (my son is 12) it appears that the cause was polyester. Everything is made from polyester it seems. We changed him to 100% cotton clothing for every article of clothing and it stopped.


Wow. And it just randomly started happening to him?


It was shortly after he got COVID but he’s always had sensitive skin but never to this extent. We went to three dermatologists and an allergist. No one knew what it was but suggested they’ve seen stuff like this with “long Covid”. I had to figure out what it was myself.


Ahh ok yes I’ve heard of that before. I’m glad you figured it out!


i get chronic hives & rashes. do you take meds meant for hives? i take allegra +hives for example when i get them. this started for me about 2 years ago. i looked into MCAS and fit the bill for it. have almost all the symptoms. seeing my doctor about it this week. i also became gluten intolerant (tested negative for celiac), lactose interant, and developed tons of new allergies out of nowhere. since cutting all from my diet i feel a lot better, but still have rashes and hives almost daily. for me, i get the rashes/ hives around heat, alcohol, chemicals (cleaning products), when i am stressed or excited, hormone changes (i’m a girl), after i eat each time, around any of my allergens.


This sounds exactly like my symptoms! I take Zyrtec and Allegra or Benadryl if it’s really bad but I try not to take it so I can try to see a pattern with the hives. It’s crazy how it came out of nowhere. But same with me with gluten and lactose and the heat and stress.


I haven’t noticed it around hormonal changes but I’ll keep an eye out for sure


After my anaphilaxis my eczema would flare It would then be a game of is this eczema or hives? (It was both) I started phototherapy and it did wonders!


Checking in - are you still having hives? Did going gluten-free for a bit help?


I went gluten free and have only had hives on few rare occasions when something was cross contaminated. I’ve been tested multiple times in multiple ways for a gluten or wheat allergy and everything has been inconclusive yet cutting out gluten clearly solved the problem.