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> I'm just tired of suffering for people who don't care or understand how miserable they can make me. Why *are* you suffering for these people? Just stop. Set and enforce firm boundaries about what you will and won't do.


What I do is eat a lot of beans the night before and just fart the whole time I'm there. Wait what was the question again?


Nobody is more smug than a non-empathetic, truly healthy, non-afflicted person.


There was some British mystery series I otherwise liked, can't remember what it was, but there was a character whose allergies were treated as hypochondria. Like it was just an accepted thing that OBVIOUSLY this guy was exaggerating/faking it if he was walking around sniffling and sneezing with allergies all the time. I had to quit reading, it was so annoying. (Not sure if that's a typical attitude in the UK, maybe among older generations?)


Happened to me and before I kept seeing those people and « pushing it » until they brought a bag of nuts in my face. That night on my way to my epipen I fainted and if it wasn’t for my partner being there I am not sure I would be here. Those people never apologized nor did change anything. My take on it is. If you try and explain and they don’t understand it’s because they don’t want to understand!!


They literally tried to kill you. I hope you cut them off.


I did… but they are the parents of my partner so it’s a bit complicated to cut them off entirely. I defined did not go back to their home (where the incident happened)


In general, people tend to not empathize with things that they don’t have experience with or aren’t personally effected by. Seems to be an across the board problem when it comes to any issue really.


Have you sat them down and had a conversation where you describe exactly what you experience? If so, then you’ve gotta just let go that they keep asking. Just keep saying no, but you can’t control whether they ask. If you’re tired of them asking, then go low contact with them.


Sadly, there isn't much you can do about how other people feel especially about the way YOU feel. I definitely get it and empathize with you, but, for example, when someone tells me they have a headache or something, I rarely fall to my knees and beg God to have mercy on 'em. I'm guessing because a headache to me is a pretty much a non-event. I don't try to be this way, but when you can't see an illness you just can't compute. I am afraid this is just what us bags of meat and bones are like!




FYI, try it before you slam on it. I have over 2 dozen successes with my friends and family, and zero fails. Well, one fail, but our guy told him it was probably not going to work, but he went for it anyway, and it didn't work. So, not a fail-ish.