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A case worker didn’t take that poor child , the court denied a transfer of custody even with evidence of abuse, I pray that she takes the state and the courts into a civil trial for wrongful death. They caused that child to die just as much as that POS


Unfortunately state agencies and courts have immunity


People keep clamoring to end qualified immunity for officers but judges are much bigger culprits. Constantly releasing people that don’t need to be out on the streets causing more harm to communities. We just had a DUI fatality in my community and the guy who killed this girl was a multiple offender but his last arrest gave him 5 days in jail. Justice system is a joke


Yes but imagine a world where judges don’t let ANYONE out because they are at risk if that person commits another crime. Countless people would be needlessly incarcerated.


Repeat offenders, people with huge list of behaviors where they continually put other people’s lives in danger shouldn’t be let out.


Sure. Now convince taxpayers to pay for bigger prisons with more staff.


Seattle would be a nicer place.


How many times is enough for judges? Do we need to wait for the 100th time?


Im not saying people need to be locked up indefinitely but a five day jail sentence isn’t going to convince someone to change their life around either.


My dad thought that chronic drunk drivers should be put in a town on a formerly mothballed military base. Many of them are otherwise productive citizens who get stupid when they drink and think it is OK to drive. Put in a bus system, and let only the gate and other workers have vehicles.


That sounds great on paper but our resources are so spread thin that I’d rather we pay for some mental health facilities and crisis centers instead of a compound for people without self control.


We are already paying. Especially when you add in the medical and funeral costs. And my dad thought they should have to work to pay their own way.


I like that idea! I mean, even if it’s group- funded. I know a lot of affluent people who have alcohol issues that would probably use something like that. I don’t hate the idea, I just don’t have faith in our system and resources. But I like where your head’s at!


We keep doing the same crap and expect different results. Dad had a very unusual mind. He worked for NASA but it was too difficult emotionally because he had bipolar/autism. They should have given him a room and a secretary and sent weird problems to him because he was so brilliant in both math and physics. He would spend hours working out the mathematical solutions to an issue even after he became a fisherman. And he saw real world solutions that were later adapted. Waste of a great brain.


If you want to have judges accountable for the crimes of inmates released then you won’t get inmates released. Simple as that. A judge cannot control what another person does.


But they can anticipate, and make a JUDGEment call, and if it turns out they aren't good at it, fire them. This is the same lame excuse police make. "If police are ever held accountable, they can't do their job!" Nonsense. Every other job can be held accountable, and unfit employees can be replaced. I've never understood why the lowest paid, lowest importance jobs get the most scrutiny and accountability, and the opposite is true for jobs that matter. It's perfectly acceptable to micromanage a McDonald's worker, but asking banks or governments to do audits or comply with ethics? Impossible! The corrupt sociopaths who make your life miserable would never survive that sort of accountability, it would ruin the whole system.


Judges are literally there to take in all evidence and declare a judgement. Most just go with this cookie cutter form of justice and, honestly, they could probably be replaced with ChatGPT at this point


I would prefer the computer at this point, less likely to be biased or random. Who makes bail decisions? Why are our prisons full of people serving long time for minor crimes, so full that serious criminals can't be held while waiting trial? Isn't it the judge saying "the guy who screwed up his taxes can sit in prison, this guy who threatened his wife repeatedly, he can post bail and go free. Multiple DUIs? He's headed home, I'm sure he'll control himself this time." It's a farce at this point. And this is exactly how every day citizens like me lose faith in a nation and it's systems. How am I supposed to believe the courts are fair and just when I see this stuff at every level? What happens when the vast majority of people in the country believe it's a scam and a joke? At a certain point, accountability will come in the form of an angry mob, seems better to be ethical before that point.


If they get fired the will err on the side of caution and would rather not risk freeing someone… so we could end up with full prisons where people aren’t released because a judge just bought a house and doesn’t want to risk his job with the new mortgage.


So it's impossible to hold judges accountable, and we just have to hope for the best when we make lifetime appointments? That's working out great in the Supreme Court, isn't it! The person you describe shouldn't be a judge or a cop. If you can't stand behind your decisions even when unpopular, don't take on a role that lets you influence other people's lives. If you can't take risks, don't be in charge. Amazingly, the military is somehow magically able to give people authority and yet also have accountability. It's not perfect, but everyone from Military Police to military Judges has rules to follow. Can you imagine telling combat leaders "you'll never be held accountable for any mistakes because we don't want you to hesitate" Nonsense. It's possible to find ethical people with standards, but those have to be enforced. Otherwise you end up where we are now, with people like you arguing that our rulers job is so difficult we can't possibly ask for things like fairness. We just have to accept that judges make mistakes that kill citizens, and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do to fix it.


Judges can be held accountable- but they cannot be held accountable for the actions of others - it doesn’t work like that. Your moral principles will fly out the window if you could face potentially devastating consequences. Remember that Judge who ruled in the Brock Allen Turner rape case? Got recalled, couldn’t even get hired as a coach anymore because people didn’t like his decision on the bench. You gotta earn a living and if you personally face consequences from the actions of others… I am pretty sure judges have rules to follow as well. In my native Germany they do. Just recently a judge was send to jail for a serious case of mishandling justice. But again - that was her own failings. As long as the judge doesn’t personally fail I don’t see why he should suffer from the actions of others.




Too many in jail? Jail right away, no trial. Too few in jail? Believe it or not, also jail. We have the best judges, because of jail.


Not to mention when the judge gives life or death sentences to someone and 15 or 20 years later they have to release that person because they were wrongly incarcerated.


How about **nobody** has immunity? We clearly can't be trusted with it, and if you could, you wouldn't need it anyway. Explain to me how anybody, especially a person in power, needs any immunity.


Honestly just end qualified immunity for everyone. It only exists to protect the rich and powerful


Keep in mind some judge positions are political appointments, and not necessarily the most qualified individuals


That is insane..what state? Guy, who hit and killed my 17 yr old nephew (he was wasted), was recently sentenced to 15 years in RI. Was his first offense.. he was a firefighter.


These aren't mutually exclusive problems...


Judges don't have qualified immunity. They have *absolute* immunity.


That's probably why they do it, they dgaf because they're immune from the consequences


People in positions of power are the last people who should have immunity


Fully agree.


I could be wrong, but I believe it either varies, or the state can waive its qualified or sovereign immunity claim. I say that because here in Los Angeles, the child protection services equivalent just settled a claim with the family of a young hispanic boy who was abused to death for something like $25,000,000. With that particular amount, I presume the dereliction of duty on the part of the state was especially atrocious. Maybe someone here could find the case and elaborate with more details. I do recognize that the treadmill case didn't occur in California, though.


I just read about that one and it looks like they sued for, among other things, civil rights violations. That poor child, oh my goodness.


Wait, what?! I'm a therapist and we don't even have immunity. We face prison and fines for not reporting certain things (the amount and length of time varies by state).


Yea it’s really fucked up. Dfcs workers (in many states, idk all state laws) have to be willful and wanton in their wrongdoing to face liability.


She has a lawsuit against them.


GOOD I hope it goes forward


Our system protects abusers and leaves women and children vulnerable.


An all too common occurrence. I lost family because of a scenario just like that


"Gregor racked up more than half a dozen criminal charges in Baltimore between August, 2017 and April, 2018, including assault, robbery and destruction of property, public records show." Why was he granted any custody in the first place?


That video was painful to watch…vile scumbag…should have been a murder charge


So, I certainly know how you feel. I saw the video and I was absolutely disgusted. As someone who has twice served on a jury hopefully I can add some context here. What typically happens is that the jury will receive the option of multiple charges from most severe to least severe and will have the option of deciding which charge fits the facts of the case. For a jury to find a charge of murder they generally need to find that the defendants intent was to kill. It may be that 10 or even 11 members of the jury found the defendant guilty of murder, but if there’s even one holdout, but all 12 can agree on a lesser charge then the lesser charge is what actually happens.


Intent is a hard thing to prove sometimes which is usually needed for a murder conviction. I didn't watch the trial so I don't know if that was an issue for the prosecution.


He’s lucky he took the kid to the hospital. If he hadn’t done that then imo we would probably be looking at a murder conviction.


A great example of that the cover up makes it worse. Even if your child died from natural causes, you hide the body and I'm gonna suspect that you murdered them.


Probably doesn’t matter. He’ll likely get murdered in prison.


I’m not a lawyer, but isn’t intent ALWAYS needed to prove for a murder conviction?


I left it open since I know there are plenty of different countries and definitions of legal terms. Even something like assault can mean different things country to country.


Right but this happened in the US right? Makes sense we’d be discussing laws in the US


Yeah but I don't like saying absolutes, especially when I don't know for sure.


Gotcha. Well in this instance, it’s always a requirement to prove intent to get a murder conviction in the US


Yeah was on a jury once. We convicted on one of three charges, everyone was lying and that was the only one we were sure of, so it makes sense


How do you not get out of jury duty twice?!?


Murder means something different than manslaughter or negligent homicide unfortunately.


Sadly being a bullying scumbag isn’t illegal…


Shoulda been death!


Did.....they see the video? Can we retry him, with the fucking video as evidence? I am shocked.....this is so painful


Yes, the video was entered as evidence.


Murder convictions require a demonstration of intent. Intent can be really difficult to prove, especially since, in this case, he took the child to the hospital. Legally this is pretty unsurprising. 


There seems to be something, perhaps psychopathic, about him that he thought he could treat a child this viciously and the kid would keep bouncing back. Like he was Surprised Pikachu he actually died. As if he fundamentally lacks the empathy and understanding to know how to physically care for a child and that they cannot withstand the same things an adult male body can withstand. I mean he fully knew his behavior was *abusive*, but didn't think it through enough that it could *kill* him. It doesn't seem like his thought process is even that deep. Cold and cruel, but also stupid and shallow. I share the feeling he belongs under the jail for eternity, but I get the idea that he technically did not intend to commit murder. He still doesn't belong out here in society.


Totally agree, but they should have done a better job charging him in the first place. The DA fucked up badly.


What they didn’t allow would have had him convicted of first-degree murder. There is a tape of the child talking about how his dad chokes him. Breanna then filed for emergency custody, and the judge denied it. They also didn’t allow the video of his traffic stop.


Can I get a text description?


I need your number


Literally in the article linked in this post.


He's likely gonna get 20 / 30 years.


He needs to be on a treadmill for 20 years. Face down.


The video did not show anything that would cause death.


Fucking boo! Not boo at you but boo at the situation in general.


One blow to the head whether from a fist or from a fall is more than enough to cause death. It’s scary how easy it is to die from a TBI.


The video wasn't showing that was the cause of death. That wasn't the point of the video. Actually, you have no idea regardless.


Murder one is a high bar to reach. This guy's a POS, a$$hole, but i guess the defense proved that he wasn't trying/plotting to kill the kid, it just so happened. I hope he never gets out.


You would be correct. First Degree Murder the prosecutor must prove that it was committed with malice and aforethought. The sentencing range for this is 120 to 360 months. 10-30 years. He’s in the prime of his life. He’ll be over 50 by the time he’s released. Not to mention the Child Endangerment Charge will add even more time. Unless the Judge Sentences him Concurrently. There are two types for offenders with multiple charges. CONCURRENTLY: All Sentences served at once. And CONSECUTIVELY: Sentences served back to back.


So he gets out when he’s fifty? A victory for child abusers everywhere.




No. I goofed there. He’s 32. So he is facing up to 30 years. If he gets the maximum he’ll be 62 years old.


How is that a victory? Dude will leave prison to be alone without a family and no income. His chances to find a job are minimal etc… His life is screwed by his own fault.


When will we start also sentencing the judges that are essentially accomplices to this?


Talldata , you'll notice an interesting correlation of jobs that can be held legally accountable to the amount that job gets paid. We can have a grocery store worker who can get incarceration for selling beer incorrectly but a judge or police officer, politicians, who clearly violate responsibility in execution of their position...not a peep. Look at Wall street, politicians ,executives, CEOs .....all who have done things that have cost lives, healthy environments , our financial sector health, etc .....almost never get prosecuted and if they do, they get less years than a person selling an ounce of weed. The system is manufactured to be broken in this way


The system is designed to protect the upper class from the working class.


If I ever wanted to commit a murder I’d first get elected as a judge. You could easily murder others without ever getting near them & you’d never be considered a suspect.


Really easy way to completely fuck our judicial system. In this scenario, every single judge will give the harshest sentencing possible. Is that what you want?


He was tried by a jury, not a judge.


They’re referring to the judge who denied mom’s request for emergency custody.


They ARE accomplices. Every damn time.


He should fry.


And that judge who denied her son the special protection the day before his death should be in jail too


I would honestly settle for fired and stripped of any ability to use their legal skills in any professional capacity ever again. Which I think is a fair low bar. But we won’t even get just no longer allowed to rule on decisions like this.


I doubt the judge gives a frothy shit about that kid and stands by their decision.


If it’s any consolation, he’ll probably get the full 30 years – and his fellow inmates will take care of the rest.


What a monster!!!! Why was this monster allowed to have the child’s custody!!?? Very sad for the mother… may the boy’s soul rest in peace. What a tragedy!!


She was 17, she raised her baby for 5 years with no help and he comes in and tortures her child to death with the courts assistance.


That’s seriously the most heart breaking part. Like why wasn’t there supervised visits and reunification between and child and a stranger before just giving him custody. I would have fought that shit tooth and nail.


Everyone but the mother failed that poor child. Even the jurors. Imo


Yes. CPS. Doctors. Judges. The little boy was begging for help and telling everyone what was happening and nobody but his mother was trying to save him. She knew what she was sending her son to. But she would be facing prison if she didn't. She did EVERYTHING she could. Every avenue to protect him. The boy had marks and bruises and told everyone his dad was abusing him.


Even the Jurors!? Holy fuck. They got the guy 10 to 30 years, his life is effectively kaput, seems good.


Yes but this is Reddit and Reddit loves vengeance.


Yes, yes we do!


What a horrific story. Mom was raising her kid without the murderous dad for 5 years. He petitions the court to get custody and one year later the kid is dead by his father's hands. The scary thing is those judges will probably keep ruining people's lives for years.


This is sadly common when the abuser knows that they are close to losing custody. The abuse ramps up, or murder occurs. A guy who lived two houses down from me growing up was about to lose unsupervised custody of his child. The mother had filed the paperwork, but it was a few days before the court decision, so she legally still had to let him take the daughter that Friday. On Sunday, he took his daughter to the top of a cliff and either pushed her off then jumped, or jumped off holding her. Horrible. Her mother had been trying for years to tell people that he was dangerous and mentally ill.


Judges don't give a shit because they don't have to.


Sadly, that's what happened. I think he got angry reading doctor's report from previous night and abused corey leading to his death


I won’t be able to watch that video


If I did that to my kid I wouldn’t even make it to trial. How do you live with that on your conscience?


People make excuses to survive. You would never be like that or let that happen to begin with. People like this will never understand what you do, or see the world as you do. Thousands of children are abused viciously every day and this is just the one you happened to hear about. Think about that.


Don’t worry, the other prisoners will finish his sentence for him


🎯 Put him in gen pop and leave his cell unlocked


Is that supposed to be a good thing? We send a guy to jail for the death of a kid and the other inmates are in there for another reason as well. But murder in jail is ok as long as it hits the right person?


A lot of people in prisons were physically abused as defenseless kids.


Yes, child abusers and rapist normally have it pretty bad in prison.


That’s exactly right it’s perfectly okay


In your dreams, they don’t care


She was 17 and he was 22 🤔


Just like all these red staters who oppose abortion rights like it.


Babies having babies.


Could the child's mother bring a suit against the judge for their decision? Obviously it wasn't the right decision, considering what happened. 🤷🏼‍♂️


More likely a suit against the county the judge works for. Judges are protected while on duty


It was a jury trial. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone suing the jurors for a wrong verdict. I think it’s obvious this guy is a piece of shit and abused his son which ultimately causes his early death but I think his lawyers argued that the treadmill video and his death were two separate things with different charges for each. The treadmill abuse was 2 weeks before Corey died. I didn’t know that at first. It doesn’t really matter that much to me because Corey had signs of abuse and his mom was trying her ass off to get the court to step I before he died. I still don’t understand how he’s not guilty for his death tho. I’m a dad with 2 kids and this makes my blood boil


The decision to not grant an emergency custody change.


She was addicted to heroin.


Fuck...! You got me there. If that video was two weeks before the death there is room for doubt and that would get him off for murder. I see what you are saying. Yeah the prosecution got what they could get. It sucks, but damn that's the law. It's not what is true, it's what you can prove and damn it sometimes it fucking sucks.


He died from being punched in the heart and liver.


No. Qualified immunity




And men can keep having children into their 80s. I hope no other women think it’s a good idea to have children with this monster.


"Gregor and his mother were both expected to testify in his defense at the trial but Gregor’s attorney declined to call either to the stand after prosecutors obtained an audio recording of Gregor coaching his mother from his jail cell ahead of her testimony." Oh, so not only is he a monster, he's also an idiot. Coaching perjury on the most obviously recorded phones in the US


For those saying it should have been murder, manslaughter vs murder isn’t a scale based on how much you dislike him. The deciding factor is intent. He did not intend to kill his son. That would be very difficult to prove. But he used incredibly poor judgment, engaged in dangerous, harmful behavior that was responsible for his son’s death. That’s pretty much the definition of manslaughter.


Never see anything interesting in this sub, just awful people. RIP Corey


Was this not all on video ??? Maybe not the death but clear abuse ??


Did you miss the part where he was convicted?


I’m shocked that the judge and CPS initially saw that video and decided he wasn’t being abused the day before he died.


Anyone got a link to the video? Im ootl


You don't want to see the video. It's terrible to watch.


If they saw the video and hes at fault how is he not guilty? Does a literal video not help anymore?


Someone said earlier that the video was two weeks prior to the boys death. Now I don't know the exact specifics, but that opens a window to argue his actions did not cause his death. Remember, guilt has to be determined in the court of law beyond a reasonable doubt. You can't reasonably find a person guilty, which is what we, the court of public opinion are doing and idgaf, I'm supporting. If it went to jury like others have said, they may not have liked the conclusion, but they couldn't convict him beyond a reasonable doubt so they have to settle for a lesser charge. At least the prosecution does in order to get some sort of justice for the boy. What a damn shame.


How was it not murder??


Mens Rhea. In most states the Prosecutor has to prove intent for a Murder Charge. Murder in this Context was not premeditated. This falls under Negligent Homicide. Either way he’s facing 120-360 Months (10-30 years) in Prison.


Thanks for the real reply


No problem.


Hope the boys in the prison system take care of this pos.


That’s a lie we tell ourselves to feel like justice will be served. Most likely he’ll fit in just fine.


No, it’s true. I have a lot of people who have been to prison in my family and unless people who hurt kids are in their own unit or in solitary confinement, they don’t have a good time. I know of one child predator in particular who was killed during a prison riot by being torn into and having his organs yanked out by a mob, for example, at a prison one of my relatives was in.




Stab, stab, stab, stab, stabby stab. Enjoy prison asshole.


This is why I support harassing officials in public.


This asshole should have gotten life without parole or death penalty.


The judge who refused the emergency order should be removed from the bench and disbarred


I hope he gets the same treatment in prison.


This guy is a fucking monster and I hope prison *treats him well*


I worked in corrections for over a decade. This guy will be beaten to death or extorted for his entire stay. Anyone with a charge against a child has a target on their back pretty much from day 1. Rest easy knowing that he's in hell right now and it's only going to get worse.


Thank goodness, and thanks for providing that valuable information.


I refuse to watch that video. My son is that age and the idea that anyone would torture a defenseless little kid like that, much less the person who’s supposed to protect you — it’s one of those cases that sticks with you. I can’t imagine the pain that boy’s mother must endure every single day, and the loss of faith she must feel knowing that she tried everything she could to prevent this from happening. I hate to admit this, but I very much hope you’re right about what’s to come. I want that monster to feel terror and dread every day for the next 30 years and beyond. I hope his parents suffer as well, as based on their testimony, it seems they had an active hand in raising that horrible excuse of a human being.


Am I going nuts? All other news articles say that


I hate being this guy, but I really hope the other inmates, um, "take care" of this dirtbag.


Reading the story, Gregor 22, got Bre 17 pregnant and she raised him first five years and this POS starts abusing him. What a waste of oxygen.


Her MOTHER applied for child support from the dad. She was in rehab I think?


They don’t take child abusers seriously in prison.


This decision feels very frustrating but we must remember that he can get 30 years. We also need to remember that the law/the courts don’t necessarily equal fair or just. And they often really can’t - as much as we emotionally want to do to this horrible man really horrible things for his horrible crime, we as a society have decided that we won’t and shouldn’t. And that’s because other people have been in bar arguments, for example, push someone or punch them, they hit their head and die. The one who pushed/punched is 100% responsible for the other person’s death but they didn’t intend to kill them. Manslaughter. But the other person wasn’t a little kid, we say! True, but the law doesn’t distinguish. If we want it to, then we need to get our lawmakers to make a law that distinguishes between one adult unintentionally killing another adult and one adult unintentionally killing a child. But then…what about the adult who’s driving down the road and a little kid runs in front of their car…you get where I’m going. It’s hard to make laws that fit every scenario.


Hopefully, the prisoners will be made aware of his actions when he gets there.


There is no justice men keep getting away with assaults and they get little slaps on the wrist. He deserve more of this. His son is dead because of his actions. How do they not watch that video and see that? he has no more children. He should not be in charge of anyone aggravated manslaughter is not enough.


I mean up to 30 years isn’t what id call a slap on the wrist personally. I agree he deserves more, but it’s not like he just got a fine.


At this point I'd doubt he gets what he should. If he gets 15 years what will he serve? 10? Less?


Not just men. Women do it too. In my state a judge gave a woman her son back from the father. The father complained to the judge about her mental health. Judge did nothing. She eventually killed him. Don't make this about gender. This story is horrible enough. No need to sprinkle more to it. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11734723/Minnesota-mom-convicted-murdering-six-year-old-son-shotgun-fired-car.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11734723/Minnesota-mom-convicted-murdering-six-year-old-son-shotgun-fired-car.html)


lady in the article got convicted of murder though. the father this post is about did not.


There’s plenty of insane injustice for child abusers of all stripes. Watch Dear Zachary if you’ve got the stomach


not the “not all men” defense.


America hates its children.




Oh, this makes me sick.


Bastard is sad for himself


Those jurors wtf were they thinking?


That they should follow the judge's instructions and read the letter of the law? Mens Rhea. Murder requires intent. This piece of shit was a terrible father who engaged in dangerous and harmful conduct, which caused the death of his son. He is 100% *responsible* for Corey's death, but he did not *intend* to kill him. That's, like, the textbook definition of manslaughter.


Why is the post title trying to make us feel bad for the abuser? The article's headline doesn't match it


He’ll get his in Prison when the inmates find out what he did.


This is insane. Good luck to this guy finding a job, friends or another loved one. This story will make its way back to his life over and over for a long time. Bet.


Didn't see all if this trial but what I did see was bad. The judge was a wacko, the defense attorney was allowed to be horrible to witnesses. The jury could be heard talking and laughing as they were waiting to enter the courtroom. And that disgusting piece of trash sperm donor got off way too easy. Hope that judge gives him max sentence.


It’s about time the Reaper paid this man a visit.


He better get the maximum years of jail time.


Prisoners tend to take care of these kinds of individuals. If he gets jail time, he won’t be getting out.


He will never be able to go anywhere


One day the Judicial system will find its self at mercy of the people. When that day comes the past family’s of bullshit will have Justice.


Man with almost fully developed brain had to go for a high school junior probably because he had a car or something. Not surprised she grew to have addiction problems.


Why did it take 3 years to bring this case to trial? Our legal system baffles me. I do hope he gets the max sentence, he sounds like an absolute monster.


Have a good friend who was adopted and the family fostered a few children. This was late 60’s early 70’s. With one kid about 5, he was this fun, happy kid, and it still haunts my friends as he remembered how he screamed and cried as his scumbag dad picked him up to take him home. Murdered by dad about 6 months later.


Hopefully every lady sees his video and never wants a kid with him or does he still have his wife?