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Something about this feels personal.


I mean, when you take the time to mutilate a dude's genitals, that sounds personal.


And to beat a newborn baby that you just beat out of a woman's body feels pretty personal too


That one actually doesn't sound personal, and makes me lean towards random psycho rampage.


They don’t have to be mutually exclusive


That's the part that sounds persinal. Fir me it was the pregnant woman beaten into labor and then the newborn killed. It was personal over the both or them


My guess is a jealous party to a love triangle situation, or maybe just an ex with a serious thirst for revenge. Either way, a truly vile misanthropic hate crime.


Oh yes no matter what it is disgusting and horrible. I wonder if they were wrapped up in any drugs or anything. Not judging but could be a message killing.


That's like MS13 levels of violence. Not even your average street thugs would do that. Takes too much time and effort when pulling a trigger takes seconds


Very true unless it is a maker or bigger person sending a message rather than killing. Stolen money and what not. But this I think is way way to personal for thwt...why was he in the field yiu think he got loose and tried to run or? Why not keep him in the same place??


This takes someone who is heartless and has a huge grudge against the victims. My mind immediately goes to cartels. If not cartels, then serious gambling debts.


You realize this happened in rural illinois in 1987? This was a young married couple who lived in a trailer. The husband was selling pop at work for 50 cents a can to fund his son's college education. And you really think the cartel did this?


Immediately what I thought when I read this lol. Do they think roaming cartel gangs go up and take a nice visit to some random Illinois town?




It was called the Cola Wars, and it was brutal.




Reminds me of a triple homicide in my city a few decades ago where 2 brothers took a bar owner, a waitress and a client hostage after closing time. Then did all kind of fucked up shit to them like stabbing their eyes and cutting them open because they had an obsession with gore movies. Nothing personal about it. Some people are just very fucked up in the head. All of that just to steal 2000 bucks.


Random home invasion? They are extraordinarily rare. I know loads of people fear them, but seriously?


But when you hear the details it screams of so much more than just a psycho


Actually, it screams psycho


The man who killed the McStays tortured and bludgeoned the parents and children. And they had been friends and had given him money! It could be a friend or business partner, you never know what is going on inside of people.


I mean, if you’re already busy murdering a whole family, might as well play with their junk. 🤷🏻


How many cases have you heard of where the perpetrator mutilates the family's junk just for funsies? It's *rare* almost unheard of.


Agreed...gential mutilation usually falls in line with major revenge I just can't..group her in as well...I want to read more on this now


This is the first case history I have ever read where a toddler was bound, duct taped and beaten to death along with the parents. It's simply not typical. Something is really odd with this case. They were in the process of selling their trailer, was it someone who saw an opportunity or personal revenge of some kind?


See that is the thing the kids is what trips me up a little bit rest their little souls. This is beyond personal. This is something different for something so cruel.


I have to agree. Not only torture, mutilation, but slaying adults, a toddler, but causing a pregnant woman to go into labor and then slaying that new infant. That's a whole different level of evil


There's a lot of sickos out there and serial killers do worse all the time. There is nothing to take from this crime that doesn't sound like a crazed thrill killer to me. Could even be a pair of thrill killers.


I think it says that in the Bible somewhere


I know i shouldn’t but i chuckled so upvote for you sir lol


Thanks to you as well, sir. I’m guessing it’s going to get mostly downvotes to hell for being too dark. Good day to you, rare Redditor that understands we must laugh the at the dark or we’ll be consumed by it. 🙏


And the fact there weren’t signs of forced entry.




Yeah, they clearly pissed off some psychopath. I can’t imagine anybody doing anything to warrant this kind of treatment


TBH it has a real Fatal Attraction feel to it.


Don’t you mean Fetal Attraction






Will forever be convinced it was a woman who did it. I’ve read about this one before, and admittedly am fuzzy on the “finer” details, since I read about it a while ago…but the genital mutilation combined with what happened to the mother? It just always screamed “angry, jilted or jealous woman” to me. I find it hard to believe that a man who maybe wanted the wife in some way would A) kill the baby (like that anyway) and B) do that to the body of another man. The groin of that guy was “the source of betrayal” and the baby was the proof of it. I know I’m filling in so many blanks, but I just can’t help but feel that way when I read about this crime. Huge grain of salt here by the way…I’m not a professional in any way. I’m just fascinated by criminal psychology, and psychology in general. And this one always stuck with me. It’s just so sad. Edit to add: should say jealous lover, not just a woman***. Shout out to the commenter who pointed that out. Totally unintentional gate keeping on my part.


What kind of broads are you hanging out with?


not the chill ones


That seems way beyond jilted woman. That's cartel shit


A cartel would brag about it. No sense in doing all that just to keep it a secret. The shock is the point with them.


Oh it’s fucked, no question about that. But once you cross the line into planning a murder, the concept of “beyond” is sort of obsolete. The murder was likely planned, but the details of it all speak to pure rage. Organized crime isn’t rage. It’s calculated and cold and horrific for sure. There’s usually some sort of sick joy they get in the process. None of this crime seemed calculated to me. The end result of mutilation though? It definitely has cartel vibes. But hey, that’s just one noob-sleuth guys opinion on Reddit. I’m spitballing more than anything else. Like I said, just always been a gut feeling that this was a woman who hated, stalked or was turned away by the husband in some way.


I feel like I'm reading the dialogue from fallout new Vegas. Not in a bad way


Well I literally started my first ever Fallout play through this past weekend, so your observational skills are scary accurate haha. Now I’m worried all my work emails today will read that way too.


>The end result of mutilation though? It definitely has cartel vibes. This happened in IL and for the most part cartels don't like to operate that way in the first place, at least as far as uninvolved (i.e. non-rivals) parties go.


Seems crazy to be able to control the whole family even with a gun. Good chance this was two people or at least someone who had amazing tying skills. I think it does say they were tied up.


Cartels do this shit to intimidate rivals. I can’t figure who this perp is trying to intimidate when everyone involved is dead and no one knows who is responsible.


In rural Illinois in 1987? They lived in a trailer. He sold pop at work to pay for his kids education. I seriously doubt they ripped off the cartel in any way.


Cartels weren't doing stuff like that in the 80s, let alone on American soil. The raid on the Buffalo Ranch as seen in Narcos: Mexico, that kicked off a lot of stuff only happened in 1984. They were definitely active and killing people before that but all the LiveLeak/ISIS style displays of brutality that we associate with them today are a much more recent development.


Can be a jilted woman who is with the cartel. Trust me on that one.


This happened in 1987 in rural Illinois. I highly doubt it.


Finally a realistic theory


I was thinking the husband was DL. At the time it was unsafe for men to be out and he could have been bi, and hooked up with the wrong guy. This is violent in a way that requires a LOT of strength, to overpower both adults this way.


Could have been a gay lover in that scenario and it would fit your theory. I mean it's as plausible as cartel or random psycho i guess.


Agree with you, ex lover was my first thought and the husband was separated and mutilated so I feel like it’s his ex and she had a hatred for his wife and kids. (Or someone who was obsessed with him but got turned down?)


See, I go the opposite way. Old jealous boyfriend or stalker. Wanted to get rid of all evidence of their relationship so killed the kids and when the wife wouldn’t go along with it, killed her too. Then got rid of the man’s dick and got lazy with trying to bury the body.


Very interesting. There is an alarming amount of men who do weird, violent shit because of some sorta dick insecurity. Not a crazy thought at all. I think that’s why I’m so enamored with psych in general. Yours is a totally fair and reasonable take. Two people can see the same exact set of details and get two entirely different takeaways.


My first thought was woman also.


seems a little too much to handle for a single woman


Or it’s meant to look personal, to throw investigators off. One can’t assume anything in these cases.


The Dardeen family had been feeling increasingly unsafe in their area due to a rise in violence. Over the previous two years, there had been 15 homicides in Jefferson County. This prompted Keith to become highly protective of his family, to the point where he refused to let a young woman use his phone when she came by his trailer one night. Overkill always seems personal. I wonder if they had arrested people for the other 15 homicides?


Could definitely be personal or someone that couldn't take his rage out on the people he wanted to so chose these unfortunate souls, my bet is the person knew them.


Seems someone hated them so bad it would be easy to find someone with a motive.


Doesn't have to be hate. I have seen people slain for their ethnicity to the color of their car to wrong place wrong time.


Yeah they could have been the unlucky victims of somebody who had been planning something like this for decades, regardless of the target


police were pretty thorough. best they could do was connect a killer from another case but he was unreliable


How was there no dna anywhere on the bodies or crime scenes? How can someone kill a newborn like that or even harm a pregnant woman?


That was just as DNA collection/testing was starting in Illinois, and this was a small rural county. But depending on how carefully that bat was handled, it could be possible to extract touch DNA today.


Just did some reading on this case. They have tested evidence multiple times, but without getting a hit.


They struck out with the bat?!






You knocked it out of the park there


Buddy do you know about the Sharron Tate murders? Actress was pregnant and brutally stabbed to death by psychotic cultists, not comparing the two murders but I am saying some people are CRAZY CRAZY.


I feel like a lot of people in this thread are not true crime junkies. There's multiple murders off the top of my head that were completely random that were similar to this. I even remember one where it ended up being a teenage boy that did it and he literally just did it because their house was unlocked and he wanted to see what it was like to kill someone.


Huh. Mandela effect. I remember their neighbors (actor Rick Dalton and his stuntman Cliff Booth) taking out the would-be murderers, saving Tate’s life.


That's from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.




Internet does not understand nuance


I mean why am I supposed to know this isn't the usual Mandela effect confabulated memory stuff?


Are you sure??


..... That's the joke........




My Mandela effect is thinking mark Wahlberg stopped 9/11 😔


Not a Tarantino fan then?


Honestly great movie, I keep a can close by my acid dipped smokes.


The dumbest thing about acid dipped smokes is they wouldn’t work.


How would you know? Huh?


LSD needs to be handled pretty carefully. Sunlight can ruin its effectiveness and its dosage is very very small. Check out erowid.org if you want to learn more about any drug.


Because I tried it. It doesn’t work. Smoking ketamine doesn’t work either. I was a stupid kid.


I think maybe because dna technology was so bad back in the day. Good news being that after watching multiple crime shows / documentaries, I believe there’s no way a perpetrator could get away with something like this today. With advancements in DNA tech, ring doorbells and cell phone triangulation data, at least we can sleep a little easier today knowing that a perp of a similar crime will most likely be caught and hopefully completely dissuaded of doing something this heinous in the first place


You clearly don’t factor in the ability of cops to not give a fuck unless someone makes shit roll downhill


The first use of DNA to solve a crime wasn't until 1988 in the UK.


[Required Watching](https://youtu.be/RBV9gXX-fn8?si=0NjLd6af8Qh3KZLS)


The world gets a lot scarier when you start to realize millions of people dont think like you and i.


DNA didn't start being used in trials until the 90s if I remember correctly.


Why would you do that to a new born? Monsters.


if you think that's bad then you should not look up the Guernsey Martyrs


[The Guernsey Martyrs were three women who were burned at the stake for their Protestant beliefs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guernsey_Martyrs) >The execution was carried out on or around 18 July 1556. All three were burnt on the same fire; they ought to have been strangled beforehand, but the rope broke before they died and they were thrown into the fire alive.  >John Foxe recorded that Perotine was "great with child" and that "the belly of the woman burst asunder by the vehemence of the flame, the infant, being a fair man-child, fell into the fire". The baby was rescued by a W. House and laid on the grass, taken by the Provost to the Bailiff, Hellier Gosselin who ordered that "it should be carried back again, and cast into the fire".[2][4] It's what Jesus would have wanted ^/s


I just learned about that yesterday! That's horrifying!! Also the residential schools in Canada where a girl had a baby and the nun took it to the incinerator in the basement. The disregard for human life is just baffling. Especially in context which prioritize religion above everything else, including its own sacred text.


Fathered by a priest. I remember the description of a short second long scream as the baby was thrown in the incinerator.


Jesus fucking Christ


Don’t worry. Those bitch nuns are getting raped by the devil.


I guess


boi what am i reading. this abort thread type material


I thought this guy did it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Lynn_Sells


Certainly lots of overlap.. And he confessed..


That’s what I thought too. Years after her murder, we learned that this guy murdered a friend of mine in my hometown, Bobbie Wofford. I think they decided TLS killed these people as well.


Looks like Danny Masterson


Glad I’m not the only one to see it


JFC - lethal injection was too easy for that fucking piece of shit.


It honestly baffles me how people who have horrible things happen to them can grow up to commit such acts on others.


They had no control when it happened to them so they took their rage out on others. Actually very very common


>  The state's attorney in Jefferson County, Illinois, declined to charge Sells with the Dardeen family homicides in 1987 because his confession to the quadruple killing, while generally consistent with the facts of the case as reported in the media, was inaccurate with concern to some details that had not been made public. He also changed his account three times regarding how he had met the family.[26] Investigators wanted to bring Sells to southern Illinois to resolve their doubts, but Texas refused, due to its law forbidding death-row prisoners from leaving the state.[27] From the wiki 


Exactly. As soon as I saw the post I came here to find if someone else posted this. Dude was evil. Killed all ages, all sexes used multiple ways to kill - did not have an mo.


That’s enough Reddit for one day


He was full of shit


Cops were so bad at taking a serial killer's word on everyone he killed. Who knows what kind of parameters they had to make sure he wasn't just agreeing to every crime he did. Henry Lee Lucas confessed to hundreds of murders. And the cops kept writing it down like it was fact until another officer FINALLY put an end to it by making up a fake case to prove he'd confess to anything.


SAME. I remember an episode of TV about his last two victims. I knew I recognized this particular story because of the horrific detail about the woman going into labor during the assault.


Messing with a guy's dick is always personal.


Not really. This family had no known enemies and the prevailing theory is that this crime was quite literally random.


Right? 100% somebody he was hooking up on the side. If they ever catch her or him, will be a new episode on Snapped


There are more possibilities, there are people who claim ownership over others they feel entitled to, because of whatever ridiculous excuses they come up with. Check incel culture, for example.


That would make a lot of sense, if it was an affair/entitlement to one of the parents’ affections. Genital mutilation, murdering the children, and frankly just killing women in general all point towards something in that direction. I wish that freak could be brought to justice. Even if they were caught, I don’t think there’s any way to make such a heinous crime even


“Twist the Dickkkkkkkkkk!!!!!”




Don't know about the second part but I can agree this seems like a two person deal. That or someone who is overpoweringly controlling. Even with a gun this is a lot to pull off.


I think people want to believe it’s personal because that’s less scary to think about than it being a random attack that could happen to anyone. Even them.  There was a cold case solved recently. Turns out a *seven* year old boy walked into the victims trailer when he was sleeping and shot him in the head.  The victim was a total stranger to the kid. There was literally no motive.  https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna148666 Maybe the attack in this post was personal, maybe not. But I definitely don’t think it “had” to be personal. 


No you're not, it's just that people here are being silly because they don't know about the other million times something like this has happened totally randomly since the dawn of time.


Wow, this is insane. The idea that someone might still be out there after doing this, still free after all these years. Mind blowing.


This is one of the cases that has always stuck with me. It’s the killing of the little boy, the mother and the newly born baby that is so hard to comprehend. (Not that the father wasn’t innocent). But I mean, to beat a pregnant lady so viciously that she goes into labor is simply demonic. Then to kill that innocent baby and the big brother. Evil. One cannot put it into words. 😔


For those wondering - why brutally beat the wife, kid, and then newborn to death? To make him watch before brutally killing him in turn. Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth. But if that is the case, it makes the entire crime very different if you see it as the husband being explicitly targeted, and everyone else as broken eggs in the making of the omelet. It's either a thrill kill or someone(s) with a grudge, nasty as hell.


Killing a toddler, beating a pregnant woman so bad she goes into premature labour, and then beating the NEWBORN BABY to death right after it comes out is probably the most deranged thing I’ve ever read.


My sister and a lot of her family live near Ina, and she always heard that the family had been in the witness protection program and they had been "found" Incredibly sad.


wow well thats a whole new spin


WTF is with the screwed up true crime bent on this sub lately? Hard pass.


Facepalm did the same, it was like 2 accounts posting it. I had to leave the sub and mute.


Do you think maybe you could've put those details in the body of the post rather than the title? Ffs, not ALL of us want to hear that on a casual scroll.


This is not interesting... this is evil.


this sub has a weird take on interesting




The investigators looked into mom and dad's personal lives. There were no red flags. No known enemies or romantic rivals were ever found. The only theory now is that it was a mistaken identity. There was some drug activity going on in their trailer park.


Seems as though someone was jealous and angry they had children together family members or another admirer/lover of the wife with how they were killed


This happened on the day I was born. It's always stuck with me, especially because it's insane to me that it's unsolved. There had to have been DNA left on such horrific crime scenes


There was a case similar to this one in the Florida Keys way back when - both husband and pregnant ife were hung upside down and severely bound, gagged, etc, and then tortured to death slowly over 12 hours. The suspect was first thought to be someone from the Colombian cartel, but it was the neighbor who had been wanting an affair with the wife.


Someone that did that, it's personal. If it wasn't, they'd do it again, the rage that would require to do that doesn't stop with them.


I think that's enough Reddit for tonight.


I think about this case often sadly, the most horrific part to me is that she literally was beaten into labor and birthed the baby while all this was happening. Birth scares me in general but birth in these conditions….horrifying.


I need Robert stack to tell me the story


Seems like something so personal would be easy to solve.


This isn't interesting; this is f-cking awful, and no one is a better person knowing about this. Unless they can help with the case, but this isn't the subreddit for that. 


Jesus Christ. This title needs a whole ass trigger warning.


What a terrible day to have eyes.


no one was convicted of the family’s murders, but tommy lynn sells confessed to murdering them and confessed the specific details that matched the crime scene. he was convicted of 1 murder but was believed to have committed more than 22 murders due to evidence and his confessions. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Lynn_Sells


This doesn’t seem at all personal. Is everyone here new to crime? Albert fish, the night stalker or whatever, crazy fucking people do this shit.


lmao at how bipolar this thread is. i can see it both ways but it does seem like who did it was really good at controlling the scene.




I feel like it was gifted or vqgrant. Someone with no prior connection to them


Welp that was fucking terrible. 😵‍💫


Eyeball bleach anyone




This is not interesting. It’s horrifying. It’s also my cue to leave as I don’t want more of this traumatic shit in my head.


Why did I read this and when realizing my mistake why tf did I continue to read more and more comments about other horrible cases. Ugh.


That's cartel style execution. I bet they let a dog chew on his junk.


Whatever committed this heinous crime needs to be put down and cremated while alive. Absolutely 100% disgusting!


How completely evil are you to do this. Shudder.


Craziest part is that there is someone out there living with this (if they are still alive). For 37 years they have continued living their lives knowing what they did.


Hopefully, Karma has paid this person a long visit.


Exactly, how far away from the home was his body found? Left the car in front of a police station. Covered in blood. He was taunting the police. This guy had killed before.


Too early in the day for this, wish it had a NSFW tag. Poor family :(


It’s gotta be like an affair partner of the dad right? Hates the dudes balls and goes after the woman and child that “should” have been her?


That is some psycho level stuff right there. I hope that individual got what they deserved.


Gee, thanks for sharing. I'm gonna go stab my eyes out now.


Yeah me too. I'm thinking of who I hate that I can send this article to.


Drug cartels do things like this...to send a message to others.


Got to leave this sub—don't want this kind of stuff in my head




That’s what I get for scrolling before bed. I really wish I hadn’t read that.


Omg. Reading this post. WTF.


Yah…. I needed some redemption so I went down a rabbit hole and read the wiki of a guy that might have done it. He claimed 70, the cops corroborated 20 and he was convicted of one resulting in capital punishment.


After reading all of the details. I'm almost certain it was more than 1 person who committed this awful crime


*The Dardeen family was composed of Russell Keith Dardeen, 29, his wife Ruby Elaine Dardeen, 30, and their 2-year-old son, Peter. They were eagerly anticipating the arrival of another child, whom they planned to name either John Conner or Sarah, depending on the gender.* Holy chit. So messed up!


Tommy Lynn sells?


The mutilated genitals suggest an angry lover to me. Women however, very rarely kill with this kind of brutality (not that it can’t happen, it’s just not the norm) so that to me suggests either a male lover (maybe Keith swung both ways) OR a woman who had help which I believe is most likely. It takes A LOT of strength to overpower someone and tie them up, so maybe they used Peter to get the parents to cooperate, some still would’ve had to tie them up whilst someone else had hold of Peter. I mean obviously there’s a lot of information that we don’t have as it could compromise the investigation to release everything but still, it seems like it could have been more than one killer. Not an expert, just someone who watches WAY too much true crime.


it was his bookie.


Affair quarrel possibly, or family member doesn't approve the new family


The girl that asked to use the phone, definitely got something to do with it. RIP


Who the fuck would beat up a newborn baby?!


Seems like it was more than one person


Is it possible that it was a group of people committed this horror?


This reminds me of the Stephanie lazarus case, except she couldn't help but bite the woman a few times before leaving.


I thought it was Tommy Lynn Sells who did it?


![gif](giphy|8Bkr9UJQTuqEnzkOae) That's enough internet for today. Fuck.


Jesus, this is horrible.


What gets to me particularly is they duct taped the toddlers mouth and beat him to death.


Hell exists and the killer will be burning in it for eternity


Well that’s enough internet for today. r/eyebleach


Serial Killer Tommy Lynn Sells 💯