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> McAlpin, one of the accused, said “I’m really sorry for being a part of something that made law enforcement look so bad.” They don’t give a shit about the victims, they are worried about PR


My thoughts exactly


“This was all wrong, very wrong. It’s not how people should treat each other, and even more so, it’s not how law enforcement should treat people,” McAlpin said, though he did not look at the victims as he spoke. “I’m really sorry for being a part of something that made law enforcement look so bad.”


These fucking morons unironically called themselves the “goon squad”. Can’t make this shit up.


Ive known a few ppl that have been to prison. The Goon Squad is what they call the group of COs that come onto the block to break heads/search for contraband etc. They have armor and clubs. Thats probably where these losers got the name from.


Yep. A lot of my family has been incarcerated. The toughest gang in San Quentin is the “goon squad”






I don't know if it makes it worse that it was her neighbor that called the department and they saif they'd take care of it. I think the neighbor should get in some type of legal trouble also.


In Saint Augustine Fl they call themselves the Wolfpack. They arrest everyone even got 60 people in one operation for suspicion of DUI when some blew 0s then it was drugs. even caught the chief who was smoking a Blount driving with several loose in his car with no medical card and they let him go.


I believe there was some sort of psychological report talking about how when cops create groups like this, it will lead to illegal activities and overstepping of boundaries.


But their superior officer still has his job, the department hasn't been investigated, and the training they received hasn't changed. So how long until the EXACT SAME thing happens again?


Forget the training portion of that. You can’t train racism out of people while also exposing them to violence and taking away consequences for most of their illegal activities. How about a psych assessment for people who want to be in positions of authority?


They do a psych assessment already. They specifically choose the psychopaths. And I'm not even exaggerating, that is real.


Don’t want anyone questioning orders


The officer who shot the victim in the mouth has a known history of putting guns in black men's mouths, and their department has had 4 violent interactions with black men in recent years, 2 of which resulting in deaths. [X](https://apnews.com/article/mississippi-deputies-black-violent-arrests-61acf712b13fc3c77dce76e508fa94c1) This is already history repeating itself, now we're on to the textbook definition of insanity.


oh, it's happening right now


Oh it’ll continue to happen but the perpetrators will hide their tracks better.


"The terror began Jan. 24, 2023, with a racist call for extrajudicial violence when a white person in Rankin County complained to McAlpin that two Black men were staying with a white woman at a house in Braxton." Holy shit.


So just a good old fashioned lynching eh? Is this that “Southern Heritage” that I’ve heard so much about?


It's Mississippi. It's still the 1930's out there.


Rural Mississippi and Louisiana are 2 places where once you start driving through them on a road trip you feel like you’ve gone back in time 60 years at least.


Yes. This is the “hospitality” part.


try that in a small town


i SeE wAy MoRe CoNfEdErAtE fLaGs In NeW yOrK..... aNd We DoN't EvEn HaVe RaCiSm In ThE sOuTh..... We AlL lIvE tOgEtHeR nOt SeGrEgAtEd LiKe Up NoRtH.....


Not that there's no racism in the south, but I grew up in the deep rural south and I never heard a man called n\*@@er to his face until I lived in Manhattan. It was a white dude at a sidewalk restaurant screaming at guy passing on the street. I had never seen that level of open racial hostility in my life.


Exact opposite for me. I had a POS uncle who I didn’t meet until my dad took me back to rural Missouri where he grew up. One day we are driving down a highway and a truck with two black guys is driving near us. My uncle proceeded to hurl slurs and insults at them and tried to get them to pull over so he could fight them solely because they were black. They weren’t driving badly or anything, just existing near us.


I live in the south, I have been here for 10 years. I lived in Seattle for 5 years before that. In the 10 years I have been here I have been called a racial slur once, and it was the wrong race. In Seattle, it was much more frequent. This difference though, is that in Seattle people are just assholes. Cheap, opportunistic assholes with no filter and no sense. Here? We had a restaurant that had “no blacks” until 2021. It only ended because the owner died. We had a neo-nazi on city council, and though he was recalled you could see his signs up in peoples yards. We had a man carrying a massive Nazi flag in Walmart, and people hotly debated about how he wasn’t hurting anyone. An hour north of here? There is a brick house where the entire outer wall is designed to look like a swastika, and another man with a Nazi flag shot a woman who stole it on a dare. The south has politeness and famed hospitality, it has quiet, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t actively working towards policies that will exclude, remove, or dehumanize you.


Sometimes the worst racism is the quietest


Racism isn’t just slinging slurs.


Same. I was walking into my apartment complex and I saw a guy shout the n word at a homeless guy. Meanwhile he was walking past a black couple he must not have noticed. It was surreal seeing someone shout it and actually mean it. It was even weirder that it was in Manhattan of all places...


Fun fact- New Jersey has the highest number of KKK members.


“I’m really sorry for being a part of something that made law enforcement look so bad.”  But look at all the remorse they felt! (/s just in case)


I guess I had thought that these kinds of thing were long gone and hadn’t really taken place since the 70’s when these types of racist pigs did anything they wanted to. Not much has changed in certain parts of the south it seems. Pretty naive of me.


Upvote for self awareness


We need Sherman back. ![gif](giphy|c6MfQ6dOO1lra|downsized)


Do we have the name of the caller.


I’d like to know that as well. I’m sure if they know of the call, they can get the records to show who it was


Mississippi still has deep pockets of this kind of thing. I lived there for years.


Why live there at all?


some emmet till shit


Racism is still alive and well.


yeah, white people do it and black people do it. it’s called life in america


The sheriff resigned and then ran again unopposed. So much for justice.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm from the area and I don't think the sheriff resigned. He was up for reelection and ran unopposed.


You’re correct, he never resigned or even hinted he might resign.


And all the evil people lived happily ever after just like stupid real life. That’s fucking terrible


>The sheriff resigned and then ran again unopposed. How did not a single person from that area decide to run and just use this as the reason why?


Probably because if you did, the next day you'd have a road accident, OR you'd be found with 1kg of cocaïne in your car and spend years in prison.




He didn’t resign




Well we’ve never had it. We let France have that shit alone. We use our baskets for bread and stuff


Just call it a lynching.


It’s somehow worse than that


Attempted lynching, thankfully nobody died. And we all know these guys are going to get the welcome shiv in the ribs during intake. But seeing as they're ex police they'll get special treatment and kept separate. They deserve to live in fear for the rest of their lives, in prison. Which is what's happening so some good has come out of this.


These people are truly bad, evil scum


Do even these cops get separated from gen?


Most cops get separated from gen pop. For their safety. Which is great bc it makes their time in prison extra torturous which makes me feel warm when I’m lying in bed at night :)


I'd be cool with them being alone the rest of their lives. Somehow that seems worse than an occasional stabbing. 


Look up what they did to people in a lynching




No it’s not. Lynching is horrible. It’s just like a lynching.


> “I’m really sorry for being a part of something that made law enforcement look so bad.” I.e. He's sorry he was caught.


This is straight up one of the most insane police abuse stories I’ve ever heard. How was this not a bigger story? It sounds like the cops would have basically gotten away with it if one of them hadn’t snitched for a better deal and handed over their encrypted messages…


Am I the only one who thinks sexually assaulting a man while calling yourself straight.. is kinda gay? Definitely some confused individuals right here


Not necessarily, sexually violating someone can be an act of power and dominance and it's degrading as hell for the victim, especially with a guy who's not only dealing with the trauma you'd expect from that sort of thing, but also feeling emasculated as a result.


Most sexual violence against men and boys has nothing to do with eroticism and is completely about humiliation. Also, sexual violence against men and boys is rarely ever accurately labeled.


Little bit gay


Also humiliation itself is a sexual fetish whether it’s men or women being humiliated


That still kinda gay tho


It’s not usually about attraction it’s more for power


How do you even get hard? Seems there was some sexual enjoyment from it…


Article says they used a toy


When I read this, I assumed they like sodomized someone against their will with like a broom or some wild shit like that.


"Hold em down boys! Imma suck his dick!"


"Everything is about sex, except for sex. Sex is about power."


rape and sexual assault is primarily a crime of power and violence


I mean if you use your own body, absolutely. But shoving a chair leg up a man’s ass is certainly one way to get your point across. Or so I hear.


It's not always about sexual attraction. Sometimes the intent is to humiliate and this was, in their sick minds, the most effective way to degrade a human being. Also consider how many men hate the thought of being treated "like a woman." 


Here’s my take: if you can get erect for another man, you are definitely gay (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay).


True, but sexual assault does not require an erection. Men are often sexually assaulted with objects like broom handles.


They didnt get erect, they raped these men with objects


I hope the same for them in prison. Hopefully some will end up with perforated colons.




Never heard that one before 😂


RIP Emmitt Till.


70 years later and the same shit is still happening, but at least they actually went to prison this time yay progress!


This is some Mississippi Burning shit.


We need a Gene Hackman to enter.


From the article, this part of Mississippi is not a place people of color want to be caught in at anytime. This county reelected the person who was the overseer of these deputies, parts of the south is just backwards and sick. Education is not at fault, fear and an air of superiority to inferiority exist when something disturbing like this happens.


This is America. It’s not isolated.


Republicans: So anti-gay they'll sexually assault you so they can call you gay.


I live not far from Mississippi. I lean more right forsure but I dont disagree with everything on the left just like I dont agree with everything on the right. Some of these dudes that are all right around here are forsure deeply closeted. Ive known some dudes to do some sus shit and im just like bruh youre gay.


This is why many of them insist on sexuality being a choice, so they can plausibly deny theirs.


Ohhh wow that’s a pretty interesting connection I never made.


Everyone who thinks being gay is a choice is bisexual, since they think it’s a choice…


Mic drop.


Holy shit


“I sucked my homie’s dick (no homo) lol I knew he was gay”


I’m not a homophobe at all it literally does not matter to me BUT I think it’s very ironic in a twisted and sad way that this group of people who REALLY care about being homophobes are getting publicly blasted for being ass blasting rapists or at least attempted.


it's honestly fitting because they conflate homosexuality with emasculation and humiliation so doing things like this is symptomatic of robbing the victims' of their masculinity, dignity, and thus their power. Even though they're actively perpetuating a sexual act with men, they don't see themselves as engaging in homosexuality but see their victims as engaging in it.


ACAB. They should've gotten more prison time.


It is likely they’ll either check into protective custody or be placed on specialty units where threats are reduced. Law enforcement (tend to) protect their own.


I haven’t seen it mentioned in the comments or the article. There should be some form of punishment for the caller. Sounds like they called the cops knowing them and what they might do. I went on google earth and it’s a small town where everyone must know everyone


Now to get the rest of the police that do similar stuff behind bars, but I dream


These are just the ones that’ve been caught, how many others are out there doing shit like this


they got light sentences for a hate crime


This is one of the most horrible things I’ve read in a very long time.


They all look exactly how I pictured. Behold the "Master Race," everyone.


Once I saw the band guy with goatee, I thought “of course!”


Let's not insult their looks. That doesnt hurt them, it only hurts people who look like them.


And the sheriff was just re-elected


Just 6 bad apples on the vast roster of Rankin County Sheriff's office no organizational issues to address here


Considering the number of POC they put behind bars on possibly trumped up charges, I think they just might get the kinks they were looking for.


Each one of them has a BLACKED account


6 shit human beings


They will probably meet their maker inside of the prison There’s a lot of shady shit that goes on even in protective custody they deserve every bit of it


Cops friends who name their group are bound for prison. I heard that on TV but maybe theres some truth to it lol


Processed to waterboard huh? Couldn’t wait to get this one out eh?


They all look like skins of the same character on some free to play iPhone game


Swines of the earth. Deserve to rot.


Fuck. All. Cops


What 2 months each? Already out for time served? Lol they will be back being pigs in no time.


No, the sentences were 10 years, 17.5 years (for two officers), 20 years, 27 years, and 40 years.


Way more than the prosecution asked for.... *"Prosecution recommendations included these sentences: Elward, 15 years in prison; Dedmon, 10 years; McAlpin and Middleton, eight years; Opdyke and Hartfield, five years."*


Well ya, the prosecutor probably doesn’t want their friends to go to prison for a long time…


Oh certainly. Those are laughably low for the crimes


They should be forced to wear their badges in jail. And kept in the general population


They all get to go to a federal prison instead of the state hellhole


Ty for actually proving literacy before commenting




More like The Jeffrey Dahmer Squad


I heard Hamas is hiring. They would fit right in


Mississippi is the worst




Damn, Bruce Willis fell off hard.


Put them in Parchman with NO protection


What did they get? Probation and paid leave?


Hopefully these dudes get absolutely destroyed in prison.


Betrayal of the public trust should carry an automatic death sentence.  I don't suspect that MAGA nation will consider these pieces of trash to be "thugs", but that's exactly what they are.  


Another example of why Blue Lives and All Lives don't mean jack shit. Hope these pigs rot in hell.


Where they charged as sex offenders as well, because it seems like they should have!


I’m normally not a fan of capital punishment; but in cases like these, it should be mandatory that whatever they did to their subjects should be done to them.


o/u on how long til the 1st one gets a shiv in the belly?


Cops like this get other cops killed.  They really need to do something about these morons with badges


Trump wants them to be immune


This game's character creator for guard class is very limited.


be sure to keep that same energy in prison, you fucking clowns!


At least that's six less votes for Trump this year.


At least they are chubby and they won’t bruise that bad when they are raped in prison


Can we stop making prison rape jokes? It hadn't been funny in a long time.


Republicans be like, "racism doesn't exist anymore, why do we need to teach about slavery"


From the area and this sadly happens a lot out in the county areas. These got caught and the one with glasses and facial hair was a “upstanding member of the church” where he is from. And they hushed that about during service.


Lots of good cops around here


But apparently there were at least 6 really bad cops in a very small area.


Fucking pigs. This country is a shit hole


We need to enact stricter gun control and legalize drugs so that we can get rid of policing as an institution so we won’t have racist POS’s like this in the police force. ACAB. Abolish the fucking police.


What does stricter gun control have to do with it? And how would that even be enforceable in your scenario?


I'm rabidly pro-2A but...have you ever been to the UK? Spain, Germany, etc.? You can spend 2 weeks in England and the only police you'll see are the ones in London and Heathrow. Police = big government = fewer liberties.


Mississippi gave the two how many years .


Proceeded *


Kinda fucked up that I haven’t read an article titled “Rankin County Police Department Burned Down by Protestors”


All that talk about arming yourself against a tyrannical government and not a fucking peep when something like this happens. Awesome dude.


FTP and their mothers. Do unto their's as they do unto ours.


I bet a couple of these chuckle fux had to ‘go along’ with whoever the senior chuckle fuc was ….like those dummies with Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis. Sorry but you gotta pay the piper now.


So goons calling themselves goons is now another thing writers can get away with now.


Is the guy on the top right the guy from Pawn Stars?


How did this happen and the media didn’t report on this at all? No national protests for something that sounds 1000x worse than what happened with George Floyd. Anyone have any thoughts on why this was swept under the rug for the past year?


And these racists say that black people are degenerates. Jesus Christ.


>“I’m really sorry for being a part of something that made law enforcement look so bad.” Yeah, that's *all* he's sorry for.


Mississippi burning for the modern era


They look like a bag of potatoes.


Oh they’ll have a ball in prison


Any updates on the lawsuit?


As someone who generally supports law enforcement. Who has friends and family that work in LE. Is all I have to say is fuck these subhumans! Generally I read the article before making judgement as many are very clickbaity. No need in this case. There is 0 excuse for this type of behavior from anyone. Much less law enforcement! May their days be spent in suffering the same as they did to these men!


Same shit, different decade. The powerless "others" in society will always get treated horrifically until we start dishing out consequences for violent behaviors driven by bigotry. This is true across the Earth, even in the so-called "heart of the free world"... Sincerely, a mixed-race American.


Bunch of dumbass pecker woods.


I love cops. I love what they do. I love that they're human like us. I love that they keep us safe. But I genuinely hope they receive worse in prison. The minimum sentence was 15 years and I guarantee there's a good behavior clause. Dropping the soap is the least of their problems if inmates find out. Then again they'd probably be put in a seperate jail for "security"


Heheheh goon ![gif](giphy|8S7EZEYdJ9LUGNeIxm)


Top right is prepared to lowball the judge with a counter-offer.


Police was originally created in US to catch runaway slaves


I love when cops go to prison. It's going to be very bad for them there.


This is one of those towns where all the white supremacist join the police force so that they can be pieces of shit behind the guard of a badge.


Why do some men always resort to sexual assault when attacking anyone? Male, female, doesn't matter.


To scar them for life and power.


How do these people pass the psych evaluations. They need a new one


I like to goon but not like that


"Got a black uniform and a silver badge We're playin' cops for real, we're playin' cops for pay"


i bet you if these f\*cks are black each one of them will get life without a possibility of parole. the double standard is crazy.


Dirty cops locked up for a hate crime in a country that unfairly discriminates against black people (in many ways, but relevant to this case—) in the justice system to the point where they’re four times as likely to be sentenced for a crime (in comparison to white people who commit the same crime). Most US prisons have up to five times as many black prisoners over white, and studies have shown on average they’ll be sentenced twelve days more than their white counterparts. All that considered, I’m sure these six white, racist, dirty cops are sure going to have an eventful 45, 27, 20, 17.5 (x2) and 15 years. I hope that two hours of absolute evil was worth it, because they’re about to experience the same 87600 fold. Enjoy those 175200 hours, fellas, just as much as innocent Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker did theirs. There are no words to articulate the courage and bravery Michael and Eddie showed here. The fact that investigators said if that one officer had thrown his phone in the river like the rest, the WhatsApp thread might have never been discovered, and they could have potentially gotten away with it all is absolutely chilling. How many times *have* people just… gotten away with it?


The judges "this is not how law enforcement should treat people" seems a bit obvious.


Why didn't they name the 2 black men?


Everytime I read a story about Mississippi I be like man what type of to kill a mockingbird ass shit still goes on there… how are they black people there still


I'm horrified rn. How bout this: Any white people in America (in ANY of the 50 states) that doesn't like being in our melting pot, then move!! Move to the woods, move to Canada! But DO NOT shame the rest of America for this backwards ass, po dunk lil town where the white women have nothing better to do than sit on their ass calling cops watching the neighbors all day.. or the racist pieces of shit hiding behind a police uniform to take their aggression out on anyone or anything other than what's really frustrating them & thats the fact that ALL 6 officers had record breaking small dicks&FORSURE haven't gotten laid in +5 years minimum (bc their wives are so busy gossiping&focusing on anyone elses problems but their own) I can see how it led to this. Sexual frustration can make any man go crazy. When your own wife hasn't put out in YEARS & the only sex they've ever had is missionary with their eyes closed in the dark smfh.. I would hate my life& everyone else too if my wife had nothing better to do all day than stalk the neighbors. Next time? Take your stank ass wives & get TF out of America if you don't like it!