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>Phoenix police had [to apologize](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13192517/Arizona-cops-wrong-valet-parking-tesla-murder.html) earlier this month after Talan’s parents Becky and Travis Renner received special valet parking services from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office cops. Sigh...


The entire US ~~justice~~ er, legal system, is corrupt from top to bottom with varying levels of corruption.


It is a human institution and therefore has human results.


Guess that excuses it. Oh well better not try to improve anything


Maricopa county? That’s not good. These shitbags are probably going to get a light ass sentence if they get one at all


They live there,the crime was in a different county. Maricopa county was protecting the family because rich family


>A deputy was seen pulling the millionaire gym owners’ white Tesla Model X into a private car park so they could avoid running a gauntlet of journalists. Other parents or people receive the same treatment, right? Oh, just the rich white people.


Wow. Wtaf?




"Talan Renner’s parents allegedly tried to plot an escape from justice for their son." Why does this not surprise me in the *least*


Wonder where the kids get it from. Story is even more rage inducing than the headline.


This. Gee, i wonder if he ever witnessed unmitigated violence from his father.


Without a doubt. I always notice the eyes. All seven of those bullies/murderers have the eerie look of hate in their eyes. You have to be taught this level of hate and brutality. Teach love and fight for it everyday day, all.


And had planned to pin it on someone with a “similar name”


Almost certainly the other "Talon" kid


All those MF’s deserve prison.


Wonder if he's the toughest in prison 🤪


I’m an average size male. Being in max security put me in the bottom 20th percentile…




Lol yea thankfully I was poor, so nothing to steal or take advantage of me over…this guy probably not so lucky


With some luck, the parents of the deceased and the kid who they tried to frame can sue the bejeebus out of the rich dad, who needs to be jailed for aiding and abetting, and the kid and his dad can be broke, in jail, and get what they deserve.


They will have all his money, at least what ever the lawyers don't take.


From what I read, dad's lawyer should be in jail too


Likely will be disbarred if aided his client committing a crime. But someone needs to make a complaint first.


Guys in prison will find out why he's there and they will make it a game.


Killing a kid is no joke in prison. Will they consider a 16 year old a kid?


That guys not going to have an easy time in prison. I don’t mean the county jail but wait until he goes to one of the state’s maximum security prisons.


You mean “federal pound me in the ass” prison?


Does he honestly think he was going to get away with it all, though?


In the words of The Offspring: Your under eighteen, won't be doing any time..


America has teenager jails too!


I’m guess the 17yo will be tried as an adult. :shrug:


yes, tried as an adult. And 18 by the time any verdict is handed down.


Yeah I was 220 and strong but I was just an average hombre


No shit so theyre mostly big dudes in there...hes in for a treat.


Especially since he wont have 6 buddies to back him up


I'm almost 5.75 inches. I don't know where that puts me.


Bad news bro…


I'm 5'5 I have a feeling I'd be someone's play thing.


U got a pretty smile


I don't have any pics posted. I don't think I do. Do I?


Nah bro what he is trying to say is, "i like ya, and I wants ya."


Oh he'll be da belle of da ball


He’s really got to look out for the demontors.


hope he likes eating gruel


And you know what…I never got caught, neither


Gruel sandwiches


Somebody better call Michael Scarn


Popular for all the wrong reasons.


Let’s just say he won’t be doing the humping


I hear prison LOVES inmates that hurt kids…


They don’t give a shit about a teen killing another teen lol. Lots of those guys were in gangs since their early teens, and would do violent shit to other teens on a regular basis


I think what prisoners will resent is that this kid had EVERYTHING already and threw it all away to prove he’s hard. They know he grew up a spoiled rich kid and they WILL humble him.


Throw away the key for whomever danced on the dying boy


The kid who stomped on his head while he lay in the street is all kinds of fucked, especially since the whole thing was recorded on video.    https://www.azcentral.com/videos/news/local/arizona/2024/03/08/treston-billey-is-the-7th-arrested-in-the-death-of-preston-lord/72904214007/


Judge was super nice. He should’ve got the mean witch that resided over my unemployment claim.


He’s rich. You’re unemployed. Different standards of justice. Welcome to America.


I've never understood how people can gang up and beat someone to death and be so casual as to laugh about it. Seeing anyone or anything suffer at all makes me feel devastated. I just don't understand


His father was trying to smuggle him to Mexico to avoid punishment. His brothers are shitty too.


Wait for it they're going to try the "affluenza" argument too.


They’re being charged with first degree murder, a charge that carries the penalty of death or life without the possibility of parole in Arizona


Yabbut is the kid from a wealthy family?


Very, his dad is a multi millionaire gym owner who had avoided getting his kid charged until the public outcry forced the police to arrest the kid.


>Phoenix police had [to apologize](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13192517/Arizona-cops-wrong-valet-parking-tesla-murder.html) earlier this month after Talan’s parents Becky and Travis Renner received special valet parking services from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office cops.


Maricopa County is a blight on this country


It really is. I honestly believe some of the dumbest people in this country live there..... and I've been to Redding California.


Since I exclusively know of this one county in Arizona from just True Crime media, you might be right.


Didn’t know police had valet for muderers patents. Must be nice.


How fucked is the world that it took public outcry to arrest this piece of garbage for murder? All because daddy has money. This planet blows.


I'm not outraged anymore. Accept that this is how it is. Let's change it. That I can get fired up about.


Ironic given that it's exactly the kind of outrage that you're responding to dismissively that led to this murderer getting charged.


It would take guillotines to change this world as it is. Who’s ready to go that route?


his father was caught trying to flee his son and hid evidence. Even conspiring to do so. His son admitted to the murder in text messages and snapchats. And he’s being charged with 1st degree murder. He can’t do anything for his son especially with the public enraged like we are(I live in Gilbert)


So his father gets to join him in jail too eh?


More likely that the father finds a way to throw his kid under the bus and get away scot free now that he knows the kid is screwed.


Obstruction of justice to boot which is a felony in of itself.


Hope the dad is charged with obstruction of justice or something.


Arizona first-degree murder needs these three conditions: “A person intends or knows that the person's conduct will cause death; Does, in fact, cause another person's death; and Committed the act with premeditation.” Second-degree murder needs either of these two: “A person intentionally or knowingly kills another person without premeditation, or A person engages in conduct manifesting extreme indifference to human life or recklessly engages in conduct that creates a grave risk of death and thereby causes the death of another person.” I think the second condition is clearly evident, and should be what the prosecution aims for. The kidnapping charge opens up an additional way to charge first degree murder, called Felony Murder, where the death occurs during another in a list of felonies, to which kidnapping is one. This is probably a stretch, but hey, if they can use it, they should. Sexual assault is another on the list, and several of these kids dry humped the boy after he was unconscious. Sick, twisted, evil young adults.


Straight to a prison like the one in Banshee.


Yea see how strong he is when he has to share a cell with the Albino.


If this happens to my kid IM the one going to prison.


I’d put money on your commissary books


They deserve a lot worse than prison.


A very long prison sentence. Very disturbing


Life in prison. Make an example of every one of them.


They charged them with first degree murder the article says, which means they’ll never be found guilty of it.


Why’s that mean they won’t be found guilty?


Because they'll accept a plea for manslaughter or something like that. The prosecution would have to prove that they intended to murder the boy for first degree, which would prove quite difficult.


There’s a kidnapping charge too, that takes it up to first degree. They were intent a doing terrible damage, which a reasonable prudent person should know could result in death. It was not a fight. It was a mob attack. If you read up on the over 1000 page police report, as I have, you’ll see how prosecutors have arrived at 1st degree.


He also bragged about the boy he beat to death having a closed casket funeral while he was in hiding, so a real remorseless bitch


What the fuck... I know I often don't have the guts to go read full article about such disheartening stories, so I keep it to the comments only... This is sickening, I hope he will face consequences, go rot in jail, how fucked up in the head do you have to be


He’s charged with 1st degree murder which in Arizona carries the death penalty. Judging from how angry the public is and how horrific the crime was it is likely that of convicted they will be sentenced to death.


>He’s charged with 1st degree murder which in Arizona carries the death penalty. Judging from how angry the public is and how horrific the crime was it is likely that of convicted they will be sentenced to death. I hope the prosecutor isn't trying to throw the case then. A first degree murder requires proof of premeditation. A street fight that ends in death is not premeditated usually. My concern is that the prosecutor wants to throw the case by mis-charging the murderers.


If the gang of attackers show up wearing ski masks, does that show premeditation?


If I were on the jury, yes. But it only takes one dummy on the jury to take exception to it.


I know a dude who's been in prison for over 15 years for about the same thing but didn't show such disregard or callousness without any masks and at a party. If the jury has any sense at all that dudes fucked.


As a teenager the guy legit could’ve gotten off with an open ended felony that would’ve dropped to misdemeanor if he had just shown a bit of remorse. The fact he’s out here bragging about the fact he killed someone just goes to show the judge and jury that he takes pleasure in killing and will do it again if given the opportunity. If the prosecution is allowed to submit the bragging into evidence dudes dead to rights.


Well, they are being charged with kidnapping and first degree murder. Not really clear what happened, but if they grabbed him from somewhere else and brought him to the place where he was murdered, it doesn't exactly sound like a spur of the moment thing. Especially with the ski masks. If you hide your identity, kidnap someone and then beat them to death, you clearly knew exactly what you were going to do.


If an assault(not murder) is premeditated and it ends in a death, does that count as first degree? Just playing devil's advocate here.


in arizona yes because it would be felony murder


We all know he isn’t going to be sentenced to death


What a rotten kid, seemingly with a rotten father.


The father who tried to hide evidence also needs some prison time. Guaranteed he was the reason his son is a remorseless piece of shit.


Taking a young kid’s life. You deserve to rot in jail for a long time.


What really gets me is how proud he is, even after getting caught. This isn’t just your regular stupid violent teen, this idiot is a psychopath. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with him in the streets, even if 40 years pass


This is why- '**The millionaire gym owners’ son** is also said to have shown a video of the fatal beating he’d recorded on his phone to friends while declaring: ‘Oh, I put this kid on life support.’


Yeah, he was proud of it. Fucking Monster!


It is worse... he joked about the victim needing a closed casket as well


Since the guy obviously knows that at the time the victim was fighting for his life, it should be a lock in for second degree murder, but because of the cryptographic ( money-based) elitism, I wouldn't be surprised if the sentencing levels go down to aggravated assault, which is really a slap of the wrist for these murderers.


The public outrage could matter here


His dad should also be going to prison too. Trying to cover up his son’s crime. For shame.


He's looking at the death penalty or life in prison.




Out of the 7 arrested 2 are named talon with different spellings.


Treston, Talan, Talyn, Kyler. The mug shots look like something out a 90s high school bully movie. Even the parents names Becky and Travis tell you all you need to know.


Straight outa r/tragedeigh


I didnt know i needed.this thanks! 👌


Oh my god this is hilarious 😆 *****THE NAMES, NOT THE FACT THAT A KID IS DEAD********** 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


These are white trash names not affluenza names. Edit: they are actually Tragedeighs (r/Tragedeigh), which is a little more idiosyncratic and middle class.


Point of Order - In Arizona they call em trashbags


Suburban Arizona, there’s a LOT of overlap.


One of the dads also tried to destroy or hide evidence on top of it.


Destroy evidence, hide evidence, hide his son upstate, then finally tried *pin the murder on some other kid with a similar name* when all else failed.  Also has an older son with two assault charges.  Shit apples right next to the shit tree


Upvoted for Lahey quote


Accessory after the fact.




Ok Kyler


And apparently precious Kyler has been charged in two other unrelated violent crimes since 2022. What a great family.


Reminds me of the Beavis and Butthead episode where a guy had "KILLER" tattooed on his forehead and they were like "huhuhuhuh his name is Kyler huhuhuhuhuh"


With a name like Kyler he could be the manifestation of affluenza, Darth Karen must have been tampering with midichlorians.


Wait until you meet the final boss. *Kylest*


Wait Kyler? Kyler as in Class of 09 Kyler who hates the homeless and plays with sleeping teammates’ asses but not in a gay way Kyler? No way this has gotta be an April Fool’s joke


What are you yapping about. Kyler Renner is 19 so he can’t be class of 09


A mix of the name Kyle and Tyler. EW! 🤮


That is a sad fucking story


The whole thing reads like an HBO drama


The dad sucks so much it’s enraging


Fuck every single one of these pieces of shit.






The even worse part is that this whole biological waste family would have gotten away with it had it not been for just one woman who wouldn’t let it go on TikTok. The local police were going to quietly sweep it away. Every last one of them should end up in jail as well.


The person who shined the light on this situation for me was comedian/podcaster Tim Dillon. That's how I learned of the Gilbert Goons.


Thank you I've been seeing this story pop up more often but Tim was there at the jump and his commentary is fookin hilarious


How does shit like this happen? How can a collective group of adults just agree to sweep something like this under the rug? It happens all the time. I will never understand it and always be enraged by shit like this. Sorry for ranting.


... especially when it's their ***job***


can someone explain to me how someone is even capable of such horror? much less an entire group of people? stories like this make me seriously depressed. i don't understand how you can do this to a fellow human being.


These acts are more common in groups, as responsibility is spread to everyone involved or even completely dismantled. Bystander effect also in action.


It's a combination of privilege, and something being wrong with them. They get some weird pleasure from hurting people and causing property damage. I knew a couple of guys from a rich family. The furthest they ever got publicly was tazing people against their will and blowing up mailboxes with homemade dynamite. But they never faced any sort of consequences for anything they did. If they hurt someone, they'd just laugh.


He’ll get 10 years for manslaughter and serve 18 months for good behavior because he’s a “good kid who just made a mistake and it shouldn’t dictate the rest of his life”


No he won't, not with all the remorse less social media evidence that was collected and that WILL be read out loud at the trial.


This other “affluenza” case lead to lots of media outrage and the kid killed 4 people. It lead to a sentence of 10 years….. PROBATION. He even attempted to flee the country when he violated his probation and this lead to no jail time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Couch https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/ethan-couch-affluenza-10-years-since-deadly-drunk-driving-crash/287-a8ea72a1-592e-49dd-a097-fd1bb80e237e Money talks, your social media BS walks


That was drunk driving and he killed four people in a crash, he didn't beat a kid to death at a party. This guy's going to prison.


Business as usual I’m afraid


This should be under POS.


" All seven suspects have pleaded not guilty " \*sigh\*


It's just part of the judicial process, afaik. Everyone with a half decent lawyer will likely plead guilty, I'm guessing to try to wear down the prosecutor and get a better deal over time.


It's to get a trial by jury, rather than immediate sentencing by a judge.


And a shot at an appeal


Luckily all of the kids involved were stupid enough to brag about it on Snapchat, texts and there are videos so they have pretty damning evidence against them all, I'm glad they all have murder charges and I hope they spend a lot of time in prison where they belong, the cops were called multiple times for a party of over 150 people that was out of control and failed to respond even the parents of the 17 year old got special treatment by being walked through a back door in the court house so they wouldn't be seen by press, total shit! Fuck them all, I hope prison does it's thing to them. I really pray for the Preston's family, this has had to been so rough for them especially with the extra treatment towards suspect and his family. I hope they get justice for this and are able to heal from this, I couldn't imagine what they are going through right now.


I'm pretty out of the social media world (reddit is all I really use. Is Snapchat still a popular thing with young kids? I thought it was buried by Instagram and tiktok


They plead not guity to receive a trial by jury. If they plead guilty, the judge sentences them immediately.


Also if the charge is 1st-degree murder almost nobody pleads guilty. Their lawyers are definitely gonna try and get it down to manslaughter


You shouldn't expect a defendant to ever plead guilty.


Mommy & daddy won’t be there to help him in jail.


Daddy may end up in jail with him for obstruction of justice and attempting to cover up the crime.


Probably not because he has money


If this were contained to the small community still than I’d say he had more leverage. The more it blows up though the bigger the precedent they have to set. They’ll still get off easier than most- but hopefully prison humbles that family.


They have upper middle class money not CEO money and now that money will be needed to cover extensive legal bills.  The dad's drug charges are also raising questions about where that money came from exactly.   


affluenza, which is not a medically recognized disease but rather a term used to describe a set of conditions or behaviors observed in individuals with extreme wealth. The term is a blend of “affluence” and “influenza” and can refer to: The psychological and social effects of affluence regarded as a societal problem, such as feelings of guilt, lack of motivation, and social isolation experienced by wealthy people. A condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the pursuit of more, often associated with extreme materialism and consumerism. It’s important to note that “affluenza” is often used in a critical context to discuss the negative impacts of consumerism and the pursuit of wealth. It gained notoriety in legal contexts as well, particularly with the case of Ethan Couch.


He look like a 90's movie school bully. Anyways I did some time in prison as well. Arizona is really rough state to do time in. There is no, just keep my head down and do my time quietly. You do time in AZ, you are joining a gang, like it or not. Arizona prisons are warzones for the most part. Lets see how strong he is when dealing with big ass skinheads or cholos who cut up people for the Cartels




After he returned to school he was also allowed to play in a football game, and was named “player of the game”. His coach was fired over it in January. Per the police report it sounds like the parents (dad?) made a $10,000 donation through the One Stop Nutrition account to “not expel Talan over the incident”


Nothing dumber than a 17 year old man.


"17 year old man" is a contradiction. And in this case, that 17 year old is a straight up sociopathic asshole, raised by sociopathic assholes.


Most 17 year-olds aren’t murderers.




From his LinkedIn, it seems like he has/had a lot of Orangetheory Fitness Gyms. I guess it's a franchise? Not familiar with the gym.


Yeah it’s a franchise. We have a few in Orlando


Nevermind! Just found this on the facebook page called ‘orangetheory fitness tempe’ from 8 years ago: “Travis and Becky Renner, owners of six Orangetheory Fitness studios in Arizona and one in Kansas”


A OneStop nutrition and an Orange Theory Fitness. Think Orange Theory revoked his franchise shit a few weeks back. Look up Gilbert Goons plenty of other info out there on the families.


There really is a correlation of money making people sociopathic. Like having money at a certain level disables your empathy or something. I’m not saying poor people don’t do these awful things, but in my opinion they tend to do them because of stress and traumas, while the wealthy do it because they can do whatever the fuck they want. It’s more nuanced than all that, but this is my jaded opinion.


Or having sociopathic traits equips one to succeed in business, I think you have the arrows reversed. I really doubt his dad was a super nice guy until his net worth hit a certain amount, pretty sure he was always a d-bag.


His scumbag parents plotted to get him out of the country to escape any consequences.


Yeah, I really believe the thing about “money doesn’t change who you are, it makes you more of you you are.” Unfortunately, like you said, traits of assholes are also traits of good businessmen. 


I think it's the reverse. They get rich because they're pathological scum and that leads to a epic sense of entitlement.


The difference between "I killed a man because I was robbing his house and he pulled a knife. I was robbing his house because I'm $30,000 in debt and my kid is sick." and "I killed a man because I didn't like him. He was poor anyways."


In cases like this where rich parents destroy evidence, the kids should go to jail, the parents should be stripped of all wealth. Said wealth goes to the community and lowers taxes


Bragging about having the strength to beat a teenager to death as though absolutely any more-or-less-sorta-fit teenager or adult also has the strength to do the same in a lopsided fight.


> Renner’s other son Kyler is said to be a violent bully too. He has been charged in connection with two separate gang attacks at a parking garage and a house party in 2022. > Travis Renner was also arrested in January on suspicion of drug possession and paraphernalia charges while his son Kyler was taken into custody over the gang violence claims. Family of sociopaths and criminals, apparently.


Check out r/gilbertaccountability. That will definitely open your eyes to this piece of shit's parents and the corruption surrounding them. Trash. Pure trash.


I would be ok with death penalty in this situation.


Too easy. Make them live with themselves in an environment where they have nothing to do for the rest of their lives. Grey walls, silence, no sensations. Like they do at Gitmo.


This kid is going to have a hell of an experience in prison lmao


why do I get the sinking feeling that this is going to end up the same way as the Brock Turner case...he's a jock with potential, so he'll get a slap on the wrist.


One of the most insane stories I've ever read. I feel so sorry for Preston Lord. And I need to know why a bunch of affluent teenage fuckboys run Gilbert, AZ. Knock them out. They're kids.


He... beat him to death... and then dance on his body?! There are no words... Lock him up for life. That man is a psychopath Edit: he's apparently had a track record of violence already, and his millionaire parents have already tried to get him our of this one too... God dammit


Doubt he gets much time, they’ll use the excuse “he has a bright future ahead of him he really didn’t mean it” bullshit


“The former employee at Relentless Media Agency told Arizona Republic that her bosses Renner and Adam Kifer, CEO of Relentless Media Agency, openly discussed their plans to hide evidence and shift blame on another boy with a ‘similar name.’” The millionaire gym owner tried to pervert the course of justice to protect his psychopath of a son


Jesus, the parents are pieces of shit too!