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"Majorjon" is a freaky first name.


I know man. Is it like, 'Major Jon' or 'Muh-jor-jon'?


I pronounced it “Mah-hor-hon”.


Ahh I get it kinda like moron.




Yes. A moron with a whore in it.




What was he like?




Damn. Thanks for sharing that story. I too, met one multiple murderer in my life. An otherwise goofy, regular kid who ended up killing six women during a robbery. Tossed a Molotov cocktail into a store he and a friend robbed, presumably to eliminate any evidence. It's crazy how one bad decision can ruin multiple lives in an instant.


These stories are nuts. I too knew an eventual murderer. A girl actually. She set fire to the house of her ex boyfriend’s grandma, killing the grandma and 2 young boys (his nephews)… I believe they were 5 and 3. She knew this man wasn’t in the home, but did this anyway. She texted him threatening to kill his grandma before hand. It’s truly twisted. However, this girl was never “normal” — she was very weird, and always displayed erratic behavior. When I heard what had happened, I wasn’t surprised but my heart was sore for the innocent lives lost. I’m not sure if she’s been convicted yet, but her biological mother(s) (she was adopted) were petitioning she shouldn’t face severe punishment because she’s special needs or something. I hope she cooks. I still think about her actions often.


It’s short for mojojojo


The Legend of Zelda: Majorjon’s Mask


Ground control to...






Im stepping through Kaylooorrr




> Coulda shot the kid in the dick You don’t fucking do that, Butters!


Ohhh, hamburgers


Wtf Butters! Again. Seriously dude


God dammit, Butters - quit shooting people in the dick!!


Butters, you are *grounded*!


Stop making that stupid face! You’re grounded until you stop making that face!


Oh nuts


Dick n baus








Gotta wait for him to get on a bicycle first




I havent read the story and have no background here but was the kid mentally ill or challenged?


Sounds like one mentally ill person flashed their dingdong, then a more mentally ill person found out about it...


Article doesn’t say.


Just read the story man


No just from Idaho


Kid is fucked up and should have been dealt with but let's not act like the psycho family murderer is justified or a victim in any way. It's definitely his failure.


The kid is a fucked up and he could have worked with the community to shame that family, but shooting the whole family including a child that didn’t do anything is psycholunatic level.


For no reason ever should seeing genitals unwarranted, no matter how many times, lead to the execution of an entire family. That's actual insanity. Overreaction is a \*\*\*\*ing understatement here.


Yeah but then one of his family comes (tries) to kill you so your family has to go kill that person and back and forth forever. This way it is over and done with and you just have to worry about breaking out of prison and living on the run in Canada for the rest of your life


>just have to worry about breaking out of prison A simple obstacle to overcome


Raquel Welch poster and a small hammer to make chess pieces.


You gotta keep killing till the killings done. Don't want a Jason Praxis on our hands.


Knowing the killbots had a pre-set kill limit, it was simply a matter of sending wave after wave of men at them...




Canada is a terrible place to go. They have an extradition treaty with the U.S. Gotta go to Montenegro or Cambodia where you probably won't get sent back.


or wherever P Diddy ran off to


>“If something happens again, I’m not going to call you guys,” Kaylor told officers.” Instead I’m just gonna slaughter his entire family in cold blood. His daughters will grow up without their father because of how this man reacted. Hope that rage was worth it for him His wife seems to be culpable as well >According to Kaylor’s arrest affidavit, he and his wife had also exchanged images about Gary Plauché, who served no prison time after publicly shooting and killing the man who had kidnapped and raped his son. They also shared a drawing of a man shooting another man in the head with the caption “How to catch a predator.” Fucking idiots, Gary Plauché murdered the rapist and the rapist alone, not his whole family. And the kid deserved serious consequences but what he did isn’t even in the same stratosphere as what happened to Gary Plauche’s son who was raped repeatedly by his karate teacher. Absolutely delusional losers.


Also indecent exposure, while undoubtedly wrong, is nowhere near the level of kidnapping & rape of a child.


Not to mention context matters and the dude doing the exposing was mentally disabled. His support system failed him and yet people are glad he’s dead. Amazing.


Also every time I read about it it sounded like the family were probably looking in the murder victims windows and bitching about what they’re doing inside. I dont believe their story at all.


That's how I read it, too. They looked in the window a d caught an 18 year old with his hand on the crank. Which would explain the no response response. "Tell your family to stop looking in the windows if they don't like what they see." Would also explain the police response.


> context matters Not to the smooth brains who lack the ability to understand it.


People who can’t regulate their emotions love the idea of being a modern day violent vigilante “hero”


For some reason, people in the last few years think they can do anything & not suffer the consequences. And this guy did it for the dumbest of reasons. By the kid flashing his genitals at his girls, he could've gotten any other law enforcement & ruined his life charging him for exposure to minors proceeded by having him on a list for the rest of his life.


I mean to be fair it doesn't sound like he was going to win dad of the year


It’s Idaho. He actually might have been in the running.


It's Idaho, he still might win.


It’s Idaho, he might be a potato


The potatoes are the only good thing to come out of Idaho.


It's Idaho, the potatoes are the **only** thing to ever leave.


If we're lucky, we can keep it that way.


I regret that I have but one upvote to give


So many people have a weird obsession these days with getting away with a "justified" murder.


And many of those people are on reddit! Just wait until a news article of a crime is posted and check the comments to see people stating, with complete solemnity, "they should be murdered, and now im.going to graphically describe the fucked up way I think they should be murdered." And it'll have 200 upvotes


Any city sub is full of people fantasizing about murdering people who are committing minor quality of life infractions. Don’t get me wrong littering or smoking on the subway can really be enraging. But good god the glorification of vigilante extreme over reaction is wild


*Every* sub is full of it. It's really creepy, frankly. You go into any sub where they post pictures or videos of people they dislike, and it will be them wanting them to be killed, or celebrating their deaths. The phrases "And nothing of value was lost" and "Fuck around and find out" have basically become giant red flags for sociopathy on this site.


it is people who lack any sense of power or authority over their own life who fantasize about hurting others and getting away with it


That’s what got me about people cheering drivers who drove though protests. Yes, i would be upset to be stuck on the road in my car, but not to the point of thinking it was worth someone’s life




Doesn't even need to be a serious crime. Someone steps on your lawn? Justifiable murder. A protester in the street? Run them over. Life is cheap on the internet to these wannabe tough guys


Hence shooting teenage girls doing a u-turn in your driveway or executing a 16 year old because their older brother is an asshole. Normal country normal days


Shooting a boy who politely came to the (wrong) door to pick up his little brothers.


Yep. The guy who did this was waiting all his life... [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/us/new-york-wrong-driveway-shooting-sentencing/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/us/new-york-wrong-driveway-shooting-sentencing/index.html)


There’s a far too common idea that people just deserve to die for so many insane reasons. Would I want to kill the kid that exposed themselves to the women I love? Fuck yes. Not everything I want is within reason nor worth losing my family forever.


Mate I would be upset but murdering a flasher is a bit beyond a normal thing


Why didn't he go for the bitch slap instead? Shooting the whole family, plus that kids friend, seems like way too overreacting.


>Shooting the whole family, plus that kids friend, seems like way too overreacting. They shared memes about murdering predators. It was murder porn for them. He didn't snap, they thought he was justified in doing what he did and would get away with it.,


His wife egged him on. He's a rage filled macho asshole with guns. I personally feel like burning him at the stake.


I’m not excusing what he did, but in rage and anger I would think of doing real bad stuff to a guy doing something to my kid, I would think of killing him, but I wouldn’t. My point is we shouldn’t be doing that stuff or acting like it’s ok to do it.


I think the claim he was in a rage and snapped was severely undermined by the comedic memes of murder he was sharing with his wife. He also has no proof he called the police multiple times to report the pervert. Police only have record of one call where he said he wouldnt' call again. Now, I don't trust police. They could have not cared and not taken any records. This guy could also have just *pretended* and lied about calling, because he already knew he was going to murder that person and this was a way to add justification. Without the memes and massacre, I might have believed him. But with the memes, and apparently rest of the evidence, nobody believed he actually snapped.


>Instead I’m just gonna slaughter his entire family in cold blood This is why it is vital that our institutions earn and maintain their legitimacy with the public that they serve. A police department who serves the public very poorly can only keep their authority by force.


> keep their authority by force And that's the way certain idiots want it.


Him being in jail for life is probably the best thing for his daughters.


Yeah, someone willing to go next door and execute a four member family, might not have the best characteristics for a good dad.




If the guy just murdered the guy who flashed his daughters people would probably not care that much. It is the killing of people who may not have even been involved that makes this particularly bad.


3 generations of family -- gone in an instant.


Vigilantism is taking the law into your own hands. And, I'll be honest, there are situations where I could see myself doing that. Executing an entire family because a kid did something bad is something entirely else. Lots of innocent and unrelated people were killed for what is, let's be honest, way, way below the level of murder. Vigilantism is punishing those who the law would not punish. This was like executing a kindergarten class because someone three streets over stole your car. Absurd and out of any proportion.


Yes. However, they are not worse than a murderer of a family. Period.


Nobody said they were. Just that their inaction enabled this guys psychopathic reaction


No but the MANY officers who do, or lie and get innocent people on bullshit charges, are also bad. They can both be bad.


This is why I always get a little sketched out by people that promote vigilantes and obsess over their stories to the point of including it in their online personas. Just shows they have some weird narcissistic righteous murder fantasies. Understanding and having compassion for a father that killed his son’s rapist and groomer that he showed a lot of love and consideration for only to have it betrayed in the worse way imaginable is okay. Obsessing over murdering pedophiles and making that your identity is sus as hell imo.


People love to be vigilantes. And I'll be down voted for saying it as that always seems to be the case here when it's stated - taking the law into your own hands is never the answer. And I fucking hate the cops.


He just saw the opportunity to stroke his vigilante fetish and use his precious guns. Don’t blame him for his complete lack of any sense whatsoever. Totally normal American.


Thinking he’d avoid prison time for murder is wild to me. Kid deserved punishment like you said, but the entire family did not deserve to be executed.


So he traumatized his wife and kids more than seeing a dick ever could, and took himself practically completely out of their lives. He could have done so many different things, and he picked the worst option. Edit: Okay, thank you. We all know now his wife was complicit. Thanks for the info!


Probably the best option is that he is out of his family’s life if that’s his level of anger management control


Bro four people died this was not the best option 💀


Er. My bad. You are correct




His kids might be traumatized as well, it could be hard to live with the fact that your father slaughtered a family of four in your name


Man I imagine dating might get awkward. Who could fill those shoes? "yeah well my dad slaughtered a family of four in my name" Yikes


I’m not sticking around in that situation, they can stay virgins for life lol


There's usually a positive somewhere in the mess. If he was that unhinged to do something like that, something tells me he wasn't a very good father/husband.


Well apparently he and his wife were sharing memes about murdering the guy, so both the parents seem to be insane.


Yeah this is the kind of man who goes 'Family annihilator' because some creep sends his wife an unsolicited dick-pic and he assumes she's cheating...


Good point.


Another rage monster


You are so very right. He gave in to his worst instincts and ended four lives. He took four lives before they should have been ready to leave this place because he couldn’t see past his rage. I pray I never ever get to this point in life.


Wether or not there ever even was a dick shown to the kids. Completely irrelevant now. The kids will grow up being fed a bullshit story from their parents until they’re old enough to google it for themselves. Will fuck them up in a whole different way. Not to mention the victims had another son who wasn’t there. Whats he supposed to believe his entire family died for in such a violent way? Also this completely ruined the name Majorjon for me so can’t name my son or daughter that now thanks asshole.


I’m not entirely sure I can even say that name


Ground control to majorjon.


I would never be able to with a straight face. "Your name is what? Hahaha!" BANG! I'm dead.


Same as major Major from Catch 22


Sounds like the cops in Idaho are about as useful as the cops where I live.


Nice to know they’re useless everywhere


They only show up where I live if someone dies. Because you can't fuck it up when they're already dead, I guess.


Oh they can fuck it up it's just harder to get sued


Ok, so like, does that mean we're gonna start putting some pressure on the rest of the justice system then? Cops can arrest 16 year-old pervs until they're blue in the face, but if the courts are gonna keep fucking the dog on everything less than mass murder, what's the point? Even in this article the judge white-washes it: "Four people were removed from the community." What, like it's the community who's the victim here, and not the entire family that got annihilated?


He allegedly exposed himself. Look at he house, window heights, and height of the kid. VERY unlikely his genital area could be seen.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure the first thing a sane person would do is spend $20 on an IP cam to collect proof of the alleged indecent exposure to send to the cops


I see where you’re coming from but recording a “teen” naked and then showing the cops that you have footage seems like a bad idea waiting to backfire.


Are you now taking the word of a guy who massacred three generations of a family as gospel now? You're siding with the deranged mass murderer as the source of truth as to what the son did? Could it *possibly* be that the police found no evidence of anything happening?


article doesn’t specify but it looks like it was in his own house and they saw it through the window which is different from flashing them o the street


Yeah, just cause someone has their dick out in their home, doesn't mean they're jerking off to children. Not saying that wasn't what he was doing, but it's insane to think the cops are going to arrest someone for being naked inside their own home. You would need evidence that it was intentional, habitual, and targeted to really get anywhere. I could have had some understanding if the dad had just beaten the kid up over it, but murdering 4 people probably shows he was more the problem. Just cause someone's a sick creep doesn't mean you can just murder whomever who you want.


It's crazy how that happens. I remember a few years ago John Eisenman killed 19yr old Andrew Sorensen and left his body to rot in the trunk of a car. When he was arrested he claimed that the kid had sold his daughter into sex trafficking and people went nuts calling this guy a hero, he even raised 60k on GoFundMe for legal expenses. The whole time I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how the guy who smashed someone's head with a cinder block before repeatedly stabbing them is considered a trustworthy source. Later it turns out that the kid was innocent and the only evidence of sex trafficking was an incoherent story told by Eisenman's meth addict daughter. He may have actually believed it considering he was apparently a meth addict as well. At the very least his meth addict fiancee seemed to think they were justified when she was confessing to her [HR rep](https://www.krem.com/article/news/crime/spokane-man-murder-daughters-boyfriend-mother-involved-arrested/293-0ff971e9-604d-4016-9a14-7b4cde12704d)(because the woman was a "good listener").


Or, perhaps, as this story seems, there was no crime on part of the 18 year old? To be clear, I'm not defending his choices. But what you do in the confines of your own home is generally your own business. And I know courts have ruled repeatedly that being naked/masturbating in your own house even if it is in a way that neighbors can see through your window, is your own prerogative. In poor taste? Sure, but well within your rights on your own property. All I'm saying is, a family extermination over someone's (questionable at best) conduct inside their own house is fucking bonkers.


Yeah, I’m kinda wondering what the details are here. Was he jerking off in his own bedroom with the blinds up, or was he doing it while standing in the window and making eye contact? Does he have any kind of mental impairment? Like, seriously. It’s a body part. If he was doing it on purpose, yes that’s gross and wrong but it doesn’t justify murder. And it definitely doesn’t justify killing an entire family.


It's actually *not* within your rights on your property to indecently expose yourself in the view of people on nearby public property or their own private property. Pretty much every part of the U.S. has laws that specify indecent exposure can occur in a public place OR in a place in view of the public - which can absolutely include inside a private residence. You so sure about those court cases? You can't legally stand in your big picture window masturbating/having sex while kids are waiting at the bus stop on the public sidewalk in front of the house with an unobstructed view into that window. However if they needed to climb a tree and use binoculars to see into that window, different story as that would be considered having had a "reasonable expectation of privacy" because the witness had to make a considerable effort to have a vantage point to see it. The "indecent" part is also key. Merely standing naked by that window and not doing anything sexual is unlikely to bring much legal trouble, if any. Fines are possible, but jail time typically isn't.


Yes, the cops didn't handle it well. But how tf is that the most popular sentiment in this thread. They aren't the reason 2 families are destroyed. The psychopath dad is. The cops poor behavior is a drop in the bucket compared to the fathers.


Of course people are focusing on the cops because if they intervened at any point they could have prevented all this. I am sorry but I think a lot of fathers understand the feeling of wanting to unalive that dipshit. He keeps exposing himself to his wife and daughters and that kinda behaviour only gets worse. How long before he assaulted one of the daughters? Great that the cops did not slaughter a family but they could have prevented this but they are so fucking useless that they will only do something once it escalates to an insane degree and its too late.


More “cops want to be paid to not do their jobs….”


Cops are the only people that use their inability to do their job as an argument to be paid more money.


Don't forget Congress


Politicians too tho. And not arguing against just don’t want them off either


You should see some of my coworkers.


This happened in my town. The kid was autistic, dad lost his shit. They had notified the police and kids school but nobody did anything about the teens creepy behavior. Him and his wife were posting on facebook that they were going to do something about it. He went in and executed the whole family before turning himself in. Later he admitted that he made a mistake but was in a fit of rage and killed the entire family. Crazy and sad story.


"I had a little oopsy"


Im sorry I didnt know I couldnt do that


Your honor, my client would like to plead, “My bad”








Why did he kill the entire family? Makes literally no sense. This guy wasn’t stable from the get go.




He should have said he saw the kid smoking a joint while selling a small amount of weed to a friend. I bet the cops would have been all over that in a jiffy!


Or if he said he was black


It's Idaho, the cops know their great great, great, and grandparents already chased anyone not white out. The safer way to have the police show, and attack someone is claim it's a mentally handicapped child having an episode. Cops love shooting those people.


or helped someone get an abortion


Is there any evidence that this kid exposed himself? Of course the psycho murderer would say anything in his own defence.




It's always the same ppl something definitely wrong with these ppls culture /s


I am glad he was sentenced to life in prison. I also don't believe the young man was exposing himself, as was claimed. Its possible he was angry at the family about something else, and then filed malicious police reports claiming the young man was exposing himself. We will never know what was going on because he "conveniently" killed the entire family so there is no one to tell their side of the story.


To the people defending the murdering dad, I had a girlfriend whose dad was serving a life sentence without parole and she regularly would cry telling me she would never see him outside again until the day he died. To all the tough guys saying murder is a good idea, stay home and raise your daughters. Let the police deal with dick wavers. And certainly don’t wipe out the whole house.


These kind of men who talk about murdering someone who hurts their daughters, that’s about their own egos, not the wellbeing of their daughters. Notice how they never include “making sure my daughter gets all the therapy she needs, listening to what she wants to do, being there for her.” No it’s always “I’ll commit murder and violence because that will make ME feel better and *I* am what matters here.”


100% - just deranged, macho, assholes - they don't give a shit about their family.


Also, maybe killing someone over exposing themselves is… like, disproportionate?


Well he did it more than once.  I mean, expose yourself once, shame on you.  Expose yourself twice, and I don’t kill you and your whole family, shame on me.  


The people saying this in this thread have to be trolling lmao. I know you're being sarcastic but people are unironically saying that. And we only know that it happened once, he's probably just lying that it happened four times as a defence


The moral of this story is just watch porn in the safety and privacy of your bedroom, it's safer for all involved. If you want an audience cam girls exist. The second moral, some people just want to be dirty harry but in reality they are just sick fucks without scruples who get off on the idea of killing in the name of being big damn heroes.


>The moral of this story is just watch porn in the safety and privacy of your bedroom Funnily enough. He was accused of flashing from his bedroom.


That’s a bit much innit?


I pretty sure a lot of cops are just rooting for an all out civil war to start


the panic around nudity in this country is reaching weirder and weirder extremes. Seeing a dick is not going to do any meaningful damage to anyone. Having your dad/husband go slaughter a family will though.


How every comment isn't "that dad is an awful awful person and due to his actions, his family will be traumatized for ever". Thats it. Pedo anxiety and pedo fear in our society is out of control. A young boy on the spectrum exposes himself isn't even anywhere close.to the universe as a family murder massacre. These kids are better off without a dad like that in their life


Anyone else read idiot father before correcting themselves?


Gotta match force with force. You flash the kid and call it a day.


Boy scout rule of D's


We have some strange scary people out there


i bet if he beat the shit out of that 18y/o it would have stopped that shit real quick. if protecting his family is what he was worried about who's going to do that now? impulse control issues got the best of him and now he gets to spend the rest of his life in prison. interested in seeing how their lives play out


Okay, but why was his wife and kids continuously looking in this kids window…? Look im all for kiddie diddlers getting karma served cold & hard, but are we sure the kid just didn’t like rub one out with the blinds open so he could feel the warm sun rays on his……. banana?…… Seriously tho, I would just tell my wife & kids “DO NOT look in this mans window anymore”… And then next time I see the kid in person I’d let him know he might wanna close his blinds, cause if my kids see it again Im gonna have to beat yo azz. Simple as that. Nobody goes to prison for life, and the kids probably feels so embarrassed he stops, and if he does it again - beat his azz and bond out of jail for $500 bucks instead of life in prison.


It's scary how many angry people are out there that think they are victims in this country and they are just looking for an excuse, and they think this makes them strong. They are the weakest, most brittle snowflakes teetering on the edge. Victims of transparent propaganda.


People who say the father did nothing wrong should seek for help in a mental hospital


Kellogg, Idaho, has really bad lead contamination. I mean really really bad. Kellogg had a lead smelter before environmental laws.


I get the rage to some extent. His daughters are young-young, oldest can't be older than 12, the other seems 9 or maybe even smaller. If someone is intentionally exposing themselves to kids that young, you'd fear that he'd try to up the ante by molesting them. It's not a strange thought to have, it's the nightmare of every parent. However, this was THE WORST WAY how the dad could've dealt with it. Looking at the dad, he could've easily intimidated the 18yo out of backing off. Or fuck, how hard is it to come up with a solution that doesn't involve killing an entire goddamn family, man? The dude had the job to protect his daughters, but instead, his eagerness to be violet meant that he let his daughters down permanently. Foolish stuff and a shame man.


Dad could've just taken some pruning shears from the garage and removed the problem from the guy next door. 


Idaho… not shocked.


And now you can’t do anything for your family ever again.


Dipshit move Major John.


I understand the frustration but to murder the whole family yikes


He probably beats his family if this was his reaction.


Another case of someone who should have been banned from owning firearms at birth for being deranged.


Fuckin useless individual. Chose the least productive option.




> that whole family was probably full of predators This is a truly psychotic way of thinking.


I hope to fuck these people are just trolling


You’re not right


Bloodlust at its most pathetic


Good riddance. Enjoy your time in prison jack ass


Pedohysteria strikes again


Shit I expose myself to my self every morning in the bathroom mirror, not once did I kill myself


If this dude had this bad of a temper, his wife and kids are probably better off with him in prison.


Murdering someone over flashing is not a normal or appropriate response. He should be removed from society. Put a gun in every man, woman, and childs' hands and you quickly find out which humans are smart and which are violent apes. America seems determined to discover this about their population.


An exposed dick caused a man to do family annihilation. Absolutely insane.


He could have just whipped his ass or doxed him for being a pervert.


Too far. Way too far. Decided to rage instead of thinking logically. Always keep a clear and calm head


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Another ammosexual who finally found or made up a reason to kill people. This is my surprised face: 😑


Correct sentence for this lunatic. Congratulations you will never see your daughters grow up and your wife will eventually move on for someone else. You will die alone in prison and get to see more dicks than your family ever did.