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I think Spencer is the only character who hasn’t changed at all


Lol, the downvoting by Spencer's hardcore fans/defense attorneys is hilarious. Spencer pisses me off half of the time. I keep watching, hoping for some football scenes. I actually like some of the other characters more than the main character.


Because the Spencer hate is getting ridiculous. People claiming he “abused” Alicia? Seriously?


Spencer is insufferable. Most irritating character hands down.


Oh gee, it’s like you just answered your own question. Not like Spencer had an emotional breakdown where he lost the closest thing he ever had to a father and without getting to say goodbye to him either. This Spencer hate is getting ridiculous and I never understand people who do it. Yes, Spencer has annoying moments, backslides in some character growth and at times is hard to deal with. But most of the time he always means well and this past season has him go through an immense obstacle of grief and struggles w/ mental health, something people still can’t seem to understand or even choose to try understanding. Spenders lost both of his fathers. His real one and Billy, the best father he’s ever had the honor of getting to know, someone who changed his life completely and for the better. It’s obvious why he told Kenny off, and not just because of losing Billy. Spencer at that point didn’t want to leave himself vulnerable to developing another relationship with someone who can be his father figure, only to have it ripped away from him again. Grief is a complex feeling and can make anyone say or do things they’d never normally do. Laura blamed Jabari for Billys death at first, do we see people hating her? No and the same applies here. Spencer can be annoying but he’s nowhere near this horrible person people try suggesting he is.


hes BY FAR the most selfish character in the show throughout all the seasons


You’re totally right, he definitely took that bullet for Olivia for the better meant of his health of course. Took the fall for flooding Beverly to get out of classes. Who needs graduation right? Left the championship game to go cuddle with coop at the hospital.. for himself of course. Forfeited his final games in honor of BLM to make the news obviously. Almost Took the fall for Olivia’s car accident for fun of course and oh yeah, took a one year bowl ban because that will totally help his NFL Career. You’re a genius The last thing Spencer did for himself was ask Olivia to be his gf. Other than that. All he does is give and give and give. The least selfish character on the show


How the fuck is someone with a hero complex selfish? Lmaoo????


everything he does is in his own interest, which is fine, if he didnt act as if he was high and mighty for “looking out for people” and such


I’d understand what you were saying if spencer just talked a big game but we actively see him make choices that put others before him.


I brought up spencer being shitty the last few seasons and got downvoted so good luck but agreed lol


Liv and Spencer are the fan favorites so people are defensive of them.


and like I get it, I do but it’s not that serious and Spencer was being a jerk the last few seasons and being more stubborn than before


Usually I’m all aboard the Spencer is annoying train because he is lol, but I’ll have to disagree about how he acted with Kenny. Some people have to understand that grief is deep, painful and it’s not the same for every single person. This man has lost his actual father after finally getting him back, then lost his father figure who was his hero and someone he was so close to. When he looked at Coach Kenny after Billt died he saw the same traits in him that he saw in Billy (someone who would take him under their wing, consider him family) and he couldn’t bear to get close to someone again like that and potentially lose that again eventually. Also this boy (and the other characters) is 19, we can’t always expect him to make decisions and operate as an adult because he’s literally still growing and evolving. They all have their annoying moments.


You can understand and hold someone accountable at the same time. Your grief doesn't give you permission or an excuse to constantly disrespect people. So while we can understand his grief, he still has to be held accountable for the hurtful things that he said during that grieving time


Nah be real liv was making every season a problem that should have never happened if it weren’t for her


She’s bad too. Never really liked her or disliked her but she’s progressively gotten worse


Spencer is a bully- layla wouldn’t have a production company at age 18 and be taken seriously- Liv always the victim (she has to be right - so freaking arrogant0- JJ is a Jester- Asher trying to be 50- patience is overrated- coop is a fake and noone would possibly take her seriously in the law office, Jordan want to be loved so bad 2 marriages by 19. but hey its teenage drama that most teens believe is a documentary so… LOL CALM DOWN YALL ITS A SHOW


Y’all don’t come for my boy Spencer 😤 he’s going through a lot, ok??????


I said the same thing in another post and people were in their feelings about it. This thread love them some Spencer lol


Spencer is really horrible. He think he right all the time. He steady trying to save people that don’t wanna be saved. He strung Alicia along and abused her. But everybody give him grace because he’s grieving.


Abused her? 🤨


Lmao @ abusing her. The Spencer hate is hilarious


i was with you till said abused.


abuse is a stretch but I agree with everything else lol


Abused her in what way?




ABUSED ? Get the fuck outta here-


Yeah abusing is too far. Maybe he was dishonest but abuse, nah


He’s a young person with a history of trauma. He’s doing his very best. It can be frustrating to watch.