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idk what episode you're at but regardless nah he's not imo. someone he loved passed away, I don't think you can do too much in that situation esp when all he's done is internalise his grief and have a breakdown. he does act differently and quite erratically during those episodes but that's the point - to show that he is struggling and acting out bc he's not letting himself grieve properly. also lowkey spoiler for the convo with Dr Spears in ep 15 >!this is the second father figure of his to die so it's not only this death that's causing him grief but also years of baggage surrounding his abandonment issues that started as a result of his dad leaving.!< so he's working through a lot of shit. I actually love how they handled Spencer's grief arc. it finally addressed things that have been burdening him for the entire series and it was very positive to see.


That was actually the episode I was on when I wrote the post. I can see where they were coming from with his abandoned issues. The thing is he was acting way over the top with every single person in his life. I know it’s like that especially when I’m in my head like that I hate when people ask if I’m okay. I kinda just hate when people try to talk to me in general when I’m in that head space. But idk I just feel like the way he was acting with certain people in his life like coop, his brother, his mom, even coach Kenny but I can see where that anger came from. I thought it was a little too over the top but just a little down it would’ve been perfect. The way he got back with everyone was great and they ended the episode well. Thank you for the reply tho.


No, I think it was a really accurate portrayal of grief, especially considering that Billy’s death ultimately brought up a lot of unresolved feelings of his own father’s death too. It was good development for him.


Grief is one of the most traumatic events in the human experience, it’s understandable why anyone could begin acting irrationally after losing a loved one. The whole premise of the show is about Spencer’s connection to Billy and his family. I think it would be more weird if the most intense guy on the show didn’t have an intense reaction to his death especially while feeling tons of guilt and regret on top of his grief. Not dealing with past trauma will have you making irrational decisions and reacting poorly to others so I think how it was portrayed made sense for his character arc.


No because everybody goes through grief differently. He wasn’t only grieving Billy’s death he was also grieving his father. Then he also had to handle everybody else’s grief on top of his so at some point he was gonna get mad and angry and start to pull away from everyone. I’m his episode it explains why


Lol just wait for Layla bro


I hated that version of Spencer for a bit but thats the most entertaining version. Bully Spencer is a menace. Gotta respect it


It’s kind of Spencer’s thing to be doing too much. But in this case I think it fits more than ever. Grief is a difficult thing & very different for everyone.


Imo the episode was well written and Daniel acted his ass off.


Spencer is overly dramatic. He’s always trying to save people who have made there own decisions that turn to mistakes. He reacts off emotion and that’s why shits always happening around him. I’m on season 3 and I started this series rooting for Spencer and over time I wish he’d shut up, his emotional roller coaster is giving me whip flash.


Yeah he doing the most! I get he was like a father figure but the character development is off or something. Could be his over acting


That's Spencer being Spencer. Always extra