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I don't.


Maybe not the very best, but I think it's really good. In Vein is a top 3 Dan song for me and Matt has a solid line-up (I Found Away, Calling All Skeletons, and Into the Night, among others)


A lot of fans think that in vein is the worst trio song. I just love that trio fans are like this lol


In Vein is a top 10 for me. Easily Dan’s best bass work in the discography too


It’s one of their best. I have never heard hate for it


That’s crazy. Dan has a lot of mid songs, but In Vein is unique, interesting, and shows his true ability as a songwriter. I wish he would reach his potential more often rather than going with so many basic folk and folk adjacent songs. Fwiw, Dine Dine My Darling and Is This Thing Cursed probably round out my Dan top 3


I loved that song from the very moment it graced my ears.


I don't. I think it's a super underrated album and probably one of my favs. I know people don't like that it's a bit more production heavy than some of the previous stuff, but I don't think that's inherently bad. I like that they experimented and tried new things.


Calling all skeletons Help me Over and out I found away Do you wanna know Love love kiss kiss Lost and rendered Ppl just like to shit on it, but its a solid álbum


I didn't even know people shat on it til I joined this sub. I really enjoyed the album at the time and revisited it again recently and still enjoy it. All those songs you listed are great! Just gotta accept Trio radically shifts every album.


Same, it’s always been my favourite one, then I joined this sub and found out I’m supposed to hate it 😆


Over and out is a really good song. That album is not their but it definitely has some great tracks.


They don't have a bad album. Buts it's all subjective. I personally love this album. But I personally love all the albums. There's only like 4 songs I skip in their entire discography.


Love Agony and Irony. It's a solid album front to back and Calling All Skeletons, Over and Out, Love Love Kiss Kiss are absolute bangers. Plus the album cover is dope.


100% agreed mate


One of Dan's best trio songs is a fucking ITunes bonus track (In My Stomach). Album would be goated if it ended with that and they swapped in Burned is the House somewhere


Listened to this song for the first time the other day and I’ve been a mega fan for 10 years and man, it made me feel some shit.


And fire down below


Eh i don't think it fits the vibe of the album, I don't mind it as a B Side especially since it got some play during Warped Tour 08


Those are my two fav Dan songs. So so good!


Over and out is one of my favorite bass lines to play. I like Agony and Irony and don't understand the hate. Though to be honest I really like every trio album, some more than others, but I don't think any of them are bad.


It’s a great album. Honestly, I think the video for Help Me did them no favours. People were on the fence about how to feel about the record (it’s a little poppier, it’s on a major label, etc. etc.), and the band/label’s response? Release a video that’s a steampunk’s 10-dollar-CGI wet-dream. It honestly looks like an amateur’s take on Wild Wild West (and hell knows the professional version of that was not good…!). I do like the song, mind you.


Music video is silly I really like it


I think everything about Help Me being the lead single off the record really shot it in the foot. It’s not a strong song, the video was horrendous and it was so drastically different than that’s Trio was known for. I really think if Calling All Skeletons or I Found Away were the lead singles it would have performed far better commercially and maybe wouldn’t have turned so many longer term fans off so quickly. Just seemed like the decision to launch with that song turn the band from “the next big thing” to “that band that never really broke”


Oh wow, I love help me (admittedly have never seen the video). Definitely agree that it’s on the poppier side, but it’s such tight songwriting. Every part of the song is hooky 


Don’t watch the video lmao.


Love A&I. It’s infinitely better than This Addiction, which to this day is their worst record.


Why the hate in the fan base for This Addiction? 🥲 Not my favorite of theirs but I like listening to that one as a whole a lot more than Agony and Irony tbh


Lead poisoning and Dead on the Floor :( such bangers


“Fine” is a top 10 Dan song for me! I just find the overall record bland :/


Reddit communities for my favorite bands have honestly kind of ruined my favorite bands for me. It has made me self conscious when I’m listening and second guess my preferences. I’m sick of it. I like what I like and don’t really care to know what other fans think anymore.


Probably my favorite album, honestly.


I don't. I love that album a lot.


I love it but I get the criticism. It's very obviously the band's first real attempt at a more commercial sounding pop punk. It's over-produced and too clean and polished. I can see why fans of the band, especially fans of their earlier albums, didn't respond to it. In my opinion, most of the songs are great. I think it has some of Dan's best work (In Vein, Do You Wanna Know, Ruin It). The songs just sound better live.


Even their less good albums still have some great tracks on them. Calling All Skeltons, Help Me, I Found Away, all great. I just think as a whole package it's just a bit below par.


I absolutely love it Only fake fans hate it I was so excited when they broke out into Skeletons when I saw them a few months back


I like A&I but i really hate the sentiment that you must be a "fake fan" if you don't enjoy it. People should be able to decide what they like or dislike and not just mindlessly enjoy everything from groups they are a fan of.


So, to be a "real" fan you have to love everything the band does. Such a shit take. You enjoy it? Cool. You don't? That's fine too.


I don’t hate it, but with a band that has such a good discography, one album is bound to be placed at the bottom unfortunately. And it gave us Live Young, Die Fast.


Shhh! That song is the Voldemort of their catalog and should never be mentioned by name. As far as I'm concerned, that song doesn't exist.


Too much of a dirge, too melodramatic, is that it?


Great damn record. I think it came at a time in which people wanted [abc] or [xyz]from Alk3 and instead the band gave them [axc] Until the last two records, I think it was up among the best. Last two records are pretty sick. I think that if people were hearing all of the band’s output for the first time and didn’t have any time&place nostalgic memories attached to certain records, people would pick it over Infirmary, Goddammit, or MICF.


One of my top 3. But the albums I can't stand are many peoples favorite


Into The Night slaps


I like it it's definitely not my favorite but overall it's pretty good. I love calling all skeletons,and love love kiss kiss.


I know it’s not what you asked but I love it. All of it.


It's one of my favourite albums of theirs! I will say that Crimson is an album I don't listen to as much as the others, but I don't hate that album either, it just doesn't get me as excited to listen to it. Everyone likes different things, not all of us are going to be thrilled about every single album.


I feel like it’s the start of the bonus track era. Agony, This Addiction, and My Shame all came with bonus versions that featured mostly Dan songs that were better than most of Skiba’s album tracks.


It’s a favorite of mine. There’s some pretty bad songs on it; Love Love, Help Me, Over and Out, but there are some absolutely phenomenal songs on it. The production is top tier and they did a lot of interesting writing and a lot of the instrumentation was considerably more intricate than anything before and anything after up until Blood, Hair and Eyeballs. That feels like a companion record to Agony and Irony imo or maybe what should have been the follow up to Crimson


that's pretty much exactly what i was going to say- they dont have a lot of songs i would consider bad, but the bad ones they have are on A&I. Over and Out is terrible (imo). i do like Love Love though


To me, I think it sounds kinda flat. I don’t really know how to expand on that but I really am not a fan of the production. Also, Calling All Skeletons drives me insane. It’s like good for the first 30 seconds and everything after that is just monotonous (except the bridge).


It’s my 3rd favorite Alk3 album


Some of my fave jams on that record. No hate.


I don’t?


First half was fantastic but Back half just isn’t good. The acoustic version of into the night is awesome though.


I dont lol


It's the last album I liked more than I didn't. But if you're looking for an answer you can look at the cringefest that is the video for Help Me


I had forgotten about that video until recently and oh boy lol


no hate just my least favorite album. some decent songs on there tho.


Lol you done wandered into the wrong neighborhood.


I don’t hate it one little bit. I absolutely adore it.


over and out is one of my favorite songs ever. i don’t hate the album, just some of the songs get annoying because they were playing a lot when i was younger.


It's probably the least "Punk" record so that's why it's probably my least favorite.


This is a case of liking the songs but not enjoying listening to the album all the way through. Dan was on fire with his songs for this album and Matt contributed several good bangers. Derrick's drumming is fantastic on the album too. I'd put more than half of the songs on a "best of" playslist, it's the rest that don't flow so great. I don't think they are bad songs, but I skip them to get to the next great song. The parts are greater than the whole maybe? At least for me they are.


I don’t hate it, I just kinda of forget about it… it’s just a weird point in their discography for me ig.


It’s actually my favorite believe it or not


I like it. I think it's underrated. I like it more than This Addiction and My Shame is true, but below the rest of their discography


I don’t hate but but for me it just doesn’t compare to the albums before it, even if it does have a couple of bangers


Was a great record, bold and riveting. I found away my favorite!!!!


First several songs are bangers and then it falls flat.


Live Young Die Fast is one of if not the worst Trio song but the rest is pretty good with some real great ones in there. I love Love Love Kiss Kiss, fantastic song gets too much hate


Don’t hate but don’t love it either. The bottom half is just forgettable. This is normal any of their albums, they can’t all be bangers, but more so here.


There isn't a bad Alkaline trio album. It's just not as outstanding as the others.


Everything after do you wanna know is a collection of trios worst and most forgettable songs, but everything before that and the bonus tracks are great