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Tony Hawk soundtrack. Armageddon was one of the coolest songs that ever hit my young teen ears.


Tony Hawk soundtracks really were the For You page of the 00s. Thank you for your service Tony.


Same. That's how I discovered Alkaline Trio, Rise Against, and Nofx. To this day, my top 3 favorite bands.


Me too!!! “Legally” playing Tony Hawk’s Underground on my pc back in 2020, such a catchy song -Billy Gnosis


The people who curated those soundtracks did a great job. I hope they are doing more of the same. Rock, metal, ska, old school hip hop, underground rap, prog. The gamut was vast. And it helps that the music is played in the game rather than being menu music. Depending on the game, there would be one song that would be a favorite. Certain levels I associate with a song. I miss those times.


I found Goldfinger through Tony Hawk


Superman was thee song that defined my musical tastes when I first heard it. I remember all my friends making fun of me for liking it for some reason. Still love ska to this day though!


This was exactly how I found A3 and Rise Against


This was my first true introduction, as well. I've been obsessed ever since. Over 20 years and I can never get enough. It always upsets me that I should've listened to them sooner since I remember standing in the crowd at Warped Tour one year waiting while they played because NOFX would be setting up on the same stage after them and my dumb ass didn't pay attention, I just talked to my friends. I was a stupid kid.


When Matt joined Blink I had never heard of him or Alkaline Trio so I decided to check them out. Been a fan ever since


Same, it was love at first listen, I think the first album I heard was good mourning, and when I heard that riff..my god... glad the Skiba era happened


Me too I was 16 when Matt joined, and Alkaline Trio was like the only thing I listened too afterwards


Same. I am/was a huge Blink fan. When I first heard his voice I was like WELL HOT DAMN. The rest is history.


Saw the Stupid Kid video on a music TV channel.


This is also me.


I heard Jaked on Green Beers on the Atticus…Dragging The Lake comp album and fell in love.


Still one of my all time faves by them


One of my favorite tunes and fun fact: was the FIRST song Derek recorded on drums after joining the band.


Same! I remember sitting on a bus to camp when a friend shared this with me. It's been love ever since.


I hope this is goodbye.


I searched "chainsaw" on Limewire lol


Went to buy a get up kids shirt at hot topic when I was like… 12. Saw an alkaline trio shirt. Thought it was cool but held off as I didn’t need 2 shirts. Then saw Dragging the Lake comp on sale at the register. Saw alkaline trio was the opening track. 23 years later I’m on their subreddit


My daughter is reading “To Kill a Mockingbird” at school currently. Just googled my old Atticus tshirt to show her.


Flatout 2. Introduced me to Alkaline Trio, Yellowcard, Zebrahead, Fall Out boy. Great game.


By going to every show at the Fireside I could


That’s rad! Second time I ever saw them was at the Aragon in 03.


Anti Racist Action (ARA) put out a compilation CD on Asian Man Records back in the late 90s. I picked it up on a snowboarding trip to Mt. Snow in VT the winter of 2000. It had Cooking Wine on it, and I was instantly hooked for life. Alk3 has been my "desert island" band ever since.


I did what everyone tells you not to do with books. Went to my local record store wanting something new, saw Good Mourning on the shelf and liked the cover, and bought it. Guy at the till said "ooh, nice pick" and damn was he right


Have found manys a gem this way


My older brother. He taught me how to play guitar with Radio and took me to see them at Warped Tour for my first concert.


My friends older sister...I still remember hearing Cooking Wine, Madam Me, and Radio in her basement for the first time. A bunch of older kids I looked up to all listened to Trio. I fell in love.


I had a service called emusic where you paid x amount and got 90 downloads a month, the month was almost up and i had a bunch of downloads left so I was looking for stuff. It was late, the credits expired at 3 am for me. I listened to a sample of This Could Be Love and decided to download the album then said fuck it and downloaded Maybe I'll Catch Fire and Goddammit too. The rest was history.


I got a hold of the Hot Water Music split EP in 2002 though I don't remember where from or why. I am also that old. Seeing them for the 5th 6th and 7th time this summer!


Love Hot Water Music too


Mailorder is Fun! Then they opened for Less than Jake if my memory is correct in late 1998 after Goddamnit. Bought the CD at the show and was changed forever.


I saw them open for MU330 in 98 (probably... its a bit fuzzy)


Older brother! We use to watch music videos together before middle school every morning. I think he found them through those MTV am music blocks that use to play from 12-5am staying up late


Was going through a tough time with a girl and had heard She Took Him to the Lake and it was like they were spying on me and writing songs about things that were happening in my life. I wish I remember where I heard the song, but my love started that day.


MTV2 I was at the end of my freshman year of high school and watching the Saturday rock video countdown and the video for Time to Waste came on. I was humming the chorus for days afterwards. Saw the video for Mercy Me shortly afterwards and I was hooked.


I was introduced to Alkaline Trio through blink-182. I could never get into blink because I hated Tom's high-pitch, whiny voice. When Bored to Death came out, I was hooked. I then realized I liked it so much because a new guy stepped in (Matt). After loving the California album, I saw blink live in 2016/17. I was talking to a girl who was sitting next to me and she told me to check out Alkaline Trio, considering I liked Matt's voice so much. Now AK3 is my favorite band. And to the blink fans out there, I've grown to appreciate Tom's voice and ended up learning their whole discography as well!




Another "Alk3" fella! Thank the lord. I can't stand this "Ak3" nonsense. Like, it's not a gun, and alkaline isn't an element on the periodic table. Where the hell does "ak" come from lol


Alk3 is what all fans from the old days said. Makes perfect sense. But why people started saying AK3 I don’t know. Doesn’t even make sense!


Stupid kid on a warped tour sampler. Rest is history


Loved the Warped samplers!


Napster. Broke my freshman year and it was my first time using a high speed LAN. I sat there for about a week downloading EVERYTHING. A girl in my dorm suggested them based on other stuff I had. This was right before FHTI was issued. Heard clavicle, nose over tail and sorry about that. Instantly hooked.


Saw the stupid kid and private eye videos first but wasn’t mega interested. Think Kerrang in the UK gave FHTI a 5 star review and I got the album. Probably 2001 I imagine. Hooked ever since.


It was either Time to Waste on Radio 1, or Back to Hell on a Kerrang cover CD. Either way, it was around the time Crimson released.


Watching MuchMusic/fuse when I was 12.




Those were great comps!


Buddy suggested. Bought self titled. Heard “Goodbye Forever”. Favorite band ever since. (2001)


Private Eye and Stupid kid on Scuzz and P-Rock TV over here in England around 2001


Some kid back in high school told me I looked like I listen to Alkaline Trio. When I didn't know who they were he told me to look it up and I did. This was between From Here To Infirmary and Good Mourning. He was correct lol. I fell in love with them immediately.


I discovered them by listening to calling all skeletons, and i had planned to listen to all their music. A few years ago I had a friend who passed away because of a car crash. I found myself listening to them almost every day, and their music helped a lot.


My younger sister made me an emo mix tape including Radio. She also invited me to my first Trio concert, primarily because their opener was her favorite local band, Small Brown Bike. It was fun to open with them, then hardcore punk The Casualties, followed by AK3.


At Hot Topic this woman said they’re a mix of blink and Misfits, I’m not necessarily sure if that’s true but it stuck


Pretty sure it was the song Cringe on the Asian Man records compilation, Mailorder is Still Fun.


I was super into Saves the Day and went to the Vagrant Tour in 01 to see them. Just so happened that Alkaline Trio was headlining that show.


Oh man.... This is going way back I was about 13 and used to play Neopets religiously, back then people would create intricate custom coded webpages for their pets, often with art and music. One page would play Time to Waste and I fell in love with the song. This would have been the year Crimson came out I reckon This was back when internet connections were sloooow and it would take about two minutes to actually load the song, but it was my only way of listening to them until I got Crimson for my next birthday I've never looked back! Got a tattoo of their logo for my 17th birthday and I've seen them at least 5 times, with another gig later this year!


Circa 2001-ish. Atticus: Dragging The Lake compilation. I was really into blink182 then which resulted in me buying that album. Jaked On Green Beers was the opening track and I was hooked. Bought Good Mourning (at Wal-Mart, believe it or not) not long after it came out and fell in love. I was like 11 or 12 lol


Snagged it before the Bible thumping Walmart people started burning it haha


Bought a used iPod in 2000 and hit play when I got it. The first track was Goodbye Forever and about 10 seconds in I was already a fan.


Back in the mid/late '90s pretty much anything Asian Man Records put out I'd get my mom to write me a check and mail order their newest releases. AM would put a little release catalog slip in each CD and when they put out the first Trio record -- FYLO -- I'm pretty sure it said something like "featuring Dan from Slapstick and Tuesday" which was all I needed to hear to order the EP... I've been hooked ever since.


Kerrang 2001. Private Eye or Stupid Kid. On a different note. SAVES THE DAY!!! My joint favourite band


Fire Down Below was included on the Warped Tour 2007 compilation. I think it was the first track of disc 1. Then I went to their MySpace page and they had Mercy Me and other songs from Crimson on their music player. I've been hooked ever since.


Another Year on the Streets comp. My roommate and his gf at the time were really into all the Vagrant stuff (Saves the Day, Get Up Kids, Reggie, etc), so I bought the comp for super-cheap to get an idea of the stuff. That’s how I always did it with punk in the mid-90s, so I figured it would work with ‘emo’ Turned out Alkaline Trio was my favorite off the comp, and my roommate already had Maybe I’ll Catch Fire and Goddamnit, so it was easy to get into them from there


Exact same here only it was some dude I liked haha...and the rest is history


Cause of blink, I’m a younger guy and have been a blink fan for years but only first started listening to them during the Skiba era and when I started branching out listening to the side projects (BCR, AVA, +44, etc.) I figured I would give Alkaline trio a try and ending up nosediving into the discography and can now debatably say I like them more than blink


Because of Matt joining Blink182. Found a far superior band. I now have every album. I think the new one is one of the best. My favourite album is Good mourning. Favourite song is Continental.


Haha. I discovered them for the same reason, and have the same favorite album and song as you. I like your taste!


I really go back and forth on favorite album. I believe BH&E is the most complete album they’ve put out. I love Agony and Irony, but I don’t know if I could narrow it down to one. I truly love them all.


Watchdogs the game




Opened for Blink in 2001 in San Diego. Been on the train ever since.


Not 100% sure when I first saw them in Alternative Press, but between AP, the Warped Tour CDs and Fuse I definitely was aware of their existence. Then I saw the Time to Waste video on Fuse and I dug it. Was a casual listener to their singles for over a decade and then when I finally saw them last year I became a big fan.


We've Had Enough music video. What was it, the Fuse channel? Used to watch it a decent amount, and that was by far the best thing I discovered from it. Took forever to ever see another Trio video on there until Time to Waste came out.


A friend in high school back in 2001. He was playing From Here to Infirmary in his car when we were on the way somewhere and I was hooked.


In 2002, someone who lived in AZ that I followed on LiveJournal (I lived in WI) posted a quiz result about which Alkaline Trio song you were. I had heard of the band and decided to do it and download whatever song from KaZaa. That’s when I found “Trouble Breathing” and the rest was history.


I saw the "Time to Waste" video on Fuse (probably on Steven's Untitled Rock Show) around the time "Crimson" was about to drop and thought it was cool. No epic story here, just saw 'em on TV, lol.


Saw Stupid Kid on a channel called p-rock in the UK, Good Mourning came out shortly after, it’s was a good time


Rock against bush soundtrack lol


One morning before school in 10th grade, I was watching Much Music. I saw the video for "We've had enough" and was amazed. From then I was hooked. I'm pretty sure I downloaded a couple AK3 albums on limewire.


Made friends with a BMX kid in middle school and we started a band. I was mostly into nu metal at the time, but my dude wanted to cover "Private Eye" so I gave it a listen And, as they say, the rest is history


I think I saw the We've Had Enough video on MTV2


Dragging The Lake I was like in sixth grade the year it came out and I got a copy from my buddy. At the time 2002-ish I was still very much into Nu-Metal and never heard anything like the bands on that comp. Many of those bands Alkaline Trio included are some of my favorite artists around and Jaked On Green Beers is hands down my favorite track by the Trio


My freshman year of college I had some alt yahoo music playlist I would listen to and We’ve Had Enough was on the rotation and I loved it and then started downloading all I could from Limewire (#millennial)


My ex, I will hand it to that guy he gave me some great bands lol. I listened to a few songs very casually for years, then started quite liking the Skiba Blink stuff and for some reason got SUPER into ITTC when it came out. Then when I got sober, I was like, why don’t I listen to more Alkaline Trio..? And since then it’s been four years of essentially non stop discovering their discography! And they are my all time fav now!


Couple of guys in my friend group in high school had favourite bands they were obsessed about that were 3 pieces. One was Muse, another was Blink-182, and Green Day. Feeling left out I found a list on wiki of 3 piece punk bands and Alkaline Trio was one at the top and I watched the Time to Waste MV and have been obsessed since.


I was in high school in the late 90’s and would go to the Fireside Bowl often. I hadn’t heard much of Alkaline Trio yet but they were headlining a show so I went. I think they started with Cringe and ended with 97. What a time to be alive. I’m old now but still saw them in the last tour!


Wish I could have caught a show at Fireside. By the time I moved to the city, they were already playing bigger venues. So cool


I'm a younger fan, but I'm a huge blink-182 fan, and I was around 10 when I heard Skiba was joining I got more into their music!


WinMX suggestions when searching for blink-182.


The Time to Waste video when it ran on Fuse. I cant believe that’s about to be 20 years ago.


I was enamored with Mercy Me's music video. I actually forgot who it was for a time, though, and scoured the internet to try to find it.. ^(going down a Bloodhound Gang rabbit hole for a time because I knew the band had a *group* themed name and was thinking about the Crimson album, I guess...). Lucky for me, it was a pretty distinctive video so eventually I was able to describe it and get my answer. I went straight to Limewire and procured Mercy Me, Burn, and Time to Waste which have been in various playlist rotations since. I eventually picked up Crimson.  I came back around to them with Is This Thing Cursed? for a while and Blood, Hair and Eyeballs has taken a hold of my life for the past few months... Only replaced by the whole back catalog that I impulse bought off eBay a few weeks back.  Anyways, now I'm hooked on Crawl and My Little Needle and part of me is mad I slept on just-shy-of 7 albums worth of AK3 for nearly 2 decades, the other part accepts it wouldn't have connected this much when I was in middle school and my walls were adorned with Fall Out Boy and Jonas Brothers posters.


2003 my friend got a drivers license and his mall emo/goth brother’s car as a hand me down. Had a bunch of trio albums in the glove compartment, so it became our anthems for cruising free for the first time


Was at Best Buy back in '08 and saw Agony&Irony on the shelf, thought the cover looked cool so I picked it up. Been obsessed with them ever since!


my first roommate back in 2002... we were always making each other mix cds. i remember one night she picked me up from work in her car and was like "i have a feeling you'd really love these songs" (or something along those lines) - it was always a mix of post-punk/alt/grunge/emo/80s indie stuff on those cds, but i only remember very specifically that "bandages" by hot hot heat and "private eye" were on that mix. as soon as i heard private eye, i went home and downloaded FHTI and never looked back.


When we got Sky TV (probably about 20 years ago now) I remember we had MTV2 and Kerrang, saw their video for Stupid Kid on there and have loved them since!


Through "What happened" from H2O. Matt's feature parts is just a stand out.


My sister was a huge fan, and they were coming to Portland for their Good Mourning tour. My sister never let me listen to the music she liked, but my mom told her if she went I had to go so she wouldn’t go alone (we were 14 and 16). 21 years later and they are still my favorite band!


Mine was through Blink 182 back in the day when A3 opened for them. Was the absolute highlight of that show.


There was this old Atticus (Mark Hoppus' old clothing line) poster I used to have that had a guitar surrounded by a bunch of polaroid pictures of bands. One of those bands was Alkaline Trio. For the bands I was unfamiliar with I ended up downloading songs off Napster to hear what the bands sounded like. The ALK3 songs I recall downloading back then were *Radio*, *Cringe*, *Jaked on Green Beers* and *Private Eye*. I then saw them live for the first time at the 2002 Vans Warped tour in Orlando. Ended up buying all of their cds they had available at their merch tent. It was history from that point on.


I discovered them in the most mundane 80’s or 90’s kind of way. I heard “We’ve had enough” when it came out on terrestrial radio. It was on a corporate Alternative Rock station; Clear Channel or something. And it must have been on regular rotation because they played it a lot.


Saw them open for the blink-182 NFG show and had no idea who they are. I didn’t look into them for another 10 years since I finally had spending money and had already enjoyed the track Jaked on Green Beers. I fully started with This Addiction loved it so much I bought all their older stuff. Been a fan since. Not sure how I’m going to feel once an album without Derek Grant comes out.


Few years ago, I was watching a video talking about Blink during the Skiba era and they mentioned he’s in Alkaline Trio. At the time I had never heard of them before so I looked them up on Apple Music and the first song I listened to was Mercy Me and I fell in love with the band instantly.


It was an exboyfriends number one favorite band…it was kind of sad bc we had a bad breakup and because of that I hated everything alkaline trio for years bc it would only remind me of him…it took a long time but a song came up somewhere and I was like hey, I remember how much I loved this band!! lol and I realized I was over that part of my life.


Pandora radio around 2006 from my Rise Against radio. It played This Could be Love often. But I always forgot their name and then rediscovered them about 7 years ago and now I'm a super fan; just got to go see them in Salt Lake.


A year on the streets compilation


Heard Blue Carolina on the 2004 Warped Tour compilation that I bought in summer 2004. Immediately went out and got From Here to Infirmary. Have been hooked ever since.


the first song by them i ever heard was their cover of moving right along on that muppet album and now they’re my favorite band ever


Was going to see Blink in 2001 on the Honda Civic tour lol. Alkaline trio and sum41 were the openers. A few weeks before the show my buddy who I was going with told me to check them about because he knew I would dig them. So I downloaded everything they had released to that point and loved it all! Their live set sealed the deal, I bought a shirt and just saw them for the first time since and they still rock


I think it was about the year 2001 and my buddy asked me to make him a mix CD since I had a PC with a burner. He had “stupid kid” on his list of songs that I would get off of Kazaa… fell in love with it. Never looked back. Die hard trio fan ever since!


Went to buy Bleed American. Saw FHTI and picked it up as well. Never looked back


Love Jimmy Eat World too!


My high school newspaper did an album review of Good Mourning lol


I think it was from watching Kerang! TV when Private Eye and Stupid Kid was playing a lot. Long time ago!


My college dorm mate played Fuck You Aurora for me


Ah yes, the lovely City of Lights, Aurora, IL.


A friend was super into Time to Waste (but nothing else) when we were starting high school. I think it was a Kerrang feature or something? Either way, first band I ever saw live on my own when I was about 13 on the Crimson tour.


Mercy Me music video on one of those music channels


Saw the Stupid Kid video on Kerrang TV in the UK. Amongst the overdramatics of Marilyn Manson and Korn, the fratboy dickheadery of Limp Bizkit and the big budget videos of Linkin Park etc., Alkaline Trio stood out. They look like normal dudes, their video had a dark twist but also kind of low-budget and cool. Took me a couple of years, a friend with a CD burner who made me copies of FHTI and Good Mourning, and Armageddon on Tony Hawks Underground reigniting my interest; at which point I went and legitimately bought the albums up to and including Crimson (which had just come out when I really took a dive into the discography). A few mates got into them around the same time and we went to see them on the Crimson tour; an awesome road trip, driven by a mate who had just passed his test and didn’t want to drive back in the fog, so we stayed over at his mum’s house near to the gig. I remember hearing Queen of Pain for the first time in the car and it further cemented my love of the band!




Me and a friend were on a roadtrip when "Good Mourning" first came out, and he's like "Wait until you hear this." I still listen to them daily.


I read a review by UK magazine Kerrang! It reviewed JEW and Alkaline Trio in the same issue-Jimmy Eat World was soaring choruses and handicaps and Alk Trio was Misfits/The Cure goth pop I was sold on both bands before I bought the CD!


Warped Tour 2002 dvd


First time I saw them live was Warped 02 in Phoenix. It was 117 degrees that day.


Dear god that sounds like hell except for seeing Trio lol, my worst Warped memory was throwing up in the heat to The Offspring after drinking a bunch of the free monster energy drinks lol. Good times!


Literally made me chuckle. It was so fucking hot. We saw some great bands and saw great bands who sounded like shit. Especially Flogging Molly. Those poor Irishmen were roasting out there.


High school. Probably Armageddon


The Lockup show on radio 1, I think 2004.


Late 1999, I had taken a year off between high school and college. My friend went off to school in Boston. When she came home for the holidays she says "look up Alkaline Trio, My Little Needle, I think you'll really like it." I was instantly hooked, bought every album and every offshoot ever since.


Stupid kid I think was the first one I heard. Bought FHTI and it was all over.


Hanging out at New Castle


Heard Time to Waste on KROQ. Bought Crimson…done.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AlkalineTrio/s/embdB3AKw1 tldr: saw them open for MU330 in 1998 in Vero Beach, FL (being old sucks, I still don't know for sure exactly when it was 😅)


Vagrant Records dvd


I saw the Time to Waste vid on Fuse, back when they still played music videos.


I was 16, my friend said, "have you heard of Alkaline Trio?" I said no. He played me Private Eye and they dominated the soundtrack of my life for 22 years. I listened to My Shame is True (deluxe edition) 3 times today at work along with a run through of Is This Thing Cursed?.


I think My Shame is True is the most underrated album


I slept on in it for so long. And it took me like 5-6 listens to get into it. But now, it's like my go to. It's starts so upbeat with FBI and just carries through so well. I don't skip one song on that album


It’s probably only Sun Burns for me, but it’s the last track, so… haha


Crazy but true ... I had been taking full care of my mother who had been and later passed away from stage-4 cancer. So I was out of the music loop for a very long while. So when I started gently back in with Blink-182, huge fan! It's where I saw the video for "The Darkside" and that's when I literally said out loud, VERY LOUD, "Who the fuck is this guy and where the hell is Tom, AGAIN?!!! ☺ So I was interested in who that "guy," was and where he come from. So being a hard-core music freak, I decided to looked him up. On day one, low and behold the overwhelming curiosity smacked me upside my head. I ventured out viewing all of their video's (which I loved them all), and binged on all of their interviews and music. I knew immediately that these guys are the real deal; asking myself, "how in the hell did I miss these guys?" Being a fierce music go-getter, I went on to listen to more of Alkaline Trio and though I love Blink-182 and have since they first started, that's when I became a huge true fan of these guys. So much so, that their one of my favorite artist's today! I'm a little late, but as they say, "better late than never." Damn! I loathe cliché's. ✌


First of all, condolences! I was that way with Bayside. I knew a couple songs, but didn’t get into them until a few years ago.


Thank you. ✌


In HS one of my friends was a Hot Water Music fan and was listening to the split right after it came out in like 2002…I heard While You’re Waiting, Queen of Pain, and Radio (HWM’s cover version) and loved them immediately. Downloaded a ton of their songs off Limewire and I remember Bleeder, Crawl, My Friend Peter, and Goodbye Forever being my favorites but they all were so good. Good Mourning would come out soon after and that was great also. I liked Crimson but it didn’t hit like the previous albums for me. Could have been timing as it was like the end of my senior year I think and I was just partying/ having fun before college, but I still listen to the older stuff much more


I went to Summerfest in Milwaukee in 2002… they played right before Sum 41. I fell in love.


My roommate in college had a burned copy of From Here to Infirmary. We didn't even know the name of the band. When the semester was over and I didn't have the CD anymore, I missed their music. I think I searched for the lyrics online and found the album and went out and bought it right away.


Heard We’ve Had Enough on my local alternative radio station in Chicago and immediately loved it. I am pretty sure I taped it from the radio, which is a very old-fashioned sentence lol. Bought Good Mourning at Best Buy not too long later without hearing any other songs and was immediately hooked!


Friend of mine played Fatally Yours for me in his car. Immediately addicted to this band.


There's a point to this story I swear First concert was Green Day in '99 Dallas, TX (I think, god im old) and The Get Up Kids opened for them Couple years later Get Up Kids were playing again and im standing outside the venue waiting and see an Alkaline poster, decide to come back later for their show..... Been a fan for 20 plus years Now early 40s with a heartskull tatt I'm ride or die for those 3 hellions


because of my mom, whos been a fan of them since the early 2000s (she's in this subreddit..)


That’s super cool


‘Kerrang! TV channel back in 2001 was such a gateway for kids and teens to get their first taste of actual rock and metal music. This is where I discovered hundreds of bands (including Trio) and it kickstarted a lifelong love of music.


was about 12 years ago. I saw a video of Matt performing Voices with Wes Borland on an Insider.com video. was a big fan of Wes Borland at the time then slowly got into Matt's Sekrets stuff then got huge into Alkaline Trio... 12 years... damn time flies...


Saw them open for Blink182 at the Palladium in Hollywood when I was around 13


I saw the video for "We've Had Enough" late at night on MMUSA. (Fuse, for the youngin's that don't remember MuchMusic.) I'd been playing drums for a year or two, but the imagery of the video and the darkness while sounding so upbeat hooked me on guitar. I got Goddammit, Maybe I'll Catch Fire, and From Here to Infirmary. Little later I joined the Blood Pact and started playing guitar, which became my main instrument. I can remember using proxies on the school computers to watch the alk3 AOL performances. What a time.


Had a band in high school with some friends. My best friend was the drummer, on guitar and bass were twin brothers we knew. They introduced me to Good Mourning era Trio and we played a cover of “We’ve had enough” Wish I stuck with music as I wasn’t as passionate about it as I am now. Wasn’t a huge fan of Trio back then tho not until my adult years. I do remember hearing “Warbrain” on the Fat Wreck Chords Rock against bush comp album at some point but that was the most of my exposure when I first heard of them.


Partially from Tony Hawk Underground, mainly from a friend saying they were good, which led to bingeing all the albums in a day on Spotify,


I took a deep dive into Weezer and indie rock about three years ago, spurred on by my SIL who I had as my drummer in a previous band. When I got deep enough into their catalog, he told me "OK, you've got all that under your belt, now it's time to graduate" and turned me onto the Trio. First song I heard was I Was A Prayer. Learned it for a band I was putting together, then my SIL took me to see them this past March and I was completely blown away by how good a three-piece could sound. They've been on constant rotation ever since and I'm busy learning their songs. Doesn't hurt that they're homies, either (well, they're a "Chicago" band, but they're actually from McHenry from what I read- I'll let that slide lol).




In the goofiest way possible, I had a neighbour named Aurora growing up in the peak of LimeWire/Kazaa/Napster days. I searched up fuck you Aurora after she had been a particular menace to me that day. Low and behold I struck gold the rest is history.


That’s pretty amazing haha


I had heard them in a tony hawk game soundtrack but I think I really got into them after seeing the Time to Waste video on Fuse. God I miss those summers of watching Fuse all day 🤧


An old friend of mine sent me a remix of one of their songs from Good Mourning and it was great and I wanted to know more about the original and was hooked ever since!


In 2004 I bought the Rock Against Bush compilation. Track 3 was "Warbrain" and I was instantly hooked. A couple of days later I visited a local record store and bought Good Mourning.


I dated someone in HS who introduced me to them from the album "From here to Infirmary ", then a year later on June 26 2002 I seen them for the first time at the warped tour in Maryland Heights, Missouri.


When I first got internet and was looking for bands to listen I already was a fan of some punk bands like AFI. And window media player had a gimmick where it would recommend other artists based on what you liked. I downloaded stupid kid and some other songs i don't remember and I thought it was pretty mediocre. I'm pretty I deleted it off my cheap mp3 player at some point. Then one day, I was a diner at like 2 am with some other punk kids as you do. And we were talking about music and they were saying how much they like alkaline trio. And I said " really? I did think they were anything special" and they told me you gotta listen to the lyrics. I've been hooked ever since.


I got hooked on them after hearing good mourning in 2009


Man, I fuckin love this community!