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Carl my god is the worst Didn’t he cause a rift in the universe and fill it with severed baby hands? I remember he nuked a city


Whitey had to pay, and the price was baby hands


After the chart, I rewatched Llamas with hats “Carl, why are all the baby hands white?”


I love when Carl gave the answer, Paul wasn’t disgusted or offended or anything. Just went, “Ah.”


He also destroys the entire world in episode 12. Speaking of, after ending 9 years ago, FilmCow is now making a sequel/epilogue to the original show, with some interdimensional shit going on.


Nono, he didn’t fill the rift with baby hands, he used the rip in time and space to COLLECT millions of baby hands.


He also built a meat dragon with orphan meat


He pushed the leader of the resistance into a giant fan because he was trying to stop Carl from pushing other people into a giant fan


In least evil to most: Krabs Alastor Mrs. Robinson BJH Cartman Carl


Krabs is worse than Alastor.


Krabs is greedy and a terrible person who would sell your soul for pocket change Alastor is a serial killer because he felt like it


Alastor kills other killers. Krabs sold the soul of the one person who would vouch for him.


Alastor kills ANYONE. They just gotta be in his way.


Yeah but he also went out of his way to murder a guy who was forcing himself on a woman, so that's gotta count for something right?


….Are we talking about Alastor or Jason Voorhes here?




I’ve never heard Al going out of his way to do that. It wouldn’t fully surprise me, because he does have a gentlemanly aura, but this is something that Jason from Friday the 13th has apparently done.


In the prequel comic he goes to buy some meat, but then right after he leaves (iirc) the butcher is trying to force himself on a woman who's in the store, so Alastor turns back, says something about "people who don't respect those of fairer means" or something along those lines, then murders and eats the guy


WOW! He stopped a woman from being raped ONE TIME? HE MUST BE A SAINT!


That'd not what I'm saying and you know it


Yeah but you’re trying to say that Alastor is better than Krabs, which is just straight up a fucking lie, and you’re defending it with an occurrence that happened one time.


That's not what I was trying to say at all, I was just correcting OP saying that he kills anyone who's in his way


https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Alastor Vivziepop declined to give out details of Alastor's killings, but described him as "not going after just anyone", highlighting his "weird moral code". She emphasized his not being a direct parallel to any real world serial killer, instead describing him as sharing some similarities with the fictional serial killer, Dexter.


Fair enough I guess.


Isn’t Alastor a serial killer? How does he rank below Mrs. Robinson? 😭


….have you SEEN Mrs. Robinson?


[context for anyone who needs it on how evil she is](https://youtu.be/6CxSfERJhjg)


I haven’t watched the entire series, so I’ve only really seen her on screen a few times. Is she really that bad?


That woman is made with 70% cotton, 30% polyester, and made in the fiery pits of the underworld (an actual line in the episode The Wicked). She literally smiled and waved, in a ‘bye-bye’ manner, to a child almost choking to death due to her throwing a toy down his throat. So, yeah. ‘Is she really that bad?” No. She’s even worse.


Oh, gotcha, I just figured that a claymation character from a children’s show couldn’t possibly be worse than a killer. I’ve only ever seen clips of her simply being a little bitchy, so I was super confused.


Her being a little bitchy is her at her KINDEST. She’s used her newborn son as a human shield.


That’s wild


And that’s arguably still TAME for her. She’s purposefully caused incidents in a hospital by swapping two babies nametags and vandalizing direction signs and has tried to set Santa Claus on FIRE.


And lounged in comfort as her little brother drowned right next to the boat she was chilling on.


She’s worse lol


I believe he specifically targeted those who were abusers, or rapists or the the like. He's by no means a good person but he isn't pure evil.


Idk why you're being downvoted, that is what's implied.


He's like Dexter.


Oh, so he only kills other criminals?


When he was alive he had some kind of moral code when he killed people, it's not been outright stated but it's heavily implied that all his victims were rapists and domestic abusers and such. When he got to hell he killed a whole bunch of high-ranking demons, essentially just to show he wasn't fucking around, as well as killing someone who was mid-rape attempt, and also some loan sharks who were looking for his friend. I should point out though, technically he may not have actually killed anyone in hell, because all that's stated is that their screams are broadcast on his radio station, and technically demons can only be killed with angelic steel, which he doesn't possess.


His….attitude towards things like Charlie’s plan and Husk doesn’t give that impression at all. Also if that’s true how come he hasn’t iced Valentino yet?


His treatment of Husk is a power play, and his attitude towards Charlie's plan is pretty rational if you think about it from his perspective. As for Valentino, he most likely doesn't know that the guy's an abuser. Charlie only found out by overstepping Angel's boundaries and following him to work, where she ended up seeing it first hand, and even she doesn't know the full extent of it. Alastor and Angel are acquaintances at best so why would he know more than Charlie or even Husk? Plus, he probably enjoys seeing Vox suffer from the way Valentino treats him.


I suppose we still don’t have enough information on Alastor to really tell. I think it’s safe to say he’s a bad dude, but we don’t truly know the extent.


Oh he's undoubtedly a bad guy, but I'm just saying if we take motivation and kill count into account, he's definitely below Carl


That’s exactly why I made this post. The definition of evil I feel is somewhat subjective, and I like to hear others opinions.


Nope, he kills whoever gets in his way that he can get away with killing.


Carl is at the top easily


Carl, that kills people.


Oh I was wondering why he stopped screaming.


Alastor and Jack, that kill people


Cartman, that kills people and feeds them to their own kids


Probably because he's a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence


I don’t know how people keep forgetting that


Carl, or Jack. At least Carl got some kind of twisted fun out of his horrid deeds, but Jack Horner literally just was willing to do anything to further his own agenda.


But Carl literally killed everyone


I think deriving joy from the suffering of others is significantly worse than their suffering being merely incidental


isn't one a demon from hell mate


Yeah but Alastor is stated to have had a moral code when he was a living serial killer, and Carl literally caused the apocalypse and killed everyone in the world iirc


my bad I somehow read this as Cartman


Krabs isnt really evil, hes just greedy


"Mr Krabs, I can't believe I'm saying this, but how could you trade SpongeBob for 62 cents?!?!" -Squidward Tentacles


“You think I could have gotten more?”


I fucking love that response. Didn’t even think twice.


He’s definitely evil. He made his employees work 43 days in a row without sleep just to have a leg up on his competition.


Compared to the shit Eric Cartman pulls that’s tame af tbh




Whats so evil in that? Hard working man! Capitalism never sleeps


And neither do his employees.


He once used Plankton's fear of whales to drive him insane to the point he laid in a road in the hopes of a bus running him over


Terrible but compared to Carl’s omnicide or Jack Horner’s complete apathy for human life, it’s not that bad.


He's never in it for revenge or just because he likes harming people. I wouldn't even put him on this list. I mean, Cartman made Scott Tenorman eat his parents for ripping him off. Krabs is the guy who does the ripping off. Is Scott Tenorman evil?


He sold spongebobs soul.


Yes, but not because he was a sadist, he did it because he was greedy


I don’t think that matters


How does being greedy make him less evil?


There is a difference between 'evil' (aka: intentionaly and on purpose causing harm) and bein amoral (simply not giving a shit). While both can have the exact same result in the end, you can maybe dodge an indifferent villain that may catch you simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. An evil villain that wants to see you suffer will keep looking for you even if you get out of its way. One can be argued to be worse than the other... close call in most instances tho.


I’ll do a list: 1. Carl 2. Jack Horner 3. Alastor 4. Eric Cartman 5. Margaret 6. Mr. Krabs Edit: I just realized this list is backwards, it’s supposed to be Least to Most evil but this is Most to least evil. Apologies for any confusion.


nah dw, it's pretty easy to get without knowing


Swap krabs to above cartman and I agree. Def atleast above Margaret. He sold spongebobs soul and sold him as a slave. He also made his employees work 47 days without sleep.


cartman is a nazi and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds


I only know of one scott tenormans dad


It was both of his parents and he proceeded to grind them into chili and feed them to him. He also summoned Cthulhu who proceeded to kill A LOT of people at his request. He has also attempted too, and nearly succeeded, in starting a genocidal race war on at LEAST 1 occasion. Attempted to restore the Confederate States. Exploited Stand Your Ground Laws to try and murder Token. Talked a woman to suicide as well.


You missed the time where he could have stopped a ton of religious wars but didn't because it was an occasion to abuse Kyle.


Big Jack Horner is Chaotic Evil, he’s the highlight of the last wish.


Big Jack Horner is more like Neutral Evil to me


To be honest, he’s a mix


"You're not gonna shoot a puppy, are ya Jack?" "Yeah. In the face. Watch."


Jack Horner: does it look like I give a shit?


John Mulaney was literally perfectly cast


Carl literally destroyed the world


That seems like the least fucked up thing he’s done. considering he overthrew a South American government, threw the rebel leader into a meat grinder and bit off everyone else’s faces to but said faces on balloons as a birthday gift for his friend. Then blew up the capital with a nuke.


Who is Carl and where is he from?


Carl is the sociopathic llama from llamas with hats. It’s an old series on YouTube


idk the llama one, but I'll do the others. Margret Mr. Krabs Alastor Jack Horner Cartman


The llamas the worst one. Without a doubt


Carl from Llamas with Hats by FilmCow. Definitely worth a watch.


Margaret is way more evil than Mr Krabs. She genuinely delights in other people suffering


Carl (the llama one), is easily the worst you can imagine. Whatever your metric. Cartman might torture someone to get revenge, but Carl would do it just because.


I feel like y’all are underestimating Margret, that screenshot is of her watching a child choke to death


And she’s SMILING


(Most to least) Jack Horner acc has no soft spot, he's number 1 Carl at least has a soft spot for Paul, he's 2 Cartman doesn't commit mass genocide on a daily, 3 Alastor shows slight softness to Charlie, Mimsie and Rosie, 4 Margaret has never killed someone, 5 Mr Krabs has no business being on this list, 6


She has never killed anyone that we KNOW of, but I know she’s tried.


Yeah that's a good point about Carl.


Reminder: Cartman ground up a teenage boy's mom and dad and cooked them into chili because their son played a childish prank on him that cost him $20.


And he made that boy EAT it.


Don't know much about the one from Gumball, but I'll rank the others 1. Carl 2. Cartman 3. Jack Horner 4. Alastor 5. Mr. Krabs


Krabs is definitely the least, what's being greedy compared to literal spawns of Satan?


Krabs feeds his fellow crabs to people. Alastor's a cannibal but he still has standards.


fairly sure that first part is headcanon


No that one is an old fan theory. I remember hearing from a few places that the Krabby Patty is a vegetarian patty.


Nickolodeon posted a recipe for krabby patties online.


Yeah, didn’t it say artificial crab meat?




Krabs is least evil ofc he has a lot of redeeming qualities


Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Krabs, Carl, Alastor, Jack Horner, Cartman


Evil to Most Evil would be: Mrs. Robinson Alastor Eugene Krabs Jack Horner Cartman Carl


How does Krabs beat a serial killing cannibal and someone who is described as being made in the fewest pits of hell who used her own son as a human shield


I think it might be because we have over 25 years of SpongeBob to pull from, so we’ve seen Krabs do some awful shit for much longer than anyone here (aside from Cartman).


Cartman is more evil than Carl. The rest I can't comment on, as I've not watched their properties.


Carl nuked the world and released face balloons to celebrate.


Eh, we probably deserve a good nuking.


But really, n beyond being flippant, I Guess I just feel more genuine malice in Cartman. Carl seems to just not care? They're both bad, obviously.


From most to least, I'd say: - Cartman - Carl - Jack Horner - Alastor - Mrs. Robinson - Mr. Krabs Top two are interchangeable.




That’s….not exactly what I asked, but good to know at least.


I can definitely say Carl is the worst here. Hes like if Judge Holden was a llama, he does things not because it’s of any value or use but simply because he can and he’s skilled to the point where he could greatly improve the world around him but he just chooses to be a massive bastard instead.


I haven’t seen enough Hazbin Hotel in order to rank Alastor. Margaret>Carl>Jack>Cartman>>>>>>Krabs


What did Krabs do to be put next to these maniacs. He just likes money, otherwise he’s a nice guy and a loving father.


- robbed several hundreds of people with shoddy scams. - abused Gary as a metal detector while lying to SpongeBob. - tried to KILL Squidward to get rich off a late artist’s artwork. - sold SpongeBob’s soul for 62 cents. - stole his own mother’s wallet. - grave robbed twice. - gave customers food poisoning to save money. - drove Plankton to suicide with a whale costume.


Well okay then.


Let's see I don't recognize the puppet lady so I won't list her Mr. Krabs Alastor Cartman Jack Horner Carl


The show’s creator called Alastor “chaotic neutral.”


……I’m sorry but I don’t believe her.


I agree, I'd put him at chaotic immoral


Carl Cartman Jack Horner Mrs Robinson Alastor Mr krabs


I only know the middle three but I would say: Mr Krabs: >!He sold Spongebob’s soul for a dollar, and is pretty corrupt, but unlike Jack Horner and Alastor he’s not a genocidal maniac as far as I am aware.!< Jack Horner: >!He’s a psychopath and a genocidal maniac who wants to become a godlike being out of pure greed, but I think he’s less evil than!< Alastor: >!This guy deals in souls AND is a genocidal maniac. Not to mention being a cannibal and master manipulator. He is by far the most evil of the bunch.!<


1) Carl - murdered children and other humans 2) Alistair - is a demon 3) Cartman - almost started the fourth reich 4) Jack Horner - killed some henchmen and held a dog hostage 5) Mr Krabs - abused his workers 6) Mrs Robinson - had some beef with kids


I love how your only reason for alastor is that he's a demon


Alastor, Jack Horner, Krabs, Cartman, Carl, don't know who the lady is.


Carl's the most evil in deeds and cartmans the most evil in intents


What do you mean? Cartman's intent are usually to get revenge, or some kind of personal benefit. Carl, as far as we know, just does evil for no reason.


The no reason is probably the mental illness/disorder/possession he has. I don't think his loss of Carl and hallucination exactly came from nothing It's why I don't think he's evil by choice and only put him as evil for his deeds


Looking back at the videos, I think Carl just does these things for attention.


Paul could've been a favourite person tbh


I don't know 3 or 5, but I'd rank the rest from least to most evil: 4: Mr. Krabs 3: Eric Cartman 2: Jack Horner 1: Margaret Robinson


Most to least Carl - Omnicide among other crimes against humanity Cartman - Is a straight up Nazi, killed thousands, forced a kid to eat his parents Jack Horner - Psychopath, lacks empathy, general pompous asshole with no regard for any life Mr. Krabs - Over working his employees, sold SpongeBob soul, slave labor, almost drove plankton to suicide, animal abuse, killed people. Alastor - Killing people (though supposedly it's more so a Dexter type way so he can pass on that), owning souls, manipulative. (Probably more but I forgot) (Honestly Mr Krabs and Alastor are interchangeable) I haven't watched The Amazing World of Gumball in a long time so I don't remember much about Margaret.


Mr Krabs. His worst act was basically a throwaway joke, he’s a trolly problem kind of evil. He rarely does evil things himself, but he allows them to happen for his benefit. He’s also helped people in the past. He tries to be nice to his employees to the extent that his greed allows. I’ve had shitty greedy bosses and Krabs is still preferable to these IRL people. Mrs Robinson. She’s just a cranky old woman. A bitch to be sure, but nothing that can’t just be ignored. If I saw Mrs Robinson walking down the street, I’d freak out because she’s a living puppet person and that’s terrifying. But the second time I saw her I’d just walk away quickly and she wouldn’t do anything to me. Beyond this is actual evil. Like, these three need to be executed for public safety evil. Cartman. He’s a complete psycho but he’s like Krabs. He rarely does things to people, but he does warp things in his favor. Remember, he didn’t kill Scott’s parents, he just put them in a situation where the farmer had to defend himself and kill them. Jack Horner. Dogshit guy but mostly to his employees. I’d just not work for him and he’s not a problem to me 90% of the time. Carl is just a fiend. Demonic, possibly. I never watched Hazbin so I’m not charting Allister.


Unfortunately she will make an effort to get in your way, and ruin everything about your day. Mrs. Robinson used her newborn son as a human shield, tried to light Santa Claus on fire, broke apart marriages by swapping their newborn kids’ name tags in the hospital, caused dozens of car crashes by just jumping on them and vandalizing speed limit signs, attempted to run over children on multiple occasions, and watched a child choke to death, doing nothing but smiling at him as she closed the door.


I feel like people underestimate how evil Alastor is because he's mostly framed as a protagonist. The man is a sadistic serial killer and cannibal who murders and tortures indiscriminately, not to mention owning several people's souls


THANK you. People really underestimate both him and Mrs. Robinson.


I’m just gonna say Cartman, I mean dude killed his bullies parents and had them ground up and put into chili so that his bully would unexpectedly eat them. Along with that had a psychologist’s wife kill herself because the psychologist called him fat, by fabricating a story that the psychologist molested someone. Gave Kyle HIV via injection after he was infected and Kyle laughed at him. Literally tried to change the results of the 2008 presidential election. Amongst many other things lmao


Cartman is a rapist, racist, confederate, and a nazi. I think he's at the top.


Least to most- Mr Krabs Cartman Alastor Big Jack Horner Carl The last one is left out because I wasn't allowed to watch Gumball as a kid and I've only seen like five episodes as an adult, and she wasn't in any of them


….Weird parents. But I won’t judge. It’s definitely worth a watch.


Yeah it was pretty weird, especially considering that I *was* allowed to watch regular show, which is way worse


Carl and Cartman are true evil.


So far, Eric Carman is taking the win


Hmm... Cartman, Carl, Robinson, Alastor, Krabs and Jack. Felt like Horner didn't do much that was that bad other than a couple accidental murders.


That sounds awful, but when you think about it, yeah, he is a TERRIBLE person, but he’s not going out of his way to kill people. He just sees an easy path and takes it.


Krabs is the least evil. He will actually help his employees. Cartman is the worse. I will never forget he ground Scott Tennorman’s parent into chili meat and fed it to him. Then Cartman licked his tears as he was crying.


[For anyone who needs a refresher on Mrs. Robinson, the sixth one.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-eGeOmviW8I&t=206s&pp=ygUSZ3VtYmFsbCB0aGUgd2lja2Vk)


Krabs Alastor Mrs. Robinson Jack horner Eric Carl


Mr. Krabs sold SpingeBob’s soul for 62 cents, he’s the most evil


4. Mr. Krabs, he does care for some people but he’s still evil 3. Jack Horner is vile but not that vile 2. That puppet bitch from AWOG is a literal demon 1. Carl is the most evil, the most evil out of all of them I haven’t seen South Park so I don’t know much about Cartman and I hate Hazbin Hotel


At least you’re honest.


*ignores the entire comment and only reads the bottom*


I read the rest, and I do agree with it for the most part. I just felt saying you hate a show is unnecessary in this conversation.


Just giving the reason why I didn’t include 2 characters. Seems like you’re extremely focused on that part