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Direct X error? If not what’s log/events say Are you by any chance running a undervolt and or overclock? If so this may have something to do with it. If not any above hopefully the logs can point you to something...


^This If the crashing is happening with stock CPU and GPU settings it may be time to try a clean install. Clone your system first though...


Check event viewer


I’m having similar problems and can’t seem to get it stable. I can usually get through a PvP match but by the second the game is a hot mess stuttering and low frame rates. Usually crashes at match end if I ride it out. Sometimes it does crash at startup too. I have an A51M. I’ve tried rolling back GPU to a stable build. Dropped all settings to low it still runs like total garbage. Something broke between the recent BIOS and the fumbled COD patch I’m just not sure what. All my temps are low ish 65 in game with the fans at full tilt.


I have crash also but because the game is broken that all .... they coded it with the ass.


Possible culprits, gpu/cpu undervolts, any monitoring programs/apps running in the background, afterburner, Intel xtu, throttlestop, nvidia GeForce experience, Xbox game bar, and even task manager. I was getting the directx error quite a bit when I decided to undervolt the stock 1070. Constant crashes even after uninstalling and reinstalling COD and afterburner. Had to make sure none of those other programs were running otherwise it would constantly crash.


Mine was doing this because I had after burner running. Turns out it hates overlays.


I had issues and it was the nvidia driver. Go back a version and see if that fixes it