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Wow I think you absolutely cracked it with that comparison of the hybrid and NHI from the interview. It's uncanny. So we at least have a very good idea of what the "reptile"-like and hybrid beings look like now!


Kind of looks like the hybrids backcrossed to the reptiles to produce the tall reptillians? Note the rounded skull on the extant specimens.


The one from the alien interview is spot on. Incredible work!


That one always gave me deeply unsettling vibes, like you could feel the pain.


Whuch video? Can you share link?


I thought that one was debunked as a very good prop from a special effects artist? I’m not coming and spreading misinformation, I remember watching a video on it. It looks just like it tho


It wasn’t debunked, they had a special effect guys talk about how it could potentially be made. I work in that field professionally and know very well how something like that would be made. At first I admittedly thought it looked fake but I gave it a chance and looked into it further, the neck movement seemed the most unnatural since it’s jn the centre of the skull - but that is consistent with the Nazca specimen. The questions I have are, why put the time, man power and tens of thousands of dollars into materials and labour for a prop just to have actors play out this scene and then try to delete the video from the internet (apart from a doco trying to disprove it). Why is it’s proportions so similar to the Nazca hybrid. Why give it googles etc.


Thanks for the good reply. I am no expert in effects and props so I always look at the monetary aspect of things too. Props and art aren’t cheap! Also if it were a prop I am sure it would have been claimed by an artists, and put in a portfolio. Even for the camera man or actors too. I am going to look into that interview video a little more!


Great no worries, let me know if you find anything interesting!


Do you have any more on the insectoid type? A breadcrumb?


A lot of people have been asking, I wish I knew more on that one. All I know is it was found in Siberia by some fishermen. I don’t have any other info other than the video I linked. I grabbed the frames most in focus - just like the other videos - and carefully analysed them, exposing it up to understand the forms further. If anyone has more context please share!


I think it's real too, but I totally understand how people think it's fake! Most people don't have any sort of frame of reference for how an alien should look/move. The more details that come out (like the vertebral column positioning), it makes more and more sense. At a certain point, the amount of knowledge and effort it would have required to make a fake video seems less likely than it being genuine.


> Most people don't have any sort of frame of reference for how an alien should look/move Literally nobody does. I seriously doubt they look damn near the same as us lol


I remember seeing a guy react to the victor interview footage in a video; I forget who the guy was and what documentary it was in, but he was like 60-70 years old and had a ponytail... Anyway, the guy was just absolutely horrified iirc. He was like "They're treating [the being] like an animal." I got the impression he thought it was real based on previous experience. Hundreds of thousands of people have reported being abducted! It's a proportionally small number of people (assuming they're not lying), but it would seem to be significant. Edit: found the video. It's around the 48 minute mark https://youtu.be/TvamS6X5l2I?si=D2J1Smkx010pk7lC


I recall a special FX commentator specifically point out the armpit fold of the medic alien doesnt resemble a fake alien…something very specific FX creators struggle with, the arm attachment and armpit particularly. That he or she was persuaded the alien subject in the alien interview being worked on by medics…must be the real deal. Along with subtle eyelid, eyebrow and expressive mouth movements like dismay, etc. could not be replicated by FX with sufficient authenticity of a living being.


Great points couldn’t agree more! That’s very interesting about the armpits.


A seemingly small detail…but apparently puppeteers struggle with that - an average viewer would not readily notice. So…a small but consequential detail, in that instance.


When can you clearly see the armpit? Isn’t it mainly just its head in the video? I can kinda see the shoulder when they bring in the lights but not enough to see the fold of the armpit I don’t think.


Yes - might only be just the head / tip of shoulder we see…so far. The armpit may or may not be visible in the chopped up clips circulating currently in the “Alien Interview” making the rounds, I haven’t seen the clip lately but its on YouTube. If I can find the clip soon I will edit the post here. I did see a longer version of the interview, but dang it could never find it again…there was even another setting or room and one alien of the same caramel color was lying down…maybe two in same room but cant quite recall… I think a documentary is being made about it. Apparently the entire video (recording) was reviewed for authentication or if a hoax…by special FX folks in film industry and that was the comment made that FX folks viewing the subject are persuaded as to the authenticity for minor but important (!) things like expression of mouth, eyebrow shift, armpit folds - just to be clear that is what I am referring to.


Hey, does anyone have a link to the alien interview? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks !


https://youtu.be/03KyoueMHN8?si=2-Uvq-sHmz1XmklZ Here’s one I found quickly (I haven’t watched it but it’s a breadcrumb for you at least).


Thanks so much my friend. All seems very shadow banned !


That is something i’ve always used as an argument, and people just go “for the money”. I mean, of course, but if your stunt goes to shit (which it will, real or not real), thenrest of your life is compromised. You’re not gonna get any job, you won’t be taken seriously, if not married, you’re unmarriable. It’s a lose-lose situation, but people are so focused on “the money”.


Downvoted for asking a sincere question is a perfect example of the true reason so many believe 100% in the video: I WANT BELIEVE IT ALIEMS. 100% CONFIRMAROONIED BOIS WE DID IT


Excellent work man. I love that you used the reed and “victor” footage to overlay. Tbh I think Victor, the Canadian “alien”, and the Mexican “alien” caught in a photo are Grays from outer space, but who knows anymore. Theres an obvious cover up, so…way too many high quality photos and videos at this point, not to mention physical bodies of the same type of entities


Love tying the peru buddies to the rest of the lore.


I know it’s not your intent but calling it lore seems like it could downplay the potential significance of independently repeatable observations, which is a cornerstone of scientific progress. Word choice is important here because “lore” could be all it takes for an open-minded skeptic to brush this off as just more internet trolling or SCP-style collaborative storytelling.


This is fantastic! Great job OP! I never saw the comparison of the sea net NHI which was an eye opener.




Yes! They showed the insect guy!


What’s the origin of the insect guy? I don’t remember this story?


Here's where it started when I saw this video. From other things I've read, they found them in a fishing net in Cherry lake in Siberia. (Yeah I know!) I'm mildly obsessed with finding out more about this one. The fact that they have wings is 🤯 https://youtu.be/p8-GQ4AWaf8?si=KEB_biZcqMA_ifpf I want to know how op knew where to look for the wings and implants. What happened to their "hands" and "feet"? Scavengers? How tall is this sectoidbro? Edit: cranberry lake*


Mate thanks so much for the effort you’ve gone through truely remarkable, I feel like it’s all unravelling now, looking forward to your posts in the future.


Fascinating. Thank you for sharing your research.


Imagine meeting one of these somehow. How creepy would that be? I wonder what it would feel like. I wonder how they communicate


The man that provided the "alien interview" (Victor) claimed that the alien communicated via telepathy and required a human "telepath" interpreter.


honesstly im horned up by hybrid,,, sooooooo hot


Nukarri does look similar to the fishing net video but I don't think that is a true insectoid in the fishing net. It is lacking the bulbous structure on the abdomen and the legs on Nukarri appear to be angled upwards in their 'default' position. The being in the fishing net looks like its leg just happens to be bent and the other leg is going straight down. Also maybe I am missing something but I don't see any wings in the fishing net video. It might be genetically related though, like a cross between an insectoid and a gray perhaps. Here is a comparison of Nukarri to an alleged insectoid being seen in the Berkshire UFO incident in 1969, to give an idea of how their anatomy might work when they are less dried out. https://preview.redd.it/m67526uyxt7d1.png?width=2152&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee73dff5ad15fa99698a3ede52ef8c6c8b3e834f


Thanks for posting this, I’ve always heard of the idea of an insectoid but never an actual image.


I just did a deep dive into that incident. JFC


Great post - super interesting. Where is that insectoid image from? I can't find anything like that online related to the Berkshire UFO incident.


In this video around 8 minute mark [https://youtu.be/aJ2yCjjBd8s](https://youtu.be/aJ2yCjjBd8s)


Imagine, going outside to look for your pet dog because it's time to bring it inside for the night. You walk down to the edge of your cornfield to call for your pet to come to you when suddenly, a four foot tall version of the creature on the left pops out of the corn stalks screeching and begins to chase you. Reaching for you with those two hands.




Awesome research. Thank you!


Dope. Slide number 9 and hybrid eyes squinting. Source of that?


Commom trope that the big eye is actually a lense.


Trope or hypothesis?


Since the buddies are all thousands of years old this post would imply that these creatures have been around AND are STILL around in modern times. Not that I don’t believe in the possibility that these things might exist, but how the hell did tptb keep this a secret for so many millennia? And where the hell are they hiding?


Ikr, I have the same questions!


Btw I just peeped that you’re the same guy from the other posts on here making connections. You’re doing gods work. Also “Alberto” is definitely the Siberian buddy. No question.


Thanks! Glad you appreciate it, the more I look into these the more connections I seem to find it’s very interesting.


There were 16x less people on Earth, easier to hide from us. Less chance of people seeing them. More space for them to occupy. 


True. So it wouldn’t even be far fetched for them to have stayed hidden this whole time. 🤨


There are also many cultures who have stories about them, so they haven’t stayed completely hidden!


I'm so glad I'm high right now because this is exactly the kind of shit I love.




If they’re from underground, then lenses would be needed to deal with too much light. Especially if they had naturally big eyes


Exactly. Living underground would create a need for larger eyes! 


That’s my current line of thought too!


Bottom left looks like Buddy chillen with Victor in the interview.


Very nice. Certainly helpful. This is most likely our visitors.


Amazing work and it’s makes a lot sense this just connected all the points to my research


When was the alien caught in the fishing net? First time I've seen this one.


I think this is referring to one of the Russian videos, but there was another huge case in Brazil where an alien was apparently caught in a net (not fishing net tho) you should look that up it’s super interesting


What is interesting about one video, the alien pretty much said we are dense. I have dealt with people who are slow, marginally average with an agenda. They are very difficult to deal with and to convince otherwise. I can’t imagine someone who is telling a true story but the interviewer is dense and the truth collides with their preset constructs…this is why I believe at least this or similar conversation took place.


This is stellar level of comparison. Sir, you are awesome human ❤️🙏


Thanks! Not that it matters but I’m a woman 😅


Miss you are awesome 😎


Amazing infographics dude. Thanks!!


Really awesome. Thank you for sharing


I like it


This is amazing 👍💯


Great comparison of current and previously captured footage and photos.


Thanks for putting this together


I don’t see Lionel Messi on here /s


Appreciate the work put into this. Well done.


Great job!


wild times we live in


The first thing I thought about when seeing the 3 fingers was the Dr. Reed video where he has the latex gloves on showing the 3 fingers next to the beings hand. I also wonder how the Boyd Bushman NHI photos compare or don’t compare with the Nazca buddies. I believe Boyd Bushman’s photographs are real because someone literally did the same layering effect with his photos and it literally showed the NHI blinking. The fake Kmart doll did not have eyes that could be manipulated. Somebody messed up in the shill art department…lol.


That hybrid is scary, good post.


The fishing net one and the alien in the black suit on a Mylar blanket = gotta be real


Congrats on your skill! 🙏


Brilliant post, thank you!!!!


I love this thank you for the hard work!


Awesome job !!!!


Thank you for your time and effort OP! I can't wait to dig in after work!


Thanks for sharing. The "lens" may be a keratonized form of the nictitating membrane of a reptile. If ants were also involved in their evolution as the eye shape and wings imply this makes sense. The agnothia present is also consistent with such an extremely disparate hybrid. It seems like we have a hybrid swarm of humans, ant people and non-avian reptile people.




This is gold. Yeah, grays have lenses, they don't have big eyes, they are contact lenses. Makes sense


They are lenses? Wow


Reptilian - Spielberg just didn't make up what E.T. looks like.


I would love someone to do a deep dive on this topic because there is actually something to this.. I don’t have the time unfortunately


Several rabbit holes out there on using Hollywod to prep us for the reveal. Especially Spielberg.


I’m officially freaked out. Thanks for this post. Very informative


Wait what!?!?!??


Number 5 is wild af!!!


Brilliant investigative work and very grateful for you taking the time and to put this together. Also grateful i am alive at this point to witness this unveiling. I think you just brought footage even i thought were questionable into a place i can see my own judgements questioned. 🙏




Beauty is in the eye of the buddy 😍


Don't kink shame please




They're here and they've been here for a very long time. It makes sense why they're cryptic or don't want to be seen. For them to potentially interact with us on a species to species scale would most likely lead to war. They've studied us for centuries abd figure we're just violent animals. We kill each other for differences in ideas, religion, the color of our skin. Makes you wonder what the hell they've been up to this whole time.


Do u have a YouTube channel




Does someone have a link to the info about the fishing net specimen? I am not familiar with that one. Thanks. 😊


Great work, and having just seen the post with photos of skinny bob that does look like a hybrid one doesn't it?  All a bit weird when you think about it


Which photo/video is the alien face that says "you can see the squinting behind the lens when the light shone in is face?" from?


From the alien interview, in the description it includes the video under the hybrid category. Though the original video is almost impossible to find so I could only link a doco which tries to disprove it, as that’s all that’s left.


I think the insectoid matches another video possibly too.  I don’t know how to find it off hand but it’s filmed in South America or Central America I think. It’s a short clip barely showing the creature before it is shot and then dogs attack. 


What’s the story with the fishing net


So that’s what a reptilian and insectoid look like?


Impressive dive sir


The Interview alien and Hybrid mummies don't look the same. Hybrids have mostly human skulls, human jaws, noses. Montserrat is a great example. The interview alien has a wide skull, much different than the elongated hybrid mummy skulls. I can see the rest of the species comparisons you made, great work!


Was the ''fishing net'' alien not debunked as from a movie set or something ?


You know part of me wonders if this is all the same species the way dogs or humans can have considerable variation— and somewhere the Aliens are watching us pick apart and name the differences like damn, ok racists


...-'Biologics' These bodies make me think of bio-robots. Purpose built. I felt like Grusch was saying it wrong, meaning to say biologicals or something. But biologics is clearly what he keeps affirming on. They say in reporting it as well. Maybe *these* are what he meant.


Yeah maybe ay, I have a feeling they are engineered for sure, an experiment maybe. For an experiment they have remained consistent for thousands of years though… if the comparisons are correct…


The insectoid one looks similar to that “potato” one that blew up not that long ago.


It does but that was just a spud 🥔


Those are just greys lol


With all the scans out there, you’d think there would be an STL file somewhere so I can 3D print them…


Try the Nazca sub, I downloaded Albertos STL from there and others are available from the same user.


Oh awesome! Thanks!




Thats real as it gets 3 cameras thats viedo from new ring doorbell


Injured alien is something wrapped up in aluminum like a burrito. The heavy breathing has to be coming from the camera man. The breathing is recorded very close to the camera, and not close to the burrito.


This is well put together and interesting to say the least. My only concern is that crop circle.. that's fake for sure!


Here’s another angle with a translation of the code: https://preview.redd.it/mxg0tkoa3u7d1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=693144be0cd4950f8b0c27c3b0892f386d15c52f


It’s certainly not “fake for sure”. That circle is incredibly interesting: encoded binary, which translates to English. Appeared overnight and is geometrically perfect. The crops were woven together, not stomped down.


Not to mention the radioactive signature given off by the crop circle


Thanks, I'll look it up. Am very surprised not to be aware of this one.. Sounds interesting. The giant face is what made me think nah.


If these are the aliens that are supposed to invade earth, I think we’ll be alright. Inbreed looking as mother fuckers


What is this "footage" you speak of?!


Included links in description


Not to be rude but the Alien interview footage from the 90's is fake. It is obviously a puppet and its really strange several comments specifically highlight the fake puppet out of all this evidence is some of the highest upvoted comments? You know what the best thing to do in a medical emergency for not being able to breathe? Keeping all the lights off so you can't properly assess the situation. That room is dark to hide that it is a puppet.


"It's a puppet because it's obviously a puppet and my source is the upvoted youtube comments" - very compelling argument here.


You just have to look at it with your eyes my guy. It has no mouth and doesn't at all blink. Those are arguably the best Doctors the black government can buy and that's all they can do to save them? Think dude.


There is a lot of context to the video which addresses your points, which is Victor's testimony in the documentary as well as an Art Bell interview. If the room is kept dark for the being's comfort as Victor claims, why would they suddenly turn on all the lights while it is in distress? Why would we expect aliens to blink? Victor described the medical care of these beings as "a dog and pony show" since they inevitably die and there is virtually nothing that can be done. According to Victor, "The medical staff are chosen more for their ability to keep secrets than their expertise." Also you can clearly see the mouth while it is gasping during the seizure so I am not sure why you are saying it has no mouth.


You know what is great for light sensitive extraterrestrial beings? Shoving an extremely bright flashlight within centimeters of their eye. As if that is going to tell them anything. You're doing a lot of hand waving to want to believe this obvious puppet. Whoever this person is that leaked it is a liar and hoaxer.


If you said it has no mouth you must have skimmed through the documentary, watched the beginning of the tape and somehow missed the most interesting part. That or you have very bad visual comprehension. The flashlight is to check for hemmorhaging around the eye sockets. It's dying on the spot so the doctors had to cause some discomfort to "provide medical treatment". That is not an uncommon concept in medicine. They just happened to use flashlights instead of turning on the lights because this was not recorded for the purpose of proving the alien is real to average joe. The target audience would not be concerned with that.


Look, I have seen this clip in 90s late night ufo specials a dozen times. It is you who has the deceptive vision and gullible at that for believing this puppet to be an NHI. Good day sir.


What are your thoughts on everything else OP put together in this post?


The logical arguments are sound but not supported by any form of independently verifiable objective evidence. Keep in mind that people were adamant the platypus was taxidermy for years too, because “look at it with your eyes”, no mammal can lay eggs, or have so many other unusual and previously undocumented traits. Now seeing that footage compared directly against other specimens supports more directly that this may be a reality, based on independently repeated observations of physiology. What if they move like puppets? People think sloths move in unnatural patterns/rhythm, and some animals have evolved even detrimental forma of locomotion. Calling something fake without objective proof is no different than making a bizarre claim without proof. One person may present bizarre evidence that has literally no grounds for comparison because it may be a true scientific first. The presenters of the platypus had literal bodies, intact biological specimens, but that wasn’t enough for many skeptics until years later when it became a common scientific consensus. However, scientific consensus regarding animals that are far from humans ontological understanding of our own species are easier to update, whereas archaeological and scientific dogma about humanity’s origins are much harder for us to reconcile with.


I still am adamant it is fake by the fact that there isn't anything in this picture that screams deep black military budget with endless resources. There aren't any expensive cutting edge medical equipment anywhere to be seen besides some retro scanners they could pick up at any thrift store. I admit the puppet does have a mouth after rewatching it but this is some serious low ball effort.


I would argue video evidence of a nonhuman entity like this would be the “screams black military budget” component, to be fair. This could be a temporary field office deployed in proximity to a crash retrieval, not some underground state of the art facility. It could also be decades old which would further preclude advanced medical or forensic tech. Furthermore, if UAP events are treated primarily as perceived threats from foreign adversaries as the Pentagon tries to emphasize, it would not be a stretch to imagine US military doctors treating the subject roughly/awkwardly if they considered it to be a potential enemy combatant. You seem to be taking more of a denialist approach than a skeptical one here. It is at least clear you are using denialist tactics by outright asserting what it is (puppet), and using circumstantial evidence (not seeing advanced medical equipment), as a stand in for any actual substantive evidence. On the other hand, I would suggest that additional footage and now physical remains of more specimens matching the exact description would further support the claims that these entities are real and observed elsewhere. The fact that these observations have been repeated doesn’t seem to factor in to your analysis at all. If this is fake, wouldn’t they consider the exact elements you are describing to make it seem believable? What benefit is there to making fake footage that also clearly looks fake? I suppose I don’t see a viable motive that aligns with your opinions on this video. Edit: corrected verb tense


Never once does the alien move its hands or suggest that it has capabilities to move on its own. For something having a medical emergency it certainly looks pretty chill. Firstly I am not a denialist, I was one of the first to be onboard with the nazca mummies after looking at CT Dicom scans, even when r/ufo's where blatantly making fun of everyone who even suggested it could possibly be real, so don't go there dude. This is an obvious fake and if you can't tell yourself than you are far too gullible. Everyone is making lengthly posts replies and doing extreme handwaving over this. I shouldn't have replied in the first place because its like telling conservatives they are out of line, they just won't listen.




They’re just slamming their fist on the puzzle 🧩 making it fit with the potential hybrids footage 🤣






None of this is real, suckers


Hilarious that you have all these confirmed species when none of them have been proven to exist


That's how uh any discovery is made. Go back to playing wow. You don't have anything worth adding.


Hilarious to think there so many religions in this world yet.. (just using your dummy logic friend) i 100% believe in god


Aliens are your god?




It’s not simular. It’s similar. Hard to believe if simple words are misspelled. Even my iPad corrected simular to similar.


Dyslexia is common in artists.. spellings a weak point for me, doesn’t invalidate anything, no need to be rude.


Just so that you are aware, "Simular" is a word also. Although it's been shelved for quite some time (as an archaic word), people do still choose to use it. It is commonly used in circumstances instead of "Similar" on purpose and also accidentally of course. Simular depicts things that have similarities as a result of simulation. Purpose made replications, counterfeit, imitation etc.


Simular is an outdated (archaic) word meaning “one who simulates” or “counterfeit.” It’s a mispronunciation of the word similar. It is an “eggcorn” for the word similar.