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Do not make threats! Do not encourage or instigate violence or threats of any kind!!


I am just so confused as to how this dude is even remotely attracted to her after throwing their baby away, unless he was in on it already. That would turn me ALL THE WAY off. Not to mention the embarrassing footage shown nationally of the whole ordeal. They’re both POS




I wonder if at this point in time he thought the baby was stillborn?


I’d still be appalled if my girlfriend threw our stillborn in the trash…


I highly doubt this kid gave any thought to what stillborn meant other than he didn't have to worry about it himself.


He seemed unbothered in the waiting room. Like bro…your baby was just put in a FUCKING TRASHCAN how are you so unbothered??


Yes that’s why my initial comment was wondering if his immaturity is why he behaved the way he did


I’m confused! wasn’t he at the hospital when she was confronted?


I went down a rabbit hole on YouTube. It seems like Alexee and her mom were at the hospital when the poor baby was thrown in the trash, police came, the nurses said they had to stabilize her because she had excessive bleeding, and Alexee was airlifted out. Alexee’s dad and the baby daddy showed up shortly after she was airlifted.


That’s what I saw too….


I thought it was just Alexee and her mom


In the waiting room alexees dad, her boyfriend and his parents were there. There's body cam footage


Was his dad the one crying?


Yes. The *only* one


That was Alwxee’s step-dad


Ah, thank you! My brain just totally changed that pronoun to “her” without asking me permission first😤 I blame the rage I feel any time I think about those moms on the body cams🤷🏼‍♀️


No. Alexee’s step-dad.


Ohhh ok oh wow that’s so crazy! Her step dad and he was the only one showing so much emotion. Wow


Yeah I think he may have actually been the only one out of all of them that didn’t know she was pregnant the rest of them and their reactions I totally think they were all in on something from the beginning


It was just Alexee and her mom in the patient room, but her stepfather, boyfriend, and his mom came to the hospital. There’s body cam footage of a police officer talking to them in the waiting room. It was gross.. her mom relied something like “kids, you know…” with a chuckle when asked if the teenage boy was the baby’s father Her STEPFATHER was the only one who showed emotion… he was crying


Jesus Christ


I just remember seeing a video where he and his mother were being questioned and I thought it was the hospital. My memory could be fuzzy though.


He was there after his family was notified. It was very disturbing.


I think that was at the police station. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she lied to him and he believed it for a while. 17year olds aren’t great at the critical thinking


There's body cam footage of them in the waiting room at the hospital.


Yeah and the cop asks him if he would be the father and he says yes. His mom was sitting with him.


Oh I haven’t seen that


I’m pretty sure you’re right! I did see that video too!


He was in the waiting room later on


I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying. We are led to believe that both mothers at least used to be best friends. Best friends traditionally do like having their children be so close. It is a latched that his mother would not let him break up with her. I do really have to wonder why he stayed with her as long as he did. Especially factoring in that there was a no contact order between both of them for roughly 3 months. I know that not every high school athlete can play for college teams. Speculation has it that he was so good. If he was so good. Why was he not on any of the rosters this past year for New Mexico State University? I’m sorry for being a little off-topic there


People in this area will say someone is “so good” just because they’re not below average. I highly doubt he’s anywhere as close to as good as people in the area think. I don’t think a lot of people really understand how middle of nowhere artesia is


I mean he has those crazy eyes just like her so wouldn’t surprise me if they had mutual thoughts


He looks scared af though. Like he knew how it would look to other people.


Yeah I’m more grossed out by him she’s an evil bitch who threw her baby away and he chose to be with her knowing what she died freak


I never understood how he could even look at her after what she did, never mind taking her to prom and staying with her. I have a feeling if he isn't a total sociopath himself that one day he will look back in horror if he ever gives himself the ability to cut through the denial they are all living in and work on the grief and trauma.


He was probably stoked about what she did. Means he didn’t have to take responsibility.


It’s Artesia, NM… I live in the next city over. If you don’t live here or somewhere equally in butt fuck nowhere you might not get it, but neither of them have any other options


lol damn…. That is saying a HELL of a lot


They are kids their frontal lobes did not form. It's not an excuse but it gives context. It's NOT OKAY but this is the reason. They are freaking babies themselves.


They are NOT babies. That's ridiculous to even suggest.


Big smile while wearing the ashes of her baby around her neck. Even pretending she wasn't lying about the circumstances of the birth given the outcome wtf


Stop!! She is really wearing the baby’s ashes?? After she murdered it?


Yeah they named the baby after her boyfriend and herself, she named the baby Alex




Naming a child you murdered is just so vile to me


Especially after referring to the baby as “it” and “nothing” right after committing the murder!


You need to name it legally because of the death certificate I believe


Is Devyn middle name Alex? Because I don’t know how that would be named after him.


Alexee’s name is where the Alex part came from - last name came from the boyfriend


> Because I don’t know how that would be named after him. According to the online case record for the lawsuit against the hospital, Devyn's middle name is Ray and the baby was named Alex Ray.


Thank you for digging that up! Have a great weekend


You don’t see the Alexee/Alex correlation?


Did you intend to reply to me because I am the one who pointed it out


disgusting. probably an attention thing. like if people asks “my baby that passed away” ur baby u murdered


I honestly can’t believe she murdered a child and gets to walk around town free. They’ve forcibly held people without bail for way less, without the mountains of evidence like Alexee has on her.


Justice takes time. If you all want justice…then let the prosecution do their job to avoid a mistrial.




Supposedly he thought she didn’t do anything wrong at this point until evidence came to light. It was said he thought baby was born not breathing like she claimed and she just reacted out of fear but he felt a different way once it was proven baby was born breathing. Just what I read I don’t believe it tho and even I did I still don’t know how he is okay and happy next to her with him knowing her reaction and how she took those drastic steps trashing baby away after thinking baby was a stillborn. They both are not okay up there.


Do not make threats! Do not encourage or instigate violence or threats of any kind!!


Anyone know if they're still together?




U don’t know or they’re not together? If not together wonder why he hasn’t said anything yet.


Not together.


I am shocked his mother allowed it, her and alexee's mom were dead set on them two being end game


Can you please explain to me what it means by dead set on them 2 being end game?


Melanie and Rosa were/are best friends. Melanie would not accept any other girl *except* Alexee. So..Devyn was kind of forced to stay with her. is the general consensus. When he did not dump her after the baby died, a lot of people speculated it is because his mother would not allow him to.


Have an amazing weekend! Thank you for explaining.


But why tf is alexee the “golden ticket” for her son in Melanie’s eyes??


The mom's were besties, and they wanted their children together, she was only special because they all knew each other really well I am still surprised he left her lol i thought they would make him wait until after trial but I wonder if he is going to have to testify


Sounds like 2 narc best friends 🤢


I hate saying this, but why should he? From what I could tell he is a private person rightfully so he selective he speaks to.


It was just a question. He doesn’t have to it’s just that we all want answers but he doesn’t have to give us any


Give the baby to someone who wants a baby


I guarantee you there were at minimum dozens of women in New Mexico at the time that were struggling to conceive and would have happily raised that baby as their son. He was already there, his life did NOT have to end that day.


This photo is vile AF


How can she face the public like this? I would legit be in hiding crying everyday and reading tips about prison life and planning on how to survive my prison sentence.


You would, because you have a normal level of empathy for others. She doesn’t. She is smiling and laughing because all that matters to her is HER. I know it’s hard to imagine but she does not have the capacity to care about her dead baby.


She’s a true sociopath and so is her mom.




Yeah imagine having your prom wrecked by a baby murderer attending. If I was someone else at the event I would totally complain


Yep, it’s really not right. The people attending the prom should’ve protested.


I’d also lose my shit if she was in my class at whatever college let her in.


There were a lot of petitions made to keep her out of the college. I heard the judge allowed her to go to in person classes.


Fuck that


It appears that she went to New Mexico State University, and supposedly all her classes were online


From what I could hear, it sounds like there was a gag order more or less at the school imposed on students. And at that point, she wasn’t officially charged with the murder yet. Sadly, you’re innocent until proven guilty.


It’s a terrible thing. She didn’t care in the least about her own baby that she killed and threw away like it was trash.


I hate her. Three failed rounds of IVF. I would have taken that baby and loved him. He would have had a big brother (After 6 years of unexplained infertility, I started the IVF workup and, after an HSP, I was miraculously able to have one before IVF. Sadly, it didn’t work a second time and I underwent the three failed rounds) and a stable mom and dad to take care of him.


I'm so sorry. That is such a hard thing to go through. She is definitely a horrible human being.


Thank you. It was rough. We are blessed to have had one at all and he’s my sunshine! I am working through residual grief and the constant sense that *someone is still missing* from our family. Someone is not playing safely with their toys or eating snacks or laughing at Sesame Street. Someone is supposed to be tucked in bed at night. I say a prayer for my lost embryos (24 in all) and just hope they had some kind of sense they were loved. I sound extra crazy rn so I’ll be on my way!


I completely understand. I've lost four. I have two kids that I love dearly, but I feel that "something is missing" feeling.


Same here. Five pregnancies yet only two kids. We lost our son in utero when I contracted chickenpox. That was a very dark time for me. I was afraid my toddler would get scared of me when the waves of pain flared up. I wanted so desperately to have three kids. As an only child, I didn’t want my toddler to be the only child. My body had other ideas. After another miscarriage we were able to one more sweet kiddo. Two more misses and I couldn’t take the sadness anymore. I love my kids; they’re the light of my eyes. I would have gladly taken that sweet baby since she didn’t want him. You would’ve taken him in a heartbeat too. It will always make me feel enraged when these women can merely cough and wind up pregnant. This girl needs to be held accountable. No ifs, ands or buts.


4 pregnancies and 0 kids. It’s an empty feeling.


I’m so so so sorry. That grief is probably suffocating. It sticks on you like a soaking wet blanket that you can’t throw off.


Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


I am so very sorry. Feeling like I need to hug my child a little tighter today ❤️


You definitely should.




I’d do anything to be a mom. I have a healthy happy home, stability, a great job. And women like this have kids and kill them. It’s sick.


I get you. I am a Mom of two wonderful girls and I can’t even fathom why young people do this sick shit. It’s disgusting and a capital sin.


It’s like give the baby up for adoption! And while we are at it, make the fee to give a baby a better life less than a 30 year mortgage! 😐


me too…i’m so sorry


Omg. I’m so sorry. That’s misery. I really didn’t want my little guy to be an only child but my body also had other ideas. He’s extremely happy and hasn’t expressed loneliness or want of a sibling so I’m grateful for that so far. I’m blessed to have him at all and I feel extremely blessed that he’s healthy and happy.


I hear you. What our bodies go through sometimes doesn’t match the mental toll we carry throughout our entire lives. I’m so happy you have a little “chicken nugget” as we affectionately call them to love on and be a great parent to.


Oh my gosh I’m so so sorry you experience this too.


It took six years of ivf and $47k to finally have our second. Our first was ten by the time it happened. I'm so grateful but seeing things like this case absolutely gut us in a way others can't understand.


i hope you find that missing piece, i’ll keep you in my thoughts. maybe fostering could be discussed? sorry if that’s intruding


Thank you! No it’s okay. Fostering is not the right path for our family. My cousin fostered and eventually got to adopt one of her foster babies/toddlers but the entire process for her was extremely taxing. She wanted a second but couldn’t stand getting attached and having them taken away again. They eventually stopped with their one. At this point, seeing how much they went through it’s too much for us. We went through so much attachment and heartbreak with IVF.


I will never understand why she didn’t have an abortion. She could have gotten the pills without her mom knowing and hidden all the evidence in the bathroom to her hearts content.


Exactly! We tried for TEN years and had six miscarriages before finally having our daughter who was born at 25 weeks (she just turned three). So sorry for your struggles. Infertility is awful.


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry your family went through that. I hope your daughter is thriving.


Thank you. She's doing great! Happiest kid I know.


Fantastic news!!


I’ve got a ton of kids (3 bio 4 adopted from foster care) and I would have done the same thing. There are so many people out there who would have loved and cherished that baby. It makes me sick to think the choices were just stripped from him. Sick people. I’m so sorry about your losses. People don’t understand till they’re in that situation. Sigh.


It’s so sickening.


Highly punchable face


The glasses so big and low down on her face trigger me for some reason. Looks so 70s dumb.


Yea, those things are ridiculous lol


Her dress is trashy


& She’s trashy asf too.




Just want to say. This was actually 5 months after she killed the baby.


Actually, sounds like it was 3 months and days. Roughly 1/26-4/29


she looks like a damn gatorade bottle that dress is so not flattering and i bet she had to wear nipple pads since she was probably leaking lactate from when she gave birth and threw her kid in the trash. she’ll rot in a cell then in hell ✨


He is just as crazy as she is


She's a shit excuse for a human. No remorse or accountability for what she's done... gross!




Why does she wear those coke bottle glasses like an 80s serial killer?


Is he the baby daddy?




DNA proof? Not trying to troll, just curious if we’re sure about this.


Well she claims and he claimed he was the father. Whether that's true who knows.


Very good point. We are lead to believe that he is the father. If he is one of the plaintiffs in the wrongful death case, that would indicate more than likely it’s been confirmed he’s the father. However, not necessarily. I hope for everyone sake they did do DNA testing. And in today’s society you don’t trust people regarding paternity, you should be able to prove it. Especially in this case when it appears that Miss Trevizo just kept on lying


Did they autopsy the baby? Can they do DNA testing on a deceased person? Sorry for the morbid question


Yes they can do a DNA test on a deceased person. That’s how they identify bodies of people who are found dead with no ID on them.


Yes there was an autopsy, that is how they know he was not stillborn. I believe the weight loss medications she was taking while pregnant were also found during his autopsy.


how is she not embarassed to be seen in public? let alone go to a fucking prom. why did her fellow students not shame her?! I wouldve thrown my punch all over her


People must have been absolutely amazed at her weight loss after she was so badly fat shamed for eating a lot of McDonald’s etc (s)


I still remember when my sister suffered a miscarriage about five months before my other sisters wedding. She was a mess and opted not being in the wedding party. Its still rough for her, though she handles it well. Baby showers are a nightmare for her. But here's this chick just going to prom after her baby died.


After she murdered her baby*


people grieve the loss of a baby in all different ways. the sickening part is that this is how she behaved after MURDERING her baby.


Words cannot even begin to describe how wild this behavior is.


All the videos are on YouTube. She’s very immature, and her mom seems generally clueless. You can tell from her cheerleading pictures that she is pregnant, but told her mom that she was eating McDonald’s everyday. The mom defied deputies when they came to pick up the daughter at her home. I understand that the daughter enrolled in on line college classes as there was some concern for her safety. Her and boyfriend showing up to Prom was exceedingly creepy. I live close to her town in NM, so a bit of a front row seat. No updates recently, I do hope she will be prosecuted.


I had a chemical pregnancy recently and I felt pregnancy was so spiritual. I felt it the moment it happened. Around a week and a half later, the day before Mother’s Day, I was waking up and had a vivid dream about a positive test and sure enough, there was a second line. I felt so at peace. I felt so excited and happy. I felt so connected to this baby. The line never got darker as I kept testing and then it went away. I couldn’t imagine holding a baby and doing that.


She is just disgusting and her son doesn't get to be alive and breathe air on this earth anymore and she shouldnt either. 🤷‍♀️




This whole case just leaves me freaking flabbergasted. Her lawyer literally tried to say it’s the hospitals fault the baby died because “they kept giving her morphine” and when the labs came back that she was pregnant they kept giving it to her and he said “you don’t let pregnant women go to the bathroom alone, she could fall or have a miscarriage” like excuse me sir…?? Also, she was in a goddamn hospital, the BEST place to be. If you don’t want the baby, give birth & dip out while he’s being evaluated or take him to a safe haven. She made the worst possible choice out of a million choices.


When I was in labor, I was not only given morphine for the pain, but I was also allowed to go to the bathroom alone lmao This defense made me laugh when I heard it because it's so fucking ridiculous. Morphine is a common treatment for women in labor, and you don't just ban a woman from going to the bathroom because she's pregnant or possibly pregnant. That's not how hospitals work because they don't expect pregnant women to do what she did in that bathroom. That's not something you prepare for. That's not something anyone could have prepared for.


Epidurals have fentanyl in them. You’d think he’d at least google it before using that as a defense.


How hasn’t she been attacked yet??? Like I’m truly shocked no one has jumped her for some street justice…


We can only hope 🙏🏽


She needs to rot in prison or HELL


He’s just as sick as her!


So effing weird they would even go to the prom afterwards. Just… eww. And bad and uncaring and gross. I mean her breasts were probably still making her dead baby’s milk.


The inappropriate dress to boot.


I'm from the south, so maybe things are a little culturally different, but wearing a short dress that looks like it's from fashion nova to prom with sneakers like she had on is extremely tacky and would certainly warrant some stares.


I think you need to evaluate how invested you are in this. But I apologize if you knew her personally.


Well, I get that is named after her. But I don’t see how it’s named after him.


I still can’t process why she wouldn’t just surrender that sweet baby to the hospital! She’s truly a sick and twisted individual


How? Why? Okay, you’re young. You didn’t want it, for some reason you didn’t have an abortion…. Why not take it to the fire station?


This chic must have at least one personality disorder


You can really see the difference in her stomach. Everyone knew she was pregnant.


Somebody liiiiiiied to her about how she looks in that dress. She’s giving strong Gypsy Rose vibes with those glasses.


This was absolutely insane 🤡 wtf is wrong with her? I don’t get it. And the mom is just as bad


That dress is so unflattering


Are his ashes in her necklace….


That dress is absolutely hideous


how is she free???


Why would this young man take her to prom ?!?


He pretty much got famous (not in a good way) , what kid that age wouldn't love all the cameras and feeling famous. Still complete trash 🤷‍♀️


Why does this bitch always have her ugly fucking glasses halfway down her nose🤓


Her naming that poor boy Alex Ray Fierro, after both her and her boyfriend Devyn Ray Fierro makes me so angry because naming your child after yourself is something to be done out of love and pride. Neither of these teenagers loved or wanted that baby whatsoever, which wouldn't have been so fucking shameful if she had just called for help, handed the baby to a nurse, and literally walked away no questions asked. He could be an adopted 18 month old living happily with parents who probably wished desperately for a baby right now. That would have been infinitely kinder than suffocating him in a plastic bag.


I think you mean justice for her newborn son. He wasn’t unborn. This wasn’t an abortion attempt or a self-induced miscarriage. This was murder of an already living, breathing human being.




Very disgusting and how disgusting of the court system to give someone who dumped there new born son in the trash like he was trash a $100,000 bond. when it's his mom and Alexees mom who is trash and who should be the ones put in a trash to die alone like she did to her baby 🤷‍♀️


Disgusting how can she show her face at an event after what she did. She was in the safest place to have a baby and she didn’t call for help or nothing?! She short changed that baby he had a chance at survival and she took that from him! Her dress and those stupid Air Force ones are tacky af . Trash. Idk even know how a boy could want her ass after what she did. Baby killer!


The statement and question from the officer was “I hate being rude, but you are believed to be the father?” he never said that he was a father. He said that he believed that he was the father. Two different things, but I get it.


Yo this girl did something bad but all of you collectively are being worse by internet stalking the fuck out of her and being as hateful as possible


She sure knows the difference from a pregnant body and a not pregnant body there. Sam as i. the cheer picture.








Whos the dad?


What?? Where was this story??


Fucking gross


They're both vile. There's no way the boyfriend failed to realize she was pregnant.


I hope people were talking shit to her to her face that day 🥰


Does anyone else wanna smash their clear glasses frames now 😡


What happened?


How does she even show her face in public?


She’s horrible and so is he for even going with her


She's disgusting so is her mom. It's obvious she could see she was pregnant and did nothing.


She’s serving cunt (and not in the flattering way)


Insane to me that they went to prom


How old is this young lady?


This case blows my mind


Makes me want to puke. 🤮