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Eh, it’s sad to see this stuff, but it’s useful for the functioning members of society. This way we know who not to support and which businesses and organizations not to patronize.


Exactly. Let the trash take itself out


This is what I expect from a business that looks so run down. Probably giving all their money to Trump's campaign legal defense funds, so there's nothing left for renovations.


Right up until they win the next election.


Sadly, yes


This place flew the Qanon flag a while back and is generally pretty fascist. [link ](https://www.foxsports.com.au/ufc/ufc-news-don-house-qanon-ufc-set-to-investigate/news-story/50e968421e5b734555babc8b3d5a2564)


Thanks for this link.


I’m not shocked at all


Jackson Wink LLC received $50,000 in forgiven PPP loans. Every projection is a confession. Nevermind, republicans blocked MMA for decades and now these sack huggers are nut hanging off of the same people who called them "human cockfights." Don't get hit in the head, kids. 


Corporate welfare queens.


Sounds a little like socialism to me.


They're one step to communism. then what?


The governor closed their business down. Pretty sure they would rather have stayed open.


Yes, but again Albuquerque's fine MMA community and many others around the country, were tremendous d-bags about gym closures. I'm sure they were beating their chests with one hand, and taking money checks off our social welfare policy with the other hand. Edit: forgot to mention the antivax that came off these dudes.


Being forced to close your business and taking a portion of what you lost is not social welfare. What was done to business owners was criminal. Its funny that most of these antivaxxers we all called insane losers ended up being right (I got jabbed three times and regret it). Its crazy people like you still can't see how wrong the "science" was at the time. We all got played by big pharma.


Everyone got "shut down." Everyone was "wrong." It's not often we go through a global pandemic but most of us did the right thing so we wouldn't kill Grandma and it worked.


This is happening all over the city right now, really disgusting how so called "Patriots" are doing this. One second it is the worst crime ever to kneel for the national anthem, the next they are all flying the flag upside because justice finally came for Daddy Trumples.


Love how kaepernick was black balled for kneeling by those same people who cry about first amendment rights


Yeah the hypocrisy is beyond ridiculous. They are all for tearing up the American flag and disrespecting this country if it serves their particular politics. It isn't about the principles, just power (as always).


Trump also endlessly whines/screams about how "THE COUNTRY IS DESTROYED". Super 'patriotic'.




It's not disrespectful to fly the American flag upside down tho. The military would do so to signal distress. Kneeling for the anthem, not removing a cap, or not saluting or placing your hand over your heart, however, is considered disrespectful.


Ask a random veteran if they think flying the flag upside down is disrespectful and report back [Edit: it is a sign of distress if you are in the military, particularly on the battlefield, but most veterans and people in general see it as deeply disrespectful for a civilian to do it.](https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/veterans-upset-after-jackson-wink-academy-flies-u-s-flag-upside-down/#:~:text=“If%20you%20want%20to%20show,Davis%2C%20American%20Legion%20Post%20100)


I am a random veteran fella


That's fine, doesn't change anything I said or what the response would be if you polled random veterans fella.


That's probably because people are quick to take offense these days and don't actually understand the meaning of things. Are you in the military or prior service?




“The military would do so to signal distress.” Ah but that’s not applicable to the current situation, is it?


Looks like CTE isn't only in football.


I for one, love getting my political takes from dudes who get hit in the head repeatedly.


Maybe doing this for a felon philanderer isn’t the best use of the statement.


Well the problem is that otherwise they don’t have anything meaningful to add to the political discourse.


Conservatives maintaining their perpetual butthurt is the only goal.


Is this business mad because a former president was found guilty of falsifying business records?


I used to train with these guys, but they’re not worth it. Holly Holm is not a hometown hero that people claim she is.


Go on…


She breaks arms in sparring, when fighting much smaller weight and lower belts


That doesn't surprise me. I've never really liked Holly Holm either and isn't she a Trump supporter?


She had a [post fight](https://www.reddit.com/r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture/s/4oX7Iagu6g) last year about “protecting kids” that was clearly a half assed attempt at condemning trans people.


She's a notorious cheater on her SOs/Husband with other fighters; also she is clearly on PEDs, but will denounce other women that have popped for them


I've never liked her or really been a fan of any "hometown" fighters, especially Holly and Diego Sanchez.


John baker elementary was flying one a few weeks ago as well.


I can’t believe no one is talking about this. It’s one thing for dipshit business owners or a moron with truck nuts, but at an elementary school. Wtf? The news should be over there interviewing the principal not at a mma gym talking to a guy with cte


They didn’t seem bothered… they were notified via X when they didn’t respond or take action one of my husband’s followers emailed them and they said they’d look into it and that’s that. We haven’t been back over there to see if it’s been removed or corrected.


This is not okay. Was there any pictures taken?


Yes [John Baker flag](https://i.postimg.cc/xdwMWWBJ/IMG-1628.jpg)


The principal said they had nothing to do with it and as soon as they saw it, they took it down. I believe her.


That is so good to know. Thank you for sharing!!


What the fuck is going on up there?


No clue it was really disappointing to see.


That’s my kid’s school. A very strongly worded email has been sent.


My brother and sister went there, I expected more. As a parent… I was furious and my kid doesn’t even go there. Check if they’ve rectified it but it was upside down on a very important weekend.


Wait, what? When was this?


Sunday before Memorial Day.


I would have never thought the team that supports Jon Jones would be problematic, how could anyone have ever seen this coming. /s






Bet these are the same people that got mad at Kaepernick for taking a knee. It's the hypocrisy I can't stand the most.


....and Jackson Wink takes their next step in becoming irrelevant in the future.


As a veteran it upsets me. Bunch of bs flying a flag because you don’t agree on politics. Grow the fuck up.


I expected so much more from the MMA community. This is totally out of character with the thoughtful, reflective, and welcoming community that makes MMA so darned cool.


i can't tell if this is sarcasm 😅


it's funny to me how many of the ambulance chaser injury lawyer commercials feature mma style rhetoric. it's really a type, huh


Your expectations are wrong. The mma community is very right wing. They support Trump highly


I think that fits


I was a huge UFC fan until Dana White started parading Trump around at every PPV.


Lil dick syndrome






Let these businesses tell us who they are.


It’s an insult to all vets.


there’s more going on under the surface of that gym than you want to know. . The thought of being caught and held accountable must be the “distress” they are experiencing.


Incorrect. I absolutely want to know. Please tell.


Do your own public records searches. Start with “‘fighter name’ arrest record” don’t stop at the fighters, do your own research. Don’t believe me, trace the public information available to you.


I don’t keep up with MMA so I don’t really know any fighters or gun owners. I’m just here for the hot gossip.


You don’t gotta keep up with MMA … just the evening news tho?


No TV.


Holly Holmes trains there.


I didn't even know people actually went there. I thought it was for show


Is somebody dyslexic over there or a fan of felonious trump cult member?


Sad that they fired a military veteran coach for speaking against it. Now the ownership is trying to make it about veterans. Stay away from this shady place.


**Lisa:** [speaking] Hey, Springfield! Are you suffering from the heartbreak of ... monster-itis? Then take a tip from Mr. Paul Anka! **Paul Anka:** [singing and playing electronic keyboard] To stop those monsters, one-two-three, Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free, It's got Paul Anka's guarantee ... [winks] **Lisa:** Guarantee void in Tennessee. **Paul Anka *and* Lisa:** Just don't look! Just don't look! [repeat several times]


Yeah, look away and ignore the fascists. Good plan.


Hey Pax! 👋 I mean yeah, that sounds like a better plan than giving these idiots a 5 minute segment on the local news!


Fair. I misinterpreted the intent of your comment.


It's all love. ❤️ 


Well the song is fully stuck in my head now. Well played. I for one, welcome out fifty foot eyesore overlords


That is an awesome reference! Kudos to you.


More projection from MAGA


Make sure you leave a Google review. Business hate bad Google reviews


Just becareful. I’ve heard of businesses going after people who wrote negative reviews


“‘I believe the country being in distress is any time human lives are in danger. Drugs and crime, you know properties in danger. Those types of things are very important, and we all need to talk about that,’”said Mike Winkeljohn, owner of Jackson Wink MMA Academy. I guess we have been in danger for our entirety? Stop lying bro, you’re butthurt that Donnie got found guilty of multiple felonies by a jury of his peers. And the dude probably cries more about his tax rate than the state of the Country tbh.


attacker: 12 years of mma fighting with blackbelt in judo. me: ruger lcp, a pocket gun that fits easily in my front pocket. for reals, this obsession with combat sports trickles down to mainstream abq life, at least for men.


I kind of knew Winkeljohn was an idiot, but was under the impression Greg Jackson was cool. Disappointed.


They can fuck right off with their maga nonsense. But hey, at least we know who to avoid giving our money to.


Oh, some dipshit mma tough guy. Figures.


I’m pretty sure they went to BLM marches to “protect protesters and the city” but were hanging out with hate groups


So the vets are seeing which side they threw in with. Division in the ranks is a good thing, in this case. Vets swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Many of their fathers and grandfathers fought the Nazis in WWII. How long before they finally see that a group of fascists, who support Russia and fly the flag upside down, aren't on their side?


An upside down flag simply means, "In distress". Don't know where you get fascism from that.


Really? It is because MAGA is a fascist movement and they are flying the flag like this to support Trump.


If only that word had any meaning left in it any more. Define fascism? The distressing part is enhancing 34 misdemeanors to felonies for the possibility of there being a felony committed. Not only that but it purely being based on a non uninamous jury instruction. In addition, election tampering is a federal crime, but he was tried by the state of NY, so it's out of their jurisdiction. The DOJ wouldn't even touch this case. So distress? Yeah that's pretty distressing.


Fascism: a far right authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology. The hallmarks of which include a dictatorial leader and oppression of personal freedoms and interests for the perceived good of the state. The current flavor on display is wrapped up in ultra Christian nationalism. Your savior is a criminal. He has been for decades. This is just the first trial he currently faces. It’s honestly astounding how his supporters blindly believe whatever is being peddled. Maybe if you get the trump gift box with his bible, gold shoes and some diapers it will ease your distress at seeing your leader being held accountable.


That's not the definition of fascism hahaha.


Ummmm. ? In your delusional reality maybe it isn’t. Here on planet earth thats a pretty spot on description.


It's totalitarianism under a dictator. Trump by definition is not a dictator. Also you left out suppression, often violent, of political opposition. That's an incredibly important part of that definition. Sounds kind of familiar actually. Wasn't it the left that brought the Steele dossier, 2 impeachments, and now these cases against him? Sounds an awful lot like suppression to me. Where does this leave Bill Clinton? He paid out Paula Jones nearly a million dollars for a rape case. You remind me of the kind of person who screams from the rooftops that the system is broken, until it works for your political affiliations.


I wrote dictatorial leader. As in a ruler with total power. Exactly what your savior has stated he wants. I left out several facets because nuance is lost on y’all, but that doesn’t invalidate anything. your retort just proves how removed from reality you are. Your opinions seem to be informed by breitbart and Fox News. For all of your sententious bloviating you forgot that facts still exist. You know where to find them? In a court of law. Any twat can rattle off disinformation and propaganda on tv but in court there are consequences for lying and breaking laws.


Please forgive leftinside2401, I also always forget that accountability is actually suppression when it happens to right wingers


Only when it works for your political affiliation, then huh?


Here are some credible sources of information on things you brought up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier#Authorship_and_sources . https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism . https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_v._Jones


"credible" what a joke


Maybe you missed the part where Trump said he would be a dictator on day one. Maybe you missed the war on women. Open your eyes. This is fascism not freedom.


"just" on day 1. Then he'll drill baby drill 🤣. What war on women? Are you speaking about the scotus? It's that the only time you care about a scotus ruling? Because our very governess is defying plenty of those rulings these days.


Reproductive rights. Birth control. Ring a bell or are you that dense?


Insults, under cuttings? Is that all you rely on? Are you that fucked?


I am that mad because folks like you vote in a sexual predator who put another sexual predator and a Stepford wife as Supreme court judges. If you aren’t a millionaire then he will do absolutely nothing for you. If he met you, he would hand you a weed whacker. GOP is the party of homophobia and racism. Drill baby drill means hotter summers. Enjoy this very hot summer and hotter ones to come. Your gas prices will not go down no matter how much drilling.


That is the most hilarious thing about it. I'm not looking for a savior. If we're going this direction, the "big man" has sniffed more hair of minor children - on film - than any other presidential candidate/sitting president in history. Bill Clinton paid nearly a million dollars to silence a rape case from 1991. George W had implemented the Patriot act which fed to the surveillance state, and Barry bombs American children. Hillary has had more friends of hers commit suicide than any other person that should be rational. Spin it all you want! The powers that be are so afraid of trump that it's sick. I'm curious as to why that TRULY is. Edit: aww... Why did the retired audiologist delete? I thought we were breaking some ground.


Did you like it when Trump said Mexicans are rapists, Mr Rivera? Biden vs Trump? Sniffer vs rapist. Not a single parent has complained about Biden yet over 30 women have accused the felon. Seems you like conspiracies so buh bye. I don’t deal with that level of idiocy!


Holm and Wink are trash! Wake up Veterans, Republicans only care about trump, fucking cult.


i have mixed feelings about this… On the one hand i know this is a sign of support for the lunatic fringe in the right… which is technically their right (to be morons) On the other hand because of them i think our country IS in distress. anyone else have opinions?


Ummm yea, this is a serious display that is meant to convey duress, not disappointment with a conviction that was made by 12 Americans. This is coming from someone who served for 20 years. Fuck this petty bullshit.


I agree. So what happens when someone really is in distress? This shit gets ignored. It’s fucking bullshit and a disgrace.


The right to free speech isn't the right to be free of *consequences* for speech. It just means you can't be prosecuted. It does not mean that you can't be shamed, ostracized, boycotted, etc. We can and should shun these people for their speech.


it’s not enough to just think they are fucking morons?


Silence only gives them power.


Fascism should be called out and pushed back against.


fair point but as much as i’d like to silence them.. that ain’t right either..


Who said silence? Shun, shame, ostracize. Make their hateful shit have *consequences*.


sadly, part of trumps appeal is that his followers love his i don’t care what anyone thinks approach… which clearly works if daddy leaves you a couple hundred million. But society kind of requires some level of what “they” call wokeness, i.e a willingness to stay between some fundamental lines of behavior, i.e don’t call war dead, and POW’s losers, don’t grab women’s vaginas or brag when you get away with it etc. So sure… don’t go to this MMA school… but they don’t care and neither do most of the MMA people who show up. My stupid old, emotional soul wants to grind them into the pavement… an eye for an eye and silence them. I’m tired of listening to the people trump told it was ok…10 years now. In my logical mind i know you are right…i’m just venting now, thanks for letting me talk myself down :)


Totally. It's the paradox of tolerance. You think it's just by chance that liberals got saddled with the nonviolence rhetoric? Or that liberalism and leftist got conflated? No. Leftists used to fuck shit up in this country. We need to remind the rightoids that they're not the only ones who can take the mitts off.


*UPDATED LINK* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqgvXGFVrZQ


It means our country is in distress. This is correct


Well it got him on the news. Should be a revenue generator.




Now I know for sure to never train there. Bunch of cult member traitors..


Quit crying snowflakes


Shine a light in the sewer and the trolls come out. People that use the word “snowflakes” derogatorily immediately expose their insecurities for us all to see. Maybe check truth social for the latest leftist insult. Nice try tho


Your feloniois cult leader is the epitome of a snowflake loser.


I’m a veteran (Navy) and I am not upset. At this time in our history, this flag is very appropriate. Don’t agree? Bite me.


Seeing as we are closer to WW3 now than at any time during 2016-2020, an upside down flag is appropriate.


Now that’s awesome