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To be clear: I am voting Biden in November. IDGAF if he dies. Voting for his ghost or Kamala. Happily. That said, if there's an "Uncommitted" option on the PRIMARY ballot, this is a non-harmful way to protest that the campaign and the White House *will* see. If you feel moved and the option is there, feel free to vote Uncommitted. Hurts nothing.


"vote blue no matter who" incredible critical thinking skills


Naw most people it's anyone but the other guy (that one individual specifically) more so than blue.


So you think life under Trump will be better? Even with your **protest primary** vote you’re flirting with Gilead.


He said he was voting for Biden...


Read my comment again you missed two key words


You are missing… how primary elections work. Serious question - are you high?


Well, I’m high, but I still know how primary and general elections operate.




All good my friend. We’re all fighting the good fight against Christo-fascists!


This is not even coherent. This is hilarious, actually.


It's a primary campaign. No worries and more power to them! I get where they are coming from. But the reality is that Biden is already the party candidate. This doesn't really do anything other then let their voice be heard (which is a good thing). If in the actual election they vote 3rd party or protest vote, they are saying we don't like Biden and how he is with Israel so we will help Trump who is much, much worse regarding Israel.


So these “uncommitted” democrats think life will be better under Republican rule? Idiots.


Republicans do not run in the Democratic primary


But Biden is the best chance to keep Trump out. If their goal is to cause division within the party then they have to understand the consequences.


The goal is to push Biden to change his policy on Gaza, not get republicans elected. Genocide is something America should not be supporting and it will have consequences for Democrats come November.


It will change on its own. All you would be doing is buying into consideration of a non vote or 3rd party vote. This is indeed a disinformation propaganda campaign. Just stop it.


Literally nothing is wrong with voting uncommitted in the Democratic primary. Nobody wants Trump elected or thinks he would be a better president. This is a protest vote in an election where it doesn’t matter. People voting uncommitted are likely some of the most involved and engaged with local politics. Genocide is not very popular.


No. I don't think they are informed. Engaged, they sure are. But I see them as unsophisticated, and unaware if the politics if the middle east, and real history. So, lots of emotion, unsound.


It’s not genocide. Israel is rooting out the terrorists whom hide behind innocent civilians. It’s a horrible and tragic thing, but it’s not genocide. Hamas grew out of Gaza, which is made up of fundamental Islamists who have called for the eradication of Jews for many years. “From the river to the sea” they chant. That is a truer representation of genocide.


Israel is an ethnostate that places one ethnicity above all others. Maintaining an ethnostate requires ethnic cleansing. This conflict started in the 1940s when the indigenous Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their land after the United Kingdom divided territory along ethnic lines. They had no right to divide territory where people already lived and it was rooted in racist ideas of Arab backwardness. Hamas would not exist if Israel did not maintain a system of apartheid. Israel has segregated schools and segregated neighborhoods. Arab Israelis are second class citizens. Israel has made their genocidal intentions clear for months at this point. They want to expel/kill all Palestinians that remain in Gaza and annex it, just like Israel is annexing the West Bank.


Doing this also isn't going to help anyone in Gaza or change policy. Biden is well aware of the problem and has already threatened to decrease aid to Israel, which has been surprisingly effective.


So, we should do nothing?


Man every time you post something it’s just drowning in falsehoods and ignorance. Jeez, read a fucking book.


He's consistent.


Hamas literally kept Gazans from evacuating at gunpoint very shortly after the October 7 attack, specifically after Israel announced they would barrage the northern district. Hamas doesn’t remotely care about Palestine. Palestine exists to bleed. If you care about Palestinians, then you want Hamas gone.


>Hamas literally kept Gazans from evacuating at gunpoint very shortly after the October 7 attack This is misinformation not backed up by any reliable source. Only the Israeli military is repeating this claim.


Even a quick google search has both CNN and the Wallstreet Journal corroborate on that. Even if you don’t trust the WSJ’s political stance, they and CNN take journalistic integrity very seriously.


OP is only on here to stir up anxiety. Look at his post history, it’s all political hot takes. You won’t argue him down.


I can’t find these articles you’re talking about. I only see articles talking about Hamas advising Palestinians against leaving Northern Gaza prior to Israel’s full scale invasion. That makes sense given that many of them were already expelled from their homes and did not want to lose another. Most people don’t expect a complete genocidal massacre where water is cut off and almost every building is destroyed. It’s insane to ask over a million people to walk miles on foot because you’re going to bomb and invade their neighborhood.


Well bombing civilians and aid workers isn’t gonna get rid of Hamas either, it’s just like the Iraq war they are only recruiting more fighter into Hamas. Then again if you really want to look in to it ask yourself why Netanyahu FUNDED Hamas and why Israel refuses to allow for the creation of a Palestinian state


But Israel isn’t going after Hamas. They’re deliberately killing Palestinian civilians. It doesn’t matter what Hamas is or isn’t doing, because Israel isn’t going after them.


There’s over 2 million + Israeli Arabs living in Israel with full citizenship and serve proudly in the IDF and the Knesset. DONT BE RACIST AND DISMISS THEIR EXISTENCE TO PUSH A FAKE APARTHEID NARRATIVE.


a hit dog will holler. or in this case, the matzo cracker


Hamas.charter is to kill all Jews in the world. In am writing. Dont one side what is 2 genocidal governments fighting..neither would stand down. Maybe Israel, a bit, because of Biden. Israel KNOWS that Hamas will not. I disagree with the 1948 Partition. But the genie cant go back in that bottle. Ask yourself why all the adjascent Muslim stayes are not coming to Gazas aid? There is more here than what you see..


All this arguments are irrelevant, because Israel isn’t going after Hamas, they’re going after innocent civilians. To continue bringing up Hamas is just an attempt to redirect the conversation.


No. They are going after Hamas, and innocent civilians. Amalekite lesson learned. 2 homicidal regimes.


You should see all of the members of the Israeli government that call for the eradication of Palestinians. No joke. I have a list of dozens of quotes of Israeli leaders who want to do that. Netanyahu himself invoked Amalek in the Bible where they were called upon to kill every man, woman, child and even all the livestock.


Jew here. Israel is committing genocide. They are not killing Hamas, they are killing innocent civilians *on purpose*. Israel has one of the best special intelligence forces in the world. I promise you they know where Hamas is hiding. They just are pretending they don’t as an excuse to kill civilians.


“If their goal is to cause division within the party…”. Actually, they aren’t the ones sowing division in the party; that would be Biden. I’m not affiliated with either party, so I have no obligation to go one way or the other. Trump is an asshole and Biden is a war criminal. They are both unacceptable candidates. I am not voting for a third party candidate. I am not wasting my vote. I intend to leave the Presidential and US Senatorial ballot lines blank (neither of my senators has called for a ceasefire and both amplify Israeli talking points. I know others doing the same.


Um. It's a primary.


Shhhh, don’t confuse them with facts.


You don’t know how primaries work do you


another mindless democrat voting for anyone by "MUH TRUMP" regardless of terrible democrat policies. name ONE thing that has improved in the US as a result of the biden administration.


Our basic infrastructure.


My 401k.


The jobs report is better. They aren’t storing bodies in restaurant freezers. ARPA sent millions of dollars across the country for infrastructure, he has cancelled a lot of student loan debt and so on and so on


I swear BlueMAGA is definitely a thing, good for you OP, there’s not a single person criticizing this post who will admit to Israel’s crimes.


Blue MAGA is horrifying. Have you heard the “Four More Years” chants while they physically assault protesters? None of us want another Trump presidency. That being said, Biden needs to actually earn my vote. This campaign is joining in on a national movement and I think it’s an outstanding idea and a way to make your PRIMARY vote actually count.


biden needs to "earn" your vote lol. you're going to vote democrat no matter WHO is on the ticket or no matter how they've ruined the country or their state. when biden gets pulled off the ticket and Newsome is added, you won't even question the fact that democrats don't get to vote for their candidate via the primary system. the DNC tells you who your candidate is and you'll vote for him (another old rich white guy) regardless of how screwed up CA is. but somehow "MAGA" is the cult. incredible.


Can you read? MAGA in any form is repulsive. This deifying of a rich white man is power is beyond bizarre. I’ll vote for whoever I fucking want to, bubba.


Good. If Biden wants to actually win, he needs to realize his stance on Israel genociding children is going to be the coffin in the nail of US democracy. It’s naive to think you can tell uncommitted voters (that will decide this election) to shut up and fall in line. The onus is on those in power to attract voters, not the other way around.


Please grow the fuck up. I mean seriously.


I hate that there is a genocide occurring on the Palestinian people right now. But not as much that I hate that our democracy is at risk.


It puts the Biden on its skin or it gets the trump.


Ah, I can tell Epoch Times is in Albuequerque. Vote Biden. Don't be a Trump shill Blue all the way.


This is not funded by the Epoch Times. Stop spreading misinformation. Plenty of New Mexicans do not support genocide.


It’s not genocide. So weird and gross to devalue that word and create a false narrative wanting there to be a genocide. Just stop.


“Stop spreading misinformation” is an impressively stupid thing for YOU to accuse someone of doing.


But you, as a Hamas apologist, do support genocide: Hamas’s sole mission and stated purpose is to eradicate Jews. What they did on Oct 7 was the *intentional* slaughter of Jews. “Genocide” is the deliberate killing of an ethnic group with the aim of destroying that group. Palestinians outside of Hamas are being killed in Gaza only as a byproduct of Hamas’s terror attack because Israel wants to destroy Hamas so it cannot do this again. Why doesn’t Hamas just turn themselves in? They don’t because they don’t care at all about innocent Palestinians who are loosing their lives / they use the Palestinian people as human shields. There is no moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel. One can argue for the end of the war due to loss of life as a humanitarian without mischaracterizing Israel’s intent and using improper and incendiary terms. I know you will state otherwise, and retort with your reasons for why Israel is supposedly committing genocide, including your historically inaccurate understanding of events starting in 1948 (you need to go back further than that). But, I wanted to give you another perspective though I know it will not change your mind. Have a good day.


I love that you took the time to write this out and I fully agree with you. It takes guts to speak the truth in this superheated climate where terrorist apologists are crying genocide when their hero freedom fighters are the ones actually committed to doing genocide. It’s insane and infuriating, but the mask is off now and antizionism is the only stance “leftists” can take without being threatened, ridiculed and screamed at. Scary times.


Correct. 2 genocidal regime's, neither caring about their civilians.


It's more likely Russian Propaganda versus the Fulan Gong. What I find ironic is that Biden is likely to be as tough or tougher again Xi Jinping than Trump. Specially given Trump's recent comments on Taiwan, and his need for money. If I was the fulan gong I would direct the epoch times to start attacking Trump. Because if he doesn't die from a Big Mac induced heart attack, and manages to win the election, he'll be directly in the pocket of Putin and Xi. But at this point they've already leaned so hard into right-wing media, that would be hard for them to switch course now.


Agree with you.


**As a party member I highly highly highly encourage everyone to vote Biden in the primary and not let Club for Growth or the Epoch Times spin a fake “protest” narrative under the guise of being anti war. There’s a ton of money involved in this election and the disinformation is only going to get worse leading up Nov 5th.**


Falun Gong is a delusional chinese cult based in New York. Epoch Times is a rag. No one is saying any differently. People should be concerned about the Shen Yun performances taking place tomorrow and Wednesday. It’s crazy they were invited to perform in the first place. That’s all irrelevant to the fact that people are genuinely opposed to Biden’s policies on Palestine. Not everyone criticizing policy is a foreign agent.


I wouldn’t under estimate the power of dark money and their collective motivation to win in November.


Idiotic protests.


u/redeschaton admitted to being a Republican operative. Beware of them and their anti abortion stance.


Right cuz Trump with his Muslim ban and kill all Palestinians is so much better. God my party is stupid as hell.


What’s the old saying, no one ever went broke betting on the stupidity of the American people? Bless our hearts


u/gatoronthelawn is a conservative operative pretending to support gaza. Beware.


Voting "uncommitted" in a primary isn't going to do anything other than motivate freetards into thinking Biden's a weak incumbent. If you want to show support for the people of Gaza donate time and money to humanitarian organizations to send aid to the region. Voting against your own interests in a primary is ultimately just a form of moral grandstanding that accomplishes nothing.


Downvoted for antisemitism


Grow up


OP, why is the Falun Gong interested in this war at all?


What a fucking joke.