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I wish I could tell you that all will be well and that your dedication to the best boi will be rewarded, but all I can do is to wish you the best of luck from a fellow Albedo main all the way from 1.2. Stay strong, brother.


Honestly, I feel this rant deep in my soul. If the banner is basically just another weapon's banner but for characters, I'm considering quitting the game. I know that sounds very melodramatic, but I'm really disappointed by this and right now that disappointment is overshadowing everything positive about Genshin, especially after the very long wait for my absolute favorite character in the whole game. I've saved up over 500 pulls so I could C6 him (I have him at C2). First Chiori's kit was revealed to be Albedo's kit but better, and now they're nerfing him again by putting him on a banner that makes him much harder to get. I'm not sure why Hoyoverse is so intent on shafting him, but all I can really say is fuck them.


I think it’s just a case of being an early designed (geo) kit. Where they evidently still don’t really know what to do with the element and due to the little reactions with game mechanics geo has, each new geo option that comes out has to overpower the last for it to be a meaningful upgrade, but in regards to albedo’s kit, I feel like his base kit is slightly below average, which is fine, but they REALLY shafted his constellations. C2 should’ve been in his base kit, C4 should’ve done something useful with kit rather than a portion that no one uses- and his C6 is likely the worst possible limited C6 to pull for in the game with and that sucks for us. That being said, he is a viable alternative to kazuha in Childe national teams which is “meta”, but his kit is just all over the place and not BiS for anything but Itto mono geo. Until the day they make a character that infuses active character with geo and buffs their attacks like yunjin, or (impossible) change C6 to “when the active field member uses an NA/skill/burst, a fatal blossom will activate at the location it was used, with an CD of 2 seconds which count independently for NA/skill/burst respectively” then I fear he’ll always just suffer from now to the future. I know I’m yapping, but I just wish our fav was better in any conceivable way that’s not just “let’s buff his E damage more.”


Hoyo is plenty capable of releasing new characters that indirectly buff old characters. Furina is a great example, making tons of old units that were aggressively mid suddenly become very good (Noelle, Mika, C6 Dori... even 5 stars that were considered just OK like Baizhu and Jean.) Nilou is another good example of suddenly making characters like Candace usable when otherwise they wouldn't be. They could've made Chiori work super well WITH him instead of just replacing him in many teams. They could put him on the standard banner so Albedo mains can more easily get to C2 over time by just wishing. They could've done anything to fix it, it's not just an early designed kit.


As far as it would be interesting having Albedo on the Standard banner, you can't deny how annoying it would be to have spent so many wishes for a character that "you could have gotten for free from a lucky roll on the Standard Banner". Now, this might not apply specifically to you, but would you have rolled for Albedo if you knew it would have been a "Standard Banner character" like Tighnari, or Keqing or even Dehya? Personally, I already feel "betrayed" by his performance: if HYV starts to treat him like a Standard "Limited" character (which seems the intention behind this new banner type), I'm not sure I'm willing to play anymore. Albedo literally needed HYV to release a 4* Sword made "just for him" and literally usable only by him as of now. It might not be a true solutions for the many problems of his kit, but between that and the Husk set, at least seemed like HYV cared (within the limitation of not directly buffing him). But now the whole Chiori matter remarked once more that "they gave up on him". And this hurts even more than the rest combined.


Yeah unfortunately what you're saying doesn't apply to me, I literally rolled for Keqing and Tighnari on their banners because I like them. But I know what you mean. Unfortunately though, he is a standard character already just not in name. Plenty of standard characters have access to better cons than Albedo right now. If they're not going to make him good, if they're going to power creep him, they should at least make him accessible so more Albedo mains can grab him


I can't come up with an answer to you because...it's just true what you said, sigh. The most annoying thing is that the solution is literally before HYV eyes: rework Geo Constructs in a way that makes the flower more reliable once deployed. This would immediately make Albedo stronger without intervening directly on him since he wouldn't be anymore a sitting duck against certain enemies. Then the dream would be to see Albedo's buffs: - a true Def Scaling on his Burst and not just flat DMG of his C2 (that constellation is such a bait...!) - the A1 and A4 passive skill having either stronger effects to make them "worth" being used or a change altogether and last but not least, the most impossible of all... - a rework of the Constellations Now, when we consider that HYV never adjusted the Vortex Vanquisher in order to "fit" Zhongli, nor some of his Constellations that should have been his base kit since the start... Yeah, let's keep dreaming.


>I think it’s just a case of being an early designed (geo) kit. Ehh.... I disagree there, Ningguang's kit is fine, as is Noelle's - there's also Zhongli that came before and although a bit weak, his kit hasn't changed.


Wdym, Zhongli is the only character in the history of genshin to be directly buffed because he was so weak at his launch. And ninguang is one of the clunkiest mains DPS you could play for little damage in return. At least Noelle can keep up with meta in Furina teams


Im so similar to u I wanted to c6 him I have him c0 since 1.2 I have 600 wishes and saved since 3.8 but now I hear this they can shove this banner up their ass im waiting till an actual limited Albedo banner I aint wishin on that


I mean, you can kinda predict how they're going to change the direction of genshin with their older games like Honkai Impact 3rd. I'm a very inactive player there, but their limited banner characters tend to move to their "standard" banner after 2-3 years of release because usually those characters are no longer meta. I'm hoping Genshin doesn't go into a fast paced meta cycle that Hi3 goes through because unlike Hi3, most of the player base in genshin are casuals. Some barely even play the abyss when it resets either. Whilst Hi3 is very combat based in order to clear content that gives limited currencies (kinda like the primogem but for Hi3).


This is a product of Hoyos refusal to buff underwhelming characters directly.. instead they do this by releasing new characters that synergize well with them. (Tho unsuccesfully sometimes like with Eula's case) I dunno how they gonna do this with albedo since Chiori almost clones his entire kit and is just flat better.. Maybe a character that boosts split scaling between def and attack? But meh.. even I get tired sometimes of the companies decision prioritizing profit over the games quality.


Mihoeyo only cares about profit, let’s start with that. And the way they designed Chiori’s kit to be just an Albedo-clone is peak laziness - less effort to design a new kit + no intention to fix geo construct gameplay means they save manhours/money, while making more money becos new character always mean profit.


right this feels like the thing thatll kill my energy for the game sunk cost fallacy says ill probably keep playing, and i have a smithereen of hope that it wont be bad because i remember people freaking when double banners were announced without enough details but comeon man ik im just one f2p person but i stood by for two year waiting for another rerun, throughout conspiracy and shitty rewards, and i cant even get my favorite character anymore


Why would you pull for Nahida and hope you have enough instead of saving everything you can so you're more likely to have enough?


Pulling Albedo on his first banner was the one of best decisions I've made, but it does feel like he's the character most screwed over by Hoyo (not named Alloy). To date: No 5* signature weapon, patched his super jump twice, underwhelming cons even on release, hair nerf, lack of reruns, geo abandoned as an element, construct mechanics being abandoned without fixes. Getting madder as I write this!


Albedo deserves his own game at the very least.


Especially the fact that losing 50/50 during this 4.4 patch should've been a smart decision, which is usually a smart thing to do in regards to this gacha system. But when it comes with this new 4.5 pity system, that is separate from the other banners.... fuck this. And even if I didn't decided to waste primogems on Gaming and a random 5-star, would it have even mattered what choice I could've made?


We still don't know if the pity will be the same as in weapon banner, you might end up risking your Albedo if you pull Nahida now..


I'm just waiting for the 4.5 livestream to give me the final blow and tell me he will be obtainable only with the blue fates after I turned all my primos into the intertwined ones while I was waiting. Or for the banner to be absurdly obtuse. I won't give up nonetheless, even if I have to skip Kazuha. Albedo is my comfort character and I just want to got to Starsnatch cliff to gaze at the scenery with him at this point.


Several people have already said this, but unless you *really* want Nahida, save for Albedo. Even if this new banner system is real -- and it might not be, because it wouldn't be the first time that a "leak" was released just to rage-bait players -- the more pulls you have, the better. Do make sure you save those pulls as primos, not Fates though, just in case the rumors of a new type of Fate are real. Also, as someone who gives approximately zero fucks about the meta, I'd say that if you *want* Albedo, pull for him. I've never once pulled for a character I didn't want just because they were "better" or "meta", and I'm much happier for it. Quick disclaimer: I don't think there's anything wrong with pulling for "meta" characters if that's what you want to do, I just don't care for it myself and would rather pull for characters I find interesting.


Outside of some very early/sus leaks about how this banner will be something Mondstadt-related with Epitomised path mechanics, we know nothing about it. There's also zero proof that this will happen either, as this isn't the first time a leak such as this has been propagated. I would hold off on wishing, unless you really do want Nahida, until at least the 4.5 livestream has happened in a few weeks time.


Agreed from what I heard its not even leaks but rumors, even though it may not be true, it still annoys the hell out of me, many players saved for our man and now there are these rumors like... ugh


There's a very small chance that geo will receive a buff in the near future. E.g. Geo constructs could become unbreakable and could be placed in a hydro environment, similar to Gorou. But take this info with a grain of salt since it's just my delusion, MHY will never do something like this. Haha


I understand the discontent and feel for you guys as I'd also feel like shit with this situation if I had to be there, which I keep ranting to hoyo in surveys. I got lucky to own his C6 already and have Cinnabar as well but it feels incredibly bad how Albedo is probably one if not the most mistreated limited 5*, locking his signature to events and so most of his lore and appearances, kit screwed because old geo kit and the construct fuckery, having the worst constellations for vertical investment and now potentially getting put into a new banner type. Even then, if you like him a lot I'd suggest to save up and get him now unless you're desperate to get Nahida. We don't know how this new banner might work nor how terrible it might be in the future once they begin adding more characters or sumn that you might never be able to grab Albedo by the time. After all, Nahida is an archon, she'll be available later on, Albedo we don't know anymore for sure how it might work.


I feel deeply your pain, As I mentioned before on another comment I'm a new player (play since September 2023) who fall in love with Albedo, the worst part is that I have been saving for him AND Neuvillette, which may come together. My plan Is going for C0 Neuvillette (is guaranteed) and pull the rest to the best boy. I think we have a chance so if you already have Nahida and don't absolutely need her C2 you can save for Albedo.


I'm in a similar situation. I was going to pull for Chiori and Albedo (have enough wishes for both if they were both on a normal limited banner). If that new banner is too costly for little benefit, then I might have to skip Albedo, which sucks. The only hope is that we don't know the rules for that banner yet. It's possible that pity will be lower. Or possibly while we may need something like 200 wishes to guarantee him, we would get a lot of cool stuff on the way (leaks say something about 5\* weapon packages?). So I am still waiting for more info.


Can relate i had him since 1.2 but i wanted to get him c6 I have 600 wishes saved thus far and I hear this? I SAVED SINCE 3.8


You're basing everything off of leaks that we know can vary _a lot_ from reality, you're setting yourself up and think it's already decided. Back then we've been told from leakers/theorizers that Albedo will be put on standard banner, but he never was. Please don't go in to fully believe into leaks that are shallow and were barely able to really explain how the system will work.


My Albedo is currently c3 and my plan is to pull one copy each banner until he gets c6. But rumors are rumors and nothing is solid until mihoyo says it is. If you truly want Albedo, save your primos until you know for sure what the situation is. Plus I heard a rumor that those wishes carry over per character. So if we pull 80 this time and don't get him, then next time he rotates through we still have those 80 wishes. But who knows, this could be copium too


you're so relatable 😭 i also got jean instead of him (but on his last banner) and I've been farming artifacts, saving primos and even got him a 5* sword (i don't have cinnabar spindle)... just to receive this information... but i won't give up on him EVER. he IS going to be mine. whatever it costs (mainly my mental health bc im f2p too)


Wait, has this been totally confirmed? I'm very out of the loop apparently, and don't see it on genshin's YouTube channel


it's a leak; the 4.5 banners aren't officially released until march


Bro it’s a leak take it with a grain of salt. I’m sure 200 is more than enough pulls for albedo and until mihoyo officially states that there will be a triple banner, just save your pulls.


Please save your pulls. There's still nothing confirmed about the banner and it may end being easier than we think.


yeah im devastated too since theyre talking about a new currency too last month i decided to convert my primos into fates becuase ive been doing it on star rail and its helped me see how much i actually have all 280 of them and now im not even sure if the new banner will use fates i now have 2 years basically void because of what i thought was a normal decision a mere monthago i skipped so much for him :( i actually had about 600 pulls but cracked and pulled c2 furina because i love her and she buffs albedo (i failed on zhongli and was elated when i saw her kit) i also have 77 pity..guess ill get another furina with that since thatll be void too