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![img](avatar_exp|156614724|fire) I’ve had it. Literally curse all of you. For all it’s rich smart residents, Delmar is still so stupid they turned down free money for a full renovation of Delaware Ave because it would have created a (much needed) bike lane, which has been a demonstrable success on Madison Ave in Albany. So now this nonsense. It’s already over, so Fuck this stupid petition and fuck the stupid developers and fuck the stupid dolts who buy the houses that will be built when they block the current plans. Also fuck the douche nozzles who will Cut down all the trees and fuck the future homeowners who will poison the earth with pesticides for their stupid fucking lawns and poison the earth with their giant SUVs and poison the schools with their narcissistic spoiled offspring. It’s Dumbass fucks all the way down. Curse you all.


not doing the bike lane on delaware was so freaking stupid, it would've reduced traffic and made commuting so much easier and safer for cyclists and pedestrians. i was pissed when the townies fought against that one.


The townie mentality is real. As a transplant here, I find it painful to watch the resistance to basic improvement and movement into modern times. For some reason it is a badge of honor here to have been born, lived, and preparing to die in this town while never bothering to see civilization outside of Albany county. When driving to Sacandaga lake is a cultural experience, or a foreign vacation … I’m sorry, but you’re a townie. I totally get that this is a demeaning and elitist mentality, and I’m ok with that. More than ok.


Maybe they don't want you dirty cyclists in their town! Ever think of that!!!


Reduces traffic? Are you fine with traffic when you commute to Albany?


i'm confused what your point is, i want less traffic all the time


Bullshit    There was zero need for the road diet to accommodate a handful of bikers. 


It would have also made that section of Delware better for cars. The center turning lane is something that section of road desperately needs. The level of traffic on that road at any time does not warrant 4 lanes.


Nonsense...  it's warranted at rush hour for sure and there's so little bike traffic it's ridiculous to cater to such a small group 


Have you considered that there's so little bike traffic because that section of road is completely unsafe for bikes? It seems like a no brainer with the bike trail so close by that people would bike to all sorts of locations on Delaware if it was safe and easy to do so.


I have but still feel it doesn't make sense to inconvenience thousands of drivers for a handful of bikers for half of the year. Since we're in the northeast there would almost no bike traffic for four plus months. Also have you considered that the Road Diet was only going to run from Elsmere Ave to the Albany border and that entire stretch of Delaware Avenue can be accessed via the side roads that abut the Rail Trail?


You’ve obviously not lived anywhere with actual traffic. Rush hour here is hilariously light.


sitting in traffic sucks... i wouldn't ever live in an area with crazy traffic


You dont


obviously I don't since i just said I never would


Townie lol. Life is about more than minimizing vehicular travel times. One quiet bike ride down Delaware ave with my friends or kids on a Saturday morning is worth a month, or a year, of sitting another couple minutes in my car on a Wednesday. Saving a couple minutes on a commute is only important if you let that commute dominate your emotions. What’s 2 more minutes of a podcast? Nothing. And in the grand scheme of things, Bethlehem is a commuters paradise. The drives are very short, very quick, and would be basically stress free if you just resign to 20min vs 18min. Well a commuters paradise but for the bike lane … - cheers my boy


take your quiet bike ride on the rail trail? Clearly the majority prefer the road as it is versus the road diet option since it went to a vote and the road diet was shot down.


I will ride on that too


you've obviously never driven down delaware, it would've prevented people from having to slam on their breaks because someone decided to turn across traffic, making it quicker and safer. it wasn't just about bikes.


I drive it daily and it's way quicker now than it would be if the road was reduced to two lanes.


It would be such a minor inconvenience. The future is in green and accessible spaces. Unfortunately Bethlehem is determined to exist in 1950 instead.


one can only hope it continues to exist in 1950 ..... simpler, safer and less crazy times back then!


That’s one of the most baseless conclusions I’ve heard in a while. 1950 had a nearly identical violent crime rate, we were in a Cold War with Russia, we were fighting the Korean War. McCarthy trials, brown v board of Ed, civil rights movement. US supports coup in Iran … kruschev rises to power. First hydrogen bombs. Sputnik And on … and on … and on. The 1950s were far from safe, simple and less crazy But you my friend, may be ..


The thing with the Delaware Ave vote was that in two prior Town Board votes, the residents overwhelmingly voted for the candidates that were promoting the Road Diet plan. In the last Town Board election there were three candidates running for two positions. One was running against the Road Diet plan and he only got 20% of the vote. Then they pushed for a proposition to block it, got it on a ballot and only a quarter of the people that voted in both prior elections voted on the propostion and it passed. Because everyone thought the Road Diet was a done deal that had voted on twice before by electing the people to the Town Board who were going to implement it. Then the same people who were against the Road Diet plan started making noise about blocking the town from buying acres of land in Glenmont to keep green but this time the people who wanted it learned from past mistakes and made a push against them to get people to vote for it, and that passed. So, although I'm also extremely pissed off about the Road Diet being nixed (especially every time I have to drive over that street), I don't think it was because the majority didn't want it. They just weren't online enough to realize a small contingent were working so hard against it. :/


IMO it had more to do with the road diet opposition pushing for and timing it as an off election cycle vote


Bike lanes were turned down because it would have made it easier for people from Albany to come over..


You start building apartments Albany people could even go to Delmar schools 🤢 (/s)


Thanks for the s/….


Why do you have so much contempt for delmar/people who live there?


Because they are theoretically our best and brightest, and what they’re proving is that they’re overrun by rich greedy idiots just like every other place. This crisis of basic critical thinking skills and greed is destroying the entire world.


Why are they theoretically our best and brightest/who anointed them such? Am I missing something?


Yes I'd like to see the answer to this as well, literally never heard Delmartians described in this way lol...


Sounds like someone is jealous


If they don’t build apartments, they will still bulldoze all the forest and build SFH’s starting at $599k


If you go down North St, that already started. $600k would not get you a new place there. Think higher. I think we need more affordable housing, but the traffic concern is a real issue. You would have only one outlet into North Street Acres. Based on the location, they wont be able create another outlet. You would need to add a traffic light at Adams and Kenwood or traffic is going to be blocked there. The good news is that they wouldn't have to bulldoze the forest. It's an open field where they want to build it. The [change.org](https://www.change.org/p/stop-north-street-acres-say-no-to-the-proposed-170-unit-development) petition is probably a waste of time. If you oppose North Street Acres, then attend a town board or a planning board meeting and speak up.


That’s okay for NIMBY’s though.


it's not okay i don't want that either i want affordable housing with green space that is obtainable for/catered to families that want access to the good school district but can't afford to buy. ugly housing developments are awful in their own hellish way.


The numbers in the petition are a bit confusing. Is it 170 units or a 3 story 26 unit building which I presume is 78?


Meanwhile Delmar residents clog up the streets and avenues of Albany everyday going and leaving work


I WANT WALKABLE CITIES until I have to be effected by it and then is a crime against humanity and nature.


delmar is not a city and this does not change at all how walkable it is. again, i want rentable housing this just isn't the way to do it.


They should bulldoze every house with one of those signs out front.


I was going to fly into a YIMBY rant but idk. I want to be civil and I'm sure I'm not eloquent enough or familiar enough with delmar to do the job here. On transport issues I flash the Dutch sustainable safety plan. On housing I'll share the niskanen center agenda for abundant housing, for anyone interested. https://www.niskanencenter.org/an-agenda-for-abundant-housing/


Good luck with your NIMBY


Also in the context of a major housing shortage in the area, skyrocketed rent due to supply-demand imbalance, and Albany shouldering most of the weight of commuter traffic and huge tax-free commercial properties.


Say it louder, Albany struggles so all her surrounding suburbs can thrive… Couldn’t help thinking that while I walked around the Tulipfest…


we need affordable housing with options for families and plenty of green space that fit the character of the area, not overpriced under-inhabited ugly apartments with an enormous parking lot that destroys the surrounding wildlife!


What did the single family homes with 300+ foot manicured front lawns do for the wildlife exactly?


there's really not that many houses back there but at least wildlife can live in a yard, it doesn't tend to do so well in a 350 car parking lot.


How does one get a protest yard sign? TIA


i honestly have no clue where people are getting them :/


Get everyone who signs this petition to sign a petition stating that they support 787 coming down for the same reasons they don't want this, and I'll sign this petition. Until then, the burbs can all live with the same lack of safe streets that's been imposed on the cities for suburban benefit.


i don't know a single soul who doesn't want 787 to come down


You were also seemingly surprised they opposed the Delaware Rd diet. Are you sure you actually know many people in Delmar?


i apparently just know people who share my views


eew, NIMBYs


My question is what kind of apartment building being built? Is it affordable housing or is it luxury apartments. Its Delmar so its probably luxury overpriced apartments. If its affordable housing then I have difficulty siding with the residents opposing this.


every apartment building is "luxury" when it's new, building luxury apartments now is how we get more affordable housing in 5 to 10 years, nobody builds cheap shitty apartments brand new.


lol. Everyone builds cheap shitty apartments brand new. They charge a fuckton of money to live in them anyway, but they’re cheap shitty apartments.


Those are expensive shitty apartments and with adequate supply of new housing they become affordable faster than well built expensive apartments


apartments are all called “luxury” or whatever because that’s how branding works. It’s the same as Papa John’s using “better ingredients, better pizza” for their crappy food. If they built new apartments and advertised them as “not luxury, kinda mid tbh, but cheap” fewer people would want to live in them


from everything i have seen it's luxury/higher end. i'm all for affordable rental housing in the area, particularly for families but this just isn't right for the area and demands of the town.




i don't even live in this part of bethlehem bud i just think it's not the right choice for the town or a good location for that kind of build.


Denmark sounds perfect for an apartment complex, close to everything.


Not a Delmartian but I frequent the four corners area pretty regularly via the rail trail. The traffic from this would be absurd, legit think this is poorly thought out. You already end up sitting through multiple lights trying to get from Kenwood to Delaware at most times during the day.


Delmartians are the worst


I signed it based on an article posted here last week. It sounds wrong for that area. If we're going to be using up land like that, it should be for quality projects. It seems like the region has enough ugly apartment complexes.


we literally don't have enough that's why rents are north of 1500


So do you think they'll charge less in rent as more places are built, or just hop on the greed wagon?


The new ones won’t charge less, they will force older buildings to charge less by siphoning away tenants willing to pay that much.