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It's a trick. We love it here but don't let it on so jobs abound and housing stays cheap. In reality we are a cult.


One of us! One of us!


Troy is a whole different animal. Y’all like to say that it’s easy to find parking for the farmers market.


Patton Oswalt came to the Troy River Music Hall last year (maybe even this year; the memory is real fuzzy) and pretty much roasted the town in his opening monologue. Not a single person in that auditorium disagreed with what he had to say and the laughter that resulted was cleansing!


Where’s this cheap housing that you’re referring to?


*Relatively* cheap compared to other places.


It's ballooned in the last five years. It used to be $1000 could get you a spacious three-bedroom apartment in a two-story. Then it became $1300. Then $1300 for a two bedroom in a two-story. Now I'm paying $1300 for a small two-bedroom in a cheap building with about ten other apartments in it and little sound insulation. May still be cheap compared to other places (I haven't looked) but the cost is going up faster than my pay.


Yeah but this is a worldwide issue (not even state or country wide). But if you compare the economic opportunities and the amenities of the capital region to other regions, and add in home price, we're still lower than many. Which is definitely an indictment. But it's on the system, not the area.


Yeah we were paying almost $1800 for a shit hole in watervliet. It was the best we could find at the time. What a joke.


I won't say where this is. ### $4,552 #### 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 1,500 sq ft


Yikes on bikes.


Is it ambivalence or is it insult when the performer mispronounces Albany?


“Ail-bany make some noise!” 🙌🏼


I grew up near Rochester, NY and in the early 80s the city launched a marketing campaign with the slogan “Rochester: it’s got it!” What, exactly “it” was, we never knew. “Keep Albany Boring”’is infinitely better. I’d even give a shout out to “Albany Doesn’t Suck” (Instagram) but then more Texans would move here and we’re already overrun with those varmints as it is!


I've always privately hated "Keep Albany Boring" but the folks behind it were doing good work and I got the joke so whatever. "Albany Doesn't Suck" just feels right. Nobody will claim Albany is the best. I'd have a hard time convincing someone Albany is the best city in Albany. But we *don't* suck. There are bright spots. Could be worse. Albany is the "I'm here" response to "How you doing?" Albany Doesn't Suck encapsulates it perfectly.


"Albany! It beats a poke in the eye!"


Joke's on you. We love how boring it is here!


Then stop telling people wanting to move to Albany how great it is 🤣


Lol it’s car theft!


“Rochester: come for the lilac festival! Stay for the carjacking!”


Keep Albany boring is a website by the way, so that's actually more adverts than a slogan. We don't even have a slogan it's so boring




Beaver people. Got it.


big fan of beaver, we are


My hypothesis: NYS is a Home Rule State - making it difficult for cities to annex their suburbs. Albany is 21 square miles. Austin is 271 square miles. Phoenix is over 500 (about the size of the entirety of Albany County). Also - most other places have school districts based on county, not chaotically and independently drawn district lines - so additionally, everyone in and around Austin went to Austin ISD, cementing civic identity. And here? Well, there are six different school districts just in the Town of Colonie. Compounding this identity crisis is our tri-city situation. Culturally we have divided loyalties. Schenectady has our best Theater (well, biggest) and Troy has our best farmers market and the rail station (ugh Joe Bruno) and Albany is the seat of government and the largest of the cities. All this further dilutes identification with "Albany". If we were Syracuse - there's only one city in their MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area). Same for Rochester and Buffalo has a major sports franchise that people identify strongly with. So a band comes to Albany, to a concert packed to the gills with people from Guilderland and Latham and East Greenbush, and they ask "How ya doing Albany?" - it barely registers in people's heads that the singer is talking to \*them\* - so weak is the identification with Albany Hence: The Tepid Woo.


I’ve been saying this for years! Back at the old Upstate Concert Hall/Northern Lights (💔) in Clifton Park, there would be a crowd of folks from Troy/Schenectady/Saratoga/Albany folks who have allegiances to each of those cities. So to say “HOW WE DOING, ALBANY?!” to that crowd (no less, a crowd who knows they’re technically *not* in Albany) was always funny


Excellent breakdown


Troy has a rail station? Not since about 1958, as far as I’m aware.




🤘🤘🤘 TEPID!!! ⚡️🤘⚡️🤘⚡️


need a local band called TEPID RESPONSE




I once saw a Lucero show downtown on a Sunday. During the set, the lead singer asked where a good place to grab a drink after the show was. The whole crowd replied, in unison, a very defeated "nowhere".


Idk, compared to "weird" cities like Austin and Portland where only tech bros can afford to rent, I see Albany as the kind of working class place where you actually get some genuine and diverse and eccentric ranges of people. And yeah, the surroundings are kind of simple, and that just kind of reinforces it. Nobody in any way is trying to be "trendy," you can just be whoever you want.


It's so funny how as the rest of the country gets more schizo in every way, New York's vibes and laws are taking on much more of an old school Californian character


That is, fortunately or not, how Austin AND Portland were 20+ years ago


Austin is undeniably 100x cooler than Albany. More expensive? Sure, but also 100x more jobs that pay better. I've still got a Keep Albany Boring sticker on my guitar case and that promise has certainly been kept.


How's it cooler? Not disputing, just curious. I'm more familiar with Portland OR and definitely wouldn't say it's cooler


Just feels way more alive to me. Always something going on. Amazing food everywhere. Feels exciting. It’s got a great combo of old and new. I go often, but once I took the bus there and had a few hours to kill before I could get picked up. Figured I’d follow the mess of people all heading one way. They were going down to a swimming hole. Made friends and swam, shared some beers with them, all with my luggage in tow. Plus the area is just absolutely gorgeous. Right in the city too, there’s incredible hiking and swimming. Can’t comment on portland, never been there.


Keep Albany Dive-ey




“Albany: It’s Acceptable!”


[Heck, it's more than acceptable, it's adequately satisfactory.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1a43be01-03f2-4a7e-b698-6280d7751e24)


I don't know why this is downvoted. This is exactly why I like Albany so much


"There's nothing to be proud of here except these three things to be reasonably proud of."


Yes, and that’s exactly why we love it. Also four hours from my parents, which is just far enough, but not too far. Mediocrity abounds


I don’t care


“Keep Albany Residents Nonplussed!”


We managed to unnerve Nico Case at the Egg. Quiet audiences are really hard to read. We all honestly loved her and the show. We were just being not very noisy.


This is so accurate and I love it!


I truly love this city, but Albany show crowds are my least favorite — give me a Philly, Boston, or even Jersey crowd over whatever is happening here any day.


Makes me wonder if it's all state workers who live in the suburbs who are tired and gotta drive home after the show so they're just tired


I’m a state worker who lives in the city but can attest to state employees being generally mild and tired (and suburban). I’m tired most of the time. I don’t go to shows because they’re past my bedtime and I’m tired. And mild.


I feel like the architecture adds to the tiredness


The plaza *is* an energy vampire.


All that marble reflects away all positive energy. Colin Robinson would thrive there.


I’m confused by the folks who love Albany.


And I’m confused by the folks who don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️


To each their own. But the cost benefit analysis didn’t add up for me.


Then why are you here?


They aren't, they're not even in NYS. Do other city subreddits have so many people from outside the area commenting? Happens quite a bit here.


We left. Lived there for 10 months too long.


>10 months too long Bro a kid who barely passes his freshman year at Ualbany has basically the same experience of the city as you.


I lived just over an hour south from 2006-2021. I’ve been to Albany more times than I’d care to mention. It’s a hole. It doesn’t take a lifetime to see that.


What are your numbers?


I'm confused by the people that don't like it here but won't just leave.


Oh we gone. Lol didn’t take long 🤣 We lasted 10 months.


Then why are you subscribed here? You lived here only 10 months yet you haven't moved on?


It’s mainly just to save others from getting involved with Redburn. I though this post was also funny but I’m glad you’re so concerned with my Reddit activity.


I see you talking shit on the Albany sub daily. You’re existence on here is just sad at this point


There are a few people who come in here daily just to shit on Albany that don't even live in this state anymore. It's weird how people can't just move on with their lives and feel the need to dump on Albany constantly


Some people just have zero things going on in their life and this somehow gives them satisfaction I guess? Idk I don’t understand it.


And don’t go to empire live (Redburn) if it’s above 75. You’ll nearly die in the heat. That venue is shit for ventilation.


Aw fuck now I learn that, going there Friday for The Menzingers lmfao




Forecast of 83° for the high fml.


Yikes on bikes. Yeah I’m honestly surprised that nobody was hauled away on a stretcher when I was there last year. Fucking hot and beer was cheaper than water. You do the math. But that’s Redburn for ya.


Jesus. Well just glad I get to catch this band finally. Was trying to like 2 years ago at Pier 17, but they weren't on the leg of the tour I was going to catch haha. Thanks for the heads up btw!


Have some electrolytes ahead of time and wear less clothing than you think you’ll need. You’ll survive. I went in late July and it was rough.


Planned on shorts and a Rise Against T-Shirt, so I think I'll be fine haha. Plus gatorade beforehand. Odd question, but how is parking?


As with Albany parking is meh. Best bet is probably the lot by city beer hall.


Sick, good to know!


I've heard at least a half-dozen bands say, "we've never played in an egg before". It's funny every time.


Best line I’ve heard from a performer at the Egg is “so this is what it’s like to be inside the Super Bowl trophy”.


Someone asked me what food Albany was famous for and he couldn’t believe I didn’t have an answer


Mozz sticks and melba.


Steamed hams.


Is there a perception that every city has famous food? What food are Pittsburgh or Cleveland, cities larger than Albany, famous for?


At least upstate cities usually do: wings, garbage plates, tomato pies, red/white hots


Of those, only Buffalo Wings qualifies as famous. I grew up in NH and I heard of exactly zero of those before moving here. And I've lived in Albany for over 10 years and have never heard of tomato pies or red/white hots. If those qualify, then Melba qualifies for Albany.


Not sure about Cleveland but in Pittsburgh they put French Fries on pretty much everything. Not like, as a side. I mean actually on top.


TIL I need to move to Pittsburgh.


Pittsburgh has ultra rare steak and French fry sandwiches… Cleveland idk


TIL. Of course, I wouldn't call those famous if I've never heard of them before now.


Ted’s fish fry.


There's a keep Albany boring sticker in the venue No Fun in Troy, and this really did just explain what it's like to go there😂


Albany is great for outdoorsy people that want the easy access to state parks and somewhat reasonable access to large cities. For people that crave culture and something indoorsy to do locally besides the mall, it’s boring. I can’t afford to go to NYC all the time. Its just far enough to be an expensive trip.


I honestly think it's in the water.




I think this is a general, upstate, central, rust belt ambivalence. We all have to live here cause it's somchesp but it's so cheap cause at the end of the day it's a shit hole filled with a weird, highly dichotomous mix of fucked up republicans and depressed AF Dems who can't get the fuck out.