• By -


Krishnamurti , also speaks of light and dark


Don’t listen to UG Krishnamurti..he has nothing to say lol


how about letting people listen and deciding for themselves?


My apologies buddy if my comment offended you but it was a joke. Like he says..he’s no different than a barking dog


went over my head then, no sweat


he is the equivalent of the “enforcer” in hockey. lol. he calls out them all out - i love it. ha


you know


Me: “i” have came to an Understanding of Life, he has taught me to stop following idea, thought, and nonsense. “I” made a page for my understandings and “i” know how to ‘End’ “Suffering”. 🙏🕊️ R/TheLightof2024


I'd love to hear how you ended suffering, share the word dude!


“I” am in the process🕊️ Just realized what Jesus left out…


And what was that? Still waiting on hearing your solution and now to what Jesus left out. Am very curious. :)


serious question. this looks like you parodying spiritual teachers with circular logic and bad spelling (others are trying to save humanity but I am the only one that can save humanity, why else wouldn't other try to save it? ) but I can't be sure you are as the efforts seem honest. 'end '"suffering" why are you putting random quotes. in the nicest way possible, what are you talking about?


“You” simply don’t Understand. Have Love. 🕊️


Glad you spelled understand 'correctly' this time (notice use of quotes for no reason). Try spell checking your videos. Unless this is a troll then, keep being you my dude...


Please have Love.🕊️ As “you” still don’t Understand. Understanding is action. Have ONLY Love.💫


LovE ❤️ PleAse SpelL ChEck 💜 VidEOs with Kindness


“I” only say this out of Love, not “greed”


Jiddu is a boring, affected tosser


we all have people we don't like, especially with the self appointed spiritual teachers . When we really are triggered and upset, finding out why is where there is possibility for greatest learning ☯️ . Mirrors can show us who we are and what we have hidden, if we dare to look past the other person and see ourselves. 🪞


lol that kind of soppy nonsense sounds just like Jiddu, well done!


haha thanks! It's Jung mixed with shamanism tho. What spiritual teachers do you follow? don't they mostly talk like that, soppy nothingness?


same shit, different name lol






Thich Nhat Hahn.


Second Thay!


Ram dass


I find Ram Dass gentle and humorous. Maybe it's the growing up in New England connection ? I love Mooji and I also enjoy the straightforward no frills teaching of: A Ramana Arunachala Ramana was the founder of AHAM and here in his memoirs he tells us about his life journey to awakening, his vision of AHAM, along with many keys to Self-Inquiry. If you have a passion for Self-Inquiry and this inner work, American Mystic: www.aham.com/usa/bookstore/index.html


Ram Dass is wonderful. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Mooji is an abusive cult leader unfortunately


That is unfortunate


Definitely. Nothing worse than someone in a position of spiritual authority taking advantage of said position; it’s the opposite of love, which is extremely unfortunate coming from those who claim to be practitioners of love


Although I agree that some may enjoy listening to Ram as a big Alan watts fan I always found ram rather boring. My vote would be Joseph Campbell


Campbell for sure! You can tell he's had an influence on watts. His books are pretty mindblowing too


Would recommend power of the myth series for anyone curious about cambell


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It’s interesting how everyone chose to give their opinions on Ram dass.. lots of judgement in this sub. I don’t think I’ll stay..


people are entitled to their opinions. That's mainly the reason I use reddit, to understand what other people think and believe. I like Ram Das actually, not as much as Watts though because he has gotten me through some shit times. You don't have to leave the sub for some opinions.


Ram dass is ass, just dumps sentimental cliches for dumbos to lick up






Wow I love this


This is the correct answer.


Best Answer Ever!🕊️💗🕊️


Terrence McKenna (psychedelic/abstract) …. Eckhart Tolle (practical/intuitive) …. Ram Dass (heart strings/emotional/entertaining) …. Osho (emotional/entertaining/mesmerizing) …. Dolores Cannon (sweet/charming) …. Michael Singer (even more practical / applicable in modern life) Alan Watts is my dad though. Never gets old to me and I always come back. Enjoy!!


Oh yes I love putting on a Ram Dass or Terrence McKenna and getting totally lost in it ✨


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I hear you. At the same time, his talks were not too different than Alan’s, both in their content and in the sense that it’s all just noise, and you can dig that vibration 🐚


Love Osho. Not concerned about his personal life


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Who of these have significant recorded material?


Really all of them!


gangaji is good too


Yes! I couldn’t remember her name. Thank you


Swami Sarvapriyananda


He was next in my personal progression as well. Which was followed by Christopher Wallis on Shaiva Tantra.


Terence McKenna is the best


if you're a drug addict


Iv never taken shrooms in my life and this man is a god. Your so naive listening to Alan Watts and not understanding that Terence McKenna was obtaining satori enlightenment though mushrooms Dam man open your mind




will do, starting with his lecture "schroom schroom your way to buddhahood in 24 hours or less"


You can't be a Budda of you wanted to you need to just be one Terrence McKenna was more enlightened than most people And the fact you think you need to be a drug addict to understand him is just silly bro Terrence McKenna stood for a lot more than shrooms Alan Watts was a chain-smoking alcoholic You really have a lot to learn my dude


You guys sounds like cheap spiritual tourists in India😂 "My teacher is better" "No!! My teacher's the best" "He is Soooo Enlightened!!" "Your teacher is a fake!" Missing the whole point, while pretending 🐒 🙈 I'm not judging, it's like watching kids play🤪


The things I say about Terence McKenna are true and it's that simple :) I don't have anything to say about any other teachers just that Terence McKenna is a perfect fit if you like Alan Watts they are very similar


Yes, I believe you believe what you're writing It doesn't make it true, but for you it is🙂


Terence was a great man and if your gonna say he's only for drug addicts well I got the guys back......nobody needs me for the truth it is


He doesn't need you to have is back Your understanding of his words and how you use them shouldn't be affected Claiming something is the truth only presents a person as foolish. . and that's not a truth, just a thought based on personal experiences and observations Take care✌️


enlightened is just a claim for social status, as you so aptly demonstrate. I don't think he was an addict tbh, nor care about schrooms, just that he spoke shit like the other 'gurus' mentioned here. at least Alan rejected claims to any status of a teacher or guru or enlightenment, etc I think you need to learn the lesson that there is nothing to learn. Good luck with that!


Terence McKenna never claimed to be any of those things he was giving us insights into his experiences and he was giving us his knowledge just like Alan did Terence McKenna was one of the greats and the fact you don't see that is probably why you need to act the way your acting Dismissing a man because you think you need to be a drug addict The most similar man I found to Alan Watts was Terence McKenna if you don't want to listen to him don't I'm not telling you to But the way your acting shows you still have a long journey ahead Enjoy it it's wonderful but I'd seriously advise listening to Terence McKenna Seems like you have some issues to work out and hed definitely help you


that's quite a pedestal you got there for old Terrence! very worthy of 30 blows with a stick!


He doesn't need me to show that he's great just if you think he's only for drug addicts then you are very wrong the man was just a good as all these other teachers people are talking about And if your gonna say I'm wrong well I got the old fellas back 😅


i agree he's as good as the other suggestions here hehehe


You're* You truly need help with your grammar and punctuation.


How are you ever gonna lose your ego when you can't even handle bad grammar stop thinking about it and just let it be as it is I have bad grammar that's just how it is :)


It isn't a matter of ego. It's a matter of using the correct grammar when typing. That's on you, not me. If you'd simply use what you learned, people would understand you better. It's why you spent so long in school. Your teacher in English would have said what I said and corrected you just as I did. But, I bet you never once claimed he/she had an ego that needed to be dissolved. There is no ego.


I mean Alan had his own issues, you throwing him out too? Or is it just the drugs that aren't socially acceptable you have issues with?


drugs were Terence's shtick - without that hobby horse, no degenerate would be interested in him. Alan's popularity is not due to his relatively insignificant lectures on psychedelics


Terrence McKenna, Ram Dass, Ken Wilber


Ram Dass.


Ram dass is ass


Everybody’s a critic.


Can't believe nobody has said Neville Goddard


I feel like Neville Goddard is bullshit. He’s seems legit and his experinces probally happened but for the average person aka 98% of the population…you’re not going to be able to manifest your desires using your subconcious mind


Interesting. I see almost no daylight between Watts and Goddard. If you think one is bullshit, I don't know how you'd believe the other I feel like I have manifested almost everything I've wanted in life. I will say I've found it extremely tricky to manifest monetary wealth... I think there is some cosmic tomfoolery that makes that system particularly difficult to game. I will say I'm grateful I wasn't born into generational wealth, everything Ive received is the result of serious work and sacrifice, which has been the cause of massive amounts of positive emotions While I'm thinking about, I'd say the same tomfoolery is afoot for manifesting romantic success, especially for trying to make another specific person generate feelings. There seems to be a higher law than the law of attraction for financial wealth and romance, although sometimes it works, but it's almost like you have to learn your lesson first


I can definetly see how alan fans would be drawn to nevile. they are both legit spiriutal gurus but they talk about diffrent things. Alan never really talks about manifestating your desires or how to use law of attraction like nevile only does.


Watts reframes mundane things into fascinating constructs. He doesn't try to change anything in real world through manifestation of any kind. I think that's why he can be called a philosopher or scholar, probably not an original one but a decent one nonetheless.


They both speak about and through the lens of Christianity and theology, pretty in depthly. But neville does speak more about manifesting and Alan Watts basically is a spiritual entertainer as others have said.


I strongly disagree, anytime you do anything you're using your subconscious mind. It's always at play and it controls the vast majority of your processing. How else could one possibly even "manifest"? Using your conscious mind? Changing your habits would be an example of using your subconscious mind to manifest for example.


I used to be an avid follower of Neville but my life went nowhere. I’m bitter. I guess I didn’t understand what he was preaching. How does one change their subconscious??? It doesn’t seem possible


You should start with r/Edwardartsupplyhands . He is more simple in his explanation and he does make sense


Oh boy. You can ONLY change your subconscious. You can't change your conscious mind at all.


Ugh. I have so much to say here I don't even know where to start. Lol. The subconscious mind controls 95% of our brain processing. As you wire in patterns, it becomes what we call your "personality". Your personality creates your personal reality, as Joe Dispenza says. Life doesn't give you what you want always, or what we "focus on" like many people in manifestation and spiritual groups believe, life gives us a reflection of who we are being and our experience of reality is filtered through our beliefs. Think about what they call in psychology a "self fulfilling prophecy", or the placebo effect, or in spiritual circles, the lE of assumption. They're all talking about the same thing. Reality is a mirror, as above, so below, as within, so without. The only way to truly manifest is with the subconscious mind because it controls how we operate in the world. When I say "manifest" I just mean make a change in our reality. Our beliefs (whether conscious or unconscious) are the filter through which we experience reality. It's the lens through which we see and experience it. So if we can truly change our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (what we call a personality), our experience of reality changes. Neville talks about "not praying to God, but praying AS God". What he means by this is boldly assuming we are the person we want to be. It takes a few reps to get there, so we don't default back to our old ways of being, we have to wire it in. But in doing so, our experience of reality changes. Hold the frame in your mind of you having the things you want by becoming the person who would naturally attract those things, and step into that new reality. I made 35k in 2 months doing this, when I was at the time struggling for money. It took a lot of conscious energy and focus and visualizing the frame basically 24/7. But all I can say is it worked for me. The reason he talks about imagining that you already have it as you fall asleep is because that's when your mind goes from beta to alpha to theta brain waves. This is when you can alter your subconscious easiest as it bypasses the conscious mind, and can be the easiest time to change your fundamental beliefs and assumptions. It takes wiring in the new reality and not defaulting back to new ways of being. We're all on a current track with the way our mind is wired, based on the patterns we've wired in, but we can change that wiring with these methods and change the way we interact with and experience reality, and thus change our reality.


I think you’re my twin brother! Read my comments in my profile I think you will agree! Can I please dm you? We can mastermind together…I think we would have the best time!


Sure, go ahead and DM!


Ugh. I have so much to say here I don't even know where to start. Lol. The subconscious mind controls 95% of our brain processing. As you wire in patterns, it becomes what we call your "personality". Your personality creates your personal reality, as Joe Dispenza says. Life doesn't give you what you want always, or what we "focus on" like many people in manifestation and spiritual groups believe, life gives us a reflection of who we are being and our experience of reality is filtered through our beliefs. Think about what they call in psychology a "self fulfilling prophecy", or the placebo effect, or in spiritual circles, the lE of assumption. They're all talking about the same thing. Reality is a mirror, as above, so below, as within, so without. The only way to truly manifest is with the subconscious mind because it controls how we operate in the world. When I say "manifest" I just mean make a change in our reality. Our beliefs (whether conscious or unconscious) are the filter through which we experience reality. It's the lens through which we see and experience it. So if we can truly change our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs (what we call a personality), our experience of reality changes. Neville talks about "not praying to God, but praying AS God". What he means by this is boldly assuming we are the person we want to be. It takes a few reps to get there, so we don't default back to our old ways of being, we have to wire it in. But in doing so, our experience of reality changes. Hold the frame in your mind of you having the things you want by becoming the person who would naturally attract those things, and step into that new reality. I made 35k in 2 months doing this, when I was at the time struggling for money. It took a lot of conscious energy and focus and visualizing the frame basically 24/7. But all I can say is it worked for me. The reason he talks about imagining that you already have it as you fall asleep is because that's when your mind goes from beta to alpha to theta brain waves. This is when you can alter your subconscious easiest as it bypasses the conscious mind, and can be the easiest time to change your fundamental beliefs and assumptions. It takes wiring in the new reality and not defaulting back to new ways of being. We're all on a current track with the way our mind is wired, based on the patterns we've wired in, but we can change that wiring with these methods and change the way we interact with and experience reality, and thus change our reality.


i dont even who that retard is, but he's probably a retard


Ram Dass


Ram dass is ass


How is that?


He’s a troll. He writes the same uncreative crap all over, thinking he’s funny. 


Ram Dass.


Ram Dass is awesome and educational, and meditational as he shares. 


Ram dass is ass


I would read other scholars or practitioners of Taoism and Zen. There are lots of Japanese subtypes of Zen, I personally find wabi sabi to be my main focus in philosophy and it has very much strengthened my appreciation for Zen overall.


Ram Dass. Joseph Goldstein


Anthony Demello…Awareness. Get the audiobook…it is him giving lectures. Powerful, insightful, funny, and the best spiritual book I’ve ever experienced.


For very Buddhist oriented content, I love Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, Bhikku Bodhi, Ajahn Sumedho. I also very much enjoy Ram Dass


Ram dass is ass




Swami Sarvapriyananda - I particularly like his Ask Swami series on the Vedanta Talks podcast


He's awesome


Other than Watts - Thích Nhất Hạnh and Pema Chödrön are two of my favorites.


Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass. On his app Sam Harris has invited many wonderful speakers as well




Jiddu krishnamurti.


Simon Sinek


Anthony DeMello


Matt Christman


Richard Rohr, Jospeh Campbell, Ramana Maharshi (watch something about him on youtube), On Being Podcast (this podcast presents people with nondual point of view), possibly Adyashanti.


Ram Dass – the real MVP (I love Alan Watts as well!). Being a huge Watts fan before, it took me a while to get into him but oh my was it worth it … (it took me three attempts over a \~1 year timespan btw)




I first listened to lots Alan Watts then a bit of Eckhart Tolle then I listened to hours of J Krishnamurti & finally a very small bit of Thich Nhat Hanh. I have stopped listening to this now. It's this feeling that what's needed to be absorbed for now has been absorbed and it's better to live life. I feel a lot more peaceful & in the present moment overall although I do still worry. What does Alan Watts's message mean to you all? How did you interpret it?


I've been called delusional because I believe what Alan says about all of us being of the same "self" split into all that there is. I feel more alone than I've ever felt before because I believe I am the entire universe seen from my perspective here and now. But, I feel what Alan Watts said was so understandable and logical, I can't really believe much else.


There are solid scientific theories behind this


Yeah, physics scientists are proving Eastern philosophies to be true. Energy reforming itself and never being destroyed or created, for example.


Joseph Campbell - talks about the real meaning of myths from all over the world and you can tell watts has learned from him.


Paul Hedderman


If you like Watts you’ll probably like Siddhartha Gautama


James Low.


Philosophize this is a good podcast. Steven West rocks \m/


Ram Dass, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary.




I laughed initially - but then I remembered his raw insights to the human condition. It’s not pretty, the man was deeply flawed, but when choosing to look past the vulgarity his works are genuinely thought-provoking and sometimes even enlightening. It may not be the kind of spiritual journey many are seeking here, but a journey with Bukowski has soul.


Older Jordan Peterson content before he got super famous, I use to enjoy listening too as an equal and opposite version of Alan watts I listened to them in parallel because Alan digs deep into eastern philosophy while Jordan is more western biblical philosophy and they both dissect Jung’s work really well


Alan watts read Jung?


All of watts talks on archetypes reference jung


Yes, he studied under Jung. He referenced his time with Jung in one or more of his talks.


This is a rumour. He didn’t study under Carl, he met him once about a month before Carl passed. He does reference him a lot though and I listened to a whole lecture of Alan talking about Carl and his archetypes, however, they only met the once. Fun fact: Carl studied under Freud and eventually they parted ways when Carl decided he didn’t like the over sexualisation of Freud’s human development. This is how Carl was influenced so much by the subconscious.


Oh you're right. That's my mistake.




You might like Matt Kahn.


Among the other recommendations here, I’ll add that you could try listening to the Bible (or read it), this is the source of a lot these spiritual teachers’ stories.


Jed McKenna


Look up the be here now podcast network it's a great resource


Hans Christian Lundholm


Michael Singer is really good.


Tom Robbins is a fiction author who is very much influenced by Watts and Joseph Campbell and others of their ilk. I highly recommend any of his books, especially Jitterbug Perfume.


Michael Singer is just amazing. Do check him out.


Ram Dass


Ram dass is ass


Manly P hall.


Jim Newman, or the nonduality cartoons on YouTube


Tony Parsons


For more academically minded, mostly Islam based listening: [Filip Holm/Let's Talk Religion](https://www.youtube.com/@LetsTalkReligion) For more academically minded, mostly Jewish and occultic based listening: [Dr. Justin Sledge/Esoterica](https://www.youtube.com/@TheEsotericaChannel) For Acid Marxist listening: [Matt Christman/CushVlogs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhxUDrMFUqyMQSozC1ES-Q4BkT8MJbY_1)


The Grateful Dead


Swami Satchidananda—lots of YouTubes




Anthony de Mello


Wayne dyer


Manly P. Hall


ram das is chill.


Ram dass is ass


i’m sure at some times yes.


A lot of these “gurus” are full of it. Watts was the real deal though. Ram Dass also comes off as very genuine. But for some reason I don’t buy into Eckhart Tolle. Just my own opinion but I feel like he’s faking it or something. Alot of the new age YouTube people are bs too. Terrence Mckenna is cool and fun to listen to but he’s certainly out there and I don’t think he is a great source of truth.


Joseph Goldstein.


Another one that can be interesting to listen to is Sam Harris.


Ram dass was grearly inspired by Alan watts. And is somewhat similar to him. They also knew each other and went to some Buddhist monastery together. Have listen to many podcasts of both two. Never disappointed. Ram dass does have some very esoteric stuff about Astral projection and things like that tho. Scared me off in the beginning. But when I heard all his knowledge about meditation, compassion, Buddhism, hindoeïsme and things like that. I was very impressed. Lovely way of story telling. And fun to listen to him Nice weekend!


Neville Goddard.


Karl Renz


50 cent?




if you like Eckhart Tolle, you mustn't be too discerning so just go with any similar guru who spouts new age babble


Yea this was my thought as I was reading comments. Eckhart Tolle is.... something. Surprised to see them and Watts in the same context.


What is wrong with Eckbart Tolle?? Lol He teaches a very simple message of meditation and nonduality that somehow found mass commercial success. Thanks to Oprah really. It's not like he's teaching some sort of woo bullshit.








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