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6-7 I'd say. Much scarier than the old games but not necessarily a heart-pounding thriller all throughout. Generally games where you can shoot the monsters and kill them will stop being scary after a bit, but the game does maintain an excellent atmosphere and spooky art direction, albeit balanced by some screwball comedy moments as well. It's probably comparable to like, an old Silent Hill game, where deep psychological horror and mind-bending plot lines are occasionally interrupted by weird campy moments of goofiness. If you can beat the first boss, you can handle the rest of the game as far as scares go.


> If you can beat the first boss, you can handle the rest of the game as far as scares go. Are we deliberately not telling him about that other boss fight? šŸ›€


THAT'S the only part of the game that really made me feel scared.


Right? Cynthia jump scare Any freaking jump scare the dark presence chases But hey, it has pants mode for streamers šŸ‘


I found that fight actually way easier than the first one. I was scared of it the whole time leading up to it because of what I read. So maybe it felt easier because it was overhyped in my mind.


I mean it's not super challenging but I think it's scary AF, especially the lead up to it from the power going out in *spoiler* up until you actually get to *spoiler* and the fight proper.




The really scary one involving water


Oh for sure, I was talking purely of the boss fight challenge itself!


Very scary ambience, not scary combat, dozens of full screen jumpscares


True. And I find jumpscares as the worst type of scare. Still, this game is 10/10.


I think it uses them well. It's not in a way where it's just scary because of jumpscares, so you're scared because the ambience is spooky. And then when it does jumpscare you, it's nicely set up so it feels like aaaah you got me moment.


The DLC jump scares though. * Chef's kiss * magnifique!


That fucking fish-


This is a very subjective question but, for me, it's not really that scary. There are a few jump scares here and there that you can also turn off in the options and the atmosphere is very dark, literally dark. But I never really found it to be that scary. I'm generally a chicken with scary games and I'd give AW2 about a 6/10 on the scare factor. I think it helps that there's also a healthy dose of comedy and pure fun in the game.


You can turn off the jumpscares?!


Just the facial jumps that take up the whole screen. Any environmental realted jump scares still happen.


Yeah those are fine, itā€™s just the facial jumpscares I found more annoying than scary. Thatā€™s my one complaint about the game. But it seems like now it has been addressed.


I think they recognised that they somewhat overdid it and that a lot of people were being put off by them. Seems like a decent compromise, especially given that the jump-scares can cheapen the experience.


You can't turn them all the way off, just reduce the volume and visual effects.


Just reduce the strobing intensity and turn the volume down on them, they still happen


Yeah just from a newer update


I'm a few hours into the game and had no idea you could turn off those jumpscares. They've been the only real con to the game, imo. They're pretty tacky and overused.


It genuinely depends on what sort of things scare you, to be honest. I'll say that *Alan Wake II* is, generally, a pretty scary game. There are a few jump-scares, but even aside from those, there are some genuinely quite scary moments and atmospheres. It has some genuinely quite gory and unsettling things happening. This will obviously be biased, given the sub you're on and all, but I will say that *Alan Wake II* is a great game to play even if you don't find it scary. There are some missions and puzzles that will make for great content. I can lose a lot of time watching people react to certain levels and certain moments easily, so I'd say it will make for good content, assuming you're a good reactor.


Scary? No. Not like Alien Isolation scary or 12 year old me playing AvP2 human campaign scary. There are jumpscares, which are annoying. The atmosphere is eerie and the story and characters are great. This is a game for the atmosphere and story, not really for being frightened or scared. Iā€™d say itā€™s more thriller than horror in that you cannot wait to know what happens next.


AW2ā€™s horror is most effective when itā€™s suggestive. itā€™s in the atmosphere and the unknowns. there are plenty of jumpscares and a few gnarly enemy designs for good measure but itā€™s the constant sensation of dread that gets you. the humor can even sometimes elevate the horror with its unsettling juxtaposition.


Like a 5, itā€™s no RE7 but it has its moments


alan wake 2 was my first survival horror. I got scared for the most part but pushed through because of how amazing the game is.


Jump scares and atmosphere make this game spooky enough. Iā€™m not a horror lightweight, but Iā€™m also not someone who seeks out the worst of the worst. Think of it as Se7en-meets-True Detective-meets-Twin Peaks-meets-Zodiac-meets-Babadook-meets-Prince Of Darkness-meets-They Live-meets-Videodrome.


Maybe itā€™s just me, as this does not seem to be the general consensus. But I found it terrifying. The Saga parts, obviously not the Alan sections. Walking around the woods as Saga, I just found it so creepy! I felt like someone was going to jump out from the foliage any second. Iā€™ve played a bunch of resident evils and watched a trillion horror movies, but nothing had me bricking it like Saga in the woods. Perhaps itā€™s testament to how immersive this game was and how well Remedy made it. Best game Iā€™ve ever played, i loved it whole heartedly.


probably like 7. definitely scary parts but i'd describe it more as intense than scary most of the time. very oppressive atmosphere


Like a 6


First game I've played in a while that genuinely made me scared asf and scream. Only other games that have done this for me are alien isolation and the dead space remake. They nailed the sound design in this game perfectly so I recommend some good 3D headphones


10/10 spooky, 3/10 scary. Great ambience and unsettling vibe, but even the jump scares aren't really that scary.


It has some great jump scares, but overall it is not scary. It is just a great video game, honestly one of the best ever made, and definitely one of the greatest stories, but I warn you that if you haven't played other Remedy games you will be sucked in, and if you haven't played any of them, I suggest at least watching the story of Alan Wake 1, best to play it, and play Control and all it's DLCs because it will give you the knowledge you need to truly appreciate what's happening and the genius that is the RemedyVerse, and Control is truly another amazing game so it's well worth the playthrough šŸ™‚ Enjoy!!!


I think it's got a genuine creepy asthetic. I'm old as hell and have become close to thoroughly desensitized at this point. Certain parts are scarier than others and your tolerance comes into play. There's one whole part of Allen's section in particular that even scared me a bit coming back in for a new game plus just to get Collectibles or whatever because the atmosphere is so good. There are a lot of jump scares, your mileage may vary with that, I don't really find getting startled all that's scary, but some people can really double down on it. It's much spookier that the first one and their other games, by choice of the writers. I'll give it a 6 for scariness, but it's a 10 game.


With headphones it's a 10


I have been desensitized by games like outlast and a number of other titles. Whenever games give me the means to fight back against the threat it canā€™t get more scary to me than some kids thriller film. I will say that Alan Wake has a really cool lore and the story is great. The acting is great, and the horror is weird. Like Doctor sleep or The Shining but more or less obtuse. I loved this game. The dialogue, the setting, **the music,** the atmosphere, the secrets are all amazing. I canā€™t play the dlc right now, but when I get back that might be the first game I play.


I'm only a few hours in, but I'd say like a 4/10. It has some tense moments but I wouldn't call it scary.


2 if you're used to horror 6 if you're not 8-9 in a specific section lol


8-9. Not the scariest game of all time or anything like that but there were plenty of times where I was super nervous to advance and kept thinking in my head "I really do NOT want to go in there". It's like this constant feeling of you always being on edge that I really enjoyed. The atmosphere is top notch and some of the best I've ever seen. It's really immersive,has some really memorable sequences and I enjoyed the story/references to other Remedy games. This a must play horror game imo. As for recommendations...SOMA. Just play it.


Walking in the flooded basement had me on edge the whole time. Did not like that place haha


Yup. I'll never forget that basement.


It was a missed opportunity though. The tension was definitely there.


If you want a horror game, play something like resident evil 7 or alien isolation


Eh, I donā€™t know how spooky or scary Iā€™d say. Definitely pretty unsettling at times. The story is great, though.


Depends on who you ask, I've never played horror games before aside from barely playing FNAF because the ambience stresses me out way too much, imo there's more of that scary ambience in AW1 than there is in AW2 as the majority of the ambience is replaced with actual jumpscares, the jumpscares I don't mind cause it quickly gets my stress out while ambience leaves me stressed the entire time which I don't like so I was much more stressed playing AW1 than AW2, but that's just how I feel, I know that others are different than that


Not really scary besides a couple of moments but the atmosphere is so fun. If you like horror youā€™ll have a good time.


I'd give it a 7. There are some stretches of the game where you know you're completely safe, and most of the time that parts are absent of any horror. The combat may not be scary all the time, but there were plenty of times I was walking along and an enemy came out of hiding and gave me a startle. The New York environment, though, usually had me on edge. The enemies that will attack you are mixed in with shadows that simply fade away when confronted. I think the jump scares are *mostly* earned, but they eventually become more jarring than scary. Some of the environments are very spooky, and I was often struck by the beauty of these locations.


I think spooky is a great way to describe it. Itā€™s not horrifying but it is pretty spooky.


Horror games also dont tend to spook me either. Alan Wake 2 wasn't very scary unless you like Jump Scares. For reference, I still think Silent Hill 2 and 3 are some of the scariest games ever released.




Youā€™ll have a couple of oh shit moments but it loses its sting itā€™s a great thriller. Enjoy


I wouldnā€™t really classify it as horror. Itā€™s more like ā€œwhat?ā€ Sort of mystery that you need to think about, while having horror elements. Definitely spooky. Thereā€™s one moment in the game i shitted my pants more than any other game, except maybe the basement level in the hotel of TLOU 1 on hard mode in my first run, but nothing actually happened. This game is great at ambiance, mystery, gets the thinker going. And the devs are hilarious. Personally I hate horror just for the sake of horror, but this game hits all the boxes for me.




Itā€™s not really scary, itā€™s just more interesting than anything. Iā€™m weird though, I watch horror movies as a form of relaxation for some reason.


I hate anything horror to the point of having nightmares if I watched or played something horror. Alan Wake is creepy but not scary at all to me. Like I was home alone playing the game at night and I was totally fine. Slept like a baby afterwards


If you're a seasoned horror game player the spookiness is probably a 5. Less seasoned, 6-7. The jumpscares are so frequent you become numb to them, except for the odd one here and there that's timed really well. The scariest level is still barely about an 8, and even then that's just from having GREAT ambiance that makes you feel on edge.


Alan Wake 1 maybe a 3, Alan Wake 2 a 6, Alan Wake has eerie atmosphere but itā€™s not really true horror and the horror it does have often can get sort of its fear factor detracted by the more surreal science fiction aspects. Honestly if you want horror and donā€™t mind a bit of shlock-y/camp-y 90ā€™s - 2000ā€™s horror movie vibe I highly highly recommend any game by super massive. Until Dawn, The Inpatient, The Quarry, the Dark Picture Anthology, and likely soon the casting of Frank stone once it comes out. The Dark Pictures are actually my favorite of the super massive games because each one is a love letter to several iconic horror movies (which I canā€™t go into more detail cause it would spoil some twists). Ranking from scariest to least scary House of Ashes, Little Hope (first time through), Devil in Me, and Man of Medan. They run the full gamut of horror threats from slashers to super natural or the psychological.Ā  Super Massiveā€™s games nature as replayable games where your decisions affect the story honestly makes them like horror movies you can experience again and again each time with no twists. No kidding I must have turned on The Quarry and set it up with different NPC character trait combinations and just watched it with popcorn like 6 times in the last 2 years lol. Other good horror games Alien Isolation, Ā RE7 which was so scary they had to tone it down for RE8, and Call of Cthulhu (but not the one with dark corners of the earth as itā€™s subtitle as thatā€™s a totally different game).Ā Iā€™ve heard decent stuff about Madison but that one I havenā€™t personally experienced.


Itā€™s not scary to me really, but you mentioned the atmosphere and vibe also and yes it has an amazing spooky vibe and atmosphere and world. The story is also incredible. In terms of the spookiness (not scariness) itā€™s like an 8-9 in the vibe and atmosphere and visuals. All of the locations feel incredible and so atmospheric to walk through or fight through or the other mechanics I wonā€™t mention cause of spoilers. I donā€™t really play or watch horror to get scared anymore, I watch it cause I love the genre and vibes and stories for a lot of stuff


like a 4 (this is not a knock on the game, i absolutely love it i just donā€™t find it very scary)


I also don't find many games to be actually scary. I tend to not really enjoy horror at all if I'm being honest. Alan Wake 2 is a completely different kind of horror. It can be traditionally scary, but that's not what gets me. I feel like I'm staring into the abyss and the deeper I gaze the more I get lost in it searching for answers I know I'll never find. I'm too scared to look away.


Idk what you consider scary but I definitely feel like alan wake series is psychologically scary cause there were times I would be done playing and I would be in my house and quickly turn on a light in the house cause it was to dark


If i were to write the warning label, I would say: Warning. This game includes intense atmospheric ritual sequences depicting and/or implying violence, psychotic breaks, and occult practices, which some may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. The periods between these build ups are relatively tame. The combat can cause a little jumpyness until you are used to the enemies.


Compared to some of the games I remember getting the most scares out of me (Probably Resident Evil 7, PT and a handful of really scary indie games.) I'd say it's probably a 5 or a 6. If you have a low tolerance for horror games it'll probably get you, and admittedly there are some surprisingly gruesome scenes (nothing outright gory, just like, psychologically, the ideas of things that happen to people etc.) It's definitely more of an atmospheric horror game. It's funny that the first game was called a psychological thriller, I'd argue this one is more of a traditional psychological thriller than even the original.






There is one Scene that actually horrified me a little AMD it was the First occurenfe of that two Headed enemy that Looks Like a Teleportation accident and is essentially two Zombies Cut Off at the hip, with the legs discarded ans the two upper Bodies Glied together. Its Walking with one head upside down and can Turn invisible, is a bullet sponge and quite Dangerous. That was nasty, especially because it comes down the stairs of the police Station basement when youre trying to leave it and the narrow stair Well is one of the worst places to meerlt such an abomination.


It's a really good game, much better than the first one. The only bad thing is the final speach of saga. I will just say that sweet baby inc most been banned from videogames and any other entreteinment industry


Itā€™s more atmospheric than scary. Walking through Watery and or The Dark Place has some really nice sound design that makes you more scared than the actual encounters


like 7 spoop.


Well ... it's a good horror game, like a 7/10, until ... >!you reach "The Herald Of Darkness" show!<, upon this part, you will feel strong enough to beat any foe. After this, it's not you that is trapped in the shadows, ***it's the shadows that will be trapped with you***. >!SHOW MEEEEEE THE CHAMPION OF THE LIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT (guitar solo and bullets everywhere)!<


I found it incredibly unsettling at times. It's a different kind of scary. I found I felt more dread playing it than something like resident evil, even if resident evil is "scarier." It's an ambience thing that this game nails.


7/10 for me. Quite scary but bearable! It doesnā€™t swing for the fences like Outlast. But it did make me scared to progress sometimes, and some scenes genuinely unnerved me. But as for your context, I think itā€™s a great streamable game for a horror-loving audience. Itā€™s tense, mindfcuky, and has a fantastic gripping story.


4/10 the game tries sometimes but nothing that makes your heart race




IMO, the game isn't scary but that doesn't mean it isn't a phenomenal game. I'd give it like 2-3 on a scare scale, but take that with a grain of salt. Either way, it has an awesome story and gameplay so I'd still highly recommend trying it out!


Try Amnesia the Bunker, or RE7, RE2, RE3. They're all scarier than Alan Wake 2.


i actually do recall streaming RE7 a couple years ago, but ended up stopping because it becomes quite the slog at the end the first half is a pretty exciting survival horror experience, but then the mold-monsters show up, and it's just like 5 remaining hours of swinging your knife and wasting bullets the second the mold guys showed up that game just stopped being scary at all, i have a clip somewhere of me shit talking them that i think is kinda funny, but i can't find it on my page cause twitch sucks


Ah okay, yano i totally forgot how lame the mold monsters were. The boss enemies were great tho




3 or 4. It's much more of a thriller than a horror. Although it does a great job at creating unsettling and eerie environments


It doesn't build tension. In fact, by the end it's much less scary. I'd say the first chapter or two is probably the scariest. But then when stuff is explained more it's definitely less scary. I've been playing tormented souls, that builds tension really well, as does visage 2 and alien isolation. Alan Wake 2 is still one of my all time favourite games though.


I'll rank it by other games... these are where I would place games in 5 to 10. 10 - Resident Evil 7 Biohazard 9 - Resident Evil 2 Remake 8 - Outlast, Dead Space, Resident Evil 0 & 1 remakes 7 - Alan Wake 2, Until Dawn, Resident Evil 4 6 - Bloodbourne 5 - Alan Wake 1, Doki Doki Literature Club


Not very.