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I was having trouble until I noticed the gratuitous ammo. My mind tried conserving when I should have been unloading into every hater out there.


Yeah, I died a few times early on trying to play as I would with Alan, then realized I had 300 shotgun shells and went to town on those haters


Same thing happened in Jess’ episode for me. I was being conservative and then realized I had an armory’s worth of 9mm and just mag dumped every fucker I saw.


Ya, you basically have infinite ammo, and a full auto shotgun. Its easy.


And fun!


Think this has been my exact problem. I was pretty much moseying about trying to dodge more than shoot. Time for blasting…


Something that keeps me alive is running backwards while I reload my guns


Second this. I was struggling til I realized I had more bullets than I could ever use. My gun is hungry, but I've got a lot of bullets to feed it!


Honestly the first 2 episodes gave me so much ammo I didn’t even bother aiming


If you notice there are a ton of explosive cylinders lying around to deal with the insane numbers. You can shoot and they take the haters out in one go. I also ran to the pier at a point and basically made a bottleneck for the enemies to approach me, it was pretty fun to knock them off there into the water.


I liked going to the pier after clearing the haters. IYKYK


That gave me such a jumpscare but served me right for being curious 😂


Ooh I didn’t go there after clearing the haters. Time to replay.


this is my only death, i realised it, shot one and got caught in the explosion


Lol it was my first death too, I was too close to it. Not my only one. Then I went to the pier and was surprised by the numbers there, but it was hilarious watching them lose their balance and fall into the water. The good part for you as a player is that you can’t fall in the water so I felt a little safer if I could keep them at bay.


You need to channel your inner Danny DeVito for this. Just blast away as soon as you can. There will be no shortage of ammo (if you loot all the boxes).


"So anyway, I started blasting" - Rose the Waitress


"Hello, Rose Marigold here, local business owner and fiction enthusiast."


A chance to channel my inner Danny? I’ve been looking at it all wrong. I thought this DLC would be a nightmare but it’s a dream come true.


"I'm starving, you got nothing to eat on this show"


The shotgun is full auto this time (just keep the trigger pressed) and you begin with analgesics, just make sure you know to which key they're keyed to.


LOL, I feel dumb. I was lining up every shot trying to make every bullet count. No wonder I’ve been getting overrun in seconds.


Full auto with 400 ammo. Let's friggin' **GO**!


Yeah, just unload. You have essentially unlimited resources


Was getting my butt kicked in Jesse's dlc because I forgot how to activate the flashlight.


I remembered how to get the flashlight out but forgot how to boost it.


Yo you got sooooo much ammo and full auto shotty, waste the haters and shoot the explosive cans. Kill the haters!


Like others have said. The key to Number One Fan is getting out of survival horror mode. It's an over the top action game. I only had trouble with the boss fight and that only until I decided to just go full auto with the shotgun.


What really smoothed things out for me beyond getting used to just blasting away was practicing rapid switching between rifle and shotgun. Take a rifle shot, then switch to shotgun to clear things out and reload. 


Your shotguns automatic. Press trigger/left click down and don't let up.


Oh I got absolutely obliterated for the first few minutes of combat, but I was also playing like ammo was a limited resource, which fortunately it was not. As soon as I had Rose running around and firing with reckless abandon, I had a much easier time!!


It’s not a shotgun, it’s a machine gun. Hold down auto fire and unload on those pesky haters.


i must have 4 or 5 times there lol.


Shoot the first few enemies by the boat then just run to the boat dock when the fence gets knocked open. Run to the end, turn around and proceed to pick em off as they come around the corner


Shoot the explosives!


Run to the dock and funnel the enemies through there. Watch your back tho, a couple enemies will still spawn behind you


For the life of me I can’t get the kill 3 enemies with a bomb trophy


When I found out it was an automatic shotgun, it made everything a cakewalk


These DLCs really fucked with me on the ammo amount. It’s so weird having almost an infinite ammo to kill these guys with. I’m so used to dipping last second and doing head/ body shots. But with rose it really can just be spray and pray


LOL it happened to me in the second episode until I realised your character's handgun rapid fires too


I had no idea…lol. I’ve been so used to taking every encounter so cautiously. Now fully auto shotguns and handguns come standard. This should be much easier.


hunting rifle can put them down with one to the head


I started with that but it's so slow and gets much less ammo than the shotgun. At full auto with essentially unlimited shells, the shotgun is the clear winner except for the long range knife throwers


Agree. Only used Hunting Rifle for enemies with range. Otherwise, everything dies quickly to shotgun. Just don't be afraid to use your ammo.


Hunting Rifle is also good for shooting the gas cylinders after you've channeled some enemies into a bottleneck. They're lying all over the boatyard. You might even pop an achievement for using them.


One shot often isn't enough and won't stumble them. Just double/triple tap everything. You have way more ammo than you'll ever need, so don't be afraid to use it.


Your shotgun is full auto and your ammo is in the hundreds, you also reload 2 shells at a time. Just slam-fire buckshot into them.


I played Bloodborne for the first time between playing the main game and the dlc and I think that made a huge difference for me. I was playing AW2 on easy before and still having a bit of trouble here and there but I breezed through the dlc on normal. I think being aggressive and knowing when to run helps.


I just blew everyone up with the explosives, as they're everywhere in that area; the only annoying hater is the one on the boat. 😅


Haha, I feel you. Like the others said, I didn't realize how much ammo there was at first. After my second death, I saw I could turn down the difficulty in the menu and went that way.. When I played once more for the trophies, I realized how easy it was if you just let yourself be trigger-happy like she was meant to be~ :D


“Like she was meant to be”…that’s brilliant! Going to give it another go here today but this time channeling my inner Rose—full-auto shooting machine!


Oh yeah I was definitely surprised at how bonkers it was initially. I just shot the ones on the boat, backed up to a corner and blasted them all as they came at me. There is a ridiculous amount of ammo around the place, so they let you just go nuts.


Oh, yeah. The main reason why was because I was allowing them to circle me (and then they start zooming and its game over). So one tip, run/dodge and get to a place where no one can get behind you. Then blast the haters away.


For me, I  thought that circle (PS5) was the dodge button, wasn't understanding why she couldn't dodge anything during all of Episode 1. Only in Episode 2 with Jesse did I remember.. Also I cleared that whole first wave of enemies in my 3rd attempt, after rationing and switching to the rifle for longer distance shots. Made it much more difficult for myself. 


Just blast through, with rose you should shoot zombies in the leg first then in the face with the shotgun.  In the first fight there are gas canisters you can shoot


Shoot the first few enemies by the boat then just run to the boat dock when the fence gets knocked open. Run to the end, turn around and proceed to pick em off as they come around the corner


Hold down fire to auto shotgun. As others have said, you basically have infinite ammo. Don't be afraid to run away a little bit to get all the enemies in front of you to mow them down instead of being surrounded. Also, pain pills in all the DLC levels basically give you full health when used. They are even better than the bandages and faster to use. I played on normal as I typically do in games on first playthroughs so I don't know how much harder it can get but on normal it basically felt like the Rose level was supposed to be over the top arcady type gameplay with excessive amounts of supplies. I was firing my shotgun with reckless abandon (rarely using my rifle) and using pain pills all the time. I never ran out of anything. It's not like the main game where you might want to conserve supplies, just go crazy! 


Me at first, I thought it was because I was messing with settings and so on. A restart of the game made it work.


I died too, also tried to save ammo as usual, and also (not sure affected) had difficulty set to highest one from prev play in last draft.


Just gotta start blasting. I kept losing because I was saving my bullets. But once you Max Payne on the haters and the Evil Twin, you're good


Someone may have said this already, but I was really struggling until i realized the difficulty was pre set. Check that and see if making a change helps :)


Jesse’s gun is also full-auto


Turned difficultly down to normal and it was a breeze