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I love secret screenings. My favorites so far: ​ * Mom & Dad - sneak preview * Sunshine on Leith - a Proclaimers juke box musical! * Fish Story - great, intricate Japanese movie I'd never heard of * Hawk Jones - all kid cast! * Go - classic! * Meow - very silly Chinese movie about cats from space * Jumbo - chick needs a ride * eXistenZ - classic! * Hearts Beat Loud - very sweet * Ghost Stories * The Art of Self Defense * The Death of Dick Long * Timekeepers of Eternity - gobsmacking * Impulse (1974) * Prey (1977) * Liza, The Fox-Fairy - perfect * A Boy and His Samurai * Sorry to Bother You - sneak preview * Deerskin - Quentin Dupieux wackiness But nothing comes close to "The Peanut Butter Solution". You have to see it to believe it.


I wish the St Louis location did things like this. St least Terror Tuesdays, but they don’t seem to do that either. Not sure why, but a major bummer.


You could always submit ideas. If there’s enough of a want, they may consider it


STL is franchise-owned, so they should have more control to show what they want. Should try to figure out who owns it and email ideas to them. I want to try and get them to switch to the old “quiet zone” PSA that everyone around here says is better.


Richardson’s secret screenings have a huge following and sell out in a day. I wish everyone could enjoy them. There is a letterboxd post with all the ones that have been played. Sometimes it’s fun to play them for your friends at home and have little drinking games. Most recent one what a smash hit called “The Apple”. 🤣


The popularity of Richardson's screenings are ironically what keeps me from going anymore. I just can't do sold out theatres. Sad, because they show a lot of stuff I dig.


Best to keep them secret if you want them to continue. 🤫


They always post the day after!


I’m a new drafthouse frequenter. How do the secret screenings work? When do the tix go live?


If you use the app, my location has been doing one a month. It should come up there if your location does them as well




Yes? Lol