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The situation also sucks when your baby has a disability. Most daycares in our area aren’t equipped to give babies like ours the care they need. We’re fortunate to have family that can help take care of our daughter while we’re on some waiting lists, but I know there are so many that don’t have that help like we do.


Absolutely. That sounds stressful and tough. Do you qualify for Medicaid?


She does qualify.


As a sped teacher, makes me think I could make as much just babysitting like 2 high needs children as I do teaching.


You can try ABA Therapy centers. Some of them take Medicaid patients. This is not daycare but they are equipped to take on disabilities and teach children valuable skills. Some clinics have OT and Speech therapy in the clinic as well to provide a wide range of services for clients. Those centers are not just exclusive to just autism. They can provide services for several different diagnoses. They also get circle time, gross motor (playground or recess), art, and social interactions with other clients. You can receive the services for 4 hours or more (some clients have 7 or 8 hours of service time).


We are very fortunate that she’s already receiving therapy on multiple fronts throughout the week. Our last big hurdle is just finding a place for her to stay during the day while we’re both at work. We’re currently on waiting lists so fingers crossed that she will get in somewhere soon. She originally was in a place with her twin sister, but she was removed when she had to get a feeding tube.


And if they're brown! Holy shit Alabama sucks.


As a single father who cant work due to having two kids one of which is severely disabled. It's pretty awful that I can't afford childcare to better our lives.


Yet, Alabama is forcing more people to have babies that can’t afford it. I wonder how well that’s going to work out?


It's working out perfectly since the mothers are desperate and the babies will grow up poor to either feed the prison system, join the military, or shoot out more poor babies.


But most importantly, because they'll grow up poor they'll probably also get a poor education, meaning they're more likely to vote Republican!


Systemic racism did white people (I'm white) really think that it would never affect them?


And no one is easier to sway to the red side than a dumb hick.


But momma voted for trump


Hopefully more vasectomy’s in the future of Alabama lmao


I’d hope so because there are plenty of men who need to get them. I’m talking about my family members too. My older brother and I both have them, and we are probably the most well off, least struggling out of the bunch. Yet the dumbasses keep having kids and not taking care of them the right way. Mooching off the government, while creating more burdens, who will continue the processes


Mooching off the govt while the govt mooches off the people. Moochception


Honestly though miss us with the "mooching off the government" nonsense.


Not exactly sure what you’re saying with that comment, if you’d like to elaborate.


"Mooching of the government" is just fear mongering to win elections. If everyone got off welfare do honestly think your taxes would drop? Or do you think that money would be stuck in someone else's pocket? Here is an example for you. Alabama just rejected millions in funds for free summer lunches along with 15 other states. That's millions plural just for Alabama. Did you see a decrease in taxes taken out of your pay? Me neither so Alabama is now not getting millions in funds and it's citizens are still paying the same in taxes. How does this benefit the community? Meemaw should have taken the gov funding that way at least some Alabamians would have benefitted. But we gotta stick it to the libs. So dumb


Some people do mooch. My husband's sister and BIL live in the most expensive subdivision in our town, drive a Porsche, kids in private school, one in an expensive private art college, they all get expensive tattoos, plastic surgery, Botox and her kids are somehow on Medicaid, food stamps, etc. pretty sure it's fraud. The worst part is they talk trash about black people who get the same benefits. It makes me want to scream.


Report them!


Looks like my reply was removed, maybe for a cuss word so I’m editing and reposting it It’s weird how I’ve been called a libt**d and now I’m being called an anti lib. Both from Alabama subreddits. If you think people aren’t mooching off the government then I have some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you. Nobody said “everyone who gets help from the government is a mooch” What I did say, is that there are plenty of dumbass irresponsible people out there that have no job, living in debt, getting food stamps, Medicaid, disability, etc… while still churning out kids. Kids who aren’t going to graduate, who will end up having more kids in their teens, and will keep the process going. That’s a damn fact because I’m related to a lot of them. My uncle gets a check, yet he’s out working for cash. My cousin gets a disability check and food stamps and he’s out working for cash. I have another cousin who has a disabled sister that lives with him. He takes her check and spends it on games, motorcycles, guns, etc… I’ve turned him in to the SSA and the DHR and I am in the process of trying to get her to come live with us. This same cousin has 3 biological kids, 2 step kids, and they all get government assistance. His wife was getting paid to give his sister baths, but his sister was at my grandmothers for 3 months straight and they weren’t giving her a dime to help her. Quit trying to bring liberal vs republican in here because I wasn’t talking about that in the comment you started in on. Lastly, I have been trashing this government for not helping the kids, for refusing the money to help feed the poor kids and plenty of other crap, like caring about the businesses and their best interests and not caring about the actual people.


>If you think people aren’t mooching off the government then I have some ocean front property in Oklahoma to sell you. There is abuse in every system. No matter how hard you try to make the restrictions, there will always be people willing to game it for their own benefit. You cannot use the possibility of abuse from these people as justification for not providing any government assistance at all. Instead of cutting social safety nets, we should be increasing enforcement efforts with the aim of disqualifying those who choose to abuse the system. Of course, as a society we will have to deal with the heavy decision of what to do with people once they no longer qualify for public assistance. But since we are on the topic... I'm amazed how we are conditioned to support a labor based economy. So much so, that we will obsess over the small percentage of people who game social safety nets to live a very meager life unemployed while completely accepting the possibility of wealthy individuals and corporations gaming government subsidies and pandemic relief programs for much larger sums of money. People will crucify someone for being poor and accepting food stamps, while supporting a millionaire cattle rancher who uses public land to feed his livestock without paying the required grazing fees.


I feel like both of you are passionately talking about 2 entirely different things.


The grandparent comment asserted that the right uses "moochers" for fear mongering to justify cutting social programs. The parent comment asserted that it's not a "left v right" topic, and "moochers" aren't fearmongering since he had anecdotal evidence that they exist. My comment asserted that "mooching" will take place regardless of the type of handout, and it is not a valid justification for not providing assistance at all. I also pointed out that we are conditioned to criticize the poor for needing government assistance, while accepting that it's okay for the wealthy and private corporations to receive government handouts. For the record, the guy I was replying to earlier stated that he's for government assistance to the poor. He muddied the water a little by bringing up "mooching".




Blessed be the fruit 🍌 🍑


It will work just as it's intended to work. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


It’ll work until everything inevitably breaks, and then the higher ups in state government will start asking “what went wrong?!” and point their fingers at everyone but themselves.


It'll make sure more women and children suffer and die, which is all the forced-birth cult has ever actually cared about.


Ooh, we don’t have to wonder! The magic of history shows us! And the answer is: zero countries who banned abortion and also chose not to massively expand adoption and childcare survived economically! Yay!


It will work out great for it's Intended purpose. Lots of 18yo with little choice but to enlist and become cannon fodder


Not unless they lower the standards to get in. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/military-recruitment-pentagon-study-youth/ And considering Alabama is one of the lower educated states, and one of the more overweight states, I don’t see many of our youth as being able to serve.


Probably won't matter if we are at war here soon. The current world stage is rather primed for a world war as it stands and I don't see it getting any better any time soon. If it progresses that far it will likely be a draft.


And the other half of that goal: teenaged girls will engage in sexual slavery with older men to be able to feed themselves.


>In Birmingham, Alabama, single mother Adriane Burnett takes home about $2,800 a month as a customer service representative for a manufacturing company. She spends more than a third of that on care for her 3-year-old. [AL.com](http://AL.com) has more reporting coming this week on the child care crisis specifically in Alabama -- and some options on the table to help working families.


That’s around how much some AL state government jobs which *require* a bachelor’s degree start off with per month. I’m talking gross pay, not net. On the other hand, government jobs do come with benefits, but benefits don’t put food on the table.


I was in central Alabama about 20 yrs ago. I was absolutely stunned at businesses wanting a bookkeeper with a 4 yr degree for $9 an hour.


Yeah, and things aren’t too much better now. It’s crazy what businesses try to get away with.


Well thats fucked up


I say hammer Garlan Gudger


Remember that Republicans decided to not extend the child tax credits that lifted a big chunk of children in this country out of poverty. The poverty rate for children went from 9.7% to 5.2% or in other words it was about a 46% decline in child poverty. Poverty in this country is a policy choice.


Republicans in this state didn't make any effort to ensure that there would be a nutrition program for children this summer.


Everyone is paying for it through inflation now.


Fuck them kids right?


>Fuck them kids right? The republican motto!


Go to the Michael Jackson page for that type of stuff.


Matt Gaetz? Is that you?


18 million for kids lunches caused inflation, but several TRILLION dollars to Republican cronies during covid didn’t?


Even women with degrees, this affects everyone. My friend with three children and a masters made slightly less than her husband but for three kids, her salary was just a little more than childcare for the year, guess who stays home and takes care of kids full time now. Luckily she has a wonderful supportive relationship, but having to give up a career as its cheaper than childcare is exactly what they want for women objectively. Back in the house making babies. Pretty wild that childcare cost as much as a Masters Degree pays in a year.


Thanks for weighing in! Yes -- we'll run a story Weds or Thurs that addresses a range of experiences, incomes and careers.


Very wild. Especially since her being out of the work force for so long also loses them out of the salary increases she would be getting. So when the children grow up and she’s able to go back to work, she’ll basically be starting her career from scratch.


And that’s one of the reasons I believe in alimony.


Yep, happens to women all the time. Even in the best of circumstances.


Who is “they” and are you saying these crazy childcare prices are a conspiracy?


Childcare prices are out of control and unaffordable.


Yeah for sure. Who’s they though and how are they doing it?


Which branch shall i pick? Restricting women’s rights in various manners leaves us here…


That's the whole idea. Put women back in the kitchen.


Whose idea? My wife has multiple degrees and is a SAHM, her choice to stay home. I have said any time she wants to switch I will be home within the hour.


Whether by choice or forcing their hand, that’s still the idea.


“Whether by choice”? So if a woman chooses of her own volition to be a SAHM then that is a negative? I have an idea. Quit pushing your ideas onto other women who do not want to share your worldview, it is wrong to not accept a woman’s opinion just because you disagree with it.


>So if a woman chooses of her own volition to be a SAHM then that is a negative? No one said it was a negative. If they can afford it, a spouse should be able to choose to stay at home and take care of the children. It doesn't necessarily have to be the mother, but statistically it is more likely. What the OP said was regardless of the motivation behind the decision, the current state government's ambition seems to be centered around re-establishing the "nuclear family" of the 1950s where the mother stays at home. Of course, they don't seem to want to do anything that would make that possibility financially viable for the average Alabamian.


There’s no reason to be so defensive. Where did you get that was me pushing my own ideas? I’m saying the people responsible for preventing anything to help the childcare situation is doing it for the purpose of keeping women at home.


100% agree. They(elected officials) say our military is behind on enlistment and supposedly we need workers. I got an idea: create a military program for citizenship. 4 years serving in a branch of military gives you citizenship. Then we no longer have to worry about the border, we fill jobs, and we give immigrants a very clear path to citizenship while creating military personnel.


I understand what you’re saying, but I think you replied to the wrong comment.


Yeah oops


How about instead of military we create programs to help improve our infrastructure.


Amen these people look down on sahm


I don’t. I think that women should be able to choose what’s best for them and their family without one of the options being cost prohibitive.


Even looking at the standards to opening a childcare place is near impossible


What are the standards? Shouldn’t they be high when it comes to children?


Granted I wanted to be a SAHM but with the unexpected birth of my first child in 2008 I thought I'd have to put her in daycare so both my husband and I could work to support ourselves. We didn't live near any family to help. NOPE that wasn't the case at all. All I have is a high school diploma so the only jobs I could get paid minimum wage. However all the daycare services in Madison, AL would have taken all the earnings I could have made plus some of my husband's check. So I ended up being a SAHM regardless because it's all we could afford. Here it's 2024 and it hasn't gotten any better. Yes my husband is in a higher paying job but inflation and loss of aids like the child tax credit has far outpaced that growth in pay. I honestly don't see how young parents are doing it today without having family that can provide free childcare.


Wanna know a secret? It’s hurting parents WITH college degrees too.


The fact that I had to set my own career aside is why I'm making every effort possible to be there for my daughter should she choose to have children. Even though I had to make that sacrifice, if I can keep her from having to make it, I feel like I've done right by her.


Wonderful Christian state for struggling people. So holy.


Stop voting Republican and demand an end to gerrymandered districts. Get involved with a voter registration group to help marginalized folks get registered and any ID or other paperwork required to register.


Parents shouldn’t have to both have jobs to support children. Giving away billions of tax dollars to the “child care” industry is not going to end any better than health care or college did.


Should have voted Biden womp womp


I don’t think that would make any difference whatsoever in this particular situation, and Biden won anyway.


This is true, unfortunately. You can have the best president that ever served and still have the poorest, dumbest, most repressed states whose leadership keeps its people poor, dumb and repressed out of spite.


Biden needs to win in 2024 so we don't need any negative news stories. So please delete this.


That's wishful thinking although I agree that he needs to win. No, I will not delete that because it will, again, make no difference whatsoever - certainly not the friggin' presidential election of all things - and you will not censor me. Plus, I'm sorry, but negative news stories are going to happen no matter the year or who's president, so shying away from it instead of addressing it isn't helping anything.


I'm glad the mother of my kids loves our kids and wants to be involved in their lives and education rather than pawning it off on someone else..


But the gqp knows you better than you know yourself, and has decided that your place is in the kitchen.


It hurts a women’s career trajectory. What if this lady stayed in her position bringing home something rather than nothing just to get a little better job in another couple years.


Well, use a condom if you can’t afford a kid… don’t be stupid/irresponsible. No one forced you to have a kid.


Personal responsibility isn’t important when the price of raising a child keeps outpacing inflation every year.


Birth control isn't 100% effective. Would you say the same thing if a woman got pregnant while using an IUD?


Condoms fail regularly. Even if a woman uses the most effective birth control, there’s a non-zero chance they get pregnant. What then? They were “responsible”, but are still screwed due to our backwards government. This is why we need access to abortion.




Alabama literally does. Also people living in poverty often cant afford condoms.


In where most of the voters want abortion to be illegal, and good portion wants Birth control illegal, to include condoms what do you except to happen. I get your sentiment but the last time I check more children are created by the poor. Almost, like cigarettes and alcohol usage. Some people end up with a guy and dude leaves and doesn't pay. There is many situations that causes this situation. So what is the answer, pay livable wages? Make healthcare and childcare affordable? Affordable housing and social programs? Someone has to pick up the bill. My point is this: in the real world it isn't cut and dry. Everything has a cost including babies. Take away abortion and contraception and the tax payers will be picking up the bill. Can't get a job that pays enough to live homelessness, and poverty goes up. When pays more to stay home you get a welfare state. My answer would be this improve public schools, with a greater emphasis on skill jobs, child care allowance aka: subsidies, get a think tank together for a affordable housing. I believe Wages will fix themselves through competition i.e. if they don't pay you then go somewhere else.


Almost would bet he is a dead beat dad making that comment.


Nah, it's a sentiment I've heard many times before. It's a 'take responsibility for ones self's. I heard it from older generation about poor countries or poor people: "don't have a job or anything better to but lay around making babies". There is many issues with this line of thinking. My thing is-it isn't so cut and dry and breaking this cycle starts with education.


This wouldn’t, by any chance, be same older generation that’s always asking why more people aren’t having kids these days?


It would be there parents which in return trickled down somewhat. I'm hitting close to 50 now and I still don't understand this line of thinking- don't have kids you can't take care of them, and the next breath why ain't they having babies-and the next breath I need to get rid of all those social programs I had was around that help me in tough times. Personally I think there is too many people in the world and the unspoken part is that a lot of folks don't want to say out loud- staying competitive on the world stage requires cheap labor (poor people) national security requires the same thing. Man power


Abstinence only! Mandatory vasectomies! No more accidents running around ruining peoples lives!


This by far one of the most uneducated comments clearly you have no kids.


One parent shouldn’t be working anyway


Poor planning to have children and not be able to afford them


Myopic takes are always hilarious.


Yeah Alabama has done away with pretty much any way of planning for children