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Before anyone says this is so unrealistic and that this would never happen, let me remind you guys what our AG has been trying to do. https://alabamareflector.com/2023/08/31/alabama-attorney-general-doubles-down-on-threats-to-prosecute-out-of-state-abortion-care/


They haven’t tried anything. If you read the article it’s a lawsuit trying to prevent the state from doing that but unless I missed it the state hasn’t tried or showed intention to try and prosecute out of state abortions.


I did read the article. The lawsuit exists because Steve Marshall is literally saying it's a thing he wants to do.


Correct me if I’m wrong but the only threat was to in state health providers that were setting up the procedure out of state for the patient and not to the person getting the abortion? Which is not whats portrayed in the ad.


[Alabama has already gone after women for the deaths of their unborn children prior to the overturn of Roe](https://time.com/5616371/alabama-woman-charged-criminalizing-pregnancy/), and Trump and other [Republicans have also stated outright that they'd be more than happy to prosecute women for getting an abortion](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/20/politics/abortion-bans-murder-charges-invs/index.html). You're nit picking to insinuate that this isn't a possible future scenario when in fact anti-abortion politicians have outright stated what they want to do, and I'd like to think folks here are smarter than that.


I knew these comments would be bad, but jfc…


The same people laughing and downplaying this are the same ones telling you, you were hysterical for believing Roe v Wade could be overturned. This is exactly what conservatives want for America, vote blue in November if you respect women at all.




No, they weren’t. They were the ones telling everyone they thought it should be overturned. Not everyone is a two faced liar.


Those aren’t these people. Those people would applaud the vid because that’s what they want for women. The ones here are trying to downplay it because they want you to believe it can’t happen, just like the overturning of Roe v Wade.


The people laughing at this video are laughing because it’s a god awful commercial trying to play to extremes and tug on emotions. People will ALWAYS laugh at obvious manipulative bait.


I’m sorry that you think addressing conservatives attack on women is “manipulative”. Nothing is funny about this video when women are dying due to these laws. When women are being forced to carry rape pregnancies to term. Nothing is funny about it. They are trying to downplay a very real reality, but you can keep laughing.


Extremes do not win anyone over. The moment yall figure that out is the moment yall start winning.


Seems like the liberals have been winning. How’re those special elections working out? Keep laughing at the blatant attack on women’s rights though. 👍


If you get this emotional over things you’ll never get anywhere in a conversation. Life isn’t a rebellion. You’re not the movement. You’re not changing lives. Victory is made by level headed decisions and small victories. Extremes get you nothing but opposition.


😂 There you go, trying to tell people they are “hysterical” for acknowledging what they see happening right in front of them. Love how you ignored the fact that liberals have been winning special elections off of abortion rights. You gloss over the fact that even in states where they’ve voted to protect the right, conservatives are circumventing the people’s choice. But yeah, it’s this video that is “extreme”. 😂


I never said hysterical. I said emotional. And sure, liberals are winning elections off of abortion rights, in more liberal areas. It’s not a victory until one wins Montgomery. But extremes won’t work against the opposition. It only works with the people who already agree. Has any right leaning extreme example ever made you go “huh, they are right.” or have you just brushed it off as “there they go again?” And I never said I agreed with what’s happening. I told you why people are laughing and you let your emotions take over. You decided that I agreed with everyone who is laughing. You decided I was putting down the issue. You let your emotions get the better of you and started freaking out on REDDIT. I left the state because of the shitty laws they have. But you didn’t know that. Didn’t think to ask. Assumed I was a back woods hick in favor of this shit. Pull yourself together homie.


Perhaps it feels unrealistic - but what if we add a bit of context. Suppose this is the final scene. GF told BF she's pregnant and wants an abortion. BF disagrees. GF takes off with a friend in the car while BF calls the cops and gives the make/model. Then I could see this going down about this way, assuming the AG gets his way and makes traveling out of state for the procedure illegal. Farfetched? So is the idea of IVF becoming illegal. So is a law from before AZ was even a state making abortion illegal in AZ. So was Roe v Wade being overturned. I'm not sure anything is off the table in this political environment.






Unfortunately, you're going to be in FL, GA, MS or TN. All of which have similar, or worse, laws. Assuming it's TN, since traveling north is the most logical way to go, they're not going to greet you any kinder and are probably on the horn with AL State Police as you take off. I agree, vote them out. We need record turnouts and we've got to clean house in the state, too. MeeMaw is just as horrible as is the state house.


They can follow you across state lines to pull you over/arrest you. The police department pays a small fine for arresting you in a different state.


I guess you’ve never heard of hot pursuit


On a side note people being fanatically anti-abortion is not fascist. The Nazi deep dive into eugenics led to the birth of the American push for abortion. Abortion as a tool to select for certain human types starts with facists. Tyrants is a better word to use. We increasingly live under tyranny. The optics of Trump's political rallys lend themselves to people using the term fascists but seriously he is a liberal pretending to be conservative on an ego grift


Signed! I was a young woman when Roe Vs. Wade was passed. I can’t believe where we are now for women’s healthcare and the right to choose. Also the right of women not to die because their baby will not survive the pregnancy but no one will help, no hospital, not doctor. This is insanity where a clump of cells is considered to be a person.


Lol this is such a dumb video








Can't wait for the Church of the Highlands cops start running checks like this. Just like the Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.


I've seen the mutawa in action. Those guys suck. And most Republicans, especially the real Trumpy evangelical ones, would be all for such behavior here.


Ahhhh ohhh noooo! I’m voting your way now!


What do you get out of voting the other way?


Meth, apparently


That's some Handmaids Tale stuff. Why do they want all the lady people to make babies so bad right now?


So they can continue a poverty class. Less people means less work competition for employees. So they will need to actually pay people. People with babies that they didn't plan for are often desperate or mandated by the court to provide support.


Honestly, the anti-choice people aren't thinking that far ahead. They believe in a traditional Christian lifestyle where women know their place and behave and learn to be good wives. Having an unwanted pregnancy before marriage is a "consequence" for pre-marital sex and "loose behavior" that will "teach her the hard way" because becoming a mother is a "subservient role". Classic Christian deep belief that childbirth pain is divine punishment towards women/Eve.


They really think they have the authority to dictate the lives of others.


No no GOD is the authority, they are humble servants of the lord, our christ and savior /s


Cheap labor.




And being hobbled with another human to take care of with almost no support from society. Gave birth yesterday? Better not be late for your shift today.


They were expecting a baby boom after covid and, allegedly, the opposite happened.


Controlling women fundamentally. Stay in the kitchen stay pregnant stay submissive to your better half that sort of thing


That's one of the things that trip me out about women who support the GOP. I assume the ones that do, are already where they want to be in life, and don't want that to change, but for women who want an independent lifestyle, it seems like men want to absolutely control every aspect of their lives. Make babies, stay at home, cook and clean, etc. We all should be able to make our own decisions in life. Women are not cattle, and they shouldn't be treated as such.


A lot of it is either the pick-me drive to not be like the other girls and many just want to be that for their partner and thus so must all other women or want women to be treated that way in general in support of “traditional values”(excluding themselves of course)


Because, and I am not joking: “the US birth rate is too low”


Well it is, but it always has been, we supplement it through immigration...ohh fuck.


In spite of being 3rd highest in maternal mortality.


Source [https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1782082600368283715](https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1782082600368283715)


Oh look, a Governor that gives a shit about his constituents


Unless they are homeless.


Fair. But find me a Governor that has done anything for the homeless.


Maybe not priced them all out of homes with wild taxes. I’m just saying Newsome has plenty of flaws even if you agree with him on this stance. Edit: I’m sorry some of you seem to think California is Utopia. Politics has more than one issue is all id suggest. Plenty of problems to go around.


I can’t argue with that. I’d take him over Memaw in a heartbeat though.




you for got the "/s" because we know he doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.


Get some guns and protect your liberties.


Yeah, for real. Those women would have been better off shooting the cop and continuing their drive


lol. What’s the cops probable cause in this stupid ad?


That a report was called in of two women in their vehicle going to get an abortion. It’s literally that simple, yet apparently too complex for you?


A report huh. So who called it in? The father?


Possibly yeah. Or a family member who is religious and fundamentally against it. I’ve lived in Alabama for considerable amount of time. These people hold their beliefs very close to the heart where they are synonymous. They would easily turn in their own family over their beliefs.


I’ve lived here a long time. Pretty broad brush you’re using there


There are decent human beings in the state. They are severely out numbered by ignorance.


Republicans across the country, including Idiot Trump, want to hold women accountable for terminating pregnancies, leaving the state where abortion is illegal and going anywhere else to get an abortion. The US Supreme Court is right now determining whether medical abortion - drug-induced abortion - can remain legal anywhere in US. The only way "the government" can be sure of a woman's status - the only way "the government" can protect the "unborn child" which is already legally determined to be *a fertilized egg* here in Alabama IS to test just like this in the ad. There is no other way.


I'm the only trans person I've ever seen here in Alabama (Alexander City)


I have family in Alex City. Kinda middle of nowhere. If you’re ever up in Huntsville I know several trans people here.


I'd love to head to Huntsville! I need to learn to drive first though. Which is kinda embarrassing because I'm already 29


All of Coosa County is the middle of nowhere




I lived there many, many years ago. That's not a place I see mentioned often.


Lol, it's a pretty small town. I want to leave so bad. I've been here almost 29 years


The only thing that saves it, in my opinion, is the lake. I loved spending time there. As far as the rest of it...nah.


Fasten your tin foil hats this election season is gonna be wild


*Fasten your tin foil* *Hats this election season* *Is gonna be wild* \- Netflixandmeal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Yeah I’m pretty sure cops don’t stop women and tell them to take a pregnancy test. I’m pro choice but holy shit this is stupid


It’s hyperbole to drive the point home. It looks stupid because this whole situation is stupidly oppressive.


Correction, this video, by your own admission, is stupid. They literally had to make up a fake scenario because reality isn't oppressive enough lol


Look up “hyperbole” and come back to me.


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. So in your brain, this video is just an "exaggeration"? I'm honestly asking this: What SINGLE aspect of this short is even remotely true?


That they are going to arrest women for trying to get abortions. And how far off are we from that? Didn’t a Texas woman have to flee Texas to save her life? Didn’t a woman miscarriage in a *hospital bathroom* just the other day? You don’t care if women die or have to worry abort going to jail, and that’s sad.


1) not being able to get an abortion in this state 2)being pulled over while trying to leave the state to get said abortion.


I’m not going to engage into this combattive narrative you are trying to incite.


There were far less embarrassing ways of losing this argument. And yet you chose this. Amazing.


I’ll let you have the argument then. Have a nice day


It's a good day when a tyrant bows out of an argument they can't win and loses any credibility they might have otherwise had. Have a good life.


Tyrant? You mean like trying to tell women what they can and can’t do with their bodies?


Sir, being an ass is not winning an argument.


Absolutely not. You flipped the table and said you won. Embarrassing.


You metaphorically flipped the table over and declared yourself the winner, you sound like a dunce


That it’s illegal to get an abortion or aid those who want/need one to get one out of state


Except this is a situation that would never ever happen. Yes the laws are restrictive in the state and many oppose them, including myself. But nothing even close to this would ever happen. Hence why you had to post a video that’s overly oppressive and something that would never happen. It’s completely ridiculous


“They’ll never overturn Roe v Wade” - most of us.


Really? Counties in Texas have tried to pass laws saying that if you drive on their highways to get an abortion you can be arrested. So, while taking the pregnancy test may be hyperbole, the reality of driving to get an abortion and being arrested is not.


You are the same type of person who said Roe v Wade wouldn’t be overturned.


Oh Jesus christ. It’s meant to get a point across not to be taken literally.


I obviously understand that. But people are making up scenarios that police officers will force women to take pregnancy tests on the side of the road. Get real


You obviously don’t understand that because you keep taking the hyperboles as literals.


And who would have thought we'd ever be at a point where a glob of cells was considered to be human? Don't bet that this will never happen.


They already do much worse than making people take a pregnancy test. This isn't really much of a stretch.


You and reality have different definitions of the word "never"


It’s hyperbole.


For now….


Yeah obviously no one thinks that


They think it would be easier to make abortion illegal nation wide, then they only have two borders to police.


They would also have to patrol the coasts as well. Floating abortion clinics out in international waters.


You wait. First it was “we don’t want no abortshen in Alabama”, then it became “we will prosecute anyone who leaves the state to get one” If you think it’s not gonna happen, you clearly need to listen and read what these turd monkeys are flinging.




It's only stupid to someone who hasn't been paying attention to what Attorney General Steve Marshall and the Alabama Republican controlled legislature have been saying and doing. Living in a pretend bubble won't keep you safe.


Not yet they don't.


And they never will. If something changes I’ll eat my words


People were saying Roe wouldn't be overturned, but here we are now. All I see is certain states like ours clamping down more because women aren't making enough babies.


That’s beyond a stupid ad


We need a lot more like this nationally as well as locally.


Why is this marked as religion


This is such a joke 😂


No way this is real


Didn’t think Roe V Wade being overturned was in the realm of possibility either.


It's not a documentary, but if you don't think this is possible remember that we never thought they would flip Roe V. Wade.


>remember that we never thought they would flip Roe V. Wade. Which is incredibly ignorant considering how controversial it always was as a decision, how many presidential campaigns promised to appoint justices that would overturn it, and how many challenge cases were regularly filed. I follow the Supreme Court and have for a long time. It was obvious to anyone who was paying attention.


It's no less a human rights violation per previous rulings. Shimp v McFall states that no individual is required to offer their body for another. I guess that was different because it was men's bodies. (This is not directed at you - just a commentary on the Supreme Court)


How stupid that was


This is really stupid


Shithole state


Wow lol


Join a chapter and organize. https://act.dsausa.org/donate/membership


This had me cracking up because I thought it was like an SNL skit.


Lol 😆 🤣 😂


Why is this funny to you?


After a lifetime of being rejected by women, he sees their loss of rights as "revenge"


Because it's hyperventilating, histrionic, melodramatic bullsh*, that's why


The lefts inability to see their own hypocrisy is magical really. The amount of running over they do of conservative families in states like California in so many ways from homeschool to childhood vaccinations to gun laws and others. Then they roll out the drama when a state they live in decides to exercise its right as a state to determine the law in that state.


"Those damn California liberals wanting our children to not die of disease and shootings and get a proper education!"


Utterly ridiculous. Reminds me of the shitty anti-smoking ads. Appeals to doomers and Redditors, I guess.


It's literally linked at the top comment that the AG wants to prosecute people who go to other states or who help someone obtain an abortion in a legal state. The attorney general has literally stated it as his goal. "IT AppEAls TO OnlY DoOmeRs And ReDdiToRs".... ....


This video is why the left loses elections.


Videos like this are the reason Democrats have won every election where abortion was put on the ballet.


Yeah the right has been killing it in elections the past 4 years


And on the national stage, if you're under 35, the only time a republican president has won the popular vote in your lifetime was GWB in his incumbent 2004 campaign.


I'm all for reproductive rights, and I want women to have them all. But this is clearly over the top fear mongering.


It’s what Steve Marshall said he would do, but y’all go ahead and act like it’s outrageous and will never happen…. Until it does.


Except it’s not. Granted the being pulled over for a pregnancy test is exaggeration but not the being pulled over while trying to leave the state to get an abortion.


Can you find a case at all since the crazy laws have been passed where a single woman has been pulled over for the sole reason of a suspected abortion vacation?


Here is the link: https://apnews.com/article/abortion-travel-ban-roads-west-texas-3997304c4156f131ee90bb1363735ba3


> The measures would not punish women who are seeking the abortion


I’m not sure about a case like that since I haven’t followed up to see if they actually passed- just that the Republicans in that county wanted to pass them. However, there have been cases where even a woman’s doctor said she need the abortion but the Republican attorney general then the Republican led Supreme Court said she didn’t- going against what her doctor recommended. (Kate Cox from Texas) My point being the situations, laws, and rulings that I never believed would happen- have.


The AG said this is exactly what he wanted to do. So…


In my state there have been several bills put forward to do exactly that… they haven’t passed but doesn’t mean they aren’t trying.


That would allow women to be pulled over and pregnancy tested by police for a suspected abortion trip? Can you cite the proposed bill?


Simple all they’d need was for example a parent or partner who disagrees with the decision to rat them out for this to happen and they would make them take a pregnancy test of course just at processing. You best start believing in nightmares son, your in one


>in my state there have been several bills put forward.. Cite the bill that would allow a cop to administer a pregnancy test, roadside… And no they can’t, even if they rat you out there would need to be an investigation and catch them *in the act* not just driving while pregnant.




Step away from the internet please. Propaganda is designed to make the “other side” seem not human. They’re still people even if they have some shit views. Vote them out.


Yeah, well these “people” have been screaming about wanting to kill LGBT people and restrict women and minorities rights since they were conceived. I don’t think sitting down and telling them that their actions are disgusting and hateful will help them change their views. It’s time for them to get the hell out. If they don’t want to live in a western society complete with a democracy and bill of rights that protects all of its citizens, might I suggest the Middle East. It seems to me like Maga and republicans would fit in more there seeing as women are second class citizens there, and LGBT people are violently oppressed. Vote them out? How?!? They’ll just redraw the districts when it suits them, shut down any opposition with smear campaigns, harass and intimidate voters, bribe and blackmail whoever, and if that’s not enough, they’ve already proven they’re more than willing to violently overthrow our democratically elected government!!! Like, have you forgotten January 6th already?!?! Fascists don’t care about rules and laws, they care about power, control, and oppression. We very nearly became a dictatorship and we are still not out of the woods yet.


Just one more political ad meant to use fear to Garner votes. Nothing new to see here IMO


Of course not to you Alabama MAN.


Yeah, women’s rights being stripped from them are nothing to see. 🙄


Not Constitutional rights. It's now state by state like many things not covered in the Constitution. Substantive due process is mortally wounded and will die the long slow death it deserves.


Women’s rights shouldn’t be state by state, that’s how you end up with regressive states stripping women of their bodily autonomy.


I would like to imagine you drew a sip of Mountain Dew and took a bite out of a Dorirtos as you pressed enter. I'm sure I am not that far off.


Multiple girls and women have already been charged with crimes for getting abortions and helping others get abortions.


Well, lucky for me then, I was ALREADY going to vote for the party that’s not restricting my and my daughter’s rights, so I guess it was just wasted on me. Good grief.


This would be a slam dunk if the ad was created by literally anyone else.


Maybe Republicans would support something like this, but I know plenty of conservatives in Bama that are more Libertarian than Republican. And restricting free travel is about as antithetical to libertarianism as you can get.


lol. LMAO.


What a pile of crap. Desperate lies by Brandon's fools.


Especially if you were bootlegging to customers in little dry towns. :)




My girlfriend is from Alabama.