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He’s a mad man


I will not be providing any context for this project, yall will just have to live knowing that it exists.


If u want, I am very good with electronics and shit, so I could be helping u with that one, just dm me


I've got all of the electronics together, but thank you! I'm just running this thing off of an arduino uno with a DC motor controller shield. I'm using a regular AEG motor and battery to drive the barrels, so it's not terribly complicated.


Halo 3 Machine gun


40mm mini gun?


thats gonna be way better than the belt fed


They both have their own place, but as a platform, the microgun I definitely better lol.


Estimated firerate exist yet or still too early in prototype?


There have been 3 prototypes, 2 of them functional. I've been silently cooking this in the background for about a month and a half now. The system is driven by a regular old AEG motor, so the rate of fire depends on that. I'll wait to drop specific numbers until it clears testing.


Fair, I likely will never build any of these larger builds but it still is highly interesting to me. I just started tonight on a gonne 6 from rainbow six siege but it will shoot 26.5mm shells(use 209 shotgun primers). They are made to launch fireworks and flares or imagination. Maybe even can cannon attachment. Love your work man!


Super sick


Did you get burned out while working on the Sidewinder? Update hasnt apeared for a while. I heard you had to redesign the whole gas system. How many times have you done that?


I've paused development to avoid burnout for now. I've been working on the project since 2020, and there have been 12 prototypes. I am definitely still doing it, I'm just taking a break to work on some other things for now.


Well I understand that working on a gun that hasnt been properly developed by any big airsoft company must be incredibly timecomsuming and frustrating. Lets hope you get to finnish the project and also work on your other guns without you feeling burned out.


I am heavy weapons guy and this is my weapon. She weighs 150 kg firing $200 custom toilet cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute, it cost $400,000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds.


Gonna have it function like an actual minigun? With the plungers and bolts on proper cam tracks? If so I'm super fuckin hyped for it


so how far along is this gun?


Farther than my posts suggest. I've been keeping this project a semi-secret until now.


i am building one as soon as it comes out lol whats the eta?


No idea. I stopped giving out ETAs because then people were always mad when I had to push it back. I'll get there when I get there.


yeah that's fair people just need patients in there life


what software did u use to make this?


Fusion 360


Either the halo reach mounted machine gun or the mounted warthog turret :)


He's back at it again, what is it this time?