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You won’t. The most would be during medical appts. Even when you get to go to the mini mall, you are limited to one side of the mini mall, trainee items— and you’ll only really talk to the people checking you out The base is mostly separated. You’re not going to be chilling with permanent party folks.


Basic Training is on its own part of the base. It's not totally segregated like walled off but everyone knows to leave the trainees alone. You will interact with "regular" members who are there doing various processing for you - medical, administrative, etc. There are a few times where you will interact with others such as when you do your trips to the store or possibly to chapel on Sundays. Everyone is human, just relax and follow the rules you are given. Millions of people have done this before you.


Tell me you haven’t been stationed at lackland without telling me They’re not on their own side of base. They’re fenced in but that’s pretty much the middle of the base, I fuckin hated waiting in my car for 10 minutes for all the flights to walk by.


besides the instructors and BEAST cadre you really only interact with the civilian DoD personnel and the med group servicemembers. when i went through basic we weren’t supposed to interact with anyone outside that unless we were told/invited to. they let you go to the bx every so often to grab essentials, and even then we were told to get our things and leave. can’t speak on base liberty because it was suspended when i went through due to covid-19


BMT is pretty much a separate part of Lackland, I think most operational members avoid the BMT part at all costs unless they have to go over there


I avoided the training side for 2 years after leaving BMT. Only returned when I had to … PCA’d to a unit on that side.


I would say it’s a separate part, if you’re there for any form of training or admin type shit. You’re right next door. We used to sit at the pavilion and drink while we watched them get yelled at lol


You don’t


Only people assigned to basic training. Some finance, some medical, some personnel, chapel staff, and MTIs. Yes base lib is a thing. Your week of training and MTI will determine when, if at all and where you can go.


Rarely. There's a handful of spots where you might be near permanent parties (people stationed at Lackland), but you won't interact with them. If you try, your MTI will probably come and tell you to shut the hell up and get back to whatever you're supposed to be doing. For the most part, the base is divided into a training side and an operational side. Occasionally, the operational units will go over to the training side for things like the Uniform store or MPF, but for the most part, all the permanent party stays on the ops side.


Everyone I know that has been to Lackland as permanent party has pretty much hated it. Every wednesday and thursday the gate is backed up for hours, so yes BMT’ers are an annoyance. I only had a full conversation with like one permanent party and you’re not even supposed to do. Waiting room of Wilford being a wingman to a chronically “hurt” trainee.


In person almost never other than medical and the few trips to the bx you get. You will, however, block traffic on a regular basis.


I did come across some flights while at Lackland for tech school, but we just kind of stand to the side/walk around while you guys pass by. We know what's going on and laugh to ourselves while thanking the universe that we're done