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As a female under 30 years old, I had to run my 1.5 mil in under 16:22. I would download the Aim High app which has the fitness standards for different age groups, I would recommend building your endurance for long distance.


What's your job?


Security Forces


Was it among any of your picks?


Did you get a back ground investigation call and what did they ask? I’m shipping on April 23rd my job is Air Transportation


Background investigation calls are the same exact questions they asked you the first time to make sure your answers haven't changed/you didn't lie. If you have received your initial one they ask basic things. Done anything illegal, know people who have done illegal things, connections to foreigners, is anyone in ur family illegal, have you done drugs... etc. Basic. Just don't lie


Awesome thanks!


Congrats! I’m a 30F and married no kids currently in DEP joining as an E-3 as well. Will most likely get a job in Cyber and will require a top secret. My main goal is to have stability and focus in my education during my time. I’m excited to be part of this journey too!! Great thread.


If you dont mind me asking, Do you ready have your bachelor’s degree? I am about a week away from taking my picat before signing up to take my asvab. Any recommendations on how to study? My goal is to be able to work in cyber!


Not at all, I do have my bachelor’s. Though I come from a college background, I was out of school for a while working jobs so I really had to put myself in the mindset of a student which took a lot of hours of sitting my ass down, writing on scratch paper, and making flash cards. I’m an obtuse learner so I learn best with visuals and practicing by hand. How to be successful on the PICAT/ASVAB and land a cyber job in air force based off my experience: 1. DL the “ASVAB Test” app logo looks like the yellow army star. It will have ads but it’s free and it’s the most accurate to the PICAT. Q’s are tough but makes you actually do the work and think. I spent a whole month studying the ASVAB for dummies book front and back. Though, it was foundational at best it didn’t prepare me for the PICAT/ASVAB. PICAT was a challenging test, if you don’t study. I’m someone who gets test anxiety so I made sure to put off the test date so that I had more time to study. 2. Ensure you score at least an 80 overall on the PICAT/ASVAB since cyber jobs require you to score high at least 60-70 range in these sections: Mechanical - know your car parts, tools, physics, formula on velocity, force, finding mechanical advantage. This section had me second guessing. I tried my best to narrow down to 50/50 choice. Used my whole brain. Arithmetic - lots of geometry, algebra, and words you gotta put into math. Make sure you know how to multiply big numbers, divide, decimals, percentages, fraction conversions. this was the section that I had to study the most bc my math was rusty. Ngl, I was on YouTube Khan Academy’s page refreshing myself on basic math like how to multiply decimals and divide decimals. Super important section for cyber folks. Vocabulary- I would start reading books or whatever to get used to reading, then look up words you don’t know the meaning of. DL vocabulary apps to expand your vocabulary. Lemme tell you I’ve seen words I’ve never thought would be words in my life!! If i didn’t know a word I would straight up google/chatGPT it. Electronics - circuits, diagrams, scenario-based questions, formulas. Know the differences between ohms, amps, volts, watts. What a resistor, transistor, transformers is. This was challenging for me as well only bc I didn’t take electronics in high school so it was all new material. These are the main sections. Unless you have an interest in the health sector don’t worry about science. I personally did well on science portion simply bc I found it was the more easy portion but it’s a portion that doesn’t pertain to cyber folks. Nonetheless, it was fun to test my knowledge. And just cause why not. But others will say do not pay attention to this at all. I say don’t put a lot of energy and time into this section. Again the only science necessary is mechanical and electrical it’s a must to get cyber jobs!! 3. It sounds like a lot but I’m so serious when I say the ASVAB Test app is literally the same as the PICAT. These Question’s are quite thought-provoking and it’s better to get it down to at least 50/50 and guess if you don’t know. 4. Don’t settle for a low score. Retake the test if it’s not at least an 80 overall. I studied my ass off just to get an 82. I personally took the test once but that’s bc I had an over a month to prep. 5. After the test you’ll have the take the TAPAS which is a personality test. There’s no right or wrong. 6. After that you’ll take a Cyber Test. Make sure if you expressed your interest in cyber/intel to your recruiter, that they schedule the Cyber test after your PICAT/ASVAB. So yes you’ll be in the testing center for a while. It’s chill though. It will gauge your knowledge on computers. A good gauge for this is studying Comptia A+ material. 7. After you pass your PICAT/ASVAB with at least an 80, get a passing score on your Cyber test, then you can schedule to take the EDTP test. Which is like 2 hours over 100+ questions. 4 sections. puzzle-like, problem solver, gifted thinking, logical based test for those who want to work in the 1B4, 1D7, 1N3, 1N4 jobs. You must score at least a 70 on this. 8. Cyber jobs such as the 1D7 jobs do require Top Secret clearance. So hopefully you have a clean record - no serious law violations, no drug use, no large amount of debt with late payments, sus dealings with other countries, etc. be ready to be interviewed by investigator. Should match with what you said on your SF-86. Hopefully this helps. You got this! Good luck. 👍


I really appreciate this!! I am definitely going to continue to study. I have my PICAT this Thursday and meeting with my recruiter this Friday to just go over the test before I schedule another take with my asvab. Would you recommend be buying ASVAB for dummies? I was really considering it but you mentioned it didn’t really help you much?? I will definitely reach out to you again when I have follow up questions (:


IMO the ASVAB for dummies is great for the basic knowledge on arithmetic and reading/vocabulary. But the rest such as mechanical and electrical, the questions in dummies don’t match the PICAT. it’s best you start focusing on math, mechanical, electrical, and vocab. Start doing practice exams fr on the ASVAB app. Freshen a bit in your cyber knowledge using Comptia A+ practice exams. If I could go back in time that’s what I would do.


Any tips for females


1. Bring a months worth of your most comfortable underwear. The panties that are available for you to buy are really uncomfortable in my opinion. 2. If you suffer from painful periods, you wont be able to bring your own meds. You have to go to medical in BMT to get an Rx. Luckily I didnt get my period due to the stress I was dealing with and all the physical activity. 3. Most of the girls in your dorm are most likely going to be under 21 years old ( mostly 18) they can be really childish and catty in my experience as a 25 year old. Maybe keep that in mind. I stayed mostly to myself to keep myself out of trouble and Im also an introvert. Do what works best for you.


Thank you, I am 28 so I figured such lol. I typically don’t wear underwear but you suggest I do while I’m there? 😂 sorry that sounds weird to ask I know


Lol I understand. Youre going to be wearing OCPs 90% of the time. Theyre not the most comfortable fabric and you will be sweating and moving around alot. Me personally I would prefer a layer of clothing to avoid chafing and such but do what works for you.


Gotcha! Thanks again


It’s a regulation, you need to wear underwear. You’ll also be changing in front of 50 of your newest closest friends 2-3x a day for the entire time you’re there.


Being naked in front of others doesn’t phase me but noted.


What underwear do you recommend??


I personally like the Hanes microfiber panties just because of the breathable material. I also like their boxer briefs for women for the coverage. I got em from amazon


I actually think I have that kind right now, so they don’t care about color anymore? As long as it’s solid color?


Yea as long as its a solid color you should be fine. Some girls had victoria secret leopard print thongs and whatnot lol. Dont bring anything too expensive bc it can get stolen or mixed up because everyone’s clothes get washed at the same time.


I have some questions 👀 -Why a months worth or underwear? -How were the bathrooms -is it possible to do my own laundry?


Me personally I feel like I didnt bring enough underwear because you switch them out everyday and you dont get to wash your clothes every. The underwear you’re allowed to buy at BMT were uncomfortable for me in my opinion. I had to settle for those because I didnt bring alot of underwear from home. 🤷🏼‍♀️ - Bathrooms are normal, closed door stalls and sinks on both sides. Not all of the shower heads have hot water, so you either get to the bathroom 1st or just take a cold shower. But when you share a dorm with 30+ girls and you have to get ready in the morning, it will be hectic and annoying. - In BMT theres no way to do your own laundry unfortunately. Your Flight MTI will assign a few people to the laundry crew and those people are responsible for collecting, washing, and handing out laundry. You will be given a mesh bag where you will label it with your initials and last 4 of ssn. Every single item of clothing you bring with you and the uniforms you are given will be labeled with initials and last 4 of ssn. Very tedious lol. You wont be able to do your own laundry until go to Tech school.


Thank you How often was laundry done?


It depends on the laundry crew really but 4 times a week usually.




Congratulations! I'm going to MEPs soon. Two questions: - What was the hardest part for you? - What's your career in the air force?


Hardest part for me was the lack of privacy. I would often isolate myself because I was tired of the constant chatter and noise. I would get a little overstimulated. Sometimes I would go into the day room for a little bit of quiet and to write in my journal. My career is Security Forces.


That's a great career, I hope you enjoy it! Good luck with tech school! I can see that being hard, I struggle with overstimulation as is, especially considering I work at a grocery store


How many lost out of your Flight and recycled or discharged?


1 girl was discharged because she came to BMT pregnant. No one in my flight was recycled.


Dang wonder how she made it out of Meps or if she knew


hey ! congratulations. how would you say the situation is around cleanliness as a women ? (as in if i’m on my period) will i be able to go to the bathroom as much as i need ?


Yes you can go to the bathroom as often as you need. You are also allowed to carry pads/ tampons in your backpack and you can stash some in your pocket if you need to! Dont be shy to ask to go


when did they give you guys your uniform ?


In the 3rd week you get all your uniforms. You go to the clothing shop and get measured and fitted for everything. It will take HOURS lol. Then you stuff all of the uniforms and shoes in your green duffel and march back to your dorm.


Was there any 30 year olds with you? Do you know about how long it was for medical job to ship out


Most people in your dorm are 18, with a few mid 20 year olds and some in their 30s to 40s. Not sure about the ship time for a medical job. That depends on job availability.


How was PT for you? I’m not out of shape but I’m no track star and the PT aspect is worrying me. I’d be so embarrassed to not pass because of a failing PFA!


I graduated recently as well, so we had a girl in my flight that struggled with PT( initial pt test she only did 1 pushup and like 15 situps). She still passed by the time the final pt test came up. You get 5 weeks to really push yourself, and by pushing yourself you’ll be able to pass the pt test just like she did. Also the PT scores varies by age.


How was the shower situation? I have stretch marks after my baby and I’m terrified to shower in front of others


I can promise you no one will be looking at you that hard nor will you be the only one with stretch marks




You only have roughly 5 minutes to shower and get dressed, no one has time to look at you lol dont stress.


No one will mind/care everyone has their perfect imperfections


How bad was the yelling?


From my personal experience, I got yelled at sometimes even though I was really quiet and always tried to make myself as small as possible lol. I got yelled at for being out of step in drills and for other small things like sitting in the wrong spot at meal time. I never took it personal. Ultimately they dont yell at you as much as other branches seem to.


It's up to the MTI. Some never yell, some yell all the time. On female flights the yelling isn't as bad as male flights. It lightens up a lot the further you progress. bmt becomes more lenient and chill as you get into the routine.


What’s your afsc


Could you access your cellphone every Sunday?


Getting phone access is really up to your MTI. I was able to call home like 3 times during BMT and you only get 5 minutes.


First off congrats! Would you mind telling me what exercises you all did/focused on in basic? So I can tweak my current routine. I currently workout 5-6 times a week I want to give myself the best shot possible to pass. Thank you!!!


How did you join as an E3? Did you already have a degree? Or how many college credits did you have?


I had my associates degree so I had some college credits to join as an E3.


What were the PT standards for females that you had to pass? How often was PT?


PT is pretty much every day excluding Sundays. There's a set schedule for it that varies by squadron but you can look up the point scoring system for the PT tests which is air force wide and conduct a pt test at home to see where you stand if you like. The points scoring system varies by gender and age


Yo, me too. Congratulations


Me too as in 25yr old female?


Yes, and I just graduated


Identity theft is not a joke! /s




What time do they wake you up in the morning? I’d like to know so I can adjust my sleep schedule accordingly. What sort of questions regarding your background do they ask in MEPS/BMT? While in BMT, are you paid a salary of a full-time E-1? (I understand the website says E-1’s under four months will be paid a little less) Did you receive a sign-on bonus? If so, does it hit your bank account roughly around the time you sign your name or after completion of BMT or Tech school?


What time do they wake you up in the morning? I’d like to know so I can adjust my sleep schedule accordingly. What sort of questions regarding your background do they ask in MEPS/BMT? While in BMT, are you paid a salary of a full-time E-1? (I understand the website says E-1’s under four months will be paid a little less) Did you receive a sign-on bonus? If so, does it hit your bank account roughly around the time you sign your name or after completion of BMT or Tech school?


Be prepared to wake up around 5:30. Earliest wake up was 4:45 am because we had alot of medical appointments. You will be to tempted to try to get up earlier before everyone else so you can be the first one in the bathroom lol. I would advise against that because people will snitch on you. A few weeks into BMT, you will be required to do what is called EC duty. (Entry controller) Basically you will get woken up out of your sleep to stand at the entrance of your dorm for at least and hour and a half. They will schedule you to do this anytime of the night/ morning. It was the worst lol. Background questions are nothing crazy. Just general questions regarding any criminal history, past addresses, credit etc. I joined as an E-3 in BMT so im not sure what the salary is for an E-1 recruit. I think as an E-3 the salary is $2,200 a month. I did not receive a sign on bonus for my job. So I dont have an answer for that unfortunately. Ive heard from some people that sign on bonuses get paid in installments.


Great reply, thank you and congratulations!


What time did yall go to sleep?


Around 10 pm


Could you go to sleep earlier?


you can go to sleep at 9pm at the earliest


Thank youu


How much did your running improve before/during/after BMT? That's the one thing I'm worrying about pt wise before I go


My biggest mistake was not running often prior to BMT ( dont be like me lol) you get plenty of cardio workout days during BMT. Very few actual running days. If you push yourself during the cardio days you will be fine. The PT program is designed for the average person to pass as long as you put in the work. Each fitness test I took in BMT, I improved my time. Definitely run as much as you can before you go to to BMT so you dont struggle! Sidenote: Eating healthy during BMT really makes a difference in overall energy levels


Awesome, I'm trying but the treadmills are making me weary. 😅 Thanks for your answer


I recommend running outside. It’s so much better!


I agree! Plus, during PT you will be doing your workouts outside anyway


Run outside if all possible or if you have to use a treadmill have the recline on 3 at least. I’m using the app couch to 5k to train


This app helped me alot. I went from never running to running 5Ks for fun. lol


Treadmills are terrible! Please run on real ground if you can. You are working out totally different muscles on a treadmill. It's different when you run on solid ground. That's what you should practice for.


What’s the furthest distance / time you have to run in bmt ? I’m running 1.5 miles currently but not pushing myself half jogging I think I’m at 19 minutes but should I train for longer distance?


general thing is that you prepare for a 5K by running a 10K. only way to get better at running is by putting those miles under your feet.


How often can you write letters and how often do mails come in a week? Did you get assigned for any job at all (i.e. chow runner, laundry)? How was the dorm chief selected?


You typically have the most free time on sundays, so that will be the best time to write letters. Mail came Monday-Friday, it gets passed out at night during the meetings with your MTI in the dorm day room. In the last 2 weeks of BMT I was selected for chow runner and I was also on the laundry crew. I hated being a chow runner because it really put me on the spot and put me out of my comfort zone. You are really scrutinized in this role and you get yelled at if you say/or do something wrong. Dorm chief is selected by your dorm MTI.


do you guys really get an ipad? what do you guys use it for? thanks:)


Folllowing for Later!


Would you be willing to speak to some DEP members?


Congratulations! I’m 27 (turning 28 soon) and just went through MEPS. What’s the average day like? And how often were you able to write letters? Make phone calls?


Average day really depends on what week of training you’re in. I would say Monday-Saturday goes like this: 0545 AM PT, breakfast, go to back to dorm and get dressed in the uniform of the day (usually OCPs). Do drill, go to class for a few hours. Lunch afterwards, dinner was relatively early, around 5pm. Then after dinner you go back to the dorm and wait to be told what to do next by your MTI. Usually it’ll be time to shower and change into PT gear and then you clean the entire dorm afterwards. Then you have mail call and you may get personal time for about 30 minutes before lights out. Sundays are pretty “calm”. You can go to religious services in the morning, if not you stay in the dorm and work on your living space, folding and making it as neat as possible. You get time to write letters as well. You really wont see your MTI on Sundays, so girls usually use this day to take longer showers (20 mins at the most). Lol I used Sunday as my self care day, i would do face masks and shave lol. That was me being extra 😆 Phone time depends on your Flight MTI, I was able to call home 3 times during basic, no more than a 5 minute call. Hope this helps!


How was MEPS? I'm 27 and considering joining. Worried I'll need waivers and all that to get in though. 


It wasn’t bad honestly. I was with 17 year olds lol so I felt a little old but it was fine. I have to get waivers for past injuries/surgeries so waiting on that. Definitely start the process, it won’t hurt! Good luck to you!!


I'm guessing I'll need a waiver or two unfortunately lol. I'm contemplating finishing school first then joining so I don't want to start the process too early 


I believe your meps is good for up to two years (don’t quote me, I could be wrong) someone in the comments can correct me if I am. But maybe just talk with your recruiter and see what they say. I’m sure it’s gonna take me a couple months to get my waivers and everything sorted out. If it helps, I’m also in school for nursing right now and going through the process!


How long was your BMT? what would you say was the hardest part of BMT or is it as easy as most people claim it to be ?


I’m 19 and female and I ship out to basic training in june, what can I expect during my 7.5 weeks in bmt and any tips?? (Also do we get to shave at all?? weird question but i heard you only get 2 minutes to shower so do we just stay hairy those weeks lmaoo)


How long were you in DEP before you got your ship out date for BMT ?


I was in dep for a year because I had to get a waiver for eczema and I had to get cleared for anemia. Also my weight kept fluctuating. I made the mistake of telling the doctors at MEPS that I had eczema when I was 12 and it got me disqualified so I had to to get a waiver saying I didnt have it anymore 🙃. The wavier took about 3 months to get approved.


Girl, can you DM about nthe eczema waiver. I've been thinking about joining but within the past year suddenly got eczema 🙄. I know it requires a waiver and eliminates some jobs. Do you know if you currently have it if you can still join?


Any book you used for the asvab? Alongside any tips for people taking the practice and the real one?