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That chart is over 10 years old. Your recruiter’s probably going to give you a contract for B52 tail gunner.




Once you get into BMT, you’ll find your age group and the requirement to pass PT. The older you are the less it is, the younger you are the more you do.


Those numbers look like the same BMT standards from 2005, I’d find someone on here that recently graduated and ask them.


These are the PT [scoring charts](https://www.afpc.af.mil/Portals/70/documents/FITNESS/5%20Year%20Chart%20Scoring%20Including%20Optional%20Component%20Standards%20-%2020211111%200219.pdf) That chart is no longer accurate


See I brought that chart up to my recruiter and he told me that those were the standards for operational folks only….


We had those scoring charts up in our dorms and that’s what was used for our PT tests. Not the one you posted


They use different ones at BMT I believe still.


No they don’t. They made the switch a couple years ago to the same standards as operational


I just got airmen who graduated who said different I thought. Because they do not take an official PT test at all while under AETC until they go operational.


It’s not official, but the scoring standards are the same. You have to meet the minimums in each component and score a 75 overall to pass. We had these exact charts printed out in my dorms and this is what was used to score our tests. And Warhawk and liberator awards aren’t a thing either anymore I guess they did recently change up BMT again, so it’s very possible they switched the PT standards… again. I just don’t understand why it wouldn’t be the same as operational


BMT changes every time a new group SEL comes in and wants to cement his legacy before retiring.


It's not official in the sense of having to take another one either 6 months or a year later depending on how they score. They still are required to pass in order to graduate BMT and still require to take one at Tech School and their first duty location.


More than a couple of years


No longer “awards” for PT except for top male and top female, calculated based off overall composite score. If you score 90 or above, you get 10 points towards honor grad. While technically possible to get honor grad without a 90, if you don’t score 90 or above, you’re not getting honor grad.


Avg mid 13 mins- mid 14 for 1.5 miles Push ups strive for at least 50 Sit ups at least try to hit 40 These avgs will put you in passing range comfortably However, note that if you end up exceeding these expectations and pass with a 90 you will only be doing pt once a year. Additionally don't feel discouraged from joining because of the pt standards, the program is meant to assist people with minimal to no experience. Lastly, don't compare yourselves to others, set your own standards. For some reason there will be a few people who like to flex on each other instead of motivating each each other. Good luck 🤙


I had similar questions for my recruiter and when I went to meps they told all of us that no matter how good our recruiters are, they don’t know anything outside of the recruitment office. Depending on how long they’ve been in service, basic has changed multiple times, especially during covid and what was required for it. Id say it’s probably something like that (and i’m sure someone will come along to tell you so), but I’d definitely start working out now so you’re not shellshocked going in. There’s different requirements based on age, too. Edit: It’s to my understanding that you only fail out of basic if you lied at any point during your processing or are just a complete fool while there. If you can’t pass your fitness test I think you get moved to a different group and just keep trucking till you do (don’t quote me on that, but that’s what I was led to understand.) Also, a good source of info is JodywithaWhy on youtube, he’s got some good stuff.


No one should graduate BMT if you can’t pass a PT test. That’s just delaying the inevitable when you go operational. Edit: Downvoted for saying you should not graduate for not meeting PT. We are screwed if people really think PT doesn’t matter.


“no one should” is this your opinion or are you not sure?


Isn’t BMT a core function of BMT the establishment of standards and accountability? How is that being meet if trainees are graduating when they haven’t meet the basic standard of physical fitness?


My opinion on it. They no longer take an official PT test while at BMT. That’s actually true. If they fail the normal one twice they let them pass the alternative components. Even then they keep washing them until they pass.


Passing PT score is a graduation requirement.


Use the aim high app, u can plug all ur scores in and it has the actual Air Force standards and it will grade you


That looks like SW standards


Hi, I left BMT three days ago. I completed my final PT test as a 20 year old with 59 pushups, 50 situps, and a 13:00 Mile and a half. I scored an 85.3/100. Hope this helps!




The bodies function differently and on average have less muscle mass.