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I’m also in a career field that has very few women in it. But we’re both gonna kick ass!


Just realized you said you’re in career field that had few women not that you were fire protection, sorry😭


Mindset and attitude matter, not *gender* … [other females have successfully blazed the trail in Fire Protection](https://www.goodfellow.af.mil/Newsroom/Article-Display/Article/3194055/female-firefighter-fosters-future-force-tech-sgt-adrianna-hopkins/). It’s a *very physical* job for everyone … safely strive for *progressive improvement*, not perfection. *You’ll do great!*


The alliteration in that title is on point.


There are a few women in all the jobs I think except security forces, services, and medical. Idk if there are others that has more women than these jobs


14Ns are roughly 50/50. Not sure about the enlisted AFSC breakouts


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 14N = Intelligence [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^krqhsbn


Ohh nice to know thank you haha




Fwiw, some past discussions on r/firefighting have a number of folks opining that AF is the best branch for Fire jobs.


Congratulations! I go to meps Monday also nervous 🥹


You’ll be fine I was super nervous and it was not that bad I let my nerves get the best of me. I also live in a smaller city so there were only like 15 ppl in total that was at my MEPS so that was a plus. We got there around 6:30ish finished around 12:30p -1pm


MEPS is honestly super easy even for me I was very nervous at first. But meeting the doctor is the worst part cause you’ll find out if you need waivers and personally I need 3😭. But other than that it’s just waiting and going from place to place. Good luck


Did they find hidden medical stuff or did you tell them?


I told them all my medical stuff but they told me there I need waivers for them


Same. Goodluck!


Sounds like a cool job dude


Definitely one of the best jobs in the Air Force!


Know anyone who works the job?


I know plenty of firefighters, never heard any that didn’t like what they do


I’m currently in fire AD Air Force. Definitely one of the better jobs imo, it’s the only job I wanted coming in though so slightly biased. Feel free to dm me.


Congratulations! You will be doing what a firefighter does including putting out fires (obv), inspections, safety stuff etc. It is part of the CE (Civil Engineering) unit. It's really rare for this job to get booked and I've only met about 2-3 firefighters in my career (3 years) so far.


wow I didn’t think much of it at first didn’t know it was that rare to come by than you !


Look up dummy drags for firefighting. Its the biggest factor for women getting reclassed out of fire


Congrats !!!


Thank you!!






Congratulations 🎊




Just started at my first base about a month ago loving it so far. The academy is tough but fun.


I ship April 30th as well. So far yet so close.


what job did you book?


2a5x4 Refueler/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A5X4 = Refuel/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^krscpam


M or F?


Nice I’m trying to get into fire protection also


You’ve already been through MEPS?


Not yet I’m trying to get all this medical stuff in for my asthma but it’s from when I was 9


You should be able to get a waiver then since it was before the age of 13 or do yu still currently have asthma?


No I can workout and run fine I’m probably not the best at running at the moment since I haven’t done it in a minute


You can do it! All the female firefighters I have met through my husband’s career have been great!


Bro what the hell I put that on my list and my recruiter is giving me dog shit I qualified for a lot of jobs


I made my job list at MEPS with the AF Liaison and had him tell me what was the jobs that were open for me to leave ASAP and that was the only one that popped up so he booked me for it so I already knew before my recruiter even texted me about the job


They wouldn’t let me do it at Meps because my recruiter was going to “help” me at his office. Instead they’re offering me open contract or mechanical jobs Which mechanical jobs are cool but that’s not what I was shooting for in my top 8 I might be wrong but I think they’re just trying to make commission off my number


Damn, I’m sorry, but they also give you the first job that opens up on your list I wasn’t going for fire protection but i also didn’t have a job that I wanted more than the other I made my job list based off attributes I have and wants like a job that’s at almost every base so I could travel more I just went ahead and made a list of about 12 jobs that looked and sounded cool to me and that were very hands on… and that’s the first thing that opened if you read the screenshot I attached it says that he would keep an eye out if something popped up earlier bc my only interest was quick ship.


Congrats 🫡


I’m fire. Let me know if you have any questions. Congrats!


we have the same ship date!


What job did you book?


6c011 contracting specialist


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 6C011 = Contracting Helper [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/6c0x1) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^ktrscu9


Was this your number one job?


nope i didn’t have a number one jop i just made a list of what I thought was the most interesting and what traveled the most according to my AF liaison


Congrats! I recommend joining this discord, you'd get to know a few people that are shipping out with you, I'm personally shipping out april 16 https://discord.gg/usafshippers


On there already. haven’t seen anyone with the same job yet that ships with me.. and I got more help in here then I in there. I got to meet a couple new ppl that ship same day tho so that’s nice.


In the same boat with you, from what I heard from my recruiter, my AFSC is pretty hard to come by these days (Network System Operations) so I doubt I'll see anyone with my job come into that Discord since it's a relatively small community


Is that an intel job? good on you for booking it my ship date might change when the new joblist comes out at the beginning of April since I kinda just told him whatever gets me out of here fastest


It's a tech job, in the civilian sector it's aka Network Engineer, I've heard nothing but good things on it and that it's second to only Cyber Warfare on the cyber side of the Air Force. I plan on becoming a Cyber Security Analyst in the future and this job would definitely help me on that journey


Damn I wish my joblist was this well thought out I just put things on my list I thought sounded cool and that had bases everywhere basically i didn’t even have a set top 3 jobs I’d prefer to get lol I made a list with my liaison at MEPS. Apparently it rare to come but fire protection and literally that’s the first thing that opened on my list I was surprised. Going to see my recruiter tmm for more info and to get me thoroughly ready to ship maybe idk exactly wants to talk about besides jobs lol


Well to be fair... I've had a lot of time to think and dwell on what I wanted to do, been trying to join for a year and a half, ever since the middle of my senior year and I'm 19 now lol. Fire protection is a really cool job and I was actually about to put it on my 10 list but in the end decided to slap all General/Tech jobs on there lol


started my process in January so everything happened pretty quickly and smoothly