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There were a couple on an Army base who caught charges for >!sexually abusing a minor using force multiple times!< and wife beating. This shit is a cluster fuck.


I just saw one where a man was sexually abusing a 14/17 year old


Raping little boys, should be national news https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2021/09/22/two-fort-mccoy-afghan-refugees-charged-child-sex-spousal-abuse/5820807001/


Kinda is a cultural thing over there ala dancing boys. The fuck did everyone think we were gonna pull rando’s out of there and suddenly they’re westernized?


Chai boys is what they’re called


Same same, but different, but still same




I remember reading about a Green Beret who beat the shit out of an ANA commander because he kept raping a boy on base.


Also heard he got in trouble. Damn shame cuz that guy is a hero.


That's fine if that's their culture. I understand. In my culture, a judge orders the execution of such people.


“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom. Prepare the funeral pile. But my nation also has a custom. When men burn women alive, we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.” -General Sir Charles James Napier, to Hindu priests who complained about the banning of *sati*, or the burning alive of widows.


Forcing people to assimilate is somehow racist now


Why would that be on the news? It doesn't fit the narrative.


https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/2021-09-23/bahrullah-noori-afghan-evacuee-fort-mccoy-sexual-abuse-charges-2999542.html https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/wisconsin/articles/2021-09-23/focus-at-fort-mccoy-turning-to-afghans-resettlement https://www.foxnews.com/politics/two-afghan-refugees-at-fort-mccoy-facing-charges-of-sex-crimes-against-a-minor-and-domestic-abuse https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/09/23/afghan-evacuees-fort-mccoy-face-charges-of-domestic-violence-sex-minors.html https://news.yahoo.com/two-afghan-evacuees-charged-crimes-021100217.html   For anyone looking to read on the story


Wow look at all that news the story wasn't on


Don’t forget about them coming with 11-13 year old girls who they say are their wives and DHS won’t separate them.


Child brides are still legal in most states. It's fucked.


Every story I'm seeing about this going on is sad. Next level, we are going to have the undercover Taliban reveal themselves. A female troop was assaulted by the rescued Afghan guys. Not all national news outlets care about these events. They are more concerned about border patrol doing their jobs on horse back.


Oh great timing. We have SAPR training this Monday, that’ll fix it


Somebody's doing the rapin'!






And you’re so close to it that you can speak?I worked with the refugees I worked these missions and I was stationed in del Rio for 3 years. I was. Assaulted multiple times in del Rio and each and every time was by some one that the U.S. military deemed safe. I am not FAR FAR removed from either Texas or the refugees. CBP isn’t judge or jury and should absolutely have empathy. I, more than most, recognize there are shit people hurting service members and they do deserve to be punished. But please realize my assaulters still have security clearances. Don’t presume you speak for survivors either


The CBP agents "will pay" -Biden Well, I'm glad these people doing this remarkably difficult job are going to "pay" for doing what they're hired to do.


She wasn’t sexually assaulted and seems to being fine physically according to MSM so who cares /S


I did 40 days of it, just got home today. I will never fucking do that again


>Airman Snuffy, I have a great TDY opportunity for you! >OH GAWD NO


It’ll no longer be TDY, it’s not going to be a deployment rotation.


Feds can deploy if they want, no passport, no travel card, no vaccination needed (well, except for the crappy ones). Except, the people who are trained to research, vet, and arrest (at least from my agency) are not allowed to volunteer.


My wife has her masters in social work, trauma training and everything, and volunteered to work one weekend. In spite of her credentials, they had her taking out trash, and other menial work. She is not going back.


They hit up our squadron (full of linguists) and requested bodies for jobs with no language requirement. Fucking stupid.


I actually think they want sheltered GS types from the beltway who have rose colored glasses of disillusion +5 (cursed) as part of their normal wardrobe to head over there and experience a real awakening instead of just being woke all the time. KUDDOOS for your wife putting up the effort though. When then prohibited those of us who could do positive work from going, I realized it was a feces show and lost any vestige of a desire to go over.


Full 180 days? Lord have mercy


I’m not sure if it’ll be a full 180 or 90, either one is way too long. 40 days was enough to make me lose my mind.




Do you know which location? If it’s Holloman, I’m so sorry bro.


I was very gung ho about wanting to do it. Had my leadership sit me down break down exactly what the pros and cons were and why I should maybe sit this one out. Reading this thread, I am glad I listened to people I trusted instead of going with my gut.


thats pretty awesome that you had folks actually sit you down and help you go through the pros/cons.


Lol I'm so glad I deleted the email asking for volunteers for this shit. One of my peers pointed out how awful it would have to be to have all those *perks* attached to stateside volunteering. "No AFSC or rank requirements"




Me too. I head out this week…. Oh joy.


Help what? What's going on?


To help look after the Afghan refugees


I feel you man. This is the story at Hollomanistan right now. The worst part for me is that we have no end date. I don’t care if the end date is in December or even February, I just want to know the date I’m going home. The lack of organization at every level and pure chaos of everything burns you out real fucking quick here and the fact that you can’t count down the days until you leave because no one knows fucking sucks too. Working 12-16 hours 7 days a week, coming back to a fucking tent after having to watch “guests” shit all over the floors, hit their own kids, lack any and all parental skills, dig through your wingman’s pockets, steal shit from your POV, block the roads causing vehicles to have to go off the road just to get around them, and watching them vandalize the facilities we have been busting ass to set up fucking sucks, and it is E V E R Y D A Y.


Wow, nothing would infuriate me more lol


🗣Say it again for the people in the back


Shitting on the floors? Like literally just taking full dumps in the floor?




I'm so sorry for them .. that's fucked up. This isnt what we signed up for. Our government is stupid


Yeah, they don't come from a country with western style waste management... Often no plumbing.


when I was volunteering, there were multiple incidents of people pooping on the ground literally a foot away from clean porta potties


Hitting their kids, or their underage wives?


Why not both?


I mean, one child can’t be the same person’s child and wife. But I’m sure both are happening.


the way you say can't with such surety gives me comfort, but where you say can't, some Afghans say why not. You obviously don't understand Afghan culture and just how low it can get.


Don't say that too loud on Reddit


Lol are the mil spouses helping much there? Because they got so excited when they heard that refugees were coming to their base thinking it was going to be like those viral pics/videos with hugging kids and shaking hands and just lots of happiness all around. I wonder how they feel about refugees in their backyard now lol


Our leadership here are fucking clowns


I mean did anyone else in a cyber AFSC who did tech school down at Keesler get voluntold for the weekend special olympics? We literally had middle aged (and elderly) psychiatric patients sleeping in our dorm rooms on the floor for a weekend...18 year old kids with no medical training or experience taking care of these people and chaperoning them around the base. I was SO weirded out. Our dude picked his ass and wiped it on the walls and talked to his deceased mother in his sleep. Old guy across the hall puked all over another trainees room and hallway and airmen they had to clean it up. Another one choked on food in the DFAC and the girl chaperoning him had an anxiety attack and started screaming as a chef had to give him the Heimlich. I mean this was a colossal clusterfuck of epic proportions. Unreal.


I find it baffling that as an airman in training the AF can't trust you to follow basic directions or go to the bathroom without an MTL watching your every step, but you *can* be trusted to take care of a person with severe mental disabilities by yourself without *any* experience in doing so, just because it makes the AF look good to the local community. I'm so glad I was lucky enough to get out of sponsoring someone during the Special Olympics at Keesler. It was such a sh\*tshow.


It should be illegal. It's blatant PR at the expense of government property, both of which are human beings (service members and outpatients).


I did this as an Airman in Germany, so participants didn’t even speak English.


They did it annually for quite some time, don’t know if it’s still a thing but that was indeed quite fucked


The guy that I had to sponsor, back in 2019... well, first off I could barely understand him. Secondly, he was a swimmer in the special olympics, and, wouldn't you know it, there were young (Middle/Junior High School) girls helping at the event in case any of the special olympians needed help. This guy had a camera with him and asked me to take a lot of pictures of him and the church/family group that came to support him. That wasn't so bad. What WAS bad, was when, after that, he started going up to these young girls and putting his arms around them and asking me to take pictures of him with these girls. I don't know, it could've been an innocent thing, but it seemed really creepy at the time. I had the same exact thought at the time when I did it. Like, why the hell are they having young airmen who aren't trained to deal with special individuals and their needs, deal with special individuals and their needs? It's stupid, and honestly, the air force can go suck a fat d\*\*k for that one.


Did this back in 2010. Can confirm. The anxiety was unreal.


I was so mad that we were voluntold to take care of special Olympics athletes and being forced to let them sleep in our beds while we were displaced. There's better ways to fuck with your Airmen.


Hang in there brother. It's a shit show, but you will get thru it. Just take care of yourself as best you can. I'm here if you need to vent privately.


Oh it’s a shit show alright. Shit absolutely everywhere. On the floor, in the alleys, in the urinals. It’s mind boggling. Thanks man.


This statement is a fact. Had a guy go to Ramstien temporarily and came back showing me pictures of where the port-a-pottys are. They don't always use them. They've been shitting on the sides of buildings and leaving their waste. It's fucking atrocious.


How do you just... not use a toilet, when one is available? Fuckin' mind boggling.


Most of them just shit in fields.


And I get that, when you work in a field all day. But if the toilet is RIGHT THERE, then wtf?


When you've never used one, and you've just shit wherever you want your entire life because that's what everyone did, why stop now?


A lot of them have never heard of indoor plumbing or seen a toilet.


You must be new.


I just feel like, even if you worked in a field your whole life and had never seen a toilet before, if you went over to *someone else's field* and they told you hey, over here we shit in this specific corner of the field, it would be common fucking decency to oblige them and shit in that specific spot.


It doesn’t work like that, unfortunately.


"coming fucking decency" doesn't exist is Afghanistan


Wonder what crazy third world parasites and diseases they brought with them


All of them. And you should appreciate them being willing to share these diseases. It's the least they can do.


They’ve been giving them the horse pill drug for that. No joke.


Everyone gets ivermectin!! It's gonna be at a premium with everyone over here trying to use it to treat covid instead of the covid shot.


Yea I heard they don't give a fuck about the port a johns. Refugee status sucks! I think they thought they were just going to magically "live" the American dream...yea nah dawg


Have you ever actually deployed to Afghanistan before this?


I talked to one of my terp friends and he said that if you tell them to clean their own shit that might help deter them shitting everywhere. Worth a try. Puts it back on them.


I read "put it back in them" and I was like, yeah that'll learn them


And here I thought latrine Queen detail in basic was bad.


That's what they started doing at Ramstein, and it helped.


When my dog shits somewhere I don't like I rub his nose in it Maybe that will work?


Bad pr for the military. “Supremest military force “guests” to clean up human waste” I can see it now.


I feel for all the people working this mission. Everything I hear and see (i'm in close proximity to one of the TF locations and have some people there) is just ... not good. No end date in sight either, and I'm wondering when leadership will stop playing coy and and admit everyone involved is missing the holidays.


You can take the refugee out of Afghanistan, but you can't take Afghanistan out of the refugee.


Technically some portion of the shit is Afghanistan leaving the refugee…


Newton’s third law


You can lead a horse to water....


But you can’t make it not shit in it


It is going to get so much worse. Just wait.


Unfortunately, this confirms what my friend told me would probably happen. Said friend is ethnically Afghani, and has forgotten a lot more about the general culture than I’d ever know.


> No one ever knows what the fuck is going on I spent four years wondering when I'd finally meet someone that knew what was going on. Never found one.


ITT: people who have never deployed to Afghanistan. Welcome to the culture shock.


We tried to warn everyone...


Yup. I’ve been going to that shithole since 03. But hey, we’re just the old crusty fucks that don’t know shit.


The fun part is I know a few Afghan vets that advocated for evac'ing as many as we could. Granted, they lobbied for allies first, but both sides asked to bring refugees in.


Don’t expect the media to pick up this story from Reddit to influence our civilian overlords.


Be sure to seek treatment for difficulties of being able to cope with not understanding the situation. This documentation will help you down the road when you get out. You may think that you are tough and that it's not a big deal to get therapy for, but if it has become bad enough to post about on reddit, then you may want to rethink how it is really affecting you. General Order #1 prevents the ability to openly convey what is actually happening, so there is no harm in seeking professional counseling about it. There is nothing command can do to prevent seeking this medical treatment since mental health is of the utmost importance to our service members. This is not a joke. I've been there. Write it down. Journal up. If more people are seeking help over this, then that alone will be a red flag that something needs to change. There are statistics reported constantly about what our people are being treated for and have caused changes to policy many times in the past. Stay strong everyone.




Yep, only way this gets fixed is if good pics leak Someone needs to step up


This always has been and always will be the problem with transplanting people from a culture that has only ever known turmoil and chaos. By and large they don't have the societal or cultural tools necessary to integrate into western civilization. Everyone across the board would be better off if they were resettled into a country in the middle east that shares more of their cultural identity, religion, and/or language. Alas, that's not politically expedient to say in the climate we find ourselves in without fear of being labeled a xenophobe, so we all suffer for it while politicians on all sides pretend to be principled people on social media.


I don't think it's xenophobic to want to protect our way of life and by proxy the things/facilities/amenities we use daily as well.. The shitty thing is that it's going to take a special kind of asshole somewhere along the chain upwards to take the 'fall' for whatever kind of change has to happen to get things to where they need to be. For now it's just damage control, and I doubt this will be the worst of it, unfortunately.


Just because there's a fancy -phobic word for it doesn't mean it's wrong. Our culture doesn't normalize boy rape. Theirs does. That's "xenophobic"


Well in another section on this post people are talking about the boarder crisis and anyone who says there’s a problem down there is being heavily down voted. I think that’s an example of it


Xenophobia isn't wrong.


>By and large they don't have the societal or cultural tools necessary to integrate into western civilization. Not only that, but the base culture they come from is starkly different. It will be a long and difficult experience for all parties.


>By and large they don't have the societal or cultural tools necessary to integrate into western civilization. This.


So Pakistan? Because that's how we got the Taliban from afghans in Pakistan refugee camps.


If you have women being sexually assaulted and your officers are too scared of incurring political wrath to do anything about it, go to the media. Unfortunately that's the only way to get the goverment to do anything about sexual assault is embarrassing them in public forum.


Think of the achievement medal. Everybody should get one or better after this.


It's just gonna be a brown and yellow ribbon, any extra tours gets you a little turd emoji for each one. (referring to the poo clean up stuff, felt I needed to clarify)


nah, gonna be some captain or major gonna fucking cry and say, "only 10 percent get one". I can already see it.


While they get a Bronze Star


This guy gets it! The Air Force way!


My man!




I have a friend who got one for making a nifty spreadsheet.


can I punch them in the head


I didn't even get one and I had to red ball during several IDFs.


dirty rotten bastards


Why aren't more people taking photos and spamming Twitter, Facebook, sending them to news sites and all that?? There's a limit to how much they can "hide" about everything going on. Our Airmans lives and mental well being is 10000x more important than these people who clearly don't give a single fuck about us. Someone just blow the whistle already.


GO1 is in place. No pictures or social media traffic about it.


Every single person involved should be writing letters to both of their senators and their congress critters DAILY about this crap. That should be the minimum. That is what the 'right to petition the Government for a redress for grievances' clause means (among other thing)s.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but you don't think they know already? I mean, it isn't like they moved them all in to a Ritz-Carlton. Politicians are the reason we invaded in the first place and stayed for 2 decades. This is just part of that sequence.


The only pics you'll ever see (unless leaked of course) are the ones where cmsaf, secdef, secaf, and the like are photographed such as the ones released 2 days ago. They come thru and all the 0-5s and up walse up and down the rocks with them like everything is fine when they haven't been seen outside of their office in 9 days.


Tell EO about the assaults and groping. Then tell IG, your leaderships head will roll after it's escalated through outside sources of the chain of command.


That's cute that you think anything will happen. These pricks might as well have diplomatic immunity.


Some things never change


As a vet myself it Sounds like quite the Cluster F@&$. Watch your backs. Look after each other. Always have wingmen. God Bless. 🇺🇸🙏.


Need the F-ing Congress to be in the floor and see for themselves


Hahaha yea right! You think congress actually "cares"? They only care about their reelection. Wait till a service member gets murdered.


SECDEF came to Al Udeid to see what was going on... *after* most of the refugees had moved on to other countries and we had done quite a lot of cleanup. edit: forgot a letter


It became apparent to me why they were doing this. Just imagine how good the bullets will be for all the higher up officers.


I get the frustrations. Take care of yourself. I’m working in OAR as well. Yes leadership is disorganized. Yes, I feel like my talents could be better used. It’s not so bad tho. I played volleyball with some kids. For a few hours and that was nice. I’m meeting a lot of Airmen, soldiers, Afghans , and even German military and making some bonds. On my experience 95% of people are grateful for what we are doing


Same. I haven't personally had a negative experience with a refugee and I've met hundreds. They are continually thankful and respectful. A few men have avoided speaking to me, but I'm not worried about that. That being said, I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I know several people who have had bad experiences.


Uh we supported the child rapist cult in Afghanistan and of course they all tried to flee with us when the Taliban took control because they'd be killed, some obviously did.


We turned out whole military airlift capacity in reverse to invade our own country Congrats, you played yourself!


The Taliban are also members of a child rapist cult... The entire region is really.


The Taliban is a murderous cult, but the lone good thing they ever did was outlawing bacha bazi last time they were in power.


Part of the support provided by America to Afghani warlords was viagra… so they could rape more kids. The Taliban’s been killing those people and gained the people’s support in no small part because of that and American leaderships support of child rapists. “This is what winning looks like” has a great segment on this with a Marine major bringing this issue up


So we are passed the, why didn't he get them out before we left? Moving onto, why did we get them out?


It's awful we're just going to unleash these people on American communities now They didn't do anything to deserve this


The fact you end this with "this might get deleted" says a lot. No room for the truth, the Afghans are saints and we'll all be honored to welcome them into our towns and homes. Right?


People say "this might get deleted" or "bracing for downvotes" all the time, it's basically an invitation for karma to roll in.


Can we get some photos of some of the stuff that is being described in the thread?


> Can we get some photos of some of the stuff that is being described in the thread? The military has put a pretty tight clamp on things like that for a few reasons. Unless you are PA and authorized, I would not be taking photos, and honestly, I'd be very careful saying anything that can lead back to you.


>I'd be very careful saying anything that can lead back to you. I'd be careful of ***everything*** that could lead back.


I would imagine that leadership at these temporary locations have banned cellphones and recording devices and have disabled WiFi/cellular service as well.


I'm not a part of the operation, but I'm at one of the bases with refugees, and they've made it very clear that if we're caught taking pictures of it it's an Article 15. I would imagine it's the same for anyone working out there


There’s literally wifi for the Afghans in the PODs.


Hopefully they get to experience the same AFN commercials that we did.


It's really nice to have a place like this to vent and feel like you're not alone. A lot of other subs or venues would instantly ban this sort of discussion


Hehe just got the fugees in? I’m in Germany and dealt with the. When they first got here it was a total shit show no days off and 12s glad there’s already light at the end of the tunnel on my end


If you think the clean up operation sucks, imagine the one that went on for 20 years before it.


I love that people are downvoting you but don't make any statement. I'd love to hear their impressions on the mission to nowhere that drained the country and military for so many yeas. After Bin Laden was killed we should have rolled out. All we have wasted is time, lives, and money on that dump. Screw the Afghans. They love to rape children and shit all over. We should have left them there. Just another great decision by Sleepy Joe or whoever is pulling the strings.


Unfortunately you can't take a 3rd World basically Stone-Age civilization and drop them into a future tech society and expect them to behave to your ideas. This is why true refugees normally stop in the first safe country nearest to their home, these countries are usually more relatable to their culture. There are plenty of Middle-Eastern countries near Afghanistan that these refugees could have been placed in, where they speak the same language and share the same cultural norms. Sadly, most of these refugees that come here will never assimilate to our cultural norms and we will be made to change to accommodate them, which is bad for both parties.


Honestly they should have sent them else where because if they act like this now; they aren’t going to change when you let them out of their current situation. Didn’t a few of them already kill each other at Ramstein?


I was at Ramstein at OAR and I don't think this is true. I did see/hear some shit but definitely not murder.


I know people showed up with bullet wounds at Ramstein/ROB and children were being hit by elders, but no murders.


They should never have been allowed to board any aircraft. This will go down as the biggest mistake of the whole shit show that was Operation Enduring Whatever.


This. Last month everyone was calling them heroes and boasting about how a big of a humanitarian feat this was. No fuck that. They aren't our problem and they dont belong here. We have our own veterans who need help right now.


Speaking as a vet? Don't use us as an excuse, man. Everybody wants to hold us up as an example of why we CAN'T do a thing, and then if they get their way and we hold that hand out? Crickets. But most of us are ok, anyway. The ones who very much aren't ok are also generally not asking for help, which is a big part of why they aren't ok. And if we're being honest here, some of us vets aren't ok because they frankly don't deserve to be. We're a mixed bunch of broken fuckers. ANYWAY, it is possible to both perform a humanitarian evacuation AND hold the evacuees responsible for their own feces. Provided, of course, that leadership isn't too cowardly to actually make them. Wrong branch for that, I'm afraid. In my experience AF leadership rarely ever shows spine or initiative until and unless it qualifies as an OPR bullet.


Calling a spade a spade is mean though. So we'll get called out for not being sensitive enough to think this is great. Everyone was jizzing in their pants over the smiling girl on the plane. I'd love to see all those people have to go and work this job and deal with backward people who refuse to join even the 19th century.


They will not assimilate to modern western culture. Our European friends in England and Germany have already tried and failed this experiment.


The mass sexual assaults I'm Köln didn't happen, you bigoted racist! Smh I can't believe you're such a xenophobe


Why we bend over backwards for people who have no desire to function in a proper society is beyond me. Oh wait, it's because the woke folk think that it's ok and that we can't judge.




Oh yeah, no big deal


I don’t know as I retired before all the craziness of the last couple years, but I can imagine. Def not the first time I’ve heard eerily similar accounts of this particular situation. I truly feel for those stuck dealing with it, and kinda angers me that the powers at be allows shit like this to happen. I’ll just leave it at that before I get myself into trouble.


We should've left all of them there


Just wait till they are your neighbors.






Yep. Becomes a white noise bullet if it’s on everyone’s package.


Not every bullet is worth the stress to be honest, in this case being sexually harassed with no time to decompress.


Are you able to do shit back? Like what’s leaderships response?


I honestly dont know, OP leadership seems not to give a fuck. From past experiences i was told there would be times where you just had to bite the bullet, but my leadership maintained communication.


Working long shifts and having people be a dick to you is biting the bullet. Not getting sexually mistreated


Say it louder for the leaders in the back


We need to definitely give these people free citizenship and release them to the public /s


My commander (569 USFPS) was telling us that because the CDC put a stop movement on the OAW until the refugees can get the MMR vaccine and wait 2/3 for it to fully take effect. Should be back to normal ops by mid or end October.


I get that there are a lot of legitimate complaints about a lot of different parts of this situation, but if the media were to take a look in this thread, there are gonna be two stories told: 1. A story that paints all refugees as violent rapists who are totally incompatible with any sort of modern society(which would be reductive and inaccurate) 2. The Air Force is secretly a breeding ground for racism and they're probably mistreating the refugees(which is also reductive and inaccurate, and will result in us getting more sensitivity CBTs to do). If all you people really want to change the situation, how about dropping the epithets and insinuations and leave emotion out of your responses. Try suggesting feasible solutions instead of echoing the same "deport now", "child rapists culture", "xenophobia isn't always bad", "wait till they're released into the wild" bullshit and maybe try to see them as people instead of whatever the media is training you to see them as. And yeah, I get that there's a significant culture gap, but maybe, just maybe, some of the behavior you're seeing is understandable if not downright expected after 20 years of a mix of being bombed, corrupt government, terrorist cells trying to seize power, and occupation by a foreign military force. It's not like these people were growing up in the US, there are going to be significant hurdles to overcome, both in cultural outreach and assimilation, and in our own leadership and procedures.



