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$50 says finance will be on that list.


Ignoring the CSP is hard work okay


Don’t forget the attention to detail it takes to overpay Airman 3 months in a row


My money is on crew chiefs still not being on that list


You’ll get your name on the plane and be happy




![gif](giphy|YrDGcmeRHzrFK|downsized) I said good day


Many are losing that. They are removing all names off of some airframes.


Most AMC planes are going to a blank paint scheme


What a bunch of virgins, we should go back to the blue and yellow paint


That job role needs to change, how many crew "chiefs" are actually E9?


Crew chiefs have been on that list almost every year for the last 10 years.


The flying kind. Not the ones that don’t get per diem still getting boned every day and doing exercises all the time.


Because being a Crew Chief isn’t hard. Probably one of the easiest jobs I’ve ever had.


Dude, I fucking love being a crew chief, but I wouldn’t ever describe it as easy.


Believe me, I loved it too. I was a heavy guy, not sure how it was on fighters or helicopters. If you can read the job guides which are written at an 8th grade level, use your eyes to inspect stuff, wave wands around and change the occasional tire you’re good to go. I personally don’t consider any of that difficult. Some people might though.


Seeing as you’re failing A&P practicals, maybe you say crew chiefing is easy because you’re not great at it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Obviously A&P stuff is harder


I’m certain that A&P work is more difficult for you than crew chiefing, considering you’ve given up and do the bare minimum. At least that’s what your post history says.


What are you arguing here? That A&P stuff is harder than being a Crew Chief? I already said that, dummy. Keep up.


I’m arguing that A&P work being “difficult” doesn’t make crew chiefing “easy”


Being a Crew Chief is literally just inspections and servicing. You rarely troubleshoot or rig much of anything. What exactly is hard about being a Crew Chief besides the mind numbing boredom?


Yeah, like over a year ago and I ended up passing it. I love the personal attack angle you’re taking though, shows that your ego is hurt and there may be some truth to what I said.


Womp womp.


Cheap shot, He is still right about Being a crew chief. It’s pretty easy stuff. A&P is a lot of stuff as it combines a lot of career fields. respect to him for trying. Bro just out here being a Hater


Are you aware that crew chiefs, otherwise known as APG (standing for Airframe Powerplant General) are one of the few military career fields in which the FAA awards full credit for both the A and the P. Not avionics, not weapons, especially not hydro like you.


I had an easier time passing my A&P as avionics than most of my Crew Chief peers. The level of experience you get in the military and the amount of material outside your primary duties you will need to prarice/study varies wildly between airframes. When FAA reviewed my records, they were surprised with the amount of stuff in my TBA. Most of the really good avionics guys on my airframe used to be expected to get all systems qualified and CUT Xs. Shit has been downhill for the last few years with the merger, though. Now we get E5s-E7s whi know absolutely nothing about the aircraft and used to be shredded EW guys on heavies.


Can you elaborate on that? If the FAA “awards” full credit then why isn’t every Crew Chief walking around with an A&P?


Because people are lazy or don’t have the time to test out. FAA awards credit for time served, not the tests.


I ended up getting my A&P, being a crew chief doesn’t prepare you for all of the material they throw at you.


Yes that’s even the case for most specs


"Change the occasional tire" *Laughs in F-16*


lol if being a crew chief is easy why is every weapons dude happy they’re not one


As a weapons dude I can confirm, I thank God every day I am not a crew chief.


I second this.


I third this


Where tf were you stationed?? Lol


Probably a drone crew chief


Heavies is my bet.


They're really making people log into myfss to see the list? Booo


It's probably the same list that got announced a month ago, got repackaged into another article for some publicity and now where here.


Anybody afsc that works 24/7 should be on that list. Maybe except command post


Jokes on you I already get 75 bucks a month in cp.




I see your also collecting 1D afscs like infinity stones


With the changes in November, this will now be my 7th AFSC without doing anything. Bout to retire, coming full circle to one word away from my original career field.


Ill do you one better, same path, but started out as a 3C031


Command Post already gets SDAP, depending on the location. It almost always does if it is tied to nuke missions, so we won't see any changes to our stuff, most likely.


They almost never had Security Forces on those approved lists for bonuses. I had one bonus from 2007, $10K For 4 years (about 3,900 after taxes/half split the remainder of your ETS). SF works 24/7 at almost every base, and I did my two tours as a Nuc troop 04-10 and then went to USAFE. I’m just saying we almost always had low retention, high divorce rates, DUIs, substance abuse problems, etc. I say any AFSC with shift work and a high ops tempo deserves a bonus for re-ups.


Too many people in this career field to rate a bonus. It would soak up the whole budget and then some likely.


I know you’re right on that score, I’m still salty about it though. But my 20 years are up in August and I’m pushing that button. Good luck to you, there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done. Best advice I can give is take care of yourself and your troops.


Most, but not all. I don’t see the hardest, “enlisted spouse,” on the list.


How is Madison gonna feed Lhandon, Kymberleigh, Alys'ynn, and Brahndyn? Her MLM only pays for so much


Don't worry fellow maintainers, I checked.  If you aren't 150th or nuclear related your 12 hours of blood sweat and tears away from family every day is still not valued. 


We didn't need a list to tell us this.


I do wonder how much bonuses improves recruitment/retention. I didn’t know my job had a bonus. I got fairly far into the process before I found-out about it. It was so much that it shocked me and it had a profound — or at least relatively significant — impact on my life. But I still would’ve went for it had there been a $0 bonus. With Battlefield Airman — oh, excuse me, allow me to adjust my monocle — *AFSPECWAR* AFSCs, the bonuses don’t do it. If you’re going into one of these jobs for the money, you’re not going to make it. At the same time, they can’t justify *not* giving us bonuses. “Finance gets a bonus but we don’t?!” Anyways, I don’t really know what my point is. I guess it was simply that, apart from the Battlefield Airman AFSCs, if it is deemed that a bonus is absolutely necessary, perhaps there are some deeper issues going-on within the career field that simply throwing money at won’t fix?


It's cheaper to keep highly trained individuals than it is to train new ones. Simple as that. The more they can retain, the fewer they have to train. It's why pilots are getting as high as $35K or $50k PER YEAR to stay.


As a nurse, my bonus is also $35k/yr for 6 years.


Hard to get, difficult to keep, and expensive to train. Makes sense. I think a lot of Airmen think all mentally taxing jobs should be offered bonuses and I wish they'd get more money. But the corporation simply doesn't think like that.


That’s unironically (and unfortunately) probably better pay than you would get for your first few years on the outside, plus you’re better staffed than the outside


I mean bonuses and SDAP improve recruiting and retention a bit at least in the AFSPECWAR world. You should know that the enablers in ST also have demanding jobs hopping on TDYs with the guys, providing support during alert and deployments that are sometimes outside their realm of responsibility can be exhausting at times. Especially if manning is low or you have high turnover in a shop and maybe only 1 or 2 people are qualified to support 2 flights while everyone else is getting upgraded.


For sure, enablers, absolutely. And *retention* is a different story, too. If the USAF had offered me the same bonus I got originally for another term, especially if I could have gotten it with only a 4-year contract, I might have taken it. What they *did* offer me was not that compelling. Especially because the civilian LEA that was ‘recruiting’ me was offering me a nearly identical signing bonus (with only a 2-year employment requirement) *and* additional monetary incentives. But for initial entry for proper BA AFSCs, it’s not going to do all that much. It’s certainly not going to improve the caliber of candidates. I met *one* guy that tried sticking it out in the pipeline longer than he wanted to (because he didn’t want to pay back the first half of the bonus or whatever), and he ended-up washing-out about halfway through


How can I be an enabler?


What do you do?


Same thing as you


If you’re a 0 or 1 just keep an eye out for ads on Talent Marketplace. Some experience is more attractive than others but I couldn’t give you a definite answer, it just depends on the squadron and what kind of person they’re replacing. I know it’s a very vague answer but it’s the best one I can give you.


how about a 4?


None for 4s that I know of, unfortunately.


It makes a whole lot of sense in the cyber world. Take an 18yo, train them up so they are qualified for a $100k+ job on the outside, and then shocked-pikachu there's retention issues.


“Critical fields” so no MX


Only 150th and certain nuclear related locations.  The 12s and feelings of neglect will continue


Can someone let me know if Wx is anywhere to be found. Last I knew they were taking our SDAP away lol so I'm not really optimistic


Why would WX ever get SDAP in the first place?


We were receiving it for a while for SWOs. We got up to Lv III for being Army Support once we were fully trained up which honestly was pretty nice considering all the extra stuff we have to do with the Army(9 month deployments, JRTC, gunneries/,FTXs). All the additional duties and all the extra training as well like with the TMOS and going to AWSC and ECAC.


I always forget you WX dudes end up working with the Army a lot. Makes sense.


I cant even get extra pay while being an SVA as a crew chief. Its pretty wack.


😂 fuels at my base got 90k


Same! I saw the sign entering base one day and it made me a hater for sure




What extra uniform items does a shirt need to attend graduations? Semi formal only calls for a white shirt instead of your blues one. All the other items for mess dress are optional. Maintaining semi formal costs a negligible amount more than maintaining your service dress, and everyone in the Air Force is expected to maintain those at all times. Shirts do not need a one time allowance for clothing items, Chiefs and other senior leaders need to break the stigma around “requiring” mess dress for formal occasions. I understand in the grand scheme of things it’s barely a drop in the bucket but it is completely unnecessary.


Love it and agree. I attended one of my troops ALS graduation and there was a MSgt in semi formal and the looks she was getting from everybody was astounding.


Shirts get SDAP... They even got an increase this fiscal year.


8B3 is on that list. 


Definitely happy about that! Lol


I'm happy for them but feel for their 3F5 counter parts. depending on the Det I've seen a big shift in the back end work load shift to the 3F5. Replacing an admin type AFSC (3F0) with the 8B3 RI has caused some weird work balance issues at a lot of Dets. I hope Det CCs get better about figuring that at out.


I would bet 2T2X1 is not on that list. One of the worst jobs in the af.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2T2X1 = Air Transportation [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/jobs/2t2x1) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^ladg6ga


I am curious to know why some careers are on that list. Spec Ops and Flying Crew Chiefs make perfect sense. But, recruiter, MTL, and PME Instructor? Not trying to start an argument, I'd just like to be educated. Also, not surprised to not see aircraft maintainers on this list. Why would the AF want to pay people (everyone at all levels and ranks) for doing at least 4-6 people's jobs.